In the article, we will consider the instructions for use for "Luffel". Spray is a combined homeopathic preparation with anti-allergic effect. This medication is produced by the German pharmaceutical company Biologische Heilmittel Heel.
Form and composition
This is one of the new and popular homeopathic antiallergic remedies. The action of the drug is due to the components that make up its composition.

"Luffel" consists of various components of plant origin, which effectively fight inflammation and relieve allergies.
"Luffel" has a complex effect on the body, helping to get rid of not only the symptoms of the disease, but also from its very cause.
Let's consider a detailed description. Spray "Luffel" composition has a unique. The main active substance of the drug is a complex of specially selected elements of various origins in homeopathic dilution D. The drug is available in the form of a nasal homeopathic spray, which looks liketransparent liquid (slight opalescence is allowed, light yellow or colorless), odorless. The product was poured into 20 ml dark glass bottles equipped with a spray dispenser, one bottle in a cardboard box.

The composition of the homeopathic nasal spray "Luffel" contains the following active elements:
- Luffa operculata (laxative luffa or covered luffa, genus Luffa, from the pumpkin family) in breeding D12, D4 and D30.
- Thryallis glauca (gray triallis, genus Triallis, from the Malpighian family) in the same breeding.
- Histaminum (histamine) diluted D30, D12, and D200.
- Sulfur (sulfur) in the same dilutions.
Auxiliary components in the production of this homeopathic remedy are: preservative benzalkonium chloride, sodium dihydrogen phosphate dihydrate, sodium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate, sodium chloride (to establish isotonia), injection water.
Pharmacological action and indications for prescription
Spray "Luffel" is a combined homeopathic medicine, the effectiveness of which is ensured by the presence in the content of the mixture of infinitesimal low-potentiated doses of ingredients, generalized according to the nosological principle. They are suitable for the treatment of inflammatory processes in the nasal mucosa caused by high sensitivity to foreign substances.
Luffel Homeopathic Nasal Spray is recommended for use in the treatment of allergic rhinitis. Does the drug havecontraindications?
List of contraindications
According to the information obtained from the instructions for this medication, it is contraindicated for use in children under 6 years of age and in patients with hypersensitivity to any component of this anti-allergic agent, including benzalkonium chloride.

Only after the appointment of a specialist, the spray is used with caution during pregnancy and lactation, as well as in children after 6 years.
Instructions for use for the drug
Spray "Luffel" is intended for intranasal administration by injection. Recommended dosing method: 3 times a day, 1-2 sprays in each nasal passage.
The period of therapy with this drug for the treatment of acute conditions should not exceed 7 days. Extension of the therapeutic period is possible only after the recommendation of a medical specialist.

Luffel Spray Side Effects
The following allergic reactions may result from the use of this homeopathic spray in some cases:
- increased secretion from the nasal cavity;
- irritation of the mucous membrane of the nasal passages, including accompanied by severe burning;
- nosebleeds.
The occurrence of such negative reactions requires the termination of therapeutic procedures and seeking medical advice.
Special Recommendations
What else tells usinstructions for "Luffel"? Spray is recommended to be used with a tablet form of release of this medication. This is necessary for a systemic impact of identical direction. When the allergen is plant pollen, about a month before the onset of allergic reactions, it is recommended to start taking pills, and with the appearance of hay fever (pollen allergy), additional use of a homeopathic nasal spray is required. The duration of therapeutic measures is determined by the attending specialist.

Spray treatment, like other homeopathic medicines, can provoke a primary temporary deterioration in well-being, which is accompanied by an exacerbation of the symptoms of the underlying disease. In this situation, the medication should be stopped and consult a doctor. In addition, a visit to a doctor is required in cases where the therapeutic effect of the drug is absent, and severe adverse reactions occur that are not described above.
Use during pregnancy, lactation and in children
Nasal homeopathic spray "Luffel" during gestation and lactation is allowed for use only as directed by a specialist, and under his control.
In pediatrics, the drug is contraindicated for the treatment of children under 6 years of age. The use of a medical product after 6 years is possible as prescribed by a doctor.

Analogues of a spray are the following medicines:
- "Allergopent" -a medicine that is produced in the form of homeopathic granules, which are intended for the treatment of lacrimation of an allergic nature and urticaria. This remedy can be used in children from one year old, has no contraindications.
- "Allergoit-GF" is a multi-component homeopathic remedy that is used in the treatment of acute forms of atopic (allergic) conjunctivitis, allergic rhinitis provoked by plant pollen, as well as in year-round allergic rhinitis. Allows taking medication only after 18 years.
- "Rhinital" is a homeopathic medicine with anti-allergic properties, which has antipruritic, anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory effects, reduces increased secretion in the sinuses. It is allowed to prescribe this remedy from the age of 6 years.
Spray "Luffel": reviews
On medical websites and consumer forums, this homeopathic medicine is characterized as a fairly effective remedy for allergies. Patients who regularly use it indicate that, if such treatment is approached wisely, it is possible to completely get rid of the manifestations of seasonal allergies and significantly improve the quality of life. To do this, it is necessary to start taking the medication in advance so that the body adapts to the intake of active substances. After that, the severity of allergic reactions will become weaker or they will disappear completely. The spray may cause a slight burning sensation in the nose, which quickly disappears on its own.