Pain in the joints can significantly reduce the quality of human life. They usually arise due to various kinds of inflammatory processes, which can be extinguished using, for example, therapeutic creams and ointments. One such tool that has earned good reviews from consumers is Horse Balm. For joints, according to patients, this remedy is worth using if there are any problems.
History of creation and manufacturer
This popular and effective tool is produced by the German company dr. Forster. This enterprise is engaged in the manufacture and supply of not only the preparation "Horse Balm", but also medical cosmetics, as well as dietary supplements. The recipe for the product was once created by the owner of this plant, Dr. W alter Ferstein. The ointment used to treat thoroughbred horses participating in races was taken as the basis for a new for a modern drug by this specialist.

The legs of such animals in the process of training and competition, as you know, are subjected to very serious stress. As a result, various pathological processes begin to occur in the joints of horses. The miraculous properties of the ointment, which allows you to bring the horse back to normal in a short time, were noticed by Dr. Fershtein. Having adapted the tool for a person, after a while he created his own company and started its production and supply to the market.
Issue form
The balm "Horsepower" refers, rather, not to medicines, but to folk remedies. Its composition, with the exception of vitamins, includes only various kinds of natural ingredients - herbs and oils.
It is a balm "Horsepower" for the joints, a creamy green mass that is easily rubbed and absorbed into the skin. This product is supplied to the Russian pharmacological market in 250 ml jars that do not transmit ultraviolet light. These branded containers, in turn, are packaged in a box with a rearing horse painted on it. The inscriptions on the jar are in Russian for the convenience of domestic consumers. It is by the rearing horse that you can recognize "Horse Balm" from dr. Forster.
On the market today there is another similar tool called "Horse Power". This drug is produced by a Hungarian company and is also considered quite effective. The cost of this medicine is comparable to "Horse Balm". However, those patientswho want to buy a German product, of course, you should definitely pay attention to the logo.

What components help with
The main ingredients of the drug are:
- horse chestnut seed extract;
- fir and mint oils;
- mountain arnica;
- rosemary extract;
- vitamin E;
- menthol and camphor.
Using "Horse Balm" for joints allows you to achieve the desired effect very quickly. It is explained simply. The balm, among other things, is able to penetrate directly into the joint bag and stimulate the processes of regeneration of cells and tissues from the inside. Not every modern product of this group can boast of such a property.
The horse chestnut seed extract included in the preparation has the effect of:
- anti-inflammatory and anticonvulsant;
- painkillers;
- tonic.
Also, this component of the balm restores the walls of blood vessels destroyed due to inflammation.
Siberian fir oil gives the product a pleasant smell and makes it soft. A feature of this component, among other things, is that it is able to disperse the blood.
Peppermint oil also makes Horse Balm Gel smell nicer on the joints and refreshes the tissues. In addition, suchthe component eliminates pathogenic microorganisms and their waste products from the skin.
Rosemary extract, which is part of the medicine, has an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect on the patient's joints. In addition, the manufacturer includes this ingredient in its "Horse Balm" in order to speed up its healing effect.
Mountain arnica extract can quickly heal all sorts of bruises and injuries. Camphor has exactly the same effect on the human body. Menthol has a calming effect on the patient using Horse Balm. Also, this component cools the skin, thereby reducing the pain effect.
Main indications
According to the manufacturer, Horse Balm can be successfully used to treat absolutely all joint diseases. It is allowed to use this remedy for other problems with the musculoskeletal system. Most often, consumers buy this balm in pharmacies if they have problems such as:
- myositis and rheumatism (for pain relief);
- swelling in the legs;
- arthritis and arthritis;
- muscle stretching;
- bruises;
- ligament and tendon injuries;
- osteochondrosis of the spine.
Horse Balm Gel treats joints and other organs of the musculoskeletal system very effectively. But often it is also used simply when carrying out various kinds of massage procedures. This tool is very good, judging by the reviews, it helps, in addition to everythingother things, and relieve fatigue, as well as heaviness in the legs.

You can use "Horse Balm" for joints, back and muscles almost without fear. This drug is made, as already mentioned, for the most part on the basis of natural ingredients. However, Horse Balm still has contraindications. Do not use this product for treatment, for example:
- children under 12;
- pregnant and lactating women;
- people allergic to any of its ingredients.
Also contraindications to the use of "Horse Balm" are:
- malignant neoplasms;
- ulcers and open wounds at the site of application.
Side effects
This drug usually does not have any harmful effects on the human body. However, in case of an allergy to its components in a patient, urticaria may appear on the skin. Also, in some people, "Horse Balm" (for joints, back and muscles) causes slight itching and burning. When such symptoms appear, it is, of course, better to stop using the drug.
This medicine is sold in pharmacies without a doctor's prescription. But of course, before using it, you should definitely consult with a specialist. With not too severe pain, the drug is usually applied to the affected area in any case, once a day. Such a dose of gel-balm for the joints "Horsepower" allows you to get rid offrom discomfort quickly enough. With this regimen, treatment is usually continued for two weeks.

In severe cases, the drug may be prescribed twice a day. The course of treatment is extended up to a month.
Instructions for use
Most often used in the treatment of muscles and joints "Horse balm" for rubbing. In this case, a small amount of the product is first applied to the skin. Then they begin to gently rub it with massage circular movements. Perform such actions for 5-7 minutes. until the balm is completely absorbed.
Before using "Horsepower" for treatment, experts recommend that patients take a warm shower. This will cleanse the skin and help open the pores. Accordingly, the balm treatment will be more effective.
Sometimes "Horsepower" is used by people with joint problems for treatment and in a slightly different way. In this case, wraps are used instead of rubbing. Treatment is carried out using this technology as follows:
- balm is applied to the skin over the entire area of the affected area without rubbing;
- wrap the sore spot with cling film in 2-3 layers;
- wrap the affected area with a blanket or a warm scarf;
- after 30 minutes remove the film and wash off the balm with warm running water.

What you should know
The use of "Horse Balm" for the back and joints, if necessary, their treatment can be a very good solution. However, when using this tool, patients should still be more careful. It is impossible to allow this drug to get on the mucous membranes, for example. If this happens, the affected area should be quickly rinsed under running warm water.
Balsam "Horsepower" works effectively for various problems with the musculoskeletal system. However, it should be applied systematically. If this rule is not followed, the therapeutic effect will most likely not be achieved.
Most often "Horse balm" (Germany) for joints is used in combination with conventional pharmacological agents. With most of these drugs, this ointment interacts very well, enhancing their beneficial effects. However, consulting a doctor before using this remedy for the treatment of joints, muscles or the spine in combination with any medication is, of course, still worth it.
Cost of funds
Thus, the “Horsepower” balm intended for the treatment of joints can rightly be called a very effective remedy. It helps with various kinds of pathologies, it is actually very good. But at the same time, unfortunately, this medicine is quite expensive. The price of a standard bottle of "Horsepower" in 250 ml is approximately 2000 rubles.
The price of this drug is high, but it can also be purchased from some suppliers via the Internet at a promotion. In this case, pay for the medicine, of coursewell, it will take less. The only thing, choosing this method of purchase, be sure to read the reviews about the supplier. It is worth buying a balm only from trusted sellers with a good reputation.
How to spot a fake
Since the feedback "Horse Balm" for joints from patients deserved good, its popularity in our country is only growing every year. And of course, there are many fakes of this tool on the market. Such drugs are usually much cheaper than the original, but not only do not have any beneficial effect on the joints, but can even harm the patient.
In order not to run into a fake, when buying this medicine, you should definitely read the certificate carefully. The original "Horse Balm" is annually checked by independent experts, after which the manufacturer is issued an appropriate document confirming the quality of its products. Corresponds to the balm from dr. Forster to both European and Russian standards and regulatory documents regarding medicines.

Horsepower Gel
In addition to the balm, there is another form of this drug on the pharmacological market. If desired, patients can treat the joints, spine or tendons with the use of the “Horsepower” gel. This tool is also quite expensive, but at the same time it has earned very good reviews from consumers.
Unlike the balm, the "Horsepower" gel for joints contains, among other things, such a component as an extract of leeches. Therefore itoften used, including for the treatment of varicose veins.
Horsepower balm for joints: positive reviews
Consumers have a really good opinion about this product. As noted by network users on various forums dedicated to he alth, in addition to efficiency, speed of action can also be attributed to its unconditional advantages. With edema, this drug, for example, helps in just 2-3 days. Pain in the spine when using "Horsepower" disappears in 10-15 minutes, and in the joints - in 3-5 minutes.
Some women are advised to use this tool for anti-cellulite wraps. After using it, the waist and legs really look thinner. However, a similar effect from the drug is caused by the usual decrease in puffiness, and of course, not at all by the fact that it is able to burn fat. In any case, thanks to this action, the drug has earned good reviews, including from those who want to lose weight.
Horsepower Balm Gel for joints: are there any negative reviews?
Some disadvantage of this tool, netizens consider not very convenient packaging. The size of the bottle "Horse Balm" is quite large. And carrying it with you, according to patients, is a little uncomfortable. Articular or spinal pain can overtake a person at any time. Therefore, patients usually have to buy additional small bottles and transfer part of the balm into them.
Some consumers also note that while helping to relieve pain, Horsepower balm usually does not have an effect onlong-acting affected area. They have to lubricate the sore spot many times a day. And this, of course, somewhat contradicts the instructions for use.
In general, consumers praise this German remedy. Reviews "Horse balm" for joints from patients deserved good ones. However, the action of this drug, according to most consumers, is still not so much curative as analgesic symptomatic. Therefore, it is not recommended to use this remedy without consulting a doctor. In the treatment of joints, it must still be used in combination with other drugs, which, of course, should be selected exclusively by a specialist.
Where to store the drug
This balm is produced, thus, in sufficiently capacious bottles. However, you can store "Horsepower" for a long time. The shelf life of this drug is 2 years from the date of issue. After this time, the balm should be disposed of.

Keep this remedy at home, of course, in a place where children cannot reach it. The manufacturer recommends storing this drug at a temperature of +2 to +30 °C. That is, in winter it is still better not to carry it with you.