How to increase immunity in a child: advice from an immunologist and folk remedies

How to increase immunity in a child: advice from an immunologist and folk remedies
How to increase immunity in a child: advice from an immunologist and folk remedies

How to increase immunity in a child? This question arises in almost all parents who send their child to kindergarten or school. The usual situation is when a baby, having barely begun to go to the younger group of a preschool institution, spends most of his time on sick leave, or a student is constantly tormented by colds and SARS. As a rule, this is attributed to weak immunity, they begin to look for experienced doctors and suitable medicines. But first, it is important to understand the reasons why frequent colds can occur.

Child gets sick often

Strengthening immunity in children
Strengthening immunity in children

In all these cases, it is important for parents to figure out how to increase immunity in a child. After all, there are often kids who regularly suffer from colds. At the same time, for some, the disease proceeds for a very long time - from three weeks to one and a half months. When a child is three years old, it is considered that he is often ill ifhe has a cold more than five times a year, and from the age of five this bar drops to four colds a year. In this case, the interval between diseases often does not exceed two weeks. Moreover, the child is sick all year round, regardless of the season.

It is worth noting that the condition of the baby is often inversely proportional to the degree of his guardianship. The more parents take care of him, the more often their son or daughter gets sick. Even protecting him from drafts, regularly heating the apartment strongly, taking care of warm clothes and walking only in good weather, you cannot be sure that the child will not get sick. A draft or barely wet feet immediately leads to severe sore throat.

The most obvious cause of the disease in this case is the loss of the ability to adapt to natural changes in living conditions, which the baby appears at birth, but then can be lost.

Reason for regular colds

What can a child for immunity
What can a child for immunity

The most common cause of frequent colds is the artificial creation of greenhouse conditions around it. Too warm clothes, water and room lead to reduced contact with air movement. But it is obvious that a person cannot live in an incubator all his life. As a result, he will still get caught in the rain, be exposed to strong winds, or get his feet wet.

The question of how to temper a child with weak immunity should also be asked to those parents whose children also have a hereditary predisposition to negative environmental influences.

In particular, suchpredisposition can be expressed in the form of diathesis, chronic eating disorders can begin, as well as chronic diseases of the kidneys, liver, endocrine and nervous systems, and digestive tract.

Also, weakened immunity occurs due to a lack of vitamins in the body. Against this background, it is useful to give children good vitamins for immunity. In addition, it is important to pay attention to nutrition so that the child eats as many dairy products and vegetables as possible.

Environmental factor

Another reason for the decline in immunity is prolonged exposure to adverse environmental conditions. For example, if a child lives in an industrial area, the waste products end up in his respiratory tract, as a result, resistance to infections decreases, and the barrier function of the mucous membranes decreases.

Similar problems arise when a child lives with a smoker who smokes indoors all the time. The kid in this case finds himself in a situation of a passive smoker, which affects his he alth.

These children are often treated with special diligence, but this does not always bring results. Some drugs, such as hormonal drugs or antibiotics, suppress the immune response, greatly reducing resistance to infection.

Stress from educational institutions

Folk remedies to increase immunity
Folk remedies to increase immunity

Another factor that reduces immunity to infections is physical and psycho-emotional stress. It also affects stress. Often parents give too much importance to how they grow up inIn the future, their children are trying to give them everything they need, while enrolling in music and art schools, dancing and sports. Most often, the baby does not withstand such tension, he has a neurotic reaction. The child begins to get sick regularly.

It is worth dwelling separately on the child's immune system. You need to know that it is actively developing immediately after birth. Moreover, in the very first months of life, the baby is protected from external infections by maternal antibodies, which he receives in utero.

During the first months, the passive immunity of the newborn is maintained through breast milk. A child's own immunity is developed only by the age of three. This is on average, for someone earlier, and for someone later. But most experts advise not to overestimate the capabilities of your child and not to send them to a children's group before they reach the age of three.

Ways to improve immunity

Good vitamins for immunity
Good vitamins for immunity

Strengthening immunity in children should first of all be aimed at eliminating external causes that prevent the body from resisting infection. A large number of studies have shown that stimulation therapy helps to significantly reduce the incidence of diseases.

It should only be noted that if all this time the child still lives in an environmentally unfavorable area, receives exorbitant workloads at school and in extracurricular activities, then the diseases may return.

Therefore, strengthening immunity in children should be startedwith a rational daily routine, as well as a varied and nutritious diet.

Protracted runny nose in a child

If your child regularly has a prolonged runny nose that lasts more than one week, then this threatens with serious consequences. For example, sinusitis, rhinitis. These diseases can also be defeated with the help of complex herbal preparations.

For example, you can take courses of biostimulants. These include Far Eastern and Chinese magnolia vine, eleutherococcus, ginseng, Immunal, Linetola, propolis, Pantokrin.

Effective drugs for immunity for children - polyvalent drugs. They are able to form the protection of the child from a large number of pathogens of various respiratory infections. Among them are "Bronchomunal", "Ribomunil", "IRS-19". They are used for long courses up to six months. To get the desired effect, you must show diligence and patience. These are immunity pills for children that can help them in a short time.

Specialized vaccines have been developed against colds, which are especially difficult. They help protect against Haemophilus influenzae, influenza and pneumonia.

Also, a medicine for immunity for children are immunomodulators that can have a direct effect on specific parts of the immune system. These include Levamisole, sodium nucleic acid, Prodigiosan. Recently, more and more often fight with coldsdiseases begin with the help of homeopathy for children for immunity. So, the tool "Oscillococcinum" is very popular.

Taking antiviral drugs helps to cope with the long-term circulation of the virus in the child's body. These are "Roferon", "Lokferon", "Cycloferon", "Poludan", "Amiksin", "Ridostin" - effective pills for immunity for children.

Just note that it is necessary to interfere with the activity of the immune system very carefully, especially when it comes to a child. A specialist doctor will help you choose the drug that is right for your child. You should definitely listen to his advice.

Immunologist's advice

Medicine for immunity for children
Medicine for immunity for children

An immunologist will help to cope with weak immunity. He will tell you how to temper a child with weak immunity, what to do to forget about these problems forever. One of the fundamental tips is quality daily nutrition. Note that most nutrients should be ingested exclusively through food. Therefore, nutrition must be varied, with plenty of vitamins. Never forget that boiled and raw foods are much he althier than fried foods. The human body is often weakened precisely because of the lack of trace elements, which leads to diseases.

Another advice from an immunologist on how to increase immunity is to organize a favorable psychological environment. If a child has constant stress, then he becomes morevulnerable to various bacteria and viruses. Therefore, it is extremely important to give your baby care and attention, even despite his possible pranks. If he constantly worries about his behavior, grades, or some other minor problems from the point of view of an adult, then this will all affect his he alth.

It is noteworthy that diseases of the internal organs can be the cause of a decrease in immunity. As soon as these symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor and undergo a full examination. It has a bad effect on the immune system and heredity, especially the fact that a woman was sick during pregnancy and did not use vitamins that strengthen the body.

At the same time, one of the main answers to the question of how to increase immunity in a child is hardening. This method is simple and accessible to everyone without exception. You can teach your baby to hardening from the age of four. Start gradually, only when the child is completely he althy. In no case do not force the baby to a he althy lifestyle, it is better to come up with some kind of game, how to combine an interesting activity with a useful one.

Regular exercise will help you with this, as it is easier to increase immunity in a child when he is physically ready for it. Regular morning exercises will provide a positive boost of energy for the whole day of a person at any age.

And after any cold, at least for a short time, you need to take care and not visit places with a large crowd of people, because the immune system is only recovering at this time. It is betterspend time outdoors without overworking yourself.

He althy sleep

Among the non-obvious factors that contribute to strengthening the immune system, he althy sleep. With a good night's rest, the body's resistance will increase significantly. Mood swings, irritability, and crying can disrupt a child's sleep, all of which can affect their mental comfort and overall he alth.

It has long been observed that children who do not get enough sleep on a regular basis become much more susceptible to illness. There are even certain parameters for how much the baby and at what age should sleep. Up to 6 months, it is considered normal if your son or daughter sleeps about 18 hours a day, up to a year and a half this figure is reduced to 12-13 hours, children under 7 years old should sleep at least 10-11 hours. Otherwise, immunity can be seriously undermined.

Of course, it is necessary to allow for the fact that all children are different, and these are all average indicators. But you need to try to ensure the optimal mode in which the baby will never have a lack of sleep. You need to go to bed in the evenings and get up in the morning at the same time, so you will accustom the child to the regime, which will be useful to him in his future life. The regimen can significantly strengthen the immune system at any age, and especially in children.

He alth nose drops

Earlier in this article, listing what a child can do for immunity, we mainly mentioned pills. In fact, there are a large number of drops that have a similar effect onorganism.

One of the most effective drugs of this kind is called Derinat. It is aimed at restoring damaged tissues and relieving inflammation in the nose, while being an immunomodulator.

Among its useful properties are strengthening humoral and cellular immunity, increasing resistance to colds, improving the timely immune response, increasing the activity of the lymphatic system, inducing immunity to increase protection against various viral, bacterial and fungal infections, accelerating the healing process and cell recovery, normalization of metabolism.

The attending physician can prescribe these nasal drops for immunity to children. After all, it is suitable even for babies from the first months of their life. It is taken not only to increase immunity, but also at the first symptoms of a cold, for the prevention of diseases. It is recommended to drip into the sinuses two drops every hour on the first day. Then another four days - one drop four times a day. Treatment is carried out for no more than ten days, unless otherwise advised by your doctor.

There are not so many contraindications for the drug. This is an allergic reaction and individual intolerance to individual components. If the dosage is strictly observed, then no side effects should appear.

Folk remedies

Strengthening immunity in children
Strengthening immunity in children

There are a large number of folk remedies to increase immunity in children. As a rule, these are tinctures, decoctions, he althy fruits that help the body get what it lacks.substances.

For example, nuts are good for children's immunity, which are supplied with a large amount of minerals and proteins that are extremely beneficial for the body. The classic nut mix recipe consists of the following ingredients:

  • 150 grams of walnuts;
  • 150 grams of fresh dried apricots;
  • lemon;
  • 200 grams of bee honey.

Dried apricots should be thoroughly washed. Scald the lemon with boiling water and cut into slices. Twist all the ingredients in a meat grinder, then add honey and mix thoroughly.

This mixture is put in a jar and stored in the refrigerator. You need to eat one tablespoon on an empty stomach before each main meal.

Lemon and honey for immunity
Lemon and honey for immunity

Recipe for lemon and honey has a beneficial effect for children's immunity. To do this, prepare:

  • 100 grams of peeled root;
  • 200 grams of honey;
  • 4 lemons.

It is recommended to stir a spoonful of this mass in boiled water and drink before going to bed.

There are also a large number of simple recipes that will help boost immunity. For example, to strengthen the baby's immunity, you can drink rosehip broth, honey or lemon water (at the rate of one teaspoon of honey or lemon juice per glass of boiled water). Linden blossom, chamomile, coltsfoot, juices are highly effective.

Often children get sick due to lack of vitamins. Therefore, skip one and a half glasses of raisins, a glass of walnuts, half a glass of almonds, the zest of two lemons in a meat grinder, and yourselfsqueeze the lemons into the resulting mass. Mix all this with half a glass of melted honey. The mixture should be infused for a couple of days in a dark place, after that give the child two teaspoons 3 times a day one hour before meals.

Bran is also suitable for strengthening immunity. The recipe is as follows: a tablespoon of rye or wheat bran is poured into a glass of water and boiled for about 40 minutes, stirring constantly. After that, add a tablespoon of dried crushed calendula flowers, boil for a few more minutes, cool, filter and add a little honey. You need to drink such an infusion four times a day for a quarter cup.

Strengthens children's immunity and a decoction of horsetail. One tablespoon of horsetail is poured with boiling water and drunk, letting it brew. It especially helps during an influenza epidemic or during an illness that has already begun, in order to strengthen the body. Please note that it is contraindicated for people with kidney problems.
