Suspension for children "Amoxiclav", 125 g: dosage, instructions for use, composition

Suspension for children "Amoxiclav", 125 g: dosage, instructions for use, composition
Suspension for children "Amoxiclav", 125 g: dosage, instructions for use, composition

Amoxiclav 125 suspension (1-5 ml per serving) intended (as can be seen from the instructions) for children is a drug from the category of antibiotics. It is considered quite powerful, has a pronounced effect, therefore it is used only as prescribed by the doctor. Unauthorized use of the drug is strictly prohibited, since there is a risk of adverse reactions. The manufacturer says this in the documentation accompanying the medicine. Doctors, in turn, explain to parents at appointments why antibiotics should not be given to children without specialist supervision.

Needed and important

As pharmacists note, from year to year there is a great demand for suspension for children "Amoxiclav" (125 mg). Reviews about this drug are varied, but mostly positive, so parents are ready to entrust the he alth of their child to this particular medicine. It belongs to the class of antibiotics. This verya group of medicines is one of the key ones for modern medicine, especially in the context of infectious diseases. Antibiotics are drugs with a high degree of probability of provoking side effects, so they are prescribed only in a situation that does not allow less potent compounds to be dispensed with. This is especially true when a minor needs medical care. However, it is "Amoxiclav" that belongs to the list of the most harmless antibiotics. It is allowed to be used to treat babies, women in an "interesting" position. This is due to a number of advantages and features of chemical processes occurring in the body of a sick person.

amoxiclav suspension instructions for children
amoxiclav suspension instructions for children

What do the townsfolk say?

Whatever the sales reports of pharmaceutical companies, whatever advice doctors give, many parents, when choosing a drug for their baby, are first guided by reviews. Suspension for children "Amoxiclav" (125 mg), as can be concluded from the responses, is usually quite satisfactory for the older generation. Children easily take the drug, do not act up, do not have to force or persuade the patient to be treated. The drug is relatively easily absorbed, does not get stuck in the teeth, so there is no problem with prolonged crying after taking the remedy. There is no need to specially prepare the suspension, and most importantly, you do not need to inject the medicine with injections.

Also in responses to Amoxiclav suspension for children (125, 250 mg), parents note that the drug rarely causes side effects in sick children. These often appear intype of stool disorder. Sometimes children are lethargic, drowsy, tired. However, this condition is usually characteristic throughout the disease, so it does not attract much attention. Severe adverse reactions are rare. Some in the reviews noted the fact of an allergic reaction, so you need to be careful, even if the drug is prescribed by an experienced doctor.

General product information

Getting an idea of how the drug works from the responses, the townsfolk are usually interested in what constitutes a suspension for children "Amoxiclav" (125 mg). The instruction accompanying the drug specifies that the drug belongs to the class of antibiotics. The main component that ensures effectiveness is amoxicillin. This is a fairly long-known substance, which at one time turned out to be a breakthrough in medicine. However, as further studies have shown, many microorganisms are able to generate a molecule that makes the antibiotic ineffective. To solve this problem, drug makers decided to combine amoxicillin with clavulanic acid. Thus, an ingredient belonging to the penicillin class received protection from a specific molecule generated by pathological microflora.

Experiments have shown that the drug is rapidly absorbed once in the human body. The instruction accompanying the suspension for children "Amoxiclav" (125 mg) states that just an hour after taking the medicine, the maximum concentration of active ingredients is observed in the circulatory system. To determine the safety aspects,studies that have shown that the drug does not penetrate into mother's breast milk, it is not able to pass through the placenta, so even a pregnant woman can safely be treated without fear for the fate of the child.

how to take amoxiclav for children
how to take amoxiclav for children

Technical aspects

Intended for the treatment, as follows from the instructions, of children, Amoxiclav suspension (125 mg) is just one of the drug release formats, the name of which has been known to the general public for more than a year. Alternative production formats - tablet, powder. The first specified option "Amoxiclav" may contain 250, 500, 875 mg of the antimicrobial ingredient, 125 mg of clavulanic acid. Powder is designed to be diluted with liquid. It is administered injectively. There are two dosage options: 500 mg of amoxicillin, twice as much. However, it is the suspension, syrup option that is most suitable for children. 5 ml of the substance contains 125 mg of amoxicillin and 31.25 mg of clavulanic acid. An alternative release is 250 mg of antibiotic and 62.5 mg of acid in 5 ml of the drug. To give the child the remedy in the right amount, you must first study the doctor's recommendations, then check the instructions for the purchased product. In the general case, it is necessary to choose the dosage of Amoxiclav suspension for children recommended by a specialist (125 mg). If a product of twice the concentration is purchased by mistake, you need to check with the doctor if it can be used and how to do it.

When appointed?

Antimicrobials are only prescribed ifthe disease is quite serious. Experiments have shown that amoxicillin is effective in a wide range of infectious pathologies. It is prescribed both in acute course and in the case of a chronic form of the disease. The doctor will determine the dosage of the suspension for children "Amoxiclav" (125; 31, 25 mg), based on the characteristics of a particular diagnosis and patient tolerance of the remedy. Most often, drugs are prescribed for sore throats and for the treatment of bronchitis or pulmonary inflammation. You can use the remedy if the inflammatory process is localized on the skin or in the female reproductive system. The drug is prescribed for infections in the musculoskeletal system, if it is possible to find confirmation of the presence of pathogenic microflora.

If the probability of purulent infection is assessed as very high, the remedy is prescribed as a prophylactic. It is prescribed if the child is to undergo facial surgery, if the patient suffers from orthopedic problems or the genitourinary system is infected.

amoxiclav suspension dosage instructions
amoxiclav suspension dosage instructions

Sometimes you can't

Instructions for the use of Amoxiclav suspension in children (125 mg) contains a list of conditions in which this drug is not suitable. The patient should not take an antibiotic if he suffers from jaundice. Contraindications include liver disease, hepatitis. An individual increased susceptibility to any substance present in the composition of the product is possible. In this case, the use of the drug is strictly prohibited, even if the person is excessively sensitive only to the auxiliary ingredient, notmain. You can not use the drug in question if the patient does not tolerate some substance from the penicillin group.

Too much

If the dosage indicated in the instructions for the suspension for children is not observed, Amoxiclav (125 mg) can cause a deterioration in the general condition of the patient. Convulsions indicate excessive consumption of the drug. The patient's sleep is disturbed, his head is spinning. Perhaps a state of general overexcitation. If such signs are noticed and it is assumed that they are due to the antibiotic, you need to call a doctor. If there is no way to seek urgent help, you need to call the pediatrician. In the general case, plenty of fluids and activated charcoal are prescribed. If the child's condition is bad, it is necessary to insist on the arrival of an ambulance.

amoxiclav for children instruction
amoxiclav for children instruction

Unwanted effects

Instructions for suspension for children "Amoxiclav" (125 mg) indicates the likelihood of side effects. As can be inferred from the feedback of parents whose children have been treated with this remedy, adverse reactions are relatively rare, and yet there is a risk. The manufacturer of the drug acknowledges that the product may cause sensitization. Possible side effects include nausea and vomiting. In some, the work of the gastrointestinal tract is disturbed, in others, urticaria appears. There is a danger that you will get sick and dizzy. Some children do not sleep well while receiving the remedy. Cases of convulsions and dysfunction of the hematopoietic system have been recorded. There is a risk of performance degradationkidneys, liver. Thrush is a relatively common side effect. To avoid this phenomenon, doctors often prescribe an antibiotic and pre-, probiotics at the same time. At the same time, they are repelled by the age of the patient, so that the prescribed drugs do not cause harm.

If the first dose of the remedy led to the appearance of signs of sensitization, the course is not continued, the medication is completely abandoned. You can assume an allergy if the child's skin itches, rashes appear. Severe sensitization format - anaphylactic shock, requiring urgent qualified assistance.

Use: as per the rules?

Any responsible parent whose child has been prescribed this antibiotic is interested in how children should take Amoxiclav Suspension (125 mg). This is determined by the age and body weight of the patient. The drug is allowed for children almost from birth - if there is a need for urgent treatment, it is prescribed in the first days of its existence. If the age of the patient is less than a year, then it is supposed to build on weight - 30 mg of the drug is put on each kilogram. The treatment course lasts from five days to a week. If there are chronic and acute illnesses, the doctor may reduce the dosage.

Instructions explaining how to take Amoxiclav suspension (125 mg) for children advises prescribing 25 mg of the drug for each kilo of weight for people older than a year. The medicine is used twice a day. An alternative option is 20 mg per kilogram. The duration of treatment varies from five to seven days. If the course of the disease is very severe, you can increase the volume to 40-45 mg. Suchallowed with pulmonary inflammation, sore throat.

amoxiclav suspension children dosage
amoxiclav suspension children dosage

Nuances of application

As you can see from the dosage rules for Amoxiclav suspension for children (125 mg), this drug is prescribed for children under one year of age. For older people, tablets or injections are usually prescribed. For the treatment to be successful, you need to prepare the drug correctly. To do this, the powder is combined with the liquid, focusing on the marks on the bottle - they show how much liquid needs to be added to the container. After the introduction of water, the bottle is closed and thoroughly shaken, then opened and a little more liquid is poured (up to the second mark). After that, shake the tightly closed container again.

Every new application begins with a thorough shaking of the vial. In order to correctly determine the amount of the drug, one must not only be guided by the rules for the dosage of the Amoxiclav suspension for children (125 mg), but also be able to measure the required volume. To do this, the bottle is accompanied by a special measuring spoon. It fits exactly 5 ml of the drug.

Features of the case and admission rules

From medical statistics it is known that most often the need for the drug in question occurs against the background of a sore throat in a small child. Analysis of the microflora usually shows the invasion of streptococcus, which in general is well treated by taking amoxicillin. If the disease is moderate, the recommended dosage of Amoxiclav suspension for children (125 mg) is 20-25 mg per kilo. For the main percentage of patients suchthe standard dose is more than enough. But if the sore throat progresses and becomes severe, then the only reliable way to cure the patient is to increase the volume of the drug. Assign 45 mg per kilo.

Parents should understand: angina requires antibiotics without fail. Pathology is especially dangerous for young children. Its consequences can be rheumatism and heart disease. The duration of taking an antibiotic is from five days to a week.

amoxiclav suspension dosage for children
amoxiclav suspension dosage for children

Following regulations

The dosage of Amoxiclav suspension for children (125 mg) is strictly regulated by the instructions accompanying the drug. In some cases, it is advised to give the child twice a day, 30 mg per kilo of weight. If the child is older than three months, if the disease is severe, you can give 40 mg twice a day. In order for the drug to show a worthy effect, while not harming the patient, parents must control the time: between doses, the funds maintain pauses for exactly 12 hours. If you neglect this rule, the effectiveness of the drug may decrease, but the side effects will become more pronounced.

The instructions for Amoxiclav (125 mg) accompanying the suspension for children are supplemented by the manufacturer's table. It provides data on the weight, age of the patient and the optimal dosage of the drug. Marks have been made to help you figure out how much you need to increase the dose if the disease is severe. When purchasing the next package of the product, you need to familiarize yourself with this table, since there is a possibilitydue to the introduction of additional ingredients in the formulation of minor deviations from the standard values. In the presence of chronic diseases of the kidneys, liver, you need to consult: the doctor may advise you to reduce the dose.

Pay attention

Sometimes parents can't use the standard measuring spoon for some reason. It is easy to use, but can be lost or damaged. If for some reason you need to look for an alternative option for measuring the desired volume, use a teaspoon. This holds 5 ml of product.

Many parents note that the drug has a pleasant aroma and taste. Thanks to this, the child absorbs the remedy without any special whims. This also calls for caution. If the baby is old enough to take some items on his own, you need to store the suspension away from him so that the child, unknowingly, does not drink the entire contents of the container, seduced by the aroma and taste.

amoxiclav suspension children dosage
amoxiclav suspension children dosage

Is there an alternative?

There are several varieties of drug formulations on the drugstore shelves, whose key ingredients are amoxicillin and clavulanic acid. If it is not possible to buy "Amoxicillin", you need to check with your doctor which replacement is appropriate. You should immediately explain to the doctor what caused the impossibility of acquiring the drug prescribed by him. Most often, as an alternative remedy, they consider:

  • Augmentin.
  • "Ranklav".
  • Flemoklav Solutab.

The first of the above list is considered the most commonly purchased analogue of Amoxiclav. It is inexpensive, contains both important ingredients, and is effective and reliable. This drug is on sale in almost any pharmacy, so even a resident of a small village can easily find it in his city or village. "Augmentin" is also presented to the attention of consumers in the form of a powder, which is used to prepare a liquid product. The finished syrup will taste and smell pleasant, like Amoxiclav, so it’s easy to persuade a child for treatment.

On average, the price of Amoxiclav varies from 100 rubles to twice as much, so finding a cheaper suspension is not easy. "Augmentin" is also affordable.
