Medicine 2024, October

Chygomatic bone. Temporal process of zygomatic bone

Chygomatic bone. Temporal process of zygomatic bone

One of the paired elements of the facial part of the skull is the zygomatic bone. It forms the zygomatic arch, which is the border of the fossa of the temple

Retraction of the tongue: causes, symptoms, first aid, treatment and prevention

Retraction of the tongue: causes, symptoms, first aid, treatment and prevention

Being unconscious is always dangerous for a person. One of the serious dangers is the retraction of the tongue and the subsequent suffocation. The article analyzes in detail the concept of tongue retraction, as well as first aid in such a case

Compress with magnesia: indications for use, instructions, reviews

Compress with magnesia: indications for use, instructions, reviews

Compress of magnesia is an indispensable tool for injuries, especially bruises and bruises. Many are familiar with the situation of an unsuccessful fall or blow during sports. A hematoma can form not only from a blow, but also under other circumstances, for example, after a long course of treatment with injections

Butt hurts after injections: symptoms, folk and medical treatments

Butt hurts after injections: symptoms, folk and medical treatments

Injections are a part of the life of almost any person. If the injection is not administered correctly, manifestations of painful sensations are possible, and bumps may form, which, after the injection, will begin to hurt. And also pain can arise from the drug itself, which greatly complicates the procedure. There are many ways to remove this unpleasant feeling. There are both folk methods and medical methods

Kegel trainers. Kegel simulator for strengthening the muscles of the small pelvis: the principle of operation, photos, reviews, instructions

Kegel trainers. Kegel simulator for strengthening the muscles of the small pelvis: the principle of operation, photos, reviews, instructions

Simulators were invented and developed by gynecologist Arnold Kegel. They strengthen the muscles of the intimate zone and the small pelvis, the weakening of which leads to various unpleasant conditions in the fair sex. He also invented a device for strengthening the muscles of the small pelvis. Over time, they improved, and now they help women improve the quality of their sexual life, cope with the problems of the genitourinary system

If the mole grows

If the mole grows

Let's start with the fact that a mole is a kind of pigmented neoplasm. And its color depends on the content of melanin and melanocytes (such cells) in it. Another name for such a formation is a nevus. A mole grows throughout life. According to observations, the number of nevi depends on the frequency and duration of exposure to the sun (sunburn). Each mole has its own life cycle

Orthognathic surgery before and after: reviews

Orthognathic surgery before and after: reviews

Methods of modern dentistry can change a person's bite, align the dentition. But this usually does not lead to a significant improvement in appearance. And if a person has any pathologies in the structure of the jaw, orthognathic surgery can help him. This section of orthodontics, which deals not only with the correction of the bite itself, but restores symmetry and the correct proportions of the face

Citrus allergy in adults and children: causes, symptoms and treatment

Citrus allergy in adults and children: causes, symptoms and treatment

Allergic reactions are intolerance to certain types of foods by the body. The disease can begin to bother both from childhood and at a more mature age - at 30, 40 or even 50 years old

Prostate: structure, functions and features

Prostate: structure, functions and features

The prostate gland is only in men, but when studying anatomy, physiology and hygiene at school, boys do not always pay attention to it. At home, they don’t talk about it either, but meanwhile, the organ is very difficult

First Aid (FMA) for fractures: splinting, hemostatic tourniquet, transportation of the victim

First Aid (FMA) for fractures: splinting, hemostatic tourniquet, transportation of the victim

Everyone can get into an emergency. And in this case, knowledge of the rules of first aid can save a life. The main thing is to maintain clarity of thinking and not try to perform manipulations that require special training

Thyroid cartilage: description, functions, structure

Thyroid cartilage: description, functions, structure

The thyroid cartilage is a single formation that is present in the throat of every person. It is not difficult to guess its function. Cartilage protects vital organs and arteries in the throat from damage

Iodine in the human body. What foods contain iodine?

Iodine in the human body. What foods contain iodine?

The role of iodine in the human body. How much is needed. What threatens its shortage and overabundance. What foods are high in iodine

Aspiration biopsy: description of the procedure

Aspiration biopsy: description of the procedure

When pathological formations occur, an aspiration biopsy is performed. This diagnostic procedure helps to exclude or confirm the oncological process and determine the nature of the tumor. The method is affordable and painless

Parenteral drug administration - pros and cons

Parenteral drug administration - pros and cons

Parenteral administration is the introduction of drugs into the body by "bypassing" the digestive tract. As a rule, it is used in cases where it is necessary to provide assistance immediately, one might even say that it is urgent

CT of the brain: indications and contraindications

CT of the brain: indications and contraindications

The article describes computed tomography of the brain, indicates indications and contraindications for this type of examination, as well as its advantages

Violations of sensations: types, development of the process, causes and symptoms

Violations of sensations: types, development of the process, causes and symptoms

What are sensations, how are they classified? Types of sensory disturbances. Causes of pathology. Characteristics, symptoms of each variety - anesthesia, hypoesthesia, hyperesthesia, paresthesia, senestopathy, phantom syndrome. Difference from perceptual disturbances. A brief description of the varieties of such pathologies

Osteoarthritis of the elbow joint: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Osteoarthritis of the elbow joint: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Osteoarthritis of the elbow joint is a fairly serious disease that destroys tissues and progresses very quickly. It describes the main stages in the development of osteoarthritis, as well as the main methods of its treatment and prevention

T3 - thyroid hormone: what it is responsible for, the norm and deviations from the norm

T3 - thyroid hormone: what it is responsible for, the norm and deviations from the norm

Many people know the main function of the thyroid gland, and the hormones produced by it are essential for the normal functioning of the body. The hormone T3 (triiodothyronine) is one of them, and the number "three" in its definition is explained by the content in each of its molecules of just such a number of iodine atoms. So what is this hormone, what is it responsible for?

Main therapies

Main therapies

Since ancient times, various methods and types of therapies have been used to improve the human body. Some of the therapeutic methods have lost their significance over time and the development of medical science, while others, on the contrary, have received scientific justification and are widely used in practice

CT of the larynx: prices, reviews. What will a CT scan of the neck and larynx show?

CT of the larynx: prices, reviews. What will a CT scan of the neck and larynx show?

CT of the throat and larynx helps to identify dangerous diseases, prescribe the best methods of treatment. Before undergoing this diagnostic measure, you should take tests and consult with your doctor. CT of the larynx can detect serious diseases at an early stage

Human skeletal system: diseases and treatment

Human skeletal system: diseases and treatment

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system are far from uncommon nowadays. A sedentary lifestyle, malnutrition, physical inactivity - all this leads to a violation of metabolic processes in muscles and bones

Bile: composition and properties. The chemical composition of bile

Bile: composition and properties. The chemical composition of bile

Bile is a product of the activity of hepatocytes (liver cells). Various studies indicate that without the participation of bile in the process of digestion of food, the normal activity of the gastrointestinal tract is impossible. There are violations not only of the digestion process, but also of metabolism, if there is a failure in its production or its composition changes

Brown fat in humans: description, functions and features

Brown fat in humans: description, functions and features

What is brown fat? What functions does it perform? We will answer these and other questions in the article. There are two types of fatty substance in the human body: brown (BAT - provides thermogenesis and creates heat by burning fat) and white (WAT - designed to store energy). Obese people tend to have less brown fat and more white fat

Calcium oxalate. Calcium oxalate crystals in urine

Calcium oxalate. Calcium oxalate crystals in urine

A he althy person always contains small amounts of calcium oxalate crystals in the urine. Their high content can cause the formation of stones in the kidneys and urinary tract. Diet is the only way to prevent this condition

Adjuvant and neoadjuvant chemotherapy

Adjuvant and neoadjuvant chemotherapy

It is known that adjuvant chemotherapy is one of the components of the combined treatment of oncological pathologies. It is used in almost all types of cancer. However, chemotherapy is not always tolerated by patients and has complications

Thai medicine: main directions, drugs, indications and contraindications

Thai medicine: main directions, drugs, indications and contraindications

Thai medicine has a rich history. Its origins are found in Buddhist temples, in which knowledge was passed down from generation to generation. At the moment, Thailand is the largest manufacturer of natural medicines and cosmetics

What is the temperature of the corpse

What is the temperature of the corpse

The temperature of a corpse is the main medical indicator in forensic medicine and forensics, which allows you to determine the time of death. After death, the temperature of the corpse and skin gradually decreases, becoming equal to the ambient temperature

General thermometry - algorithm of actions

General thermometry - algorithm of actions

The armpit thermometry algorithm is quite simple, but failure to follow it can lead to inaccurate results. The exact result can be measured in other places

Anomaly of limb development: what to do if a child has six fingers or toes

Anomaly of limb development: what to do if a child has six fingers or toes

Polydactyly - this is the name of a congenital anomaly of an anatomical nature, which manifests itself as additional fingers on the feet or on the hands. Statistics say that out of every five thousand newborns, one has abnormalities in the number of fingers

Jaw surgery: indications and contraindications

Jaw surgery: indications and contraindications

Current state of orthognathic surgery. Types of operations on the jaw. Correction of malocclusion. Surgical intervention for fractures of the jaw. Indications and contraindications for the use of surgical methods for the treatment of the jaw. Possible complications and course of the postoperative period. Complications when refusing surgery

Adductor thigh muscles: exercises, treatment

Adductor thigh muscles: exercises, treatment

The hip adductors should be developed through exercise. They are located above the thin muscle. Their beginning forms a short tendon. Muscle bundles diverge and attach to the femur

Semimembranosus thigh muscle: location, structure, pathology

Semimembranosus thigh muscle: location, structure, pathology

The muscles of the thigh surrounding the femur, depending on the location, are divided into several groups: anterior, posterior and medial. The posterior group is responsible for upright and straightening of the body, extension of the hips in the hip joints and flexion of the legs in the knee joints

Ageless people - is it true or fiction?

Ageless people - is it true or fiction?

Can a person suddenly stop aging? Eternal youth: reward or curse? You will learn the answers to these questions from this article

What colonoscopy shows: description, preparation and procedure, results, reviews

What colonoscopy shows: description, preparation and procedure, results, reviews

In the total mass of all diseases, cancerous tumors of the large intestine make up about 10%, and the figure is growing every year. However, disastrous consequences can be avoided if the disease is diagnosed in a timely manner. To do this, there are a number of methods for examining the large intestine, including colonoscopy, virtual colonoscopy and barium enema. You can learn about what colonoscopy shows, what are the advantages of virtual colonoscopy, how to prepare for these studies in this article

Basic human anthropometric data

Basic human anthropometric data

Anthropometric data have been of interest to all mankind almost from the very beginning of civilization. People have not lost interest in them to this day

Chest volume in men and women: how to measure correctly

Chest volume in men and women: how to measure correctly

The volume of the chest is a clinically significant indicator in the diagnosis of various pathologies. Without fail, it must be measured in children, but if there are suspicions of the development of the disease, the doctor also conducts a study in adults. If the indicator deviates from the norm up or down, it is customary to talk about the presence of diseases of the respiratory system. Treatment directly depends on the underlying cause. It can be either conservative or operational

Evaluation of the state of the newborn on the Apgar scale: criteria, assessment of viability, signs of prematurity

Evaluation of the state of the newborn on the Apgar scale: criteria, assessment of viability, signs of prematurity

Immediately after birth, the obstetrician determines the basic indicators of the baby's life support. This is necessary to understand the need for resuscitation and a general assessment of the vital parameters of the newborn. Such an assessment is an important aspect for further actions of medical specialists. There is a single system of assessment, the so-called Apgar scale, which is used in many countries

Caring for a patient in a medical bed, the position of the patient in bed

Caring for a patient in a medical bed, the position of the patient in bed

Laying patients require special care due to lack of mobility. The correct position of the patient in bed plays an important role in the treatment of difficult cases, when the number of movements is minimized

Proper body biomechanics

Proper body biomechanics

The laws of mechanical movements in living systems are studied by science called body biomechanics. It explores complex integral systems to which a person belongs. Every human movement is subject to the universal laws of physics. But biomechanics is a more complex science than mechanics, which studies inanimate bodies

Hip joint, ultrasound: normal in newborns

Hip joint, ultrasound: normal in newborns

Indications for the appointment of ultrasound. What is dysplasia? Preparing the baby for the ultrasound procedure. How is an ultrasound of the hip joints performed in newborns? Deciphering the results