"Zovirax Duo-Active": reviews, active substance, instructions for use, side effects

"Zovirax Duo-Active": reviews, active substance, instructions for use, side effects
"Zovirax Duo-Active": reviews, active substance, instructions for use, side effects

Zovirax Duo-Active is a drug that is sold in pharmacies without a prescription. It is designed to treat a well-known problem - colds on the lips. In medicine, it is called labial herpes. Reviews of "Zovirax Duo-Active" indicate that this drug eliminates the pathogen, relieves inflammation, but only when used correctly.

Dose form and contraindications

Produced "Zovirax Duo-Active" in the form of a cream intended for external use. The product goes on sale in aluminum tubes with a volume of 2 g, in cardboard packages.

At first glance, the cream seems to be a simple remedy that should not have contraindications for the reason that it is simply applied to the skin and not taken orally. However, this is not quite true. "Zovirax Duo-Active" has several contraindications, because its components are absorbed, albeit in a small dose. Do not apply the product to the skin of children under the age of 12 years. Also not recommendeduse the remedy during pregnancy and lactation. An exception is when the remedy is prescribed by a doctor, after evaluating the intended benefits and possible risks. Other contraindications include hypersensitivity to components, parasitic infections, skin lesions caused by exposure to the human body of other viruses, fungi, bacteria.

Cream composition
Cream composition

Tool components

"Zovirax Duo-Active" has in its composition 2 active ingredients - acyclovir, hydrocortisone. The first component is antiviral. It is highly active against herpes simplex viruses (types 1 and 2), chickenpox, shingles, and Epstein-Barr virus, moderately active against cytomegaloviruses. Hydrocortisone is a weakly active glucocorticosteroid. It has anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory properties.

Aciclovir and hydrocortisone is an effective combination. Acyclovir kills viruses, and hydrocortisone enhances local immunity, accelerates the healing process of ulcerative lesions, and relieves inflammation.

In addition to active ingredients, Zovirax Duo-Active includes auxiliary components:

  • purified water;
  • hydrochloric acid;
  • liquid paraffin;
  • paraffin soft white;
  • cetostearyl alcohol;
  • isopropyl myristate;
  • sodium lauryl sulfate;
  • citric acid monohydrate;
  • propylene glycol;
  • poloxamer 188;
  • sodium hydroxide.

When can I start applying the cream

Manufacturer recommendsuse the remedy from the onset of the disease. The first signs of labial herpes are burning in the lips, tingling, and a feeling of tightness of the skin. The sooner people start treatment, the sooner they achieve the desired results. At the first stage of labial herpes cream "Zovirax Duo-Active" is most effective.

In the second stage of a cold, fluid-filled blisters form on the lips. They contain millions of virus particles. Cream "Zovirax Duo-Active" can begin to be used at this stage, but during this period it will be much more difficult for him to cope with pathogens. Recovery may take a little longer.

Indications for use "Zovirax Duo-Active"
Indications for use "Zovirax Duo-Active"

How to apply the cream correctly

When treating a cold on the lips, you must strictly follow the recommendations that are in the instructions for use of Zovirax Duo-Active. Compliance with all requirements is the key to quick recovery of the affected skin area and no harm to the body.

Features of the use of Zovirax Duo-Active cream:

  1. The product should be applied 5 times a day (every 4 hours). No need to apply at night.
  2. The cream is applied not only to the affected areas, but also to the he althy areas of the skin bordering them. This is done in order to avoid the spread of the virus.
  3. The dose should be sufficient, i.e. the cream should cover the affected and adjacent he althy areas of the skin.
  4. Duration of treatment - 5 days. It is not recommended to exceed this period. In cases where a cold on the lips for 10days do not pass, a specialist consultation is necessary.
The doctor's consultation
The doctor's consultation

Side effects of Zovirax Duo-Active

Cream can cause unwanted effects. Studies have shown that often people experience dryness and flaking of the skin during the treatment period. Slightly less often, side effects such as itching, a short-term tingling sensation and burning sensation occur in the places where the drug was applied.

About one in 1,000-10,000 people experience:

  • with redness of the skin;
  • change in skin pigmentation;
  • inflammation at the site of application of the drug;
  • contact dermatitis.

Extremely rare side effects are immediate-type hypersensitivity reactions. For example, they include angioedema.

What else consumers should know

It has already been said above that acyclovir has a negative effect on various viruses. However, the Zovirax Duo-Active cream has only one indication for use - labial herpes. For other viral diseases, this remedy should not be used. For example, genital herpes should not be treated with this cream.

"Zovirax Duo-Active" is intended for the treatment of affected skin. In no case should it be applied to the mucous membranes of the mouth, nose, eyes. If the product accidentally gets into the eyes, then they should be thoroughly rinsed with warm water. Usually after this there are no negative consequences, but in some cases people still experience discomfort. Atunwanted symptoms, it is recommended to visit a doctor and tell him about the problem.

Zovirax Duo-Active cream is not intended for immunocompromised patients. These people may have additional he alth problems requiring systemic antiviral therapy.

Prices for Zovirax Duo-Active
Prices for Zovirax Duo-Active

FAQs from patients

In the process of applying Zovirax Duo-Active cream, people face many questions. Women, for example, are interested in whether cosmetics can be used in the treatment with this remedy. There are no restrictions in this regard. The manufacturer recommends first applying Zovirax Duo-Active to previously cleansed skin. After drying, the product can be used with any cosmetics. In the place where the cold is located, cosmetics should be applied using a separate applicator. Women who take this advice reduce the chances of viruses from infected areas reaching he althy ones.

People often ask if there is a risk of accidental ingestion. The ingestion of the drug in the body in a small dose does not entail undesirable consequences.

Real reviews about "Zovirax Duo-Active"

Specialists speak positively about the cream. Doctors confirm its effectiveness. According to them, Zovirax Duo-Active is the only drug for the treatment of colds on the lips that combines an antiviral and anti-inflammatory agent.

Only the presence of one shortcoming doctors say. "Zovirax Duo-Active"bad because it has a short period of action. Because of this, the cream often has to be applied to the affected area. Some people generally forget to use the remedy in a timely manner or cannot do this for any reason. The recommendation for such patients is to use the drug as soon as possible and then follow the usual schedule.

Patients are generally satisfied with the remedy. For example, one woman using Zovirax Duo-Active cream shared in a review that the drug helps her not only get rid of herpes faster, but also prevent a much more severe course of the disease with rashes passing from the skin to the mucous membrane of the mouth.

Recommendations to buyers "Zovirax Duo-Active"
Recommendations to buyers "Zovirax Duo-Active"

Prices and inexpensive analogue

Approximate prices in pharmacies for Zovirax Duo-Active cream - 283–441 rubles. This is quite expensive, given that the cream is produced in a volume of 2 g. However, it is economically consumed. It takes very little money to treat the affected surface.

For people who want to save money, an analogue of the cream, Acyclovir ointment, is suitable. From what this remedy can be found in the instructions. It says that it is worth using the ointment for skin infections caused by the herpes virus types 1 and 2. The price of "Acyclovir" depends on the manufacturer. For example, a product manufactured by Ozon LLC with a volume of 10 g can be bought for only 40 rubles. The low cost is what makes Acyclovir ointment popular.

Ointment "Acyclovir"
Ointment "Acyclovir"

Features of storage "Zovirax Duo-Active"

Afterwhen buying a cream, it is important to store it correctly in order to prevent the disappearance of its beneficial properties:

  • suitable temperature for storage - no more than 25 degrees;
  • don't put the tube in the fridge;
  • do not freeze cream.

The shelf life of an unopened cream is 2 years from the date of manufacture. An open tube has a different expiration date. It is equal to 3 months from the moment of the first opening of the package. It is for this reason that the manufacturer produces small volume tubes.

Reviews of the cream "Zovirax Duo-Active"
Reviews of the cream "Zovirax Duo-Active"

In conclusion, it is worth noting that a cold on the lips is a common viral infection. In humans, it goes away on its own without any treatment, but it is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms for a long period. The considered cream was created in order to reduce the treatment time and prevent the spread of the virus to he althy areas. Based on the reviews, Zovirax Duo-Active adequately copes with this task.
