"Apibalm 1 Tentorium": application, reviews, composition and photo

"Apibalm 1 Tentorium": application, reviews, composition and photo
"Apibalm 1 Tentorium": application, reviews, composition and photo

In the article, we will consider reviews on the use of "Apibalsam 1" from "Tentorium".

This therapeutic agent containing oily propolis is widely used externally and internally in the complex treatment and prevention of many colds, pathologies of the ENT organs, skin, and so on.

The active ingredients of the product have bactericidal, antiviral, anti-inflammatory and antifungal activity, enhance regeneration processes, reduce pain and itching, increase immunity. Feedback on the use of "Apibalsam 1" from "Tentorium" will be presented at the end of the article.

apibalsam 1 tentorium application reviews for children
apibalsam 1 tentorium application reviews for children

Form and composition

The medical product is available as a liquid in 100 ml white plastic bottles. This medicine contains:

  • propolis beeswax;
  • propolis extract;
  • vegetable oil.


The beneficial properties of the main substance of this remedy - propolis - have been known since ancient times. The formula of the component is dominated by biologically active elements and this is the reason for the versatile healing effect of propolis on the human body.

Propolis is an excellent natural adaptogen, immunomodulator, antibiotic and antioxidant, which actively slows down the aging process, enhances the protective functions of the body, tones the nervous system and improves cellular respiration. It nourishes the body with the most valuable vitamins and minerals (zinc, magnesium, selenium, cob alt, molybdenum, vanadium, copper, manganese), the deficiency of which is widely observed in modern people.

Propolis is successfully used for cosmetic purposes, has a rejuvenating effect, eliminates inflammation and smoothes wrinkles. The natural product helps to fight the most complex skin diseases, which many pharmacological preparations cannot cope with.

apibalsam 1 tentorium use in children
apibalsam 1 tentorium use in children

The healing qualities of beeswax are quite high. In ancient times, skin tuberculosis, stomach diseases, etc. were treated with wax. Wound healing and anti-inflammatory properties made it possible to use it for lesions of the skin and mucous membranes. Hippocrates advised applying warm wax to the throat area for sore throats, and Avicenna used wax as a cough softener and expectorant.

Currently, this substance is widely used in dermatology and cosmetology as a rejuvenating, bactericidal,wound healing and anti-inflammatory agent. Wax is present in the composition of means for the treatment of burns, sunscreens. Feedback on the use of "Apibalsam 1" from "Tentorium" is mostly positive.

Indications for use

The remedy is indicated for the following pathological conditions:

  • frostbite, burns;
  • cracked nipples while breastfeeding;
  • long-term non-healing wounds, trophic ulcers and bedsores;
  • thrush in children;
  • runny nose;
  • herpes;
  • complex treatment of colds;
  • pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, tonsillitis, persistent cough;
  • constipation;
  • prostatitis;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • cervical erosion;
  • colpitis;
  • corns;
  • skin diseases;
  • as an additional source of biologically active elements.
apibalm 1 tentorium use for a cold
apibalm 1 tentorium use for a cold


In the instructions for use of this therapeutic agent, the only contraindication to its use is indicated - individual intolerance to bee products.

According to reviews, the use of "Apibalm 1" from "Tentorium" in children is very effective.


Using the product is quite simple - one teaspoon must be diluted in a small amount of milk or warm water and taken orally, regardless of the time of day and food intake. In addition, the drug is used externally. It should be applied in a thin layer to the affectedskin area, cover with gauze and fix.

Application of "Apibalm 1" from "Tentorium" with a cold

Tentorium remedy can successfully treat a runny nose. To do this, it is necessary to moisten cotton or gauze swabs in the liquid and insert them into the nasal passages for 30 minutes. It is not recommended to bury the nose with a concentrated agent, so you need to dilute it with warm water and rinse your nose with the resulting solution. The number of washes to eliminate the common cold is 2-3 times a day.

tentorium application
tentorium application

Use of "Apibalm 1" from "Tentorium" in children

Many parents have difficulty finding the safest and most natural way to treat their baby. In this case, doctors most often prescribe synthetic drugs based on chemicals, which, of course, have a therapeutic effect, but at the same time provoke the occurrence of adverse reactions in the child.

Apibalm 1 is made exclusively from natural substances that are absolutely safe for children of all ages. With the help of this drug, many diseases can be quickly and safely eliminated.

Most often "Apibalm 1" is used for skin lesions in children. In infants, this remedy well eliminates prickly heat, diaper rash, skin irritation. In older children, it can be used in the treatment of eczema, dermatitis of various etiologies, psoriasis. How to use "Apibalm 1" for skin diseases in children, the doctor who prescribes this remedy should explain.

The medicine is excellentsuitable for the treatment of colds in children. They can be used to rub the chest area with bronchitis and tracheitis, treat a runny nose and sore throat.

apibalsam 1 tentorium application reviews and photos
apibalsam 1 tentorium application reviews and photos


On medical sites you can find a lot of positive feedback on the use of "Apibalsam 1" from "Tentorium". Patients who used it note that the remedy relieves the symptoms of skin inflammation well, heals quickly after burns, especially sunburns. People who have taken this remedy orally say that it is a supportive and palliative therapy that keeps the body in good shape.

With regard to use in children, parents have observed a positive effect from the use of this remedy in the treatment and prevention of skin diseases.

So, we reviewed the feedback on the use of "Apibalsam 1" from "Tentorium". A photo of the drug can be found in the article above.
