Daily biorhythm: definition, concept, influence on organs, norms and pathologies, disrupted rhythms and examples of their recovery

Daily biorhythm: definition, concept, influence on organs, norms and pathologies, disrupted rhythms and examples of their recovery
Daily biorhythm: definition, concept, influence on organs, norms and pathologies, disrupted rhythms and examples of their recovery

For people who work hard, 24 hours is not enough to get everything done. It seems that there is still a lot to be done, but by the evening there is no strength left. How to keep up with everything, but at the same time maintain a cheerful state of he alth? It's all about our biorhythms. Daily, monthly, seasonal, they help our body to function smoothly, cell by cell, as a single unshakable natural organism. After all, do not forget that in nature everything is thought out to the smallest detail, and a person, interfering with the laws of the creator, only harms himself.

The biological clock
The biological clock

Biorhythm: what is it and why is it needed

Modern life has a frantic pace. In pursuit of their dreams, people spare neither themselves nor their he alth. We often forget about simple things, do not listen to the internal calls of our body. But it's so easy to get acquainted with natural biorhythms and stick to their schedule. This approach will help you stay alert all day, and alsomaintain he althy functioning of all organs.

According to medical terminology, biorhythm is a cyclic process in a living organism. They do not depend on race or nationality, but they are very much influenced by natural and social factors.

We often say about people: "This person is a lark, but this one is an owl." Thus, we mean that these two people have different circadian biorhythms, like animals. Some may get up very early and work at dawn. They are called "larks". Almost 40% of the population are precisely the morning birds, which, on top of everything else, go to bed early.

Opposite type - "owls". There are quite a lot of such people, about 30%. They differ in that their highest working period falls in the evening. But in the morning it is very difficult for them to get up.

The rest of the people are mixed. It is noticed that almost all athletes are "owls". Their ability to work after 6 pm is 40% higher than in the morning.

What are biorhythms

Daily - the most noticeable biorhythm in the life of each of us. Its components are sleep and wakefulness. Sleep is vital for a person in full. During the period of the "fast" phase, the brain restores memory, and the person has wonderful dreams, like mixed pictures from the past. The "slow" phase helps to fill the body with new energy.

It is also noticed that even in the daytime and at night there are certain hours of active wakefulness (from about 16.00 to 18.00) and a passive state (fromtwo to five in the morning). It has been proven that most road accidents occur before dawn, when drivers are relaxed and unable to concentrate.

Seasonal biorhythms

Appear with the change of seasons. It is proved that in the spring, like a tree, the human body is renewed, metabolic processes are intensified. In winter, these processes slow down. It is hard for people to live in such climatic conditions, where the change of 4 seasons does not occur. For example, in the North, the seasonal biological rhythm is very much disturbed due to the fact that spring here comes much later than in the middle lane.

Favourable and critical biorhythms

Have you noticed how you really like any job at one time, and then there is a decline in interest? Or are you interested in something, but after two or three weeks it is no longer interesting to you? All such phenomena are explained by the change of three biorhythms: physical, emotional, intellectual:

  • physical activity cycle is 23 days;
  • emotional - 28 days;
  • intelligent - 33 days.

Graphically, each of these cycles can be represented as a wave that gradually increases, reaches a maximum, stays at the top for a while, and then falls down, passing the zero value. Reaching the bottom point, it moves up again.

periodic cycles
periodic cycles

In practice, this means being interested in something, so when calculating the schedule of training, business trips and reporting projects, you need to give time for a break andchange of occupation.

This issue has been extensively studied in China. As you know, in the countless factories of the Celestial Empire, ordinary workers have to do simple but monotonous work. Over time, a person gets tired of monotony, and his performance decreases. It is during this period that you need to change your workplace in order to switch. Thus, by changing workers, the Chinese manage to achieve maximum labor efficiency.

Examples of daily biorhythms

All our life on Earth is connected with its rotation around its axis and around the Sun. Therefore, the daily biorhythm of a person lasts about 24 hours, exactly as long as the Earth makes a complete rotation around its axis. During the time from midnight to midnight, various measurements are taken: illumination, humidity, air temperature, pressure, even the strength of the electric and magnetic fields.

As mentioned earlier, circadian biorhythms include the alternation of sleep and wakefulness. These two phases are closely related and form one another during the day. If the body is exhausted and needs rest, then the sleep phase begins, during which recuperation occurs. When the rest process is completed, the wakefulness phase begins. Scientists recommend sleeping during the day for 1-2 hours not only for children, but also for adults after 50 years. This has a positive effect on the renewal of strength and significantly improves he althy well-being.

Biorhythm chart
Biorhythm chart

Principles of he althy sleep behavior

Here's what's especially important:

  1. You need to try to keep the regime. The body is very sensitive toinconstancy. If you go to bed at the same time every day, then even 5 hours will be enough to restore full strength.
  2. Correct distribution of hours of work and rest. The key to good sleep is physical activity during the day. Passive lifestyle and daytime sleep can lead to disruption of nighttime rest.
  3. Don't overdo your sleeping pills. Take pills only in the most extreme cases, but first try other methods to improve rest: a walk in the fresh air before going to bed, a warm bath, heated milk with honey, etc. Know that pills depress the nervous system and lead to disruption of natural rhythms.
  4. Never lose heart, even if you can't sleep. You just need to relax. Listen to music, read a book, watch a movie… And then sleep will come by itself.

How our organs work during the day

Our organs also obey daily rhythms. Each of them has hours of maximum load and minimum. This allows doctors to choose the time to treat the damaged biomechanism at the most favorable time for this. Consider the daily biorhythms of the organs and give the time of their maximum activity:

  • from 1 to 3 am - the liver works;
  • 3am to 5am - easy;
  • from 5 am to 7 pm - large intestine;
  • from 7 to 9 am - stomach;
  • from 9 to 11 - pancreas (spleen);
  • from 11 am to 1 pm - heart;
  • from 1 pm to 3 pm - small intestine;
  • from 15:00 to 17:00 - bladder;
  • from 5 pm to 7 pm the pericardium is loaded (heart, systemcirculation);
  • from 19:00 to 21:00 - kidneys;
  • from 9 pm to 11 pm - total energy concentration;
  • from 11 p.m. to 1 a.m. - gallbladder.
  • Daily biorhythm of organs
    Daily biorhythm of organs

Rhythm of human life: norm and pathology

A he althy organism will be when its internal cycle is fully coordinated with external conditions. Examples of this can be easily found in nature. Dandelions close at night to open their buds again in the morning. Cranes with the advent of autumn feel that the cold is coming, and begin to fly south. With the advent of spring, Arctic foxes move closer and closer to the Arctic Ocean in search of food. Of these biological phenomena, plants are subject to daily biorhythms. Many of them, like people, "go to bed" at night.

But plants are affected by only one factor: the degree of illumination. A person can have dozens of such factors: work at night, life in the North, where half a year is night and half a year is day, lighting with a fluorescent lamp at night, etc. Pathologies associated with a violation of biological rhythms are called desynchronization.

Causes of rhythm disturbances in human life

There are two factors that affect desync:

  1. Internal. It is associated with the psycho-emotional state of a person, depression, apathy, which is accompanied by sleep disturbances and insufficient energy. Adversely affects the use of substances that first excite the nervous system, and then deplete it. These are all types of alcohol, cigarettes, coffee,stimulants, nutritional supplements.
  2. External. Changes in the human body are influenced by many external factors: the time of year, work schedule, people around at work and at home, secondary needs that force you to work overtime, etc. Of these phenomena, work schedules are classified as daily biorhythms. It is he who largely influences the formation of the daily cycle. If a person has a lot of night shifts, his body is rebuilt to meet new needs, but this is quite difficult and painful to do. Anyway, there comes a time in the morning when you feel unbearably sleepy.

Another external factor that is subject to the circadian biorhythm is the use of a fluorescent lamp during the dark hours of the day. From time immemorial, our body is designed in such a way that when dusk comes, it prepares for sleep. And if at the time when you already need to go to bed, there is still daylight, the body is perplexed: how so? This leads to desynchronization. Exceptions are the regions of the Far North during the polar nights.

Insomnia is the cause of imbalance
Insomnia is the cause of imbalance

The Secret of Survival

In the Buddhist religion there is a basic law: do not disturb the natural course of life. He says that you need to obey what is laid down by nature. In the modern world, we often forget that we are part of the universe. Man seeks to conquer the Earth, space, solve mysteries and become the ruler of the world. It is at this moment that a person forgets that he does not control nature, but she controls him. The pursuit of a dream leads to the fact that the daily biorhythm is lost, and this leads tothe emergence of dangerous diseases that often lead to death.

To ensure the survival of the organism, we must take care of the safety of such factors:

  • food;
  • water;
  • changing environmental conditions.

We must temper ourselves and teach our children to do this. The closer a person is to nature, the he althier he is.

human biorhythm
human biorhythm

Violations of the daily regimen

We can have one day off a week, go to the sea once a year, rest once a month, but we have to sleep every day. Of these phenomena, the daily biorhythms include a change in the time of wakefulness and rest. The following diseases are associated with violation of this schedule:

  • Delayed sleep phase syndrome - a person falls asleep very late and gets up closer to dinner, but cannot change himself.
  • Advanced sleep phase syndrome - early birds go to bed early and wake up at dawn.
  • Irregular sleep-wake rhythm. Patients can sleep a couple of hours a day, while feeling good. For example, going to bed and getting up late.

How to restore the daily cycle

The daily biorhythm of a person is built in such a way that when the sun rises, you need to start work, and when it sets, you need to go to rest and go to bed. Getting used to the same routine, it is difficult to readjust after a change in external conditions. But there are a few tips to make it easier:

  1. Night shifts must be changed with day shifts so that the body graduallyadapted.
  2. If due to the type of activity you often have to change location with a new time zone, then you need to develop a set of permanent actions that will be postponed at a subconscious level and help you accept the changed reality. An example of such a daily biorhythm: in the morning to keep the body awake, even if it is deep night in the native land, and before going to the bedroom, calm the body with relaxing teas, deceiving the internal clock.
  3. If trips are frequent but short, there is no point in adapting. But you also need to develop a set of constantly repeating actions. We have it on a subconscious level: wash in the morning, have breakfast, work, have lunch, work again, have dinner and go to bed. At least once a week, we always wash our hair, every month we go to see a doctor, but of the listed phenomena, only those that repeat invariably every day are classified as daily biorhythms.
Biorhythms are congenital
Biorhythms are congenital

Physical activity

The more tired a person is, the easier it is for him to fall asleep.

Scientists from the University of Barcelona Trinitat Cambas and Anthony Diez, specialists in chronobiology, argue that our body is a unique self-healing system. And she herself will function well if a person does not interfere with the biorhythms of nature. If your sleep goes wrong, you feel overwhelmed and out of your element, think about it, maybe you yourself are to blame for such consequences.
