Medicine 2024, October

GKB No. 15 im. Filatov (Moscow): doctors, maternity hospital, official website and patient reviews

GKB No. 15 im. Filatov (Moscow): doctors, maternity hospital, official website and patient reviews

GKB No. 15 is a Moscow state institution that provides assistance to people in all areas. Today we will find out which departments this hospital is represented, as well as what patients think about it

What is an MRI scan? What does an MRI diagnose?

What is an MRI scan? What does an MRI diagnose?

Magnetic resonance imaging method. Possibilities of the technique. Indications and contraindications for examination

Massage of the feet: description of technology, features and recommendations

Massage of the feet: description of technology, features and recommendations

In the article we will talk about foot massage. This is a particularly interesting topic for people who care about their he alth and want to feel great. Many of my absolutely groundlessly underestimate the importance of massage and its impact on the general condition. Some people believe that massage brings pleasure and benefit only when someone else does it, and at that moment you relax

TOBOL method (diagnosis of types of attitude to the disease)

TOBOL method (diagnosis of types of attitude to the disease)

In the article we will talk about what the TOBOL technique is. We will consider this issue in detail and try to understand it thoroughly. Let's start with where this concept came from and how it is applied in the modern world

FSC Koltsov plates: reviews, features and efficiency

FSC Koltsov plates: reviews, features and efficiency

All people take care of their he alth, but someone does it more actively, and someone lets everything take its course. If you belong to the first category of people, then we recommend that you read the reviews about Koltsov's FSC. These are special devices that will improve your well-being, as well as restore vigor and activity throughout the day

Reptilian human brain: description, functions, features, methods of exposure

Reptilian human brain: description, functions, features, methods of exposure

In the article you will find information about what the reticular brain is. We will try to understand this concept in detail, as well as find out what effect it has on everyday human activities. The human reptilian brain in neuromarketing has allowed specialists to achieve high success. We will also talk about this, because very often, by influencing this particular part of the brain, a marketer manages to achieve one or another result from a potential client. So, what are we talking about?

City maternity hospital, Surgut

City maternity hospital, Surgut

About 350 thousand people live in the city of Surgut in the Tyumen region. Medical services are provided by two dozen he althcare institutions. Among them is a maternity hospital that has received and left many newborns for 30 years

24-hour pharmacies in Saratov with addresses

24-hour pharmacies in Saratov with addresses

Pharmacy points in the city of Saratov are open not only during the daytime, but also at night. They are located in all areas of the city and are easily accessible. Here we are ready to advise and provide quality products at loyal prices. The most popular will be discussed in the article below

Medical plaster. The composition and properties of medical gypsum

Medical plaster. The composition and properties of medical gypsum

The article tells about medical plaster, its composition, scope and features of the technology of use. Medical gypsum is used in dentistry and surgery, while differing in its characteristics. How much does a kilogram of medical plaster cost and where can you buy it - you will learn about this from this publication

Multispiral computed tomography (MSCT) of the coronary arteries

Multispiral computed tomography (MSCT) of the coronary arteries

What is MSCT of the coronary arteries? Why is this procedure needed? What is her testimony, who is able to decipher the pictures? Can any clinic conduct this study? All these questions need to be fully answered

Hot body, but no temperature: description of symptoms, causes, possible diseases, diagnostic methods and doctor's recommendations

Hot body, but no temperature: description of symptoms, causes, possible diseases, diagnostic methods and doctor's recommendations

Sensation of a hot body without temperature, accompanied by sweating and rapid heartbeat, a condition that many people have experienced. This phenomenon is called hot flashes, and most often it occurs against the background of nervous experiences or physical exertion. But in some cases, this condition may indicate the presence of diseases in the body that require treatment. The article will consider why this happens and why it happens. Why is the body hot

Classification of CVI: types, symptoms, description, treatment, prevention and recommendations of doctors

Classification of CVI: types, symptoms, description, treatment, prevention and recommendations of doctors

Venous insufficiency is a violation of blood circulation in the veins, which is accompanied by pronounced symptoms. This disease at certain stages is accompanied by varicose veins and is associated with an inactive lifestyle and genetics. In the article, we will consider this disease in more detail and learn about the classification of chronic venous insufficiency

Gelendzhik, Krasnaya Talka (sanatorium): photos and reviews. Rest and treatment at sea

Gelendzhik, Krasnaya Talka (sanatorium): photos and reviews. Rest and treatment at sea

Krasnodar Territory holds the record for the number of sanatoriums, boarding houses and recreation centers. And there is a logical explanation for this: a unique combination of natural factors contributes to a good rest, namely, the bright sun, the gentle sea and the amazing beauty of the mountains

Ophthalmological clinic Fedorov (St. Petersburg): reviews and prices

Ophthalmological clinic Fedorov (St. Petersburg): reviews and prices

This article will focus on the branch of the ophthalmological clinic, which is located in St. Petersburg. The building of this scientific and medical center was built in 1987. This is a whole complex. It includes not only an operating and diagnostic module, but also a hotel for patients in need of inpatient treatment. The Fedorov Clinic (St. Petersburg) meets all international parameters for the construction of medical facilities

Congestive gallbladder: causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests, treatment, recovery from illness and preventive measures

Congestive gallbladder: causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests, treatment, recovery from illness and preventive measures

Sometimes the physical manifestations of disease occur within the body and go unnoticed. To avoid problematic consequences, unpleasant body odors, skin stains and personal irritation cannot be ignored. They indicate internal problems

Rehabilitation of alcoholics: program, centers

Rehabilitation of alcoholics: program, centers

Alcoholism - what is it? Illness or debauchery? Everyone thinks differently. It turns out that both are right. With alcoholism, both painful pathological changes occur, as well as an unhe althy lifestyle. An alcohol dependent person is not capable of social interaction, he loses professional and simple everyday skills. Rehabilitation centers can help to cope with these problems

True hallucinations and pseudo hallucinations: main signs

True hallucinations and pseudo hallucinations: main signs

A person can be in a state in which his perception of the real world is disturbed. Interaction with the external environment, as well as all the information it receives, turns into hallucinations, which are often called a deception of consciousness. They consist of many ideas, memories and feelings of the patient

How to cause the release of endorphins in the body: features and interesting facts

How to cause the release of endorphins in the body: features and interesting facts

"Hormones of joy", they are also endorphins, are produced by themselves in the human body. But there are a number of factors affecting their production, and therefore, if desired, you can cause the release of endorphins on your own. It's not as difficult as it might seem, you just need to know what to do and how

Women's uterus: dimensions, main parts, functions

Women's uterus: dimensions, main parts, functions

The woman's uterus is a smooth muscle hollow organ (unpaired) in which the embryo is able to develop and bear the fetus. It is located in the middle part of the small pelvis, namely behind the bladder and in front of the rectum

What is prostate juice and how is it taken for analysis

What is prostate juice and how is it taken for analysis

Analysis of the condition of the ejaculate is required to assess the he alth of the male penis. Prostate juice contains all the necessary information about sperm quality. For additional diagnosis, a urologist or andrologist may need an analysis - spermogram

Polyclinic No. 115. Address, phones, opening hours and reviews

Polyclinic No. 115. Address, phones, opening hours and reviews

This article will tell you everything about polyclinics No. 115 in Moscow and St. Petersburg. What kind of institutions are these? What services are provided here and to whom exactly? How well do these clinics work?

Your "home cardiologist" - Microlife blood pressure monitors

Your "home cardiologist" - Microlife blood pressure monitors

People from all over the world use devices from Microlife. Devices from this company are able to accurately and quickly measure blood pressure. They are most useful for the elderly. In our article you can learn in detail about the devices from this company

Why does blood hemoglobin decrease: causes, symptoms and treatments

Why does blood hemoglobin decrease: causes, symptoms and treatments

The article provides a classification of anemia by the volume of erythrocytes. The reasons for the decrease in hemoglobin in accordance with the proposed classification are considered in detail. Particular attention is paid to iron deficiency anemia, anemia in pregnancy and HDN. The methods of treatment of the considered pathologies are given

Procedures for the provision of medical care to the population of the Russian Federation

Procedures for the provision of medical care to the population of the Russian Federation

Everyone needs to know the procedures for providing medical care, as you can find yourself in a situation where you need to help the victim

Anti-epidemic measures: a set of sanitary-hygienic, treatment-and-prophylactic and administrative measures

Anti-epidemic measures: a set of sanitary-hygienic, treatment-and-prophylactic and administrative measures

Anti-epidemic measures are a combination of medical and preventive, sanitary and hygienic and administrative measures. Recently, very few people are interested in the epidemic situation in a particular region or a particular city, even in those seasons when it is most relevant. However, infectious diseases spread rapidly in winter, autumn and spring

Goals of clinical examination: content, functions, results

Goals of clinical examination: content, functions, results

Any disease is always easier to treat in the early stages of its development. The main goals of clinical examination are the detection of pathology immediately after its occurrence. Thanks to this approach to the provision of outpatient care, it is possible to maintain not only the he alth, but also the socio-economic well-being of patients

Dispensary observation. Organization of dispensary observation. Terms of dispensary observation. Dispensary observation groups

Dispensary observation. Organization of dispensary observation. Terms of dispensary observation. Dispensary observation groups

Prophylactic examination, or dispensary observation, is a method of monitoring the he alth status of certain groups of people. These activities are characterized by frequency and accuracy of implementation. They are needed to clarify laboratory, radiological and other results of examinations carried out by persons registered in the dispensary

Personal and professional qualities of a doctor. What should be a good doctor?

Personal and professional qualities of a doctor. What should be a good doctor?

Increasingly, you can hear unflattering reviews about doctors. On the Internet, many people offer non-traditional treatments. A lot of people take just about anything to avoid going to the doctors. Unfortunately, often the problem lies with the doctors themselves. So the question arises, what qualities should a doctor have?

Different eyes in a person - what does it mean?

Different eyes in a person - what does it mean?

According to statistics, different eyes in a person or, in scientific terms, heterochromia, are found in 1% of the world's population

Causes of Kussmaul breathing. Kussmaul's breath: description, features

Causes of Kussmaul breathing. Kussmaul's breath: description, features

Kussmaul breathing is a special pathological condition, which is accompanied by difficult and deep breathing, which is often based on severe metabolic acidosis caused by kidney failure or diabetic ketoacidosis

How to use the muscles of the diaphragm to improve the he alth of the whole body?

How to use the muscles of the diaphragm to improve the he alth of the whole body?

The body naturally heals from the inside only through deep and conscious breathing: this does not require special procedures, pills, complex exercises or simulators. Everything that is necessary for he alth, everyone already has

The benefits of hardening. Dousing with cold water. He alth promotion

The benefits of hardening. Dousing with cold water. He alth promotion

Many people know about the benefits of hardening for the body. But for some reason, not everyone uses it

What is human pathogenic microflora?

What is human pathogenic microflora?

In any he althy person, the gastrointestinal tract is inhabited by microorganisms. They do not just live there, but perform their significant roles, helping each other. Normal intestinal microflora contributes to the utilization of cholesterol, the production of vitamins such as B12 and K. With the participation of he althy microflora, our immunity is brought up, which prevents pathogenic microflora from multiplying in the intestine

Protruding ears: description and photo, surgical treatment, hairstyles that hide the ears, principles of physiognomy and determining the character of a person by the ears

Protruding ears: description and photo, surgical treatment, hairstyles that hide the ears, principles of physiognomy and determining the character of a person by the ears

Protruding ears are one of the most common congenital deformities in the craniofacial region. This defect occurs in approximately 5% of the population. Some people have ears that are out of proportion to the rest of the face, while others stick out a lot. Protruding ears do not cause any physical problems, such as ear loss. But this defect can not only cause discomfort, but also have a psychological and emotional impact on a person

Higher nervous activity - types of temperament

Higher nervous activity - types of temperament

Higher nervous activity (HNA), types and balance - this is the balance of excitation and inhibition, that is, the ratio between these forces. Taking into account the ratio of the forces of the inhibitory and excitatory processes, balanced and unbalanced types can be distinguished, that is, the processes can either be equally strong, or one will prevail over the other

The main types of the human nervous system

The main types of the human nervous system

The types of the human nervous system studied by Pavlov reflect the types of human temperament identified by Hippocrates. Probably everyone has heard about sanguine people, phlegmatic people, choleric people and melancholic people, but not everyone knows what lies at the basis of these external manifestations of temperament

Higher nervous activity. reflexes

Higher nervous activity. reflexes

Every person has a rich inner world, behavioral reactions, mental characteristics. IP Pavlov argued that higher nervous activity is determined by the work of the cerebral hemispheres and subcortical structures, which ensure the interaction of the individual with the outside world, help him adapt to changes in the surrounding space. The scientist found that the basis of human behavior are reflexes

Harm of alcohol: to drink or not to drink - that is the question

Harm of alcohol: to drink or not to drink - that is the question

The harm of alcohol, although no one doubts, nevertheless, for most people is not an argument for giving up alcohol. They argue their position with the benefits of alcohol in small quantities and ancient Russian traditions. Is it so?

Everyone should be he althy

Everyone should be he althy

Everyone wants to be he althy, however, unfortunately, not everyone is able to boast that they have absolutely no problems in this area. In order to make your body strong, and your emotional state is always stable, you need to pay great attention to your own he alth

How to give injections in the buttock: the basics

How to give injections in the buttock: the basics

How to give injections in the buttock correctly, if it is not possible to resort to the help of specialists, this article will tell