The respiratory organs are the main gates through which pathogenic microbes enter the body of an adult or a child. Especially quickly and often this happens with mass diseases. In some cases, the infection provokes complications of various nature.
In the treatment of colds and viral diseases, untimely, unsystematic treatment, as well as irrational use of drugs at a certain point, can cause the development of sinusitis. Therefore, it is worth learning more about what the Isofra antibiotic is.

Medication description
To effectively solve the problem of a runny nose, professionals recommend using Isofra antibiotic nose drops, instructions for use of which will be given later. It is produced in the form of nasal drops, as well as a spray in a white plastic bottle with a spray bottle, the volume of which is 15 ml.
Composition of the antibiotic "Isofra"
This remedy contains framycetin - quitea powerful antibiotic that is part of the aminoglycoside group. So, 100 ml of Isofra contains approximately 1 g of framycetin sulfate. Therefore, it is very effective in eliminating many germs and infections: streptococci, pseudomonas and enterobacteria.
Drug Benefits
Usually, the topical antibiotic "Isofra" is prescribed for mucous discharge from the nose, pain in the head, pain during palpation of the maxillary sinuses, as well as other symptoms that confirm the development of an infection. From the experience of people, we can say that the use of this antibacterial drug can eliminate the manifestations of sinusitis in a fairly short time. And this happens without any special complications.
The use of antibacterial "Isofra" is indicated for the treatment of sinusitis, as this remedy helps to protect a person from puncturing the maxillary sinuses. Local use will prevent the occurrence of side effects that are noted with the use of other antibiotics.
If the mucous discharge turns green on the 4th day of illness, this usually indicates the development of the bacterial flora. In this situation, the use of antibiotics is indicated. "Isofra" can be prescribed after operations performed to prevent infection from getting into the respiratory tract.
Except for sinusitis, spray or drops are recommended for:
- chronic sinusitis;
- nasopharyngitis;
- acute rhinitis.
It is worth noting that in case of sinusitis, especially in the advanced stage, one antibiotic will not be enough. Usually a doctorappoints "Isofra" along with other methods of therapy. Only the right combination of treatment methods can enhance the effect of this antibiotic.

Using the drug
Rinse your nose thoroughly before using this remedy. After that, you can inject the required dose of spray, holding the bottle upright.
Adults can use it 4-6 times, and children - a maximum of 3 times a day. The course of spray treatment procedures is usually about 10 days, but the attending physician should determine the final date. With prolonged use, doctors note a violation of the natural microflora of the nasopharynx.
Many otolaryngologists advise to use a wait-and-see approach: during the week, a viral infection can go away on its own. With the use of antiviral drugs, the disease can pass in about 4 days. But if antiviral agents do not cope with the pathology during this time, you can prescribe the antibiotic Isofra.

Which form should I choose?
"Isofra" in the form of drops is very difficult to find. The drug is usually sprayed into the nose, for which a special dispenser is used, which is put on the bottle. This method provides uniform spray and better penetration of the antibiotic, as well as ease of application.
Drops are usually bought for children. Many people believe that such a drug is safer for babies than a spray. However, doctors note that it is not very convenient to use a similar form of Isofra. Indeed, in the case of drops, there is no need to talk about exact dosing, since the first part of the solution will flow out, and the second will drain into the larynx and be swallowed. The spray, with strict dosing, is sprayed much better, which allows you to act at a specific destination. This provides a more pronounced effect.
So, the drops will not “work” when instilled so effectively, so the manufacturers decided to produce Isofra in the form of a spray. This explains why the drops are so hard to find in pharmacies.

Contraindications, side effects
Isofra is not recommended for:
- increased sensitivity of the organism to the antibiotic;
- pregnancy and lactation;
- individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
- child less than 1 year old;
- prone to allergic reactions.
The likelihood of an overdose when using the Isofra spray is minimal. Side effects include rashes and itching on the skin. Most side effects occur if you use this antibiotic for more than 10 days. That is, long-term use is often the result of resistance and addiction of harmful microbes to the drug.
"Isofra" for children
This remedy is approved for use by infants and children. But in this case, the main thing is to approach treatment carefully, since such strong antibiotics can only cause harm to children, namely: lead tomicrobiological imbalance.
It is worth noting that this remedy is not the most harmful antibiotic for a child, so manufacturers and doctors can safely prescribe it even to infants. According to the indications of various clinical experiments, Isofra is effective and absolutely safe for the child. The minimum amount of framycetin will enter the bloodstream.

"Isofra" for pregnant women
In our time, there is no information about the negative impact of this drug on the fetus, as well as on the period of its gestation and feeding. But still, it is the attending physician who should prescribe it! During this period, it is necessary to control the intake of all medications.
Analogues of the drug
If there is no therapeutic effect after a week, Isofra should be discontinued. You can solve the problem with structural analogues that have the same or very similar active ingredient and pharmacological group: Amikacin, Garamycin, Kirin, Amikozit, Brulamycin, Nebtsin, Bramitob, Gentamicin, Dilaterol, Netromycin, Tobrex, Streptomycin, Farcycline, Hematsin, Amikabol, Selemycin, Lykatsin, etc.

Special Instructions
Prolonged use of "Isofra" is fraught with the development of strains of microorganisms that react negatively to this remedy. This is an additional argument for the use of antibiotics under constant medical supervision.
Doctors' Research
For several years, many scientists and doctors have carried outnumerous experiments showing the effectiveness of the use of "Isofra" in childhood. The participants were children and infants with various types of sinusitis. The drug was administered 1 injection three times a day for a week.
According to the results, none of the small patients had an allergic reaction. In more than 60% of children, complete recovery was observed already on the 5th day. At the same time, in the case of treatment with other antibiotics, doctors noticed the result only after 8-9 days.
Studies were also conducted to determine the effect of Isofra treatment on adenoids. The subjects were children with adenoids of the 2nd-3rd degree. After two days, there was an improvement in breathing in small patients. And after 10 days, the majority of children stated the absence of inflammation. Five out of 10 treated patients had a grade 3 pathology reduced to grade 2.
It is worth learning more about what Komarovsky says about the antibiotic "Isofra" in the nose for children. He declares that it cannot be used in modern medicine. The drug, in his opinion, causes various pathological changes. And if the doctor prescribed it, then you should turn to another.

Some patients note that this spray was prescribed by a doctor after the discovery of sinusitis. Already after 3 days, there was a significant relief, and the side effects described in the instructions were not noted.
Some patients consider Isofra a good local antibiotic and share their experience on how best to use the drug. Very effective, according to reviews,use it according to the following scheme: initially treat the nasal passages with a vasoconstrictor to clear the nose, and only after about 30 minutes spray the spray itself. In another case, the consumption of the medicine will be large, and the effect will not be so effective.
Some patients note that for some reason Isofra did not suit them. Although it really got better on the first day, as the spray was used, the situation worsened. Perhaps, they believe, this happened due to the fact that they had not previously visited the ENT or because this antibiotic could not be used due to individual intolerance. Another opinion - the price of this drug is not justified.

"Isofra" is an effective antibiotic with fully proven efficacy. But it is very important to visit a doctor first and use the drug correctly so as not to aggravate the situation and not cause negative consequences!