A medical facility is a place where a person can go for help in maintaining or restoring their he alth. Today, such institutions can be of several varieties. Depending on this, the medical institution performs certain functions.
Polyclinics are the primary link in solving such a problem as maintaining the he alth of the population. It is here that a person should seek medical help in the first place, unless, of course, we are talking about emergency cases. Such a medical institution should have a staff consisting of therapists, surgeons, doctors of narrow speci alties, as well as nurses and orderlies.

Careful analysis showed that it is not so easy to maintain the he alth of the population without the quality work of polyclinics. The fact is that people often turn to this medical institution even when the disease can be completely cured, without any residual effects that reduce the quality of life. In addition, onclinics are entrusted with preventive work. This means that the specialists who are part of the staff of this organization should conduct small explanatory conversations with patients aimed at increasing the amount of people's knowledge about certain diseases, as well as about the measures that should be taken in order to prevent their development.

A hospital is a medical institution where a person is provided with specialized care. Here, those patients are treated, for the restoration of whose he alth the measures that can be carried out in the clinic are not enough. Depending on the profile, hospitals may have certain departments: therapeutic, surgical, gynecological, resuscitation, infectious diseases, pediatrics, cardiology.

Ambulance station is a medical institution that organizes emergency medical care for the population, as well as the delivery of patients to hospitals of various profiles. This service is one of the most important. The life and he alth of people often depend on how smoothly and efficiently all its structures function. Any such medical facility includes a coordinating center and several ambulance teams.
Every year the functioning of all these medical organizations becomes more and more harmonious. The fact is that now the automation of medical institutions is actively taking place. Due to this, it is often possible toseveral times to reduce the time spent on searching and systematizing information about the patient. Today, accreditation of medical institutions means checking the level of their automation.
As you can see, there are several types of medical organizations at once. All of them have many differences, but each has the same task - to preserve and restore the he alth of the population.