Medicine 2024, October

Injection needle: types and purpose

Injection needle: types and purpose

For medical purposes, needles can be used, which come in various sizes and lengths. They are used for injections or infusions. To date, there are many variations of them, and all in order to make painful medical procedures more comfortable for the patient. Now there are needles for syringe pens, butterfly needles and other varieties that differ in length and diameter

How to do injections intramuscularly in the buttock?

How to do injections intramuscularly in the buttock?

Today in megacities getting to the hospital is not a problem. But in small towns and villages - happiness, if there is at least an outpatient clinic, not to mention a pharmacy. So the ability to provide yourself with the simplest medical care is important today. Of course, such complex manipulations as the installation of droppers or intravenous injections should only be done by professionals. But absolutely everyone can learn how to properly give injections in the buttock

Disturbance of the nervous system: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and recovery

Disturbance of the nervous system: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and recovery

One of the most complex systems in our body is the nervous system. At the same time, her ailments are diagnosed as often as the pathologies of other anatomical departments. The causes of disorders of the nervous system and their symptoms have been studied by experts quite well. What causes failures in the functioning of this department? How are these pathologies diagnosed and treated?

Arteries of the brain: types and functions. Anatomy of the brain

Arteries of the brain: types and functions. Anatomy of the brain

As you know, for the normal functioning of the central nervous system, in particular the brain, the level of oxygen and the amount of glucose are extremely important. These substances are delivered to the nerve tissues along with the blood. And the transport system in this case is the arteries of the brain

Balloon dilatation: description of the procedure, indications, effectiveness, consequences, reviews

Balloon dilatation: description of the procedure, indications, effectiveness, consequences, reviews

Balloon dilatation is a specific method of treatment in which stenosis or anastomosis in a hollow organ is eliminated by stretching the stenotic area with a special balloon that inflates inside the constriction. The procedure is endoscopic and is used by surgeons for pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, trachea and bronchi, diseases of the heart vessels, aortic valve, coronary artery disease, hearing organs, etc

Pulmonary vein. Abnormal pulmonary venous drainage

Pulmonary vein. Abnormal pulmonary venous drainage

Pulmonary veins - vessels that bring arterial blood to the left atrium. Starting from the pulmonary capillaries, these vessels merge into larger veins, which go to the bronchi, then segments, lobes, and form large trunks at the gates of the lung

Posterior cerebral artery: structure and function

Posterior cerebral artery: structure and function

The brain is the most sensitive organ to lack of oxygen. It is the cells of the nervous system that are the first to suffer when the amount of energy and nutrients decreases. To prevent this, a wide network of vessels approaches the brain. If the blood flow in one of them is disturbed, the other will immediately take over its function

Rectal prolapse: causes, symptoms, treatment

Rectal prolapse: causes, symptoms, treatment

Prolapse of the rectum affects a small number of patients, the problem is not common. However, in recent years there has been a trend towards an increase in the disease. Rectal prolapse (this is the name of this ailment) in itself is not life-threatening, except in cases of collapse, but still causes a lot of inconvenience to the patient. Therefore, everyone should be informed, know the symptoms of the disease, take timely measures for prevention and treatment

Pear-shaped enema: varieties and features of use

Pear-shaped enema: varieties and features of use

100 years ago this device was called "klyster", and today it is known to the general public as "pear-shaped enema". Let's learn about the features of this device, its varieties and methods of application

Gallbladder and biliary tract

Gallbladder and biliary tract

Diseases of the biliary system, i.e. biliary tract and gallbladder, are one of the most common ailments today. The features of diseases are considered to be their periodic exacerbations and severe consequences for the full functioning of the digestive organs

What is passive and natural immunity?

What is passive and natural immunity?

The body's defenses work against pathogens, infections and viruses. Distinguish passive immunity, when antibodies are already present and protect. Active, on the other hand, works when a person's body produces cells as a result of a reaction to a disease or vaccine

Self-massage of the feet: technique, methods, order of execution. Foot massagers

Self-massage of the feet: technique, methods, order of execution. Foot massagers

Legs are a part of the body that has to experience a huge load every day. The general well-being of a person largely depends on their he alth. It is enough to remember the pleasure that people get just by massaging their feet or immersing them in warm water. How to do self-massage of the legs to relax and prevent diseases?

Daily biorhythm: definition, concept, influence on organs, norms and pathologies, disrupted rhythms and examples of their recovery

Daily biorhythm: definition, concept, influence on organs, norms and pathologies, disrupted rhythms and examples of their recovery

For people who work hard, 24 hours is not enough to do everything. It seems that there is still a lot to be done, but by the evening there is no strength left. How to keep up with everything, but at the same time maintain a cheerful state of he alth? It's all about our biorhythms. Daily, monthly, seasonal, they help our body to function smoothly, cell by cell, as a single unshakable natural organism

How to lower blood pressure without drugs?

How to lower blood pressure without drugs?

Lowering blood pressure without medication is easier than you might think. Moreover, the effect of such treatment is even higher than that of medication

How to increase immunity in a child: advice from an immunologist and folk remedies

How to increase immunity in a child: advice from an immunologist and folk remedies

How to increase immunity in a child? This question arises in almost all parents who send their child to kindergarten or school. The usual situation is when a baby, having barely begun to go to the younger group of a preschool institution, spends most of his time on sick leave, or a student is constantly tormented by colds and SARS. As a rule, this is attributed to weak immunity, they begin to look for experienced doctors and suitable medicines

Frequent shallow breathing. Shallow breathing in a child

Frequent shallow breathing. Shallow breathing in a child

Shallow breathing in children and adults develops due to physiological (physical inactivity, stress, overweight) and pathological (TBI, meningitis, allergies, bronchial asthma, and so on) causes

Coffee enemas: how they work

Coffee enemas: how they work

Coffee enemas are a well-known way of cleansing the body since ancient times. They were used in ancient Egypt. Enema with coffee removes toxins, cleanses the liver and gallbladder. After applying the course, there is a rapid normalization of body weight, as the body is cleared of toxins

Teratogenic effect: features

Teratogenic effect: features

The teratogenic effect of drugs causes the appearance of defects, as well as anomalies in the development of the child due to their use by the mother during pregnancy. Teratogenesis develops under the influence of factors acting from the outside on the developing organism of the fetus, it is also possible under the influence of hereditary diseases

Crystalloid solution: description, application and indications

Crystalloid solution: description, application and indications

Crystalloid solution has specific properties. It is actively used in surgery and therapeutic purposes. Due to its active composition, it quickly penetrates into tissues, blood, regulating acid-base and water-electrolyte metabolism

Prevention of cancer: risk factors and types

Prevention of cancer: risk factors and types

The latest advances in medicine allow timely diagnosis and treatment of diseases that previously seemed serious and dangerous ailments. However, in spite of everything, oncological diseases still remain an urgent problem

Exemption from physical education. Exemption from physical education lesson: sample

Exemption from physical education. Exemption from physical education lesson: sample

Physical education is a subject (lesson) that is present in the schedule of every student. There is also physical education in higher and secondary educational institutions. Every student must attend this class. However, some people may have an exemption from physical education. This article will focus on just that

Large cerebral hemispheres: structure and functions

Large cerebral hemispheres: structure and functions

Thirst for knowledge, striving for higher ideals, phenomenal mental abilities… We are talking, of course, about a person. It is these qualities that distinguish us from the animal world. The material carrier, in other words, the hard disk, on which the psychosomatic programs we have named, are the cerebral hemispheres

Structure of the central nervous system. nerve fiber

Structure of the central nervous system. nerve fiber

Nerve fiber is a process of a neuron that is covered by a glial sheath. What is it for? What functions does it perform? How is it arranged? You will learn about this from the article

What can be a medical institution?

What can be a medical institution?

A medical facility is a place where a person can go for help in maintaining or restoring their he alth. Today, such institutions can be of several varieties. Depending on this, the medical institution performs certain functions

How to join a antenatal clinic outside the place of registration

How to join a antenatal clinic outside the place of registration

By law, women have the right to be observed in absolutely any antenatal clinic in the country, regardless of registration at the place of residence or registration. However, in practice there are often problems. How can they be avoided? Let's consider further some of the most common options for how to attach to the antenatal clinic

Birthmark on the face: types. Is it worth removing

Birthmark on the face: types. Is it worth removing

Most people have birthmarks on their bodies. They appear shortly after the birth of the child and remain with him for life. As a rule, such changes in the skin are not a cause for concern. However, a birthmark on the face can cause serious psychological distress. In this publication, we will talk about the nature of such skin changes and whether it is worth getting rid of them

Surgical scalpels: types, features, purpose

Surgical scalpels: types, features, purpose

There are a large number of deadly diseases that can be transmitted through the blood. To reduce the risk of infection, medicine began to use a disposable cutting tool such as a scalpel. This surgical device has replaced the lancet, and is currently actively used by surgeons around the world

Drank too much alcohol: what to do if you feel bad and sick? Ways to deal with a hangover

Drank too much alcohol: what to do if you feel bad and sick? Ways to deal with a hangover

In this article we will look at the main ways to deal with such an unpleasant condition as a hangover. We will talk about how alcohol and its decay products affect all body systems, how we can help a person who has drunk too much alcohol, what to do and what you should never do in such a state. What drugs and folk remedies will help improve well-being on the first day after alcohol intoxication

Breast cysts: treatment with folk remedies can be effective

Breast cysts: treatment with folk remedies can be effective

Even doctors sometimes recommend doing without the wonders of pharmacology. In some situations, in the presence of a breast cyst, treatment with folk remedies gives a good result

Anti-tetanus serum: what you need to know about vaccination

Anti-tetanus serum: what you need to know about vaccination

Today, fewer cases of tetanus are recorded. This, apparently, is facilitated by the fact that a significant part of the population is vaccinated against this infection. Many refuse this vaccination, citing the fact that there are very few cases of the disease. But! Will this argument be a consolation for someone who is ill? Of course not

Hiberix vaccine: what you need to know before vaccination

Hiberix vaccine: what you need to know before vaccination

Today, the vaccine "Hiberix" appeared in the vaccination calendar. Is it worth it? You should understand and make an informed decision - does your child need it?

What to do if rubbed between the legs?

What to do if rubbed between the legs?

Probably every girl at least once in her life complained that she rubbed between her legs. What can cause such an unpleasant event and how to prevent the recurrence of irritation?

Pneumosclerosis: what is it and how is it treated?

Pneumosclerosis: what is it and how is it treated?

Diseases such as pneumonia and sclerosis (or at least their names) are known to most people. But today quite often you can hear the diagnosis of "pneumosclerosis". What is it and how is this disease treated? Understanding this issue

Endometriosis: what is it and can it be cured?

Endometriosis: what is it and can it be cured?

Several years ago, when diagnostic equipment was not so perfect, many diseases of the female reproductive system were considered quite rare. Then many women asked themselves questions like: “Endometriosis? What it is? How to get rid of it? Today, they have learned not only to diagnose this disease in a timely manner, but also to treat it quite effectively

Introduce something rectally - where and how?

Introduce something rectally - where and how?

Not everyone dares to ask the sacramental question: “Rectally? Where is this? Well, dispel doubts about everything connected with this definition

How to find out your weight without weights: everything ingenious is simple

How to find out your weight without weights: everything ingenious is simple

Imagine that you find yourself in conditions of complete isolation from society, and you urgently need to weigh yourself. But here's the problem: the scales are not at hand. How to find out your weight without scales? - this thought will torment you from morning to night. Until you dare to try an alternative method that will effectively remedy the situation

Cedar oil: properties, applications, reviews

Cedar oil: properties, applications, reviews

In terms of its composition of nutrients and fat content, pine nuts are ahead of even walnuts and peanuts. The peoples of the south of Siberia from time immemorial crushed cedar oil in harvest years. And nowadays many love cedar oil

Rhinitis and fever: causes, possible complications and treatments

Rhinitis and fever: causes, possible complications and treatments

One of the most common symptoms of ENT diseases is a runny nose. This is an inflammatory process that can be caused by various pathogens. Runny nose and fever are most often a symptom of a cold. If you do not take timely action to treat this disease, complications may develop. How to act in the event of such symptoms will be discussed below

Where to get an ultrasound scan in Novosibirsk: an overview of specialists, addresses and reviews

Where to get an ultrasound scan in Novosibirsk: an overview of specialists, addresses and reviews

Ultrasound examination or ultrasound for short is a very common procedure that allows you to accurately establish the diagnosis and provide timely assistance. Therefore, it is so important to know where this diagnosis is carried out. For example, where can an ultrasound scan be done for residents of Novosibirsk?

Urgent condition: medical emergencies

Urgent condition: medical emergencies

In an urgent condition (English urgent - "immediate"), a person needs emergency help, because in this case he is threatened with a quick inevitable death. This concept is used in all areas of medicine: surgery, cardiology, psychiatry, gynecology, etc. This article will describe the most common emergency conditions