Domestic medicine, although it has gone through many reforms, will not soon be able to reach the desired level. So, in megacities getting to the hospital is not a problem. But in small towns and villages - happiness, if there is at least an outpatient clinic, not to mention a pharmacy. So the ability to provide yourself with the simplest medical care is important today. Of course, such complex manipulations as the installation of droppers or intravenous injections should only be done by professionals. But absolutely everyone can learn how to properly inject into the buttock. So let's roll up our sleeves and try to master this simple but very important science.
This procedure is better known to us as an injection. It is one of the ways to introduce liquid medicines into the human body. Although today there is already a technology for needle-free injection (which cannot even be called an injection), for many years the mainthe tool for this manipulation will remain a traditional disposable syringe.

There are many types of injections. They are usually classified according to the site of insertion (intravenous, intraarterial, intraosseous, intramuscular, etc.) or the depth of the needle (intradermal, subcutaneous). Most of these procedures are done only in hospitals by experienced nurses and doctors.
Among the main advantages of an injection over other methods of drug delivery to the body is its speed. Of course, much depends on the place of injection of the drug. Thus, an injection into a vein will work faster than an intramuscular injection (although not all drugs can be injected into the body in both of these ways at the same time). However, the latter is the most popular due to its simplicity.
Intramuscular injections
Hearing this name, most imagine a banal shot in the sirloin. In fact, such injections are made not only in the gluteus maximus muscle, but also in others (deltoid, trapezius, quadriceps femoral and other smaller ones).
However, the sirloin part, chosen by all, is the most popular. The fact is that she, like the quadriceps muscle of the thigh, is able to "accept" a larger amount of the drug - 5-10 ml. While when injected into the deltoid and trapezius muscles, the volume of the drug should not exceed 1 ml.
How to determine exactly where to inject
Having briefly de alt with the theory, let's move on to practice. First of all it is worthlearn where to properly inject in the buttock. After all, for people who do not really understand anatomy (which most of us are), the name of the muscle does not mean much.
So, in order to understand where to inject correctly, you should mentally (or with an iodine marker) divide each buttock into 4 squares. It is permissible to enter the game only into the outer upper ones of each of them. Why is that?

The fact is that these are the so-called safe zones. Important vessels do not pass here, which can be accidentally touched by a needle. Since the spinal column is in the region of the inner upper squares, and the sciatic nerve is in the inner lower ones.
Things to practice on
Before you give your first shot to a human, you should practice on something less alive.

In educational medical institutions with a good material base, there are special mannequins or overlays for this purpose. But for a home self-taught person, an ordinary kitchen sponge is suitable as the first "experimental". Preferably new.

Some advise to practice on citrus fruits or meat. If these products are in your refrigerator, after giving enough sponge injections, you can go to such "patients". By the way, it is good to conduct such experiments before Easter. Then you can combine business with pleasure: use marinade as an injection into the neck or loin. In this way, you can easilyfigure out how to properly inject and marinate Easter ham!
What you need to prepare for an injection at home
Before you learn how to properly inject into a muscle, you should consider the list of necessary for this procedure:
- Two-three-component syringe. If there is a choice, it is better to take with an elastic band on the piston. Its presence ensures smooth and uniform administration of the drug.
- Prescribed medicine. It can be both in ampoules and in the form of a powder. In the second case, it will still need to be diluted with the appropriate liquid. As a rule, in all packages of ampoules there are specialized nail files for opening them. When preparing everything for the injection, it is worth finding them and putting them next to the ampoule. In order not to look later.
- Medical alcohol 96% or its pharmaceutical substitutes, as well as hydrogen peroxide. In extreme cases, the use of moonshine or vodka is acceptable, but not wine. However, if there is no extreme need, it is easier not to go for such extreme experiments.
- Wadding.
- The patient is in a horizontal position.
- Confidence in the success of your medical endeavor. Using some of the aforementioned antiseptics to acquire it is not welcome.
Injection preparation
Having laid out everything from the above list on the table, you can start the procedure:
- First of all, check the expiration dates of the syringe, alcohol and the medicine itself. As well as its compliance with the dosage indicated in the doctor's prescription.
- Next, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water. While wiping themtowel is not required. Better just brush it off.

- The next step is preparing the medicine. If it is in an ampoule, gently tap on its tip. This is to ensure that the entire preparation has moved to the bottom. The tip of the ampoule is wiped with cotton wool moistened with an antiseptic. A nail file makes several movements in the groove between the upper and main parts. Wrapping the tip with cotton wool, it should be broken off in the direction away from you. If everything is done correctly, it will not be difficult. And if it doesn’t work out, we take the nail file again and repeat the procedure. An open ampoule is placed nearby.
- Preparing a syringe. To do this, open the package, put a needle on it. At the same time, we do not remove the cap from it. Often syringes are sold with needles already on. This makes things easier.
- Next, remove the cap and collect the medicine from the open ampoule. To do this, the needle is lowered into the liquid, and the piston is pulled towards itself. After the entire contents of the vial have migrated into the syringe, excess air is released from it. To do this, turn it upside down and gently press the piston. This is done until drops of the drug appear on the tip of the needle, and bubbles disappear from the liquid inside the syringe. Now everything is ready for injection. If the patient is lying nearby, you can not put a cap on the needle, but immediately proceed to the injection. If, for any reason, it needs to be delayed for at least a few minutes, it is better to put on a cap. This will help maintain sterility.
Not all medicines for intramuscular injections are packed into ampoules. Some are presented as a powder to be diluted with water for injection, Lidocaine, Novocaine, or similar liquids. Such solvents are usually sold in ampoules. While most powders are in small bottles with sealed rubber caps.
If you have to inject just such a drug, you should use a syringe that comes with 2 needles. One of them is for mixing the medicine, the other is for the injection itself.

How to draw the drug into the syringe in this case? Everything is simple. First of all, we collect liquid from the ampoule in the same way as the medicine. But then the metal seal is removed from the powder bottle, and the rubber cap is wiped with an antiseptic. Next, a needle is stuck into it and liquid from the syringe is injected into the vial. You need to wait a few moments for it to completely dissolve the powder. Shake the mixture if necessary. All this time, the needle and syringe remain stuck in the rubber cap. The next step is the formed drug is pumped back into the syringe. After that, the needle is changed on it, and it is ready for injection.
How to give an injection
Although it is possible to give an injection to a standing patient, it is preferable that he lies down. Then it will be easier for him to relax. This will make the whole process easier. This is especially important if you are just learning how to properly inject.
Before you inject, you should choose a place in the above-mentioned outer upper quarter of any of the buttocks. Ideally itit is worth palpating (mashing) so as not to get into the seals if they remain after previous injections.

The next step is to wipe the selected place with an antiseptic. If this is not done, germs can enter the tiny needle wound and cause infections or more serious consequences.
After this measure, the skin is stretched with the fingers of the left hand, and the needle is stuck perpendicular to 3/4 of its length with a sharp movement of the right hand. Next, the drug is slowly injected. You should not do this quickly, otherwise a bump may occur.
When the contents of the syringe are entered, it should be removed with the same clear sharp movement. The injection site is covered with cotton wool moistened with an antiseptic, and it remains there for a couple more minutes.
That's all, now you know how to properly inject in the buttock (see photo above).
Tips for beginners
First time injection, many fear hurting the patient. Therefore, they can slowly insert / withdraw the needle. However, professionals who clearly know how to give injections correctly say that such a gentle technique does more harm. If you stretch the process, it will not get easier. On the contrary, the injection will be more tangible and painful.
If you have a series of injections, you should alternate the injection site. So, one day they make an injection in one buttock, the next - in the other.
If, despite all precautions, a bruise or bump appears after the injection, a swab dipped in magnesium sulfate solution, a cabbage leaf, ordraw a grid with iodine.
Spanking injection
Having considered the classic way to properly inject intramuscularly into the buttock, it is important to discuss another popular method. We are talking about the so-called slap. It is done in this way. A syringe is clamped between the thumb and forefinger at the point where the needle is attached and injected in the manner of throwing a dart in a dartboard. Only in this case, everything is accompanied by a slap on the buttocks.
The advantage of this technique is considered to be a decrease in the pain of the injection, if any. After all, the slap acts as a distraction, and the pain from the injection is reduced.
However, there is one big, but significant minus. When performing such manipulations, the fingers come into contact with the needle, increasing the risk of infection in the wound. Of course, you can act like doctors - wear gloves. But out of habit, injecting them is not very convenient.
How to give an injection in the buttock of a child
For many, the incentive to learn how to inject is the birth of a baby. While preparing to give him injections if necessary, everyone wonders if there is any difference with adults.

Yes, there is. But small. Knowing in general how to give an injection correctly (the photo clearly demonstrates the process), you can apply this knowledge to children. The place of injection and the method of its implementation are identical. The only difference is that for the crumbs, the skin should not be pulled apart before the introduction of the needle, but, on the contrary, should be brought together. This is done so that the medicine does not get under the skin, but inmuscle.
How to give injections in the buttock to yourself
In the case of an injection to yourself, your loved one, the most difficult thing is to overcome fear. The rest of the manipulation is carried out in the same way. True, you are unlikely to lie down. So it's best to stand or crouch in front of a mirror so you can see where you're injecting. In the first case, you can even draw the cherished goal with iodine so as not to miss.
It is worth noting that it is better not to take drugs for yourself as a test injection, the introduction of which is associated with painful sensations. And the rest is pretty simple. The main thing in this matter is to strictly follow the instructions and not be afraid. Then everything will definitely work out.