Is it possible to give Theraflu to children? Composition "Theraflu" in a sachet

Is it possible to give Theraflu to children? Composition "Theraflu" in a sachet
Is it possible to give Theraflu to children? Composition "Theraflu" in a sachet

Often parents are interested in the question of whether it is possible to give Theraflu to children. This drug is distinguished by the ability to quickly reduce the severity of unpleasant cold syndromes - fever, runny nose, joint and headaches. Naturally, every caring parent tries to alleviate the condition of their baby. However, when deciding on the use of a particular medication, you should definitely read the instructions to make sure that such therapy is possible, and best of all, get the advice of a specialist.

What is the composition of Theraflu in a sachet?

teraflu indications for use instructions
teraflu indications for use instructions

Issue form

The dosage form of this medication is a powder, which consists of granules for the preparation of a solution for oral administration. Granules (possibly the presence of soft lumps) are pinkish, yellowish, gray-violet and white. The powder is produced in different flavors: wild berries, lemon or cinnamon with mint. Its mass in one six-layer bag is 11.5 g. There are 25, 14, 10, 8 bags in a carton box.

Be sure to each pack has instructions for use for the powder "Theraflu". This medicine should not be available to children.

The contents of this package must be dissolved in 225 ml of water heated to a temperature of 75 °C. As a result, an opaque solution of pinkish-violet, yellow or brownish color (depending on the type of taste of the preparation) is formed with a characteristic smell of lemon, cinnamon or wild berries.


Theraflu active ingredients in a sachet are:

  • phenylephrine hydrochloride;
  • paracetamol;
  • pheniramine maleate.

In addition to the main ones, the drug also contains auxiliary components, which include: calcium phosphate, citric acid, magnesium stearate, sodium citrate dihydrate, sucrose, silicon dioxide, acesulfame potassium, m altodextrin M100, blue diamond dye E133, dye E129, natural cranberry flavor Durarome, natural raspberry flavor Durarome. Is there a children's "Theraflu", we will tell further.

teraflu instructions for use powder for children
teraflu instructions for use powder for children

Pharmacological properties

The drug does not have a special form of release, which is intended for the treatment of children. This is a complex drug that simultaneously has several types of effects: antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, decongestant, analgesic, antihistamine.

The principle of treatment with this medicine is due toa set of elements that are in its composition:

  1. Paracetamol is an anti-inflammatory non-steroidal substance with a pronounced ability to block enzymes, on which the decrease in the level of active compounds during the development of the inflammatory process (leukotrienes, prostaglandins) depends. Such an effect reduces the severity of inflammation, lowers body temperature to the physiological norm, and eliminates pain.
  2. Pheniramine is a substance that has the ability to block histamine type H receptors. This chemical compound produces a pronounced anti-allergic effect, neutralizes the effect of histamine substances. Pheniramine reduces swelling of the nasal passages, stops severe lacrimation in ARVI, reduces the volume of pathological discharge from the nose, and reduces the frequency of sneezing.
  3. Phenylephrine is a symptomatic amine that acts on alpha-adrenergic receptors localized in arterial vessels. This process contributes to the narrowing of their gaps, which reduces swelling of the nasal mucosa.

From what age "Theraflu" is allowed for use, described in detail in the instructions.

Oral administration of the drug promotes the rapid penetration of active elements into the digestive tract, from where the drug enters the systemic circulation and body fluids, distributing through the tissues. Residues of the drug undergo metabolic processes in the liver, where the accumulation of decay products in an inactive form is observed. Such substances are excreted in the urine.

is there baby therapy
is there baby therapy


So, is it possible to give Theraflu to children? Pediatricians say that this pharmacological agent is approved for use no earlier than when the child reaches the age of 12 years. The same is indicated in the text of the instructions for use of this medication. The list of indications for taking Theraflu includes:

  • symptomatic therapy of infections provoked by exposure to the influenza virus, parainfluenza; adenovirus, rhinovirus;
  • cold symptoms that develop after a viral infection enters the body;
  • deterioration of the general condition in ARVI, which is usually accompanied by fever, headache, nasal congestion, and other catarrhal symptoms.

List of contraindications

Is it possible to give Theraflu to children, it is important to find out in advance.

theraflu from what age
theraflu from what age

Medicine should be used not only in accordance with age restrictions. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the presence of pathological phenomena that are contraindications, such as:

  • isom altase/sugarase deficiency;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • fructose intolerance;
  • alcoholism;
  • simultaneous use of tricyclic antidepressants, beta-blockers or monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs);
  • portal hypertension;
  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • high sensitivity to any element of the composition of this medication.

Doctor's control at admission

The instruction recommends caution and be sure to consult a doctor if treatment with this remedy is used for arterial hypertension, angle-closure glaucoma, severe atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries, congenital hyperbilirubinemia, pheochromocytoma, blood diseases, bronchial asthma, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency, severe kidney and liver diseases, hyperthyroidism, prostatic hyperplasia.

How old is Theraflu for children, it's better to check with the doctor.

teraflu from how old can children
teraflu from how old can children

Instructions for use

Before you start using this symptomatic cold medicine, you should remember that this remedy has a clearly defined age limit.

The drug can be used no earlier than 12 years old, that is, for example, if the child is 7 years old, "Theraflu" will not work. It will be necessary to consult a doctor about which medication can be used at an earlier age.

The medicine is taken orally after dissolving the contents of the sachet in a glass of hot water. Sugar can be added to the drink. A single dose is considered to be 1 sachet of Theraflu. During the day, it is allowed to take no more than 3 doses. The time interval between doses should be at least 4 hours.

This medication can be taken at any time of the day, but the best therapeutic effect is observed if you take Theraflu at night. If during three days of therapy the conditionthe patient does not improve, you should consult a specialist.

Special Recommendations

The instructions for Theraflu powder give other indications that you need to pay attention to:

  1. Prolonged use of the drug contributes to the development of serious hepatotoxic effects on the liver and has a nephrotoxic effect.
  2. Concomitant use of this medicine and alcoholic beverages is not allowed, as this situation will significantly increase the toxic effects of the drug.
  3. The medicine does not fight the causes of the disease. Its components can only reduce the severity of negative symptoms from the respiratory organs.
  4. The use of the drug requires a temporary refusal to drive vehicles, activities with complex mechanisms. This is due to the fact that the drug can significantly slow down the rate of reactions.
teraflu child 7 years
teraflu child 7 years

Side effects

Theraflu medicine can have a slight negative effect on the body, causing unpleasant symptoms, which in medicine are called adverse reactions. In this case, they can be:

  1. Digestive organs - pain in the epigastric zone, nausea, dryness of the oral mucosa.
  2. CNS - increased nervous excitability, dizziness, headache, problems with sleep and falling asleep.
  3. Vascular system and heart - increased blood pressure.
  4. Circulatory system - decrease in hemoglobin levels due to reductionthe number of erythrocytes, granulocytes and platelets in the blood serum.
  5. Sense organs - increased intraocular pressure, dilated pupils, accommodative paresis.
  6. Urinary system - decreased urine output, nephrotoxic effects, excess glucose in the urine.
  7. Skin reactions - the occurrence of rash, redness, irritation, accompanied by itching, Quincke's edema, urticaria.

If any adverse reaction develops, immediate discontinuation of therapy with this medicine and medical attention should be sought.

Drug Interactions

Is it possible to give Theraflu to children, now it is known.

When treated with the drug and taking barbiturates, rifampicins, diphenin, carbamazepine and other liver inducers, the risk of hepatotoxic effects on the body increases.

Urinary retention, dry mouth, and indigestion often develop with concomitant use with antidepressants, antipsychotics, antiparkinsonian drugs, fentiazine derivatives.

Taking Theraflu with glucocorticosteroids can cause an increase in blood pressure.

composition of teraflu in a sachet
composition of teraflu in a sachet

Propantheline reduces the rate of absorption of the components of the "Theraflu" composition, and metoclopramide promotes a more rapid absorption of this drug into the blood. The excretion of paracetamol will increase, as well as its toxic effect on the liver, if Teraflu is taken simultaneously with salicylamide.

Chlorzoxazone provokes an increase in toxicityparacetamol. When used in combination with zidovudine, neutropenia may increase. Taking this medication increases the effects of coumarin derivatives.

We reviewed the indications for the use of "Theraflu" and instructions for it.
