Drugs 2024, October

Propolis tincture for a child for immunity

Propolis tincture for a child for immunity

In order to prevent viral, allergic and chronic diseases that occur for various reasons, during the periods of spring and autumn epidemics, doctors recommend using propolis tincture for children once a day, immediately before dinner. Babies who are aged three to seven years should take this remedy fifteen to twenty minutes before meals, five drops (one tablespoon of water) three times a day

Nasal drops with sea water: a review of drugs, instructions for use, reviews

Nasal drops with sea water: a review of drugs, instructions for use, reviews

All kinds of drops with sea water are used to keep the nasal mucosa in a normal state, so that the tissue retains its physiological characteristics. Pharmacies offer a huge variety of products

Gel for poisoning "Enterosgel": instructions, analogues

Gel for poisoning "Enterosgel": instructions, analogues

Choosing the best gel for poisoning, buyers often follow the recommendations of doctors and purchase Enterosgel. This adsorbent cleanses the body of toxic, medicinal, alcoholic and other harmful chemicals more effectively than others

"Arbidol" for children: instructions for use, indications, release form, analogues, reviews

"Arbidol" for children: instructions for use, indications, release form, analogues, reviews

When a child shows signs of a cold, every mother will try to alleviate these symptoms with antiviral drugs, because they are great at fighting infections. One of the most popular drugs is children's "Arbidol"

Ritalin drug: what is it? Instructions for use, analogues

Ritalin drug: what is it? Instructions for use, analogues

Many people have probably heard of such a drug as Ritalin. What it is? It is an uplifting medicine that helps to get rid of depression and gives strength when you are very tired. Around the world, millions of people regularly use it, without even realizing what consequences await them

Thyroglobulin - what is it? What is the norm of thyroglobulin?

Thyroglobulin - what is it? What is the norm of thyroglobulin?

Every person who suffers from thyroid disorders or is examined by an endocrinologist for suspected autoimmune diseases has faced the need to donate blood for thyroglobulin. What it is, not all doctors explain. Therefore, people begin to look for information on the Internet or from friends

"Iberogast": reviews, price, instructions

"Iberogast": reviews, price, instructions

Gastroenterological preparations of a new generation instantly relieve symptoms, perform their functions of restoring the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Quite a popular medicine today are Iberogast drops. Reviews of doctors, price, instructions - we will talk about all this in this article

"Sumamed" during pregnancy: instructions for use, consequences and reviews

"Sumamed" during pregnancy: instructions for use, consequences and reviews

What is the danger of using "Sumamed" during pregnancy in the early stages, indications for its use, side effects

"Magnelis B6" during pregnancy: reviews, instructions for use and composition

"Magnelis B6" during pregnancy: reviews, instructions for use and composition

The human body constantly needs vitamins and minerals throughout life. An insufficient amount of magnesium during the period of expectation of a child negatively affects its intrauterine development and the he alth of the expectant mother. To compensate for the required amount of a macronutrient in the body, you need to take specific medications. It is "Magnelis B6" during pregnancy, according to reviews, that will be able to replenish the lack of magnesium

"Artrosilene" (shots): patient reviews. How painful are drug injections?

"Artrosilene" (shots): patient reviews. How painful are drug injections?

"Artrosilene" is a popular drug that is used to eliminate pain in various ailments. In the form of a solution for injection, the drug is used only in a hospital setting

The drug for papillomas "Verrukacid": reviews, composition, instructions for use

The drug for papillomas "Verrukacid": reviews, composition, instructions for use

Papillomas are skin growths that can appear on any part of the body due to infection with the human papillomavirus (HPV). There are many drugs, but one of the most effective and inexpensive is "Verrukacid" from papillomas. Reviews are different: most patients were satisfied with the action of the remedy, but there are also negative reviews

"Ganaton" with bile reflux: reviews of patients and doctors, instructions, analogues

"Ganaton" with bile reflux: reviews of patients and doctors, instructions, analogues

One of the drugs used for bile reflux is Ganaton. Patient reviews about him are mostly positive. It is a prokinetic that helps activate gastric motility and increase sphincter tone, which helps prevent bile reflux into the stomach and esophagus. When is Ganaton appointed? What are its contraindications and side effects? Drug analogues

"Ceftriaxone": is the injection sick, indications, instructions for use, reviews

"Ceftriaxone": is the injection sick, indications, instructions for use, reviews

Is the injection of "Ceftriaxone" sick? It is with this question that many patients turn to the attending physician who prescribed this remedy. Like other third-generation antibiotics, it is particularly effective. It is classified as a low-toxic antibiotic, which is used strictly in accordance with the instructions for the treatment of bacterial infections. Below we will try to figure out whether the sick injection of "Ceftriaxone" is really, and how to use it correctly

Lidocaine spray for men: reviews and instructions for use

Lidocaine spray for men: reviews and instructions for use

Lidocaine spray is a medicine that is designed for longer intimacy. A large number of representatives of the strong half of humanity are faced with premature ejaculation. Physiologically, this phenomenon can hardly be considered a problem, since a man experiences the same pleasure from sex as any other person

Pill "Hu Gan": reviews of doctors, description

Pill "Hu Gan": reviews of doctors, description

Traditional Chinese medicine is one of the most ancient systems of therapy in the world. Many principles of treatment today are recognized as effective and effective, therefore they are actively used in the practice of Western doctors. One of the effective drugs for the prevention and treatment of pathologies of the liver and gallbladder is the Hu Gan pill, the reviews of doctors confirm this. They often prescribe medication to their patients

What is better for children - "Panadol" or "Nurofen": comparison, composition, reviews

What is better for children - "Panadol" or "Nurofen": comparison, composition, reviews

Both Nurofen and Panadol have antipyretic and analgesic properties. However, to normalize the temperature, doctors advise taking a remedy based on paracetamol. "Nurofen" is desirable to take in the presence of pain of inflammatory etiology

"Miropriston" for labor induction: doctors' reviews, instructions for use and indications

"Miropriston" for labor induction: doctors' reviews, instructions for use and indications

The active component of "Miropriston" blocks the action of progesterone at the level of receptors, which does not have progestogenic activity. Improves the contractility of the muscular layer of the uterine wall, which consists of three layers of smooth muscle fibers, activates the release of interleukin-8 in choriodecidual cells

"Artrocam": reviews of doctors, instructions for use, indications and contraindications

"Artrocam": reviews of doctors, instructions for use, indications and contraindications

"Artrocam" is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug that is used to treat various pathologies of the musculoskeletal system and inflammatory diseases. According to reviews, Artrocam has an antipyretic and analgesic effect. This drug has a strong effect on the body, so it can only be prescribed by a specialist. Without knowing the properties of the drug, you should not self-medicate

The most effective hangover pills: reviews, drug reviews, expert recommendations

The most effective hangover pills: reviews, drug reviews, expert recommendations

Sometimes the consequences of a noisy feast do not allow a person to feel normal not only immediately after it, but also after a few hours. At the same time, there are situations when you need to go to work in the morning, but your head hurts unbearably and your general well-being leaves much to be desired. In this case, it is necessary to take emergency measures to improve the state of he alth. Among them are: drinking plenty of water, contrast showers and hangover pills. The most effective reviews are not only positive

Ointment "Tacropic": reviews, instructions for use and analogues

Ointment "Tacropic": reviews, instructions for use and analogues

Tacropic ointment is a remedy for the treatment of atopic dermatitis. The indication for this drug is one, but there are many features of use and contraindications. To find out all the necessary information about the drug, you should study the reviews about it and the instructions for use

"Budoster": customer reviews, instructions for use and analogues

"Budoster": customer reviews, instructions for use and analogues

Respiratory allergies significantly complicate a person's life. Flowering plants, contact with animals, and even inhalation of pungent odors can lead to a severe runny nose. The drug "Budoster" helps to stop the manifestations of rhinitis. In the reviews, patients report on the effectiveness of this remedy, the convenience of its use. This is a corticosteroid-based aerosol that doctors prescribe for the treatment and prevention of allergic rhinitis. In this article, we will take a closer look at the features

"Ipigrix": patient reviews, instructions for use and analogues

"Ipigrix": patient reviews, instructions for use and analogues

"Ipigris" is used in neurological practice for the treatment of various diseases associated with disorders of the central nervous system. The drug "Ipigriks" reviews of experts is quite reasonable. As a result of clinical studies, it has been proven that the drug is effective in the treatment of paralysis, paresis and myasthenia

"Trajenta": reviews of diabetics, composition, indications and contraindications

"Trajenta": reviews of diabetics, composition, indications and contraindications

The seventh year since the market appeared a wonderful remedy for the treatment of diabetes, the reception of which does not exacerbate the existing ailments of the cardiovascular system, kidneys and liver, says the reviews of diabetics. "Trajenta", which is based on the blocker of the enzyme dipeptidyl peptidase-4 linagliptin, refers to hypoglycemic agents

"Borivit", injections: reviews, composition, indications, instructions for use, side effects, contraindications

"Borivit", injections: reviews, composition, indications, instructions for use, side effects, contraindications

"Borivit" - a complex of vitamins of group B. The drug is produced in the form of a solution for intramuscular injection and tablets for oral use. The composition of "Borivit" includes active ingredients: pyridoxine hydrochloride, thiamine hydrochloride, cyanocobalamin, lidocaine hydrochloride

"Liveo baby": reviews, composition, drugs, instructions for use and contraindications

"Liveo baby": reviews, composition, drugs, instructions for use and contraindications

Moms, communicating with each other, often mention such a tool as “Liveo baby”. It is designed specifically for children in the first and second years of life to restore and maintain intestinal flora. Let's look at reviews of "Liveo baby" and instructions for use

"Lortenza": reviews, composition, indications, instructions for use, side effects, contraindications, analogues

"Lortenza": reviews, composition, indications, instructions for use, side effects, contraindications, analogues

"Lortenza" is a complex antihypertensive medication. The drug is produced in tablet form, which combines two active ingredients: amlodipine and losartan. What is the price of "Lortens"? More on this later

Candles for hemorrhoids "Natalsid": reviews, composition, instructions and contraindications

Candles for hemorrhoids "Natalsid": reviews, composition, instructions and contraindications

Hemorrhoids is a fairly common pathology in people of different ages and gender. It is important not to miss the first signs of the disease. When it just begins to develop, it can be eliminated with the help of conservative therapy. According to reviews, candles for hemorrhoids "Natalsid" will help in solving this problem

Probiotics and prebiotics: basic information

Probiotics and prebiotics: basic information

Basic information about probiotics and prebiotics. The concept of probiotics and prebiotics. Probiotic preparations. Indications for use

Candles for external hemorrhoids: a list of drugs, instructions and reviews

Candles for external hemorrhoids: a list of drugs, instructions and reviews

How to get rid of external hemorrhoids with suppositories. The most effective drugs. Causes of external hemorrhoids. User reviews. Homemade candles. How to use candles. Principles of treatment of hemorrhoids

Syrup for children for immunity: instructions for use and reviews

Syrup for children for immunity: instructions for use and reviews

The realities of modern life are such that we have to think about immunity, immune disorders, etc. very often. This topic becomes even more disturbing when it comes to children's immunity and how it can be strengthened. Of course, there are reasons for such fears: environmental degradation, not a very he althy diet, as well as a violation of the regime

Drug "Enterofuril" antibiotic or not: the answer of experts

Drug "Enterofuril" antibiotic or not: the answer of experts

The question of whether "Enterofuril" is an antibiotic is primarily of concern to parents. Dysbacteriosis, allergies, immune suppression are the side effects that this class of drugs is famous for. Moms and dads are afraid to give the antibiotic "Enterofuril" to children, although it is an effective medicine against intestinal infections

"Hawthorn Cardioactive" ("Evalar"): instructions for use of the drug; reviews

"Hawthorn Cardioactive" ("Evalar"): instructions for use of the drug; reviews

Solving endless urgent problems, we forget about our "silent friends" who ensure the smooth functioning of our body. But they need rest, nutrition, the right rhythm of life. Especially goes to the heart, we ruin it with stress and overload, we put it on a starvation ration

Characteristics of the group of non-opioid analgesics

Characteristics of the group of non-opioid analgesics

In pharmacology, analgesics are usually divided into opioids and non-opioids. Non-narcotic (non-opioid) substances are called substances that relieve pain without having a strong negative effect on the functionality of the central nervous system. Such drugs do not have a psychotropic effect, which distinguishes them from narcotic compounds, and does not depress the nerve centers

"Levomycetin" in the ear: instructions for use, reviews and photos

"Levomycetin" in the ear: instructions for use, reviews and photos

The medical remedy "Levomitsetin" in the ear is prescribed for various diseases that are of bacterial origin and are accompanied by a pronounced inflammatory process, ear pain, congestion and other unpleasant symptoms. This drug contains an anti-inflammatory element and an antibiotic, and it is as a result of such a complex action that it gives a positive result

"Nice", what is it? Application

"Nice", what is it? Application

What are Nice tablets? Method of application, form, contraindications, composition, interaction with other drugs, "Nice" - what is it? Look for answers in the article

"Muk altin" or "Cough pills" - which is better? Instructions for use, reviews

"Muk altin" or "Cough pills" - which is better? Instructions for use, reviews

"Muk altin": instructions for use, contraindications, price. "Cough pills" - method of application, contraindications, price. Which drug is better: "Muk altin" or "Cough pills"? Reviews

The drug "Sotahexal", analogues and reviews about them

The drug "Sotahexal", analogues and reviews about them

To normalize the heart rhythm, there are special drugs, one of which is "Sotahexal" (analogues - "Anaprilin", "Inderal", etc.). They belong to the group of drugs with antiarrhythmic action and beta-blockers

"Miramistin" and "Chlorhexidine" - what's the difference? Description of drugs, reviews, prices

"Miramistin" and "Chlorhexidine" - what's the difference? Description of drugs, reviews, prices

Solutions for external use, which have a pronounced antiviral, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect, are used not only in medical institutions, but also at home

Avizor lens solution: application rules and advantages

Avizor lens solution: application rules and advantages

"Avizor" - a drug designed to clean contact lenses. Over the years of use, it has proven its effectiveness. The trade name of this solution is "Avizor Unica Sensitive". It is perfect for all types of lenses, including silicone hydrogel. The Avizor solution has only positive reviews, including from doctors. It is noted for its effectiveness and ease of use

Instructions for use: "Nika-2". Composition and properties

Instructions for use: "Nika-2". Composition and properties

"Nika-2" can be used when washing floors, walls, household equipment. Processing is carried out by applying to the surface or immersing the object in a solution, followed by wiping and drying. It is possible to spray the composition on the surface