Pear-shaped enema: varieties and features of use

Pear-shaped enema: varieties and features of use
Pear-shaped enema: varieties and features of use

100 years ago this device was called "klyster", and today it is known to the general public as "pear-shaped enema". Let's learn about the features of this device, its varieties and methods of application.

Enema: what is it and why is it needed?

This medical procedure sooner or later overtakes everyone. Its essence is the introduction of various liquids (water, medicinal infusions, solutions of soda, s alt, etc.) rectally (through the anus) into the rectum or colon.

Pear-shaped enema, the right way
Pear-shaped enema, the right way

The purposes of this "event" are completely different.

  • Intestinal cleansing before procedures. Including before some types of operations, childbirth.
  • Fight against constipation and remove stagnant feces from the body.
  • Prevention of various diseases.
  • In developed countries, enema is a popular cosmetic procedure today. And although doctors are rather skeptical about this, this does not affect her popularity much.

Basic appliances forenema

Depending on the age of the patient and the purpose of the procedure, the following devices are used for its implementation:

  • Esmarch's mug or its equivalent - a combined heating pad. It is relevant when a thorough complete cleaning is needed and if the amount of liquid poured in is 1-4 liters. It is contraindicated for children under 13 years of age.
  • Pear-shaped enema (photo below).

Both devices are both reusable and disposable. In the second case, they are sterile and may contain a drug ready for use.

Pear enema

This device is also called "syringe". In addition to enemas (due to which this medical instrument got its name), it is used for washing and suction of fluids from various body cavities, as well as for irrigation.

Pear-shaped enema, photo
Pear-shaped enema, photo

The original pear-shaped enemas were made from rubber. However, modern options are more often made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) or silicone.


You can classify such devices into different categories.

  • Structure: non-separable or with a replaceable tip. It can be plastic (hard) or rubber (soft). For particularly deep penetration, an elongated version is used.
  • Material: rubber, PVC, silicone, plastic.
  • Purpose: for enema (type B), for washing and suction of liquids (type A), for irrigation of the vagina (irrigation types BI).
  • Volume. Pear-shaped enema can be differentspaciousness. Minimum - 27-30 ml, maximum - 750 ml. Marking on this basis depends on the manufacturer. As a rule, each volume has its own number. For example, the manufacturer Alpina Plast has a 40 ± 7 ml syringe - this is B No. 3.

Pear-shaped enema: how to use it correctly?

Using this tool is very easy. Following the algorithm, even a not very experienced person will be able to figure out how to properly put a pear-shaped enema:

pear enema vol
pear enema vol
  • Although some insist on the absolute sterility of this device, it is not so necessary. If the instructions for the pear allow you to boil it all or the tip, sterilize it for he alth. In other cases, it is enough to wash cleanly with soap after use and immediately before the next one. If an enema is given to a baby under 1 year old (do not forget to first consult with a doctor, and not with the all-knowing Aunt Nyura at the entrance), the instrument should be sterilized in boiling water for about 15 minutes.
  • Even if the syringe has a soft tip, it must be lubricated with petroleum jelly or baby mineral oil.
  • The composition and temperature of the liquid to be poured must be agreed with the doctor. So, at 25-27 ° C, the enema will seem cold, but it will not allow the intestines to absorb harmful substances from the fecal matter. This temperature is indicated for many days of stagnation, when the feces are already toxic. But 36, 6-37 ° C will be perceived by the body much better and is used for preventive and cosmetic procedures of this kind.
  • Regardless of composition and temperature, water for enema should be boiled or at least passed through a filter. A solution or infusion is made immediately before the procedure, and not in advance.
  • Before the start of the "event", you need to prepare not only the syringe, filling it with a solution and lubricating the tip (in that order), but also the venue. It is covered with oilcloth, the corner of which hangs down to the basin (liquid will drain here if it accidentally spills).
  • An adult or child who is being given an enema lies on their side with their knees bent and pulled up to their stomach.
  • pear enema vol
    pear enema vol
  • Before the procedure, air is squeezed out of a pear-shaped enema (like from a syringe). Further, its tip is inserted rectally with careful screwing movements until it rests against the intestinal wall or feces (about 3-4 cm).
  • Now, gently pressing the pear, squeeze out the contents. As soon as it is empty, the tip is carefully removed.
  • Pear-shaped enema, the right way
    Pear-shaped enema, the right way
  • After the procedure, the patient should lie down quietly for a few minutes. When the urge appears, run to the toilet. If you have to deal with a recumbent, you should prepare the vessel in advance, which is substituted under its fifth point.

Indications and contraindications for use

The use of a pear-shaped enema should be agreed with the doctor. Indeed, in addition to the list of general indications and contraindications for the procedure performed by her, each patient may haveindividual reasons to use or not use this device.

Pear-shaped enema, photo
Pear-shaped enema, photo

When should I do an enema with a douche?

  • Children under 13.
  • If the patient has inflamed or very tender intestinal walls and Esmarch's mug can damage them.
  • In the case when a very small amount of liquid needs to be injected into the body.

Pear-shaped enema is also used for douching various medicinal infusions and preparations into the vagina, as well as for washing the nose. In this case, a type A syringe with a soft rubber tip is used. It can replace an aspirator. Naturally, it is not very hygienic to use the same specimen for setting enemas, irrigating the vagina and cleaning the nose. It is better to have a separate one for each of the listed procedures.

In conclusion, it is worth considering contraindications to the use of a pear-shaped enema:

  • Allergy to syringe material.
  • Pregnancy or lactation. As for cleansing before childbirth, it is done with the help of Esmarch's mug.
  • During your period.
  • After a recent heart attack or stroke.
  • Acute and chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, tumors.
  • Pain in the stomach or intestines.
  • Kidney failure.
  • Hemorrhoids.
