Legs are a part of the body that has to experience a huge load every day. The general well-being of a person largely depends on their he alth. It is enough to remember the pleasure that people get just by massaging their feet or immersing them in warm water. How to self-massage your feet to relax and prevent diseases?
Stimulation of the reflex zones of the feet
An important part of the legs are the feet. According to Eastern teachings, they are directly connected with many organs in the human body and contain many nerve endings, receptors that transmit information to organs, cells and the brain.

It has already been proven that poor circulation in the legs or vascular disease, uneven loads, which are accompanied by pain and limited mobility of the feet, can cause diseases of other organs. There is also feedback. It is expressed in the fact that the affected internal organs can also adversely affect the blood supply.stop. Therefore, through self-massage of the legs, it is possible to carry out not only effective diagnosis, but also the treatment of body pathologies.
Foot map
To determine the reflex zones during massage, there is a map of the foot, which indicates all the important points, and also indicates their relationship with specific organs. The sole of each foot contains thirty-six zones.
Reflexologists have created several manual self-massage techniques that effectively relieve pain and fatigue, correct physical development deficiencies. Along with manual, there is a hardware massage. The devices also act on reflex points. The rating of foot massagers can be seen in this article.
The foot is a projection of the human body, where:
- fingers represent head;
- heels - pelvis and knees;
- on top are the points that are responsible for the visual and auditory organs, the pituitary gland and the brain;
- foot expansion zone associated with the liver, lungs and heart;
- the lower part is responsible for the genitals, intestines and kidneys;
- on the inner side surface there is a connection with the spine.
Manual and hardware massage improve the functional properties of the foot and legs in general, and also allow you to influence and normalize the work of other organs of the human body. Russian experts advise paying attention to the Bliss massager manufactured by Bradex. According to them, the device does an excellent job of massaging the legs and feet.
Types of foot massage
Massage mastersseveral types of impact on the legs and feet zones have been created.
The main techniques are:
- Thai massage. Many people believe that this technique is comparable to yoga. It pays attention to the joints and muscles - during the massage, they are intensively affected. Deep pressure, twisting of the feet, bending the fingers, pressing on the crossed feet are used. Thin wooden sticks are used to influence individual points.
- Chinese massage. By activating the reflex zones, the masters open the channels through which the Qi life energy begins to move actively. Often massage techniques are combined with acupuncture sessions.
- Reflex or acupressure foot massage. This is a technique that requires a good knowledge of the location and purpose of active points. According to Eastern teachings, the effectiveness is explained by the fact that during the massage, energy is released, which harmonizes the work of the organs. European experts explain the effect of this massage by the release of endorphins that occur when the points are pressed. It is believed that as a result, the body activates the resources of its own body, which contribute to the restoration of the affected organs. This type of massage uses stroking, pressing, rubbing, vibration techniques.
- Therapeutic massage is prescribed by attending physicians for diseases of the musculoskeletal system. It improves foot mobility and relieves pain. One of the varieties of therapeutic massage is lymphatic drainage massage. It is a technique that stimulates circulationlymph through the lymphatic system. This, in turn, effectively removes toxins, improves metabolism and strengthens the immune system. The technique allows for lymphatic drainage massage of the legs at home.
Features of lymphatic drainage massage
The lymphatic system is a part of the cardiovascular apparatus of the human body, which plays an important role in its life. Lymph takes part in the processes of metabolism, purification of cells and tissues, and also protects against harmful microbes and viruses.

The lymphatic system is under enormous stress associated with the modern lifestyle of a person, which is accompanied by:
- not getting enough sleep;
- having a sedentary lifestyle;
- lack of proper diet;
- an abundance of stressful situations;
- having bad habits.
All this can cause dysfunction in the lymphatic system, as a result, metabolism may be disturbed, lymphostasis may occur, that is, stagnation of the lymphatic fluid, which leads to the formation of edema.
To eliminate these problems and normalize the functioning of the body, it is necessary to establish proper nutrition, observe a rest regimen, connect physical activity and perform lymphatic drainage self-massage of the legs.
His technique is a wave-like soft movements that are performed according to the direction of the lymph flow through the lymphatic vessels.
Lymphatic drainage massage techniques
Since the manipulation results in a direct effect on the lymphatic vessels, the ideal option for a massage would be to contact a qualified specialist.

If it is necessary or impossible to visit a specialist, you can do a light lymphatic drainage massage of the legs at home.
There are the following massage techniques:
- Superficial - in this case, the skin is treated superficially. As a result of manipulations, receptors located in the skin and small capillaries are affected. During the massage, circular movements are performed with a slight pressure on the tissues, as a result, the vasospasm is eliminated, which stimulates the movement of lymph to the lymph nodes.
- Deep - This technique involves the stimulation of deep tissue layers. This requires a stronger effect, as a result of which the swelling of the legs is removed. With special techniques, the massage therapist increases blood flow, causing the lymphatic vessels to become wider, as a result of which the lymph moves freely in the intercellular space.
The sequence of actions is as follows:
- Warm up problem areas with smooth movements, warming the outer layer of the skin.
- For fifteen to twenty minutes, massage the legs in the direction from the feet to the hips.
- After the massage procedure, you need to take a contrast shower.
Contraindications for lymphatic drainage massage
Experts warn about the following: at least lymphatic drainage massageand is therapeutic and prophylactic, it cannot be treated irresponsibly. It is advisable to pre-take a training course at a massage school.
In case of certain diseases, the procedure is prohibited.
The list is as follows:
- sexual dysfunction;
- heart disease;
- kidney disease;
- organ inflammation;
- pregnancy;
- oncological diseases;
- thrombophlebitis;
- presence of diabetes;
- infectious diseases.
Feet massage for varicose veins
Many people are interested in foot massage for varicose veins, whether it can be performed with this disease. Experts warn that it is possible to influence the legs with such a disease, it is not a contraindication, you just need to approach the massage technique correctly.

If performed correctly, the procedure will reduce pain in the legs, improve the condition of capillaries, normalize the outflow of blood from tissues and cell metabolism. The most effective and safe will be massage, which is carried out in the initial stages of varicose veins, when there are no pronounced signs of the disease yet.
Massage is not allowed if there are pustules and ulcers on the skin.
In some cases, massage provokes an increase in hemoglobin, an increase in leukocytes and an increase in blood pressure. After some time, the state returns to normal.
Vacuum massage
Foot massage with cups (vacuum) is known in the worldsince ancient Rome. Also in the Arab countries, the technique of using cans was widely used. And in Russia they were used to treat colds.

The development of cosmetology and medicine has made known the fact that cupping massage can be used to achieve he alth and beauty of the skin.
It is divided into two types:
- Canned (manual) - glass or silicone one-piece bell-shaped containers are used. The first ones stick to the body due to warm air, the second ones - due to the creation of a vacuum by pressing.
- Apparatus massage is different in that a bowl in the form of a jar is connected to the vacuum apparatus by means of a hose, into which air is alternately pumped and exhausted. Such an effect improves blood circulation in tissues, normalizes the circulation of lymph and intercellular fluid, removes congestion, improves skin respiration processes, making its tissues elastic and stable, and reduces swelling. Also, this procedure is widely used to break down fatty tissues.
Using massagers
Relatively recently, needle objects for rolling feet and massage mats with applicators were used as massagers.

Modern massagers are complex electrical devices with electronic control, a large number of interchangeable nozzles and functions. They differ in design, which is dictated by the nature of the impact on the body.
Using a foot massager will help to significantly improvewell-being, you should only choose a really high-quality device.
Devices are divided into several types:
- combined;
- vibrating;
- roller;
- hydromassage;
- compression.
With the help of these devices, heaviness, fatigue in the legs, feeling of pressure and numbness are easily removed.
Instrument Rating
The following is a ranking of the five most popular brands of foot massagers:
- The Japanese massager Marutaka RA-01J is recognized as the most effective, as its actions are similar to Shiatsu massage. The device has several programs (pressotherapy, acupuncture and reflexology) and operating speeds.
- The multifunctional Japanese massager Canoo-5 is designed to actively work out the calves, thighs and feet - thirty pillows and over forty rollers will have an effect. The massager uses several massage techniques at the same time.
- The Takasima RK-808 massager, with 39 automatic programs, is designed to work out the entire leg - from hips to feet.
- The OTO Power Foot PF-1500 massager from Philips is distinguished by an innovative design - the blades located inside the wear-resistant cover and seventy-four rollers knead the muscles of the leg in several planes at once, while simultaneously influencing the active points of the foot.
- The Bradex Bliss massager is a silent roller device for massaging the ankles and feet, repeating the actions of the massage therapist's fingers.
Manual massage technique
As they teach at massage school, sessiondivided into three stages:
- Preparatory - stroking and rubbing the tissues are warmed up.
- Main - active stage - sequential impact on each finger, then - on the sole, outer side, upper and side, heel, Achilles tendon, ankle.
- Final - stroking the fabrics relax.
During the active stage, the following techniques are used:
- stroking with knuckles or palm;
- circular rubbing in different directions;
- forceps kneading;
- pressure on reflex points;
- tapping;
- foot shaking.
Indications for massage
Self-massage of legs and feet is recommended as a therapeutic or prophylactic procedure for many diseases.
The list of them is as follows:
- joint diseases;
- orthopedic pathologies;
- fatigue and swelling of the lower extremities;
- stress conditions;
- backbone problems;
- cardiac and vascular diseases;
- poor circulation in the legs,
- rehabilitation activities;
- varicose veins;
- headaches;
- chronic colds.
Doing the procedure at home

Most massage techniques are available for home use, especially relaxation techniques.
How to do a foot massage at home:
- Wash hands and feet.
- Assume a comfortable posture.
- Warm up the skinrubbing, apply massage oil.
- Stroking and rubbing the top and sides of the foot to reach the ankle.
- Knead all fingers one by one.
- Rub the sole in the direction from the toes to the heel, knead with a fist.
- Work out the upper surface of the foot in a circular motion with pressure.
- Palms rub calves and ankles from bottom to top.
- Knead the ankles, soles and outside of the foot three times each.
- End the massage with relaxing light strokes.
Slippers or rugs with spikes, rolling small round objects with your feet, walking on peas are also suitable for self-massage.
All procedures should be carried out only after consultation with a specialist.