Physical education is a subject (lesson) that is present in the schedule of every student. There is also physical education in higher and secondary educational institutions. Every student must attend this class. However, some people may have an exemption from physical education. This article will focus on just that. You will learn how to get an exemption from physical education at a school or other educational institution. Also, check out the terms of such restrictions and a sample certificate.

Exemption from PE class
Physical education is a subject during which a person shows his physical activity. In some cases, such loads may be contraindicated for the student. It is then that the exemption from physical education is given. Each medical institution has its own sample of this certificate. The educational institution does not set its own restrictions and conditions for the preparation of such documents.
How is a physical education exemption made?
To begin with, it is worth saying that the period of restriction of physical activity can be different. It all depends on how severe the injury or illness was suffered by the student. Exemption from physical education at a school or higher (secondary) educational institution should look like this.
In the upper right corner, the data of the medical institution that issues such a certificate is indicated. The full name must be written. Most often, such forms are already printed in advance. The doctor will only need to enter the student's data and his diagnosis.
The reference type is indicated below. In our case, this is liberation. This word is written in the middle of the help.

After that comes an arbitrary form of presentation of the diagnosis. The full surname, first name and patronymic of the patient, as well as the year of birth, must be indicated. All these data are written in the dative case.
After individual data, the diagnosis or past illness is recorded. It should also be indicated here for how long the exemption from physical education is given.
At the bottom of the certificate is the date of issue of the document, the signature of the doctor and the seal of the medical institution. Only if there is an individual stamp, the document is considered valid.
Who gets exemption from physical activity?

Exemption from physical education at a university or school is given to those students who have suffered a cold or viral disease. Also, with chronic ailments, suchreference. Sometimes exemption from physical education does not require a document at all. Consider individual cases and the timing of obtaining an exemption.
Minimum release period
Exemption from physical education at a university or high school can be obtained by every girl during critical days. During this period, you can not expose the body to strong physical exertion. Sometimes this exemption may be partial and only apply to certain types of exercises.
Also, a short-term exemption from physical education can be issued directly by the teacher. If the student feels unwell: he has a headache, increased pressure, or feels weak, the teacher allows him not to burden his body. Most often, this exemption is given only for one lesson. By the next lesson, the student should feel much better or bring a certificate from a medical institution.

Free for one or two weeks
This restriction in physical exercises can be shown after a viral or bacterial disease. So, after ARVI, acute respiratory infections, bronchitis or inflammation of the respiratory tract, an exemption from physical education is issued for up to two weeks. It is worth noting that the certificate can be given for one week. It all depends on the severity of the infection and the treatment.
Such a certificate is issued by the attending pediatrician or therapist. It is not a particularly serious document and is consideredvalid with the personal seal of the doctor.

One month release
This period of restriction of physical activity may be valid for past viral diseases. So, rubella, chickenpox, measles and other rather serious ailments require exemption from physical education. Also, a certificate is issued for a period of one month in the event that the student has undergone a minor surgical intervention: removal of the appendix, diagnostic laparoscopy and some other operations.
In this case, the exemption must be confirmed not only by a pediatrician or therapist, but also by the head physician of the medical institution. Such certificates always have the seal of the hospital where the treatment was carried out.
Free for three months
For certain injuries or after surgery, restriction from physical activity for up to three months may be recommended. So, a slight concussion, an injury to the arms or legs, dislocations and other ailments oblige to refuse a physical education lesson for a specified period.
In this case, the certificate must be certified by a special commission of doctors who, after examining and studying the medical history, decide how long it is worth releasing the student from stress.

Exactly one year
Such a certificate must also be issued by a special independent commission. A similar exemption is issued for serious injuries or congenital defects of the chest,hands, feet. Also, for diseases of the digestive system, an exemption for a given period can be issued. In this case, the restriction is partial. It all depends on the severity of the disease.
After the specified period, such a certificate can be re-obtained. In this case, the release is given for a period set by the medical commission.
Lifetime exemption
This exemption from physical activity is given only to disabled people or children with birth defects. So, for epilepsy, diseases of the nervous system, mental disorders, increased hyperactivity, such a certificate can be obtained.
It is issued by an independent commission after a preliminary examination of the body by a wide range of specialists. Often such documents are provided already at the time of admission to an educational institution. In this case, you will not have to additionally visit doctors and receive a document that exempts you from physical activity.

Summing up and a small conclusion
So now you know how to write an exemption from physical education. In some cases, a banal statement by the parents may be sufficient, in which they indicate the reason for the restriction of the load. This release is short. For a longer restriction, you must undergo an examination and get a medical recommendation.
Get an exemption from physical education if you have certain indications. Do not expose your body to stress if this cannot be done. Otherwisecase, there may be unpleasant consequences and complications. Exercise right and stay he althy!