Is it possible to give motherwort to a child?

Is it possible to give motherwort to a child?
Is it possible to give motherwort to a child?

In recent years, people try to give preference to natural and natural medicines, use herbs and follow "grandmother's" recipes. The benefits and harms of such treatment can be argued for a very long time. This issue is especially acutely discussed by pediatricians. After all, babies need a separate approach.

In today's article we will talk about whether motherwort is possible for children. You will learn about the indications for which the drug is prescribed. You can also learn about how to use it and the main limitations.

motherwort baby
motherwort baby

Properties of the drug and its release form

Popularly, motherwort is called heart grass or dog nettle. This plant has a lot of useful properties: it improves immunity, calms the nervous system, improves sleep, promotes he althy cell growth. In addition, motherwort has diuretic properties, which means that it relieves swelling, removes excess fluid from the body, and contributes to the proper functioning of the kidneys and heart. The plant has sedative, hypnotic and anticonvulsant effects. But if everything is so good, then motherwortthe child cannot be harmed! Is it true? Let's try to figure it out.

In pharmacology, you can find several types of this remedy: tablets, tincture and dry grass. The first two forms of the drug are ready for use. From dried grass, you must first make a decoction. The motherwort is inexpensive. It is available to everyone. You can buy any of the listed funds without a prescription at a price of no more than 100 rubles.

give motherwort to a child
give motherwort to a child

Contraindication information: what does the abstract say?

Often, parents of fidgets ask themselves: can children be given motherwort or not? Moms and dads at the same time pursue only good intentions. But is this plant always beneficial? Could it harm the baby?

If you refer to the instructions and study the contraindications, then you will not find anything about childhood. The drug is not prescribed only for hypersensitivity. Can you be sure of its absence if you have never given medicine to a baby?! Doctors also do not recommend giving motherwort to those children who have low blood pressure, have bradycardia, stomach ulcers or gastritis. If in addition the child takes sedatives or antihistamines, then motherwort should be excluded. In other cases, the medication will not harm the child, but will only have a positive effect. But, again, motherwort should not be given to everyone. In what situations is it necessary?

motherwort tablets for children
motherwort tablets for children

Should motherwort be given to a child or not?

Pediatricians and neurologists answer this questionunanimously: to give, if there is evidence for this. You should not use the medication on your own. If you are unsure if your baby needs a herbal extract, ask your doctor for advice.

Indications for the use of the drug in children are the following situations:

  • excessive anxiety (poor sleep in infants, frequent unreasonable crying, irritability);
  • hyperactivity syndrome (diagnosed after 2 years);
  • Chronic breakdown and fatigue (at school age);
  • emotional stress, insomnia;
  • headaches, stress (often occur during exams);
  • vegetovascular dystonia (in adolescents);
  • panic attacks, neuroses and hysteria;
  • crisis 1, 3 or more years;
  • hypertension, arrhythmia, vascular disease.

As you can see, motherwort is prescribed to a child not only to achieve a sedative effect. The drug helps to improve the condition in many diseases. Despite this, the medicine is not used on its own. After all, you still need to find out in what form and dose to give the medicine to the kids.

Can children be given motherwort
Can children be given motherwort

Which motherwort is safe to give to a child?

You already know that the drug comes in several forms. So what is the best remedy to buy?

  • Motherwort tablets are not prescribed for children under 8 years of age. Upon reaching this age, the recommended dose is 1 tablet three times a day. The maximum daily serving is 3 pills. From the age of 12, the drug is prescribed in an adultdosage.
  • Motherwort tincture is not given to children under adolescence. It is strictly forbidden to give medicine in this form to babies. With such treatment, a pronounced toxic effect on the brain and liver is observed. It is allowed to add this type of drug to the bath before bathing. Inhaling the scent of motherwort will improve your baby's sleep. The dosage is 20 drops per liter of water.
  • Sachets for making infusions and herbs can be given to children from six months. To do this, pour a teaspoon of dry extract with boiling water (200 ml) and let it brew. The baby needs to take medicine two teaspoons three times a day. Children from two years old are shown to take an infusion prepared from one tablespoon of grass.
is it possible for motherwort to children
is it possible for motherwort to children


You already know that motherwort is possible for a child. If you are giving a herbal preparation to a baby, then it is better to do this in the afternoon. The medication has a sedative effect. If you offer it to your baby in the morning, then your child will sleep on the go all day. Do not give the remedy to schoolchildren before classes, otherwise their performance will be reduced. But shortly before bedtime, taking motherwort will not hurt. The medicine will promote sound and he althy sleep, strengthen immunity and restore the forces spent during the day.

What are the opinions about the drug?

What feedback do parents give motherwort to a child? Moms and dads are mostly satisfied with the medication. After all, it significantly calms the unstable babypsyche. This is especially necessary for young children. Often hyperactive children cannot cope with their emotions on their own. At the same time, parents turn to neurologists for help: they complain about the child’s tantrums, causeless tears, the inability to calm down and fall asleep. Often this condition is exacerbated by watching TV or playing on a tablet. Parents use this method to try to calm the raging child, but the technique only provokes even more excitement of the nervous system.

Motherwort, according to doctors, is one of the safest and most harmless remedies. It very rarely causes any negative reactions. Therefore, the first thing that neurologists prescribe for a baby is motherwort. If there are additional problems, and neurological preparations are needed, then the plant extract will be perfectly combined with them. With regular use, the positive effect is noted after 2-3 weeks and lasts for a long time.

can a baby motherwort
can a baby motherwort

In conclusion

From the article you learned that motherwort can hardly harm a child. But you should not use the plant on its own, if there is no indication for this. The drug is used only for children who really need it. If you think that your baby needs motherwort, then you should seek the advice of a doctor. All the best to you!
