"Turinabol": reviews. How to take "Turinabol"? Side effects of Turinabol

"Turinabol": reviews. How to take "Turinabol"? Side effects of Turinabol
"Turinabol": reviews. How to take "Turinabol"? Side effects of Turinabol

Turinabol is an oral steroid that has recently become especially popular among professional athletes, as well as novice athletes. The drug is a modernized analogue of "Methandrostenolone", a variety of anabolics, which has been known in the sports industry for a long time.

turinabol reviews
turinabol reviews

"Turinabol": features of the steroid

The steroid in question does not undergo aromatization. Turinabol acts mainly as an anabolic agent, and to a lesser extent as androgenic. The drug is used by athletes for the purpose of qualitatively building muscle mass. Alone "Turinabol" is not strong enough, and in combination with other steroids is quite effective. According to data based on reviews of the drug, the weight gain from it is small, but the result is fixed by 100%, even despite the completion of the course of its administration. "Turinabol" does not have the ability to retain water in the body - this is the quality of the mass gain when using this steroid.

Undoubtedlythe advantage of the drug is the possibility of increasing the endurance and strength of athletes. How to take "Turinabol" to get a negative result during a doping test? You need to stop using it just 5 days before the milestone.

Positive Features

The Turinabol steroid has been used for a long time by both beginners and professional athletes. Its high quality and quick effect were appreciated by athletes of power and speed sports. What properties have deserved such popularity "Turinabol"? Reviews of bodybuilders give reason to assert that thanks to this particular drug, high-quality muscle mass is accumulated and strength indicators are significantly increased.

Reception "Turinabol" is allowed for women, unlike some others. He is considered the most be

turinabol side effects
turinabol side effects

safe steroid for the fair sex. The possibility of negative consequences for the female body is minimal and is allowed under certain circumstances. These include: excessive dosage of the drug and the use of a steroid for a longer time than required. It should be noted that the reaction to "Turinabol" in female athletes depends on the individual characteristics of the body of each of them.

Steroid "Turinabol": regimen of the drug

Below is the course of the drug for 200 tablets for gaining quality body weight. Taking "Turinabol" according to this scheme will provide an increase in strength and muscle strengthening. This course is ideal fornovice athletes and those who are interested in improving their own performance without significant weight gain. In the process of post-cycle therapy, it is allowed to drink another drug "Tamoxifen" for 2 weeks (20 mg per day).

"Turinabol": regimen of the drug

Week Amount of "Turinabol", mg (per day)
1 30
2 40
3 40
4 40
5 40
6 40
7 40
8 30

Turinabol course: dosages

Daily dosages of the drug vary from 20 to 6

taking turinabol
taking turinabol

0 mg. For one course of taking "Turinabol" it is possible to increase the weight by 9 kg. For athletes whose weight is not more than 90 kg, it is recommended to use a maximum of 20 mg of the drug per day. In other cases, the daily amount of "Turinabol" for consumption can reach 60 mg.

As a rule, athletes use this steroid once a day or divide this dose into two times. Experienced German athletes consider the effective dosage of Turinabol to be 0.125 mg per kilogram of body weight (dry). Such an optimal amount of the drug makes it possible to use it almost continuously for several years. But, this is provided that the steroids are taken cyclically and the dosage increases gradually,which prevents clogging of the receptors. According to bodybuilding criteria, such a meager amount works and pays off.

Combining "Turinabol" with other drugs

The steroid is in excellent contact with other anabolics. In order to gain muscle mass, a combination of Turinabol with Testosterone and Nandrolone is suitable. Taking it together with "Parabolan" and "Stanozol" will allow the bodybuilder before the competition to refuse to use additional funds that help burn fat. This combination, among other things, will enable the bodybuilder not to reduce the amount of calories consumed in preparation for the competition.

"Turinabol" has an advantage over other oral drugs, because its combination with and

turinabol dosage regimen
turinabol dosage regimen

steroids have no side effects, such as excess estrogen and gynecomastia.

The correct dosages and combinations of this drug enable the athlete to achieve significant results in the shortest period of time.

Combination of "Turinabol" with "Stanozolol"

The following describes a steroid complex used to gain lean muscle mass. The course includes "Stanozolol", "Turinabol" and is carried out for 8 weeks. Next, a therapy is applied that prevents a sharp collapse in muscle mass and restores endogenous testosterone. In addition to the main drugs mentioned above, Clenbutirol is used to exit the course. For greater effectiveness in gaining muscle mass, this steroid can bereplaced by "Oxandrolone", which more counteracts the catabolic process.

So, the description of the course. For 8 weeks, you should use "Turinabol" together with "Stanozolol", dividing the daily dose of drugs into equal parts for 3-4 times the use. To prevent a sharp collapse in muscle mass from the beginning of the eighth week, Clenbutirol should be added to the course. This drug is not hormonal and promotes the burning of a small amount of fat. The drug "Clenbutirol", as well as "Stanozolol" with "Turinabol", has a short half-life. P

stanozolol turinobol
stanozolol turinobol

for this reason, its dose should also be divided into 2-3 doses.

Combination of "Turinabol" with "Propionate"

This combination of drugs makes it possible to get a fairly tangible increase in strength and high-quality muscle mass. The course "Testosterone Propionate + Turinabol" is carried out for 6 weeks. The dosage is shown in the table below.

Week "Turinabol", mg (per day) "Testosterone Propionate", mg (per day)
1 40 100
2 40 100
3 40 100
4 40 100
5 40 100
6 40 100

"Turinabol": the effect obtained from the drug

This oral anabolic is considered a respected drug in many countries around the world. currentthe substance in it is testosterone - chlordihydromethyl. "Turinabol" is intended for drying muscle mass. It does not have the ability to retain water in the tissues of the human body.

The world of modern bodybuilding presents "Turinabol" as an exceptionally high-quality product for building muscle mass and increasing the athlete's strength to a large extent. Due to the impossibility of holding

how to take turinabol
how to take turinabol

I am a liquid preparation, protein from the food you eat can be absorbed much faster and more reliably than with other steroids. As a result, only high-quality protein, magnesium, phosphorus and other elements that contribute to the desired effect are retained in muscle cells. As a result of these processes, almost the entire amount of weight gained is retained even after the termination of the course of taking Turinabol.

Reviews on drug safety

How safe is Turinabol for humans? Reviews of professional athletes confirm that many years of experience in using the drug does not harm the body. Of course, side effects are not 100% excluded, since Turinabol is an anabolic 17-alkylated steroid. Side effects refer to negative effects on the liver.

The question arises: how often do negative reactions occur that are provoked by Turinabol? Reviews of people using the drug indicate that this rarely happens. Basically, the appearance of adverse reactions is observed in the case of taking "Turinabol" in excessive amounts orfor illiterate combinations with other anabolics.

Undesirable effects from the drug in men do not occur due to its low estrogenic activity. For women, the drug "Turinabol" is not dangerous. It is rare for them to develop masculine traits after taking it.

Reviews on the impact of "Turinabol"

Athletes-beginners often have a question: which remedy is better - "Danabol" ("Methandienone", "Methandrostenolone") or "Turinabol"? Reviews of professionals are unambiguous. Among oral steroids, they call "Turinabol" the best in its effects. Building muscle mass after taking it is the same as after other anabolics, but the quality of the muscles is much better.

turinabol effect
turinabol effect

In general, after the course of "Turinabol" the appearance of the athlete becomes impressive, while without side effects. The muscles of a person become elastic and dense, the body becomes embossed, the severity of the veins increases significantly. This happens due to the lack of accumulation of water in the body. It does not cause gynecomastia, aromatization, pimples and high blood pressure.

Contraindications for use

The drug belongs to the group of steroids that does not have a negative impact on the body of athletes, if the course of taking it is no more than two months. Therefore, athletes do not need to interrupt the use of "Turinabol" in the process of achieving the goal.

Does Turinabol have side effects? The drug does not adversely affect the human body. There are no side effects. But anyway,there are categories of people who are contraindicated in the use of steroids. "Turinabol" should not be taken at a young age, in case of cancer, with kidney or liver failure. Also, the drug is contraindicated in pregnant women and during lactation.

If you decide to take anabolics, you should not give preference to any of the drugs without consulting with the trainer. Being new to the field of sports, not understanding the action of drugs can harm your body.
