Medicine 2024, October

What are seizures: causes and treatment

What are seizures: causes and treatment

What are seizures, almost everyone knows, but not everyone understands why they occur, and how to properly treat. A similar disease can appear as a result of a decrease in immunity. It is important to carry out diagnostics and comprehensive treatment in a timely manner in order to prevent the transition to a chronic form

Efferent vessels of the heart, pulmonary trunk, aorta, valvular apparatus

Efferent vessels of the heart, pulmonary trunk, aorta, valvular apparatus

The heart is a hollow muscular organ, where, without mixing of blood, the large (systemic) circle of blood circulation intersects with the small pulmonary. For this reason, it is called the central organ of the cardiovascular system. Blood flows to its right sections through the vena cava, which, after entering the right ventricle, the pulmonary trunk diverts to the lungs. From them, blood is diverted to the left atrium through 4 pulmonary veins, and from the ventricle to the periphery it is sent by the aorta

Venous system: structure and functions

Venous system: structure and functions

To exclude the formation of defects in the venous system, you should familiarize yourself with the features of human anatomy. Complicated stages lead to varicose veins, thrombosis, atherosclerosis of veins

External ear: structure, functions. Inflammation of the external ear

External ear: structure, functions. Inflammation of the external ear

Hearing is one of the important senses. It is with the help of it that we perceive the slightest changes in the world around us, we hear alarm signals warning of danger. The organ of hearing is very important for all living organisms, although there are those that do without it

Opening an abscess: technique, description and treatment. Opening of paratonsillar abscess

Opening an abscess: technique, description and treatment. Opening of paratonsillar abscess

What is an abscess? This is a cavity filled with pus, which is located in the muscles or subcutaneous fatty tissue. This pathological condition is caused by pathogenic viruses or bacteria. As a result of the accumulation of a large amount of pus, the affected area begins to increase, and there is a risk of an abscess rupture with the release of pus into the adjacent he althy tissue. This leads to the development of extensive inflammation, called phlegmon

MRI of the gallbladder: features, results and recommendations

MRI of the gallbladder: features, results and recommendations

Magnetic resonance imaging is a high-tech method for examining the internal organs of a person. Through it, you can diagnose various organs. MRI of the gallbladder allows you to identify the pathological processes that occur in it, and make an accurate diagnosis for the patient

Blood transfusion: biological test and blood group compatibility table

Blood transfusion: biological test and blood group compatibility table

Blood transfusion is a very complex and dangerous procedure that must be carried out under the strict supervision of doctors and only after a biological sample has been taken. With its help, not only the blood group and its Rh factor are determined, but also find out whether the patient's blood is compatible with the donor's

Norepinephrine is Functions of norepinephrine

Norepinephrine is Functions of norepinephrine

Norepinephrine is the neurotransmitter of desperate people and the hormone of predators. It is produced at the moment of stress, causing a surge of strength and anger, a desire to destroy the enemy

Human spinal column: structure. Cervical spine

Human spinal column: structure. Cervical spine

The human spine, in other words, the spinal column, is the main supporting component of the skeleton. It is made up of separate vertebrae, which are fastened together with the help of an intervertebral joint, and originates from the base of the skull, to which the first vertebra, called the atlas, is attached

Protein hormones: description, properties, functions and structure

Protein hormones: description, properties, functions and structure

What are hormones, what are their main functions, varieties? A group of protein hormones. Which of them are synthesized in the pituitary gland, pancreas, kidneys? How do they affect cells? More about insulin, corticohormone, growth hormone

Anatomy: subclavian vein

Anatomy: subclavian vein

It is quite difficult to imagine modern intensive care without a cervical vein catheterization procedure. For the introduction of the catheter, the subclavian vein is most often used. This procedure can be performed both below and above the collarbone. The place of insertion of the catheter is determined by a specialist

The right side of the human body: symptoms of pain, its types, causes, diagnosis, prescribed treatment

The right side of the human body: symptoms of pain, its types, causes, diagnosis, prescribed treatment

A common complaint is discomfort on the right side of the body. This zone includes a large number of organs that can cause pain with problematic functioning. Sometimes, when asked why the right side of the body hurts, doctors may suggest inflammation of appendicitis, but this diagnosis will not always be correct. Consider other causes of discomfort

Biopsy of the stomach: indications, procedures, where to do

Biopsy of the stomach: indications, procedures, where to do

Every day, people with different problems turn to gastroenterologists. The main task of the doctor is to make the correct diagnosis so as not to waste time and give the patient a chance for recovery. Often, a biopsy of the stomach is prescribed as a diagnostic study, since this is the most reliable analysis for suspected oncological processes. So what is a biopsy and how is this study done?

Insulin syringe: photos, types, how to use

Insulin syringe: photos, types, how to use

Diabetes mellitus occurs when the pancreas malfunctions, when it begins to produce an insufficient amount of insulin for the needs of the body or completely stops its production. The result is type 2 or type 1 diabetes. In the latter case, to resume all metabolic processes, it is necessary to introduce insulin from the outside

Botox injections: for beauty and not only

Botox injections: for beauty and not only

Botox is a popular cosmetic procedure, the effect of which is observed almost instantly. Botox injections allow you to straighten mimic wrinkles, smooth them out, acquire a well-groomed look for the skin of the face, rid it of skin creases

Allergic history: collection features, principles and recommendations

Allergic history: collection features, principles and recommendations

When diagnosing allergic diseases in children and adults, doctors pay special attention to collecting a patient's history. Sometimes knowledge of family diseases, predispositions to allergies and food intolerances greatly facilitates the diagnosis. The article considers the concept of an anamnesis about allergies, the features of its collection and the significance

Laser joint treatment: benefits and harms

Laser joint treatment: benefits and harms

Laser therapy is a method based on the use of a light beam with certain characteristics for medical purposes. Translated from English, the word "laser" is interpreted as an increase in light through stimulated emission. The first quantum generator was developed in the sixties of the last century. The device for laser therapy in Russia was approved for use in medical practice in 1974. The treatment of joints with a laser has recently been gaining popularity

Bandage "Silcofix" - a worthy replacement for bandages

Bandage "Silcofix" - a worthy replacement for bandages

Silcofix dressings are comfortable and reliable. The substance on the surface of the dressings has cleansing and wound-healing properties. The porous surface allows air to pass through, but prevents the penetration of harmful bacteria

Plastic plaster is convenient or not? Plastic plaster for fractures of arms and legs

Plastic plaster is convenient or not? Plastic plaster for fractures of arms and legs

Even in ancient times, people knew that a broken arm or leg could only recover if it was given complete rest. Modern medicine does not stand still, so more and more new methods and technologies appear in the field of orthopedics. For example, gypsum, being one of the oldest materials used in practice, received a new plastic configuration. It copes with the tasks set perfectly, while devoid of a number of shortcomings

Nose surgery: where to do it and what are the complications? How is nasal septum surgery done?

Nose surgery: where to do it and what are the complications? How is nasal septum surgery done?

Already in ancient times, people knew how to correct physical and cosmetic defects of the nose with the help of surgery. Such manipulations were very painful, since medicine was still underdeveloped. Nose surgery today belongs to the easily tolerated variety. Full rehabilitation takes no more than 10 days. However, in some cases, the elimination of defects is vital for the normal life of the patient

What is the daily calorie requirement for men and women?

What is the daily calorie requirement for men and women?

To always stay alert and energetic, a person needs fuel. This, of course, is about food, not gasoline or coal. It should be noted that in this case, more does not always mean better, and there is even a daily calorie intake for men and women

The best orthopedists in Krasnodar: a list of specialists, qualifications, reviews

The best orthopedists in Krasnodar: a list of specialists, qualifications, reviews

Choosing a good orthopedist in Krasnodar is best based on patient reviews, experience and various professional data. However, not every person, faced with the problem of muscles or skeleton, is ready to study information on the network, especially since there are quite a lot of specialists in the city. The list of the best orthopedists in Krasnodar below will help you quickly choose the right doctor

Center for Palliative Medicine of the Moscow He alth Department: address, reviews

Center for Palliative Medicine of the Moscow He alth Department: address, reviews

The Center for Palliative Medicine is an institution in Moscow that provides care for terminally ill patients, as well as people suffering from steadily progressing pathologies. The most severe patients are treated here. Palliative care includes pain relief, management of severe disease symptoms, and improved quality of life. This branch of medicine deals with patients who cannot be cured by all known methods

Reflex is an example. Examples of congenital and acquired, conditioned and unconditioned reflexes in humans and animals

Reflex is an example. Examples of congenital and acquired, conditioned and unconditioned reflexes in humans and animals

Reflex is a conscious response of the body to certain conditions or stimuli. Such well-coordinated work of nerve endings helps our body to interact with the outside world. A person is born with a set of simple skills - this is called an innate reflex. An example of such behavior: the ability of an infant to suck on the mother's breast, swallow food, blink

Structure and topography of the heart. Borders of the heart. Anatomy

Structure and topography of the heart. Borders of the heart. Anatomy

The heart is the main organ of the human body. It is a hollow muscular organ that has the shape of a cone. In newborns, the heart weighs about thirty grams, and in an adult - about three hundred

Why do our earlobes hurt? How to fix everything?

Why do our earlobes hurt? How to fix everything?

Why do my earlobes hurt? The so-called "atheroma" is to blame. What is it, as well as how to deal with this disease, you will learn in this article

Human auricles: structure and functions

Human auricles: structure and functions

In everyday life, we get so used to our appearance that we stop attaching any importance to important organs. For example, such as the ears. But it is they who help us to hear and perceive the whole world around us

What is a karyotype and genome

What is a karyotype and genome

Today, when the project to decipher the human genome has already been completed and moved to the practical plane, when diagnostic medicine is able to determine genetic abnormalities in the embryo, what is a karyotype and genome remains unclear for many ordinary people. In the article we will give definitions and differences between these two concepts

Hygiene rules

Hygiene rules

Hygiene rules should be observed by both adults and small children. They should never be neglected

Vestibulopathy - what is it Vestibulopathy: description, causes and features of treatment

Vestibulopathy - what is it Vestibulopathy: description, causes and features of treatment

The human body maintains its position in space through the functioning of the vestibular apparatus. The main task of this system is the ability to maintain balance by analyzing the movement and location of the body. The development of vestibular dysfunction is called "vestibulopathy". What is it and what are the main manifestations of the disease, discussed in the article

Characteristics of exogenous factors

Characteristics of exogenous factors

Endogenous and exogenous causes are discussed in the sections of economics, medicine, politics. According to the established indicators, science develops protection mechanisms

What are the ways to slow down the metabolism?

What are the ways to slow down the metabolism?

Some people do their best to lose extra pounds, and some, on the contrary, do not know how to gain weight. Since such people process food faster into energy, they tend to reduce the metabolic rate in the body. There are several ways to slow down the metabolism, but before resorting to them, it is worth considering some of the statements of experts

Metabolic process: concept, meaning. Metabolism - what is it?

Metabolic process: concept, meaning. Metabolism - what is it?

Many people who monitor their he alth and figure are interested in the metabolic process and its features. This is no coincidence, because its normal functioning contributes to good and good he alth. Often, overweight and insomnia are also associated with problems in the metabolic process. Thanks to our article, you can find out what metabolism is and how to restore it

Etiotropic therapy - what is it? Etiotropic therapy for acute cystitis. Etiotropic therapy of acute intestinal infections in children

Etiotropic therapy - what is it? Etiotropic therapy for acute cystitis. Etiotropic therapy of acute intestinal infections in children

Etiotropic therapy is a method of treatment that destroys the bacteriological factor. In order to prescribe it, a person is given a special examination

Generalized form of diseases: definition

Generalized form of diseases: definition

The generalized form of the disease is a pathological course of the process, covering different systems and organs. The term refers to the situation of the presence of a primary focus with subsequent coverage of other zones. A generalized variant can be when spreading to other tissues of the same organ or when covering the body as a whole. Consider some of the features of this course of the disease

Immunology is a biomedical science. Fundamentals of Immunology

Immunology is a biomedical science. Fundamentals of Immunology

Everyone is exposed to pathogenic bacteria every day. However, thanks to the protective forces, the body is able to repel the attacks of viruses. The immune system protects a person from harmful external influences. How does this happen? What is immunity? What disturbances in the work of this system can be observed in a person, why do they occur and how to deal with them? Answers to these and other questions can be obtained from the material of this article

Wertheim's operation: the course of the operation, consequences, complications, reviews

Wertheim's operation: the course of the operation, consequences, complications, reviews

The article is devoted to the operation of Wertheim. The following questions are considered: what is the Wertheim operation, what is it for, the course of the operation, the consequences of the operation and measures for their prevention, the pros and cons of the operation

Ultrasound of the small pelvis when to do: before menstruation or after?

Ultrasound of the small pelvis when to do: before menstruation or after?

Often, the fairer sex has to visit the ultrasound room. Such a study allows you to detect existing pathologies in time and start the right treatment

Earlobe: structure and function

Earlobe: structure and function

There is nothing superfluous in nature. This is confirmed by the human body: how wisely and perfectly it is arranged! If you think about it well, then there will be no limit to surprise. But at a cursory glance at the body, it may seem that not all parts of the human body make sense. Let's look at the earlobe: why was it invented by nature, what kind of "thing" is this, what is its significance?

Relaxing massage - a way to get rid of stress

Relaxing massage - a way to get rid of stress

The life of a modern person is full of dynamics and stressful situations. We worry and get nervous, we rush and run, we lack sleep and get tired. If we stay in such a rhythm for a short period of time, then nothing terrible will happen to us. However, with constant time pressure, the body begins to f alter. Initially, chronic fatigue syndrome, mood swings, decreased performance and depression may be observed