People who suffer from psoriasis have been actively fighting this unpleasant disease for many years. Therefore, most patients use different drugs that can relieve the symptoms of the disease.
In severe situations, doctors prescribe glucocorticosteroids, in milder forms - drugs of natural origin. For example, I collected numerous positive reviews from Akrustal. In psoriasis, it is very effective, because the structure of the drug includes only natural components that provide anti-inflammatory, as well as regenerating and antipruritic effects. It is also worth noting that the drug has several types:
- Cosmetic cream for skin - classic.
- Fir formula.
- Honey formula.
- Protective-prophylactic cream.
- Cosmetic cream for scalp.
What are the properties of the medicine
"Akrustal" is considered a non-hormonal drug that is intended only for external application. It effectively protects the skin from the harmful effects of the environment, eliminates the negative symptoms of chronic diseases:
- Psoriasis (a chronic non-infectious disease of the epidermis, accompanied by the appearance of rashes and peeling of the skin).
- Eczema (an inflammatory skin lesion characterized by a varied rash).
- Neurodermatitis (chronic skin disease of a neurogenic-allergic type, occurring with periods of remission and exacerbation).
- Atopic and allergic dermatitis (inflammation of the skin resulting from exposure to damaging factors of a chemical, physical or biological nature).
According to reviews, with psoriasis Akrustal ointment for the face eliminates rashes, it usually acts in the focus of inflammation, which helps to neutralize dyschromic spots.
In most situations, the drug is included in combination therapy along with other drugs. Proper use contributes to a long and stable remission.

The structure of the cream for psoriasis "Akrustal" includes herbal ingredients:
- Cedar oil well nourishes and moisturizes the epidermis, neutralizes the unpleasant symptoms of the disease: itching, burning and peeling, redness. In addition, the substance activates tissue regeneration at the cellular level.
- Eucalyptus oil provides a mild analgesic effect, eliminates discomfort, and also eliminates pathogens, has a disinfectant effect, which prevents the pathogenic activity of bacteria.
- Camomile extract contributes to the normalization of blood microcirculation at the local level, and also stabilizes metabolic processes. The component has an antibacterial effect, soothes the skin, eliminates hyperpigmentation.
- Yarrow oil accelerates the recovery process of damaged skin, and also provides increased lymph outflow in case of edema. The substance has a positive effect on the emotional he alth of the patient, as it has an anti-stress property.
- Rosehip extract neutralizes increased dryness and flaking, provides antibacterial and fungicidal effects. The component has a detrimental effect on pathogens, strengthens capillaries, enhances the production of its own fibrillar protein.
- Wheat germ extract improves local immunity, stabilizes fat metabolism, accelerates regeneration, improves the structure of the epidermis.
According to reviews, with psoriasis "Akrustal" for the face provides an anti-inflammatory effect. The drug is characterized by keratolytic, as well as regenerating, antipruritic and protective effects.

In the structure of "Akrustal" there is aloe juice. This substance restores, as well as softens and moisturizes the skin. In addition, aloe provides antipruritic, antihistamine and antimicrobial properties.actions. Juniper activates blood flow, local metabolism, accelerates the healing of wounds and cracks, helps to saturate cells with oxygen.
According to reviews of "Akrustal" in psoriasis, it is known that wax nourishes and softens the skin, creates a protective layer on the surface of the epidermis. Honey tones and also has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.

When appointed
Ointment "Akrustal" has not so many indications for use. First of all, a herbal medicine is recommended in combination therapy for psoriasis.
The ointment not only regenerates the surface of the skin, but also stabilizes the entire life cycle of each cell, which helps to achieve a long and lasting remission in a chronic illness.

As a rule, it is best to use Akrustal in the complex treatment of skin diseases. The mild effect of a natural preparation leads to the elimination of inflammation, as well as the acceleration of regenerative processes in tissues. You need to know that "Akrustal" is applied to the affected skin surfaces in a thin layer, it is not necessary to rub it. With a large area of damage, therapy should be started gradually - it is contraindicated to apply the cream to all areas at the same time.
Despite the natural composition of the drug, you can not prescribe it yourself, as this can lead to poor he alth. The drug is not allowed to be combined with glucocorticosteroids.

What negative reactions does the medication cause
The instructions for use of the drug say that "Akrustal" in the form of an ointment for external application is well tolerated by patients. Extremely rarely, with constant use, the following side effects are likely:
- appearance of skin itching;
- burning;
- atopic dermatitis.
If the components are intolerant, the patient may develop an allergic reaction. In most situations, it is manifested by skin symptoms - the epidermis turns red, itches and itches, red spots appear at the application sites. With such signs, a natural medicine cannot be applied, it is necessary to choose a substitute.
According to the instructions for use, a contraindication to application is congenital or acquired intolerance to organic substances. Therefore, before therapy, it is necessary to do an allergy test. According to reviews, "Akrustal" with psoriasis helps prevent negative consequences in the future.

"Akrustal" has certain substitute drugs:
- "Antipsor".
- "Protopic".
- "Elidel".
"Antipsor" - a drug with a natural composition. The drug is included in combination therapy to prevent psoriasis, as well as atopic dermatitis and eczema. Doctors also allow the treatment of long-term non-healing wound surfaces,trophic ulcers. The naturalness of the drug ensures the safety of use, there are no restrictions. It is extremely rare for negative reactions to occur that are associated with increased sensitivity to ointment substances.
"Protopic" is designed to eliminate skin diseases, there are no hormonal components in its structure. Bans:
- pregnancy;
- breastfeeding;
- hypersensitivity.
The ointment is gently applied to the skin, should not be used under an occlusive dressing.

Elidel is a non-hormonal drug. The medicine is prescribed for exacerbation of psoriasis. Dosage, frequency of use and duration of pharmacological action are determined individually. With proper application, the risk of negative manifestations is minimized. Do not use in case of hypersensitivity to the active ingredient or excipients.
According to reviews, Akrustal for psoriasis is an effective medication that is actively used for skin diseases, especially the one being studied.
The drug has a pleasant smell, is easily applied to the skin, does not provoke a feeling of stickiness. According to patient reviews, it can be concluded that Akrustal rarely causes side effects. Some people note that after a week of application, the first improvements can already be seen.