One of the most common symptoms of ENT diseases is a runny nose. This is an inflammatory process that can be caused by various pathogens. Runny nose and fever are most often a symptom of a cold. If you do not take timely action to treat this disease, complications may develop. How to deal with these symptoms will be discussed later.
Features of the disease
Severe cough, runny nose and fever are symptoms of colds, viral diseases. There are many reasons for this unfortunate condition. A runny nose is an inflammation of the nasal mucosa. This is a symptom that indicates the development of various pathological processes in the body. This condition is also called rhinitis.
![Causes of rhinitis Causes of rhinitis](
A common cause of a runny nose, which is accompanied by a rise in temperature, are various bacteria and viruses. It is the nasal mucosa that becomes the first barrier that does notallows them to enter the body. It has villi that trap various microparticles.
The nose has an important function. Among other things, it warms the air entering the lungs. This is a well-functioning system, in which failures lead not only to discomfort, but also to the development of various complications. Therefore, appropriate action should be taken in case of cough, runny nose and fever as soon as possible.
Self-medication can be dangerous. Therefore, you should consult a therapist or pediatrician if a child has a runny nose. Such symptoms often appear after hypothermia, weakened immunity, as well as the development of pathogenic bacteria or viruses in the body.
Rhinitis and fever can accompany various diseases. Diagnosis should be carried out by an experienced doctor. Otherwise, the treatment may be ineffective, and the disease will go into an advanced stage. Most often, with the appearance of temperature and stuffy nose, they talk about infectious rhinitis. It is caused by various bacteria and viruses. Less commonly, fungi can be the cause. This disease passes quickly and without complications if the person's immunity is strong.
![Runny nose without fever Runny nose without fever](
However, if the body is unable to overcome the disease on its own, special assistance is required. In this case, you need to know what pathogen caused the inflammation of the mucosa. Against the background of flu, colds, rhinitis often develops.
If symptoms such as sore throat and runny nose without fever appear, this may be due toallergies, congenital deformities of the facial bones, adenoids, polyps. Another cause of this disease is vasomotor rhinitis. In this case, the tone of the blood vessels in the nose is disturbed. Swelling of the mucosa, runny nose accompany this condition. Some medications also cause rhinitis without fever (eg, blood pressure pills, vasoconstrictors).
If there is no temperature, a runny nose may indicate the presence of other diseases. This can be, for example, a decrease in thyroid function, psoriasis, systemic scleroderma, rheumatoid-type arthritis, etc.
A runny nose, sore throat and fever are signs of colds, flu and other infectious diseases. This situation requires proper treatment. In the presence of fever, various diseases can cause rhinitis.
![Symptoms of rhinitis Symptoms of rhinitis](
So, if the body is affected by a viral infection, nasal discharge is practically not observed. But breathing is difficult, as the mucous membranes swell. The virus infects the capillaries in the nose, which become thin and fragile. Occasionally, minor nosebleeds may also occur.
When rhinitis is caused by bacteria, the discharge from the nose is often copious and viscous. The mucus is yellowish or greenish.
Rhinitis (runny nose and fever - the first symptoms) develops gradually. The disease goes through 3 stages. At the first stage (lasts several hours or a couple of days), the mucous membrane becomes dry, burning and itching appear in the nose. Breath becomesdifficult. A person perceives tastes and smells badly. At this stage, there is no temperature yet.
The second stage is characterized by the active development of the infection. There is active discharge from the nose. Breathing through your nose becomes difficult. Sometimes it can even pawn ears. Sneezing and fever with a runny nose in the second stage are characteristic symptoms of the inflammatory process. There is lacrimation, headache. Lost appetite.
In the third stage, which usually occurs after about 5 days, the affected areas of the mucosa are abundantly populated with bacteria. There are discharges from the nose of the mucopurulent type. After a couple of days, the patient's condition improves significantly. The nose begins to breathe, unpleasant symptoms disappear. However, in the case of reduced immunity, various complications may appear.
If there is no high temperature…
Cough, runny nose, fever often accompany a cold. However, sometimes the disease proceeds a little differently. In this case, the body temperature remains normal. But the virus still develops in the body. This situation also requires timely, proper treatment. Most often, such symptoms are characteristic of the defeat of the nasal mucosa by the rhinovirus.
With this disease, the nose remains stuffed up, copious secretions of a mucous appearance appear from it. Due to the lack of oxygen (the nose does not breathe well), headaches may appear. If a person breathes through his mouth, his throat may hurt. This disease is more common in adults than in children. The absence of temperature in this case is a sign of good immunity. Spreadingthe virus in the body is contained. Its development is local. Therefore, there is no temperature.
Most often, a runny nose without fever is caused by hypothermia. In this state, the mucosa becomes susceptible to virus attacks.
Sometimes a runny nose without fever is a normal symptom in some conditions. Some women experience a runny nose during pregnancy without fever. Children during teething can also have this condition. In such cases, treatment is symptomatic.
![cold medications cold medications](
Dust, spices, contact with allergens, changes in temperature and humidity, adenoids, foreign bodies entering the nasal cavity can provoke a runny nose without fever.
Treatment of a runny nose without fever and with fever can differ significantly. However, letting the disease take its course is dangerous. Because of this, many complications can develop. The disease gradually passes from acute to chronic form. In this case, it is difficult to treat. The infection also spreads to the respiratory tract. Against the background of a runny nose, diseases such as laryngitis, pharyngitis, otitis media, and sinusitis often develop. Bronchitis and bronchial, pulmonary pneumonia may also occur.
Complications extend to the respiratory organs due to the fact that the nose does not breathe. A person is forced to perform this function through the mouth. This prevents the cold air from heating up quickly. It leads to hypothermia of the respiratory tract. Breathing through the mouth is not a physiological process. Especially in the cold season, the likelihood of complications increases.
Decreased immunity also contributes to the development of diseases. If the infection develops in the upper sinuses, it can affect the brain if not properly treated. Without proper treatment, fever and runny nose can be supplemented by inflammation of the lacrimal ducts. Sometimes, with a long course of the disease, polyps develop, other neoplasms in the nose.
Another complication is a temporary or permanent decrease in the sense of smell. If a chronic runny nose is present in a child, he may develop malocclusion, incorrect pronunciation of certain sounds.
Treatment of the common cold in adults
So you have a high temperature and a runny nose. What to do? If this condition is present in an adult, you need to contact a therapist. This is a sign of a cold. Treatment must be started promptly. This way you can quickly overcome the disease. However, with the wrong treatment, the symptoms will become more pronounced, and the general condition will worsen.
The doctor will prescribe the right treatment. The patient must learn to blow his nose properly. This process can lead to complications. You need to gently blow your nose with each nostril separately. At the same time, the mouth opens slightly to reduce pressure in the nasal cavity. Otherwise, the infection will spread further.
![Runny nose treatment Runny nose treatment](
It is necessary to avoid factors that irritate the mucous membrane. These are cold air, dust and cigarette smoke, strong odors. You should also avoid physical activity. Breathing should becalm.
Drugs prescribed by a doctor should not be taken longer than the prescribed period. Especially if they have a vasoconstrictive effect. It is better to give preference to plant-based drops. They are slower, but better treat rhinitis. The most famous drug in this group is Pinosol.
Rinse your nose with saline 3 times a day. The concentration of s alt in the water should not be higher than in a standard pharmacy solution (it is better to purchase it than to prepare it yourself). Otherwise, you can dry out the mucous membrane.
Treatment of rhinitis in children
It is quite common for a child to have a high fever and runny nose. What to do in this case? You need to contact your pediatrician immediately. He will prescribe treatment. In the room where the child is located, the temperature should be about 21ºС. Humidity should be high. Airing is carried out regularly, taking the baby out of the room.
![Runny nose in children Runny nose in children](
The smallest children don't know how to blow their nose. Therefore, the mucus does not allow their nose to breathe. However, washing can be done no earlier than the child is 3 years old. It is better to use medicines on a natural basis. At the same time, the baby should not be allergic to the components of the drug. Drops can be used from 2 years old, and sprays from 3 years old.
During treatment, the doctor may prescribe drugs based on naphazoline, xylometazoline, oxymethazole. The choice depends on the characteristics of the disease, the age of the child. In the group of funds based on naphazoline, Naphthyzin and Sanorin stand out. They are prescribed in many countries from the age of 6 years (inour country from 1 year).
Xylometazoline-based drugs are used for children over 2 years of age. These drugs include Xilen, Galazolin, Otrivin, Rinostop.
Oxymethazole-based formulations are allowed to be used at a dosage of 0.01% for children from birth to one year old. With age, the dosage increases. In this group, "Nazivin", "Nazol", "Rinostop Extra" stand out.
![Nose drops "Nazol" Nose drops "Nazol"](
Drugs for adults
How to treat a runny nose without fever and with fever in adults? Most often, vasoconstrictor drugs are used to facilitate breathing. They can be made with different active ingredients.
There are 3 groups of similar drugs:
- A group of drugs based on xylometazoline. These include "Rinonorm", "Dlyanos", as well as "Galazolin". Their duration is 4 hours. They are used strictly according to the instructions, and not at the moments when the nose is blocked again.
- Drugs based on oxymetazoline. They are available in various concentrations. The duration of action of such drugs is long. It is about 12 hours. However, this group of drugs has more contraindications (pregnancy, diabetes, renal failure). The most popular drugs are Nazol, Nazivin.
- Preparations based on naphazoline. These are medium-acting vasoconstrictors. They allow you to remove unpleasant symptoms for up to 6 hours. Popular drugs are Naphthyzin and Sanorin. The second option is considered the mostsafe. It contains natural ingredients.
The choice depends on the characteristics of the disease. Drops and sprays are prescribed by a doctor. Treatment cannot last more than 5 days with these drugs.
![Nose drops "Sanorin" Nose drops "Sanorin"](
Other recommendations
How to treat a runny nose and fever? Antipyretic, antiviral, antibacterial drugs are selected by the doctor. It depends on the stage of the disease. In the early stages, it is recommended not to leave the house. The room must be provided with the right microclimate.
In the early stages, you can use folk recipes. For example, you can do inhalations (breathe over a pot of boiled potatoes). Procedures that involve adding a few drops of essential oils to heated water will be more effective. They are periodically brought into hot water during the entire procedure.
You need to drink plenty of fluids. It can be herbal tea, from currant leaves and branches. Lemon can be added to the drink. You should also consume a small amount of honey. It must not be mixed with hot water. Honey is absorbed in a small amount to prevent the development of complications in the nasopharynx. A decoction of wild rose, chamomile helps. Drink with ginger is also known for its antibacterial, antiviral effect.
You need to clean your nose with disposable noses. Rinse the nasal passages with saline gently. It is necessary to avoid the appearance of excess pressure in its cavity. At the second and third stages, medical, complex treatment is required.
Having considered what to do when a runny nose appears andtemperature, you can start treatment in a timely manner.