In the article, we will consider the instructions for use and reviews for aminocaproic acid.
The pharmaceutical industry is currently on the move, with dozens of new cold and cold medicines hitting the shelves every day. But, looking at such an abundance, we must not forget about effective and proven over the years means, which, perhaps, only doctors of the old school remember. One of them, inexpensive and effective, is aminocaproic acid.

This medicine is a good hemostatic agent, which is successfully used for the prevention and treatment of otolaryngological diseases. For this purpose, a five percent solution of the drug is used. Aminocaproic acid is administered into the nose of children as well as other antiviral drops. This remedy is well tolerated, it does notharmful effects on the human body.
Indications for use of the medicine
According to the instructions for use for aminocaproic acid, good results from its use can be achieved in the treatment of the following otolaryngological diseases:
- Suitable for the treatment of allergic, chronic or acute rhinitis.
- For sinusitis, sinusitis and adenoiditis.
- For throat infections, namely laryngitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis and so on.
- For influenza and various otolaryngological diseases.
- Against the background of inflammatory diseases of the trachea and bronchi.
This medicine has no age restrictions. As the instructions for use indicate, aminocaproic acid for the nose is allowed even for children.
However, despite its many advantages, it should not be used alone. This tool gives a good effect only as part of a complex treatment.
Method of application and release form
In accordance with the instructions for use, aminocaproic acid on the shelves of pharmacies is presented in the following two forms:
- As a powder for internal use, which is packaged in individual bags.
- As a 5% solution in 100 or 200 ml vials.
Instructions for use for aminocaproic acid solution are very detailed.

Both formats of the drug are used to treatotolaryngological diseases, but a ready-made solution is used much more often. Aminocaproic acid in the presence of a runny nose is instilled into the nose up to six times a day. Dosing directly depends on the age of the patient. Babies are injected with one or two drops in each nasal passage, for adults, the amount of the drug is increased to four or five drops. Treatment is continued until complete recovery. For the purpose of prevention during the seasons of respiratory infections, the number of procedures is reduced to two times a day. Accordingly, the dosage of the drug is also reduced.
Instructions for use for aminocaproic acid must be strictly observed.
The use of this drug largely depends on the existing ailment. Often this drug is needed to perform the following procedures:
- For instillation of nasal passages.
- For inhalation.
- For turundas that are inserted into the nostrils.
- To perform washes.
The process of instillation of this medicine is no different from the introduction of other nasal drops, and, as a rule, there are no problems with this. The only thing worth mentioning is that the solution of this drug must be warm. To do this, you need to lower it into hot water. You can also hold the product in your hands for a while.
Treatment of children
What else does the instruction manual tell us? Aminocaproic acid has managed to find a very wide use in pediatrics. It is recommended for use from the very first days of life of newborns and givesthe ability to quickly cope with nasal congestion, while not injuring the mucous membrane of the child. Very often, this remedy is prescribed as part of the complex therapy of sinusitis, and in addition, adenoiditis in children.
Aminocaproic acid solution according to the instructions for use orally is also prescribed.

In addition, due to its antiviral properties, the use of this drug is very effective for the prevention and treatment of colds, flu and so on. In the acute course of the disease, it is possible to use this medicine inside. You can also carry out inhalations with a five percent solution, rinse and inject turundas into the nose. During therapy, this remedy must be combined with other immunostimulating and antiviral drugs.
According to the instructions for use, aminocaproic acid should be instilled into the nose of children under one year old only as directed by a doctor.
Remedy for internal use
This remedy is also prescribed orally (through a dropper). Sometimes the solution can also be drunk. The dosage of medicine for adults is calculated individually.
If acute bleeding is observed, then intravenous administration of the drug 4-5 g (previously diluted in 250 milliliters of 0.9% sodium chloride solution) is required drip for an hour. Maintenance therapy involves the introduction of 1 g diluted in 50 ml of sodium chloride solution every hour until bleeding stops.
The instructions saythat when taken orally, the remedy is washed down with sweet water. Dosage: 1st dose is 5 g, then for 8 hours, 1 g every hour. Maximum per day - 24 g.
According to the instructions for use for aminocaproic acid, children are also prescribed it inside. With a moderate increase in fibrinolytic activity (dissolution of blood clots in the blood), the dosage is calculated as follows: 0.05 g of solution per 1 kg of the child's weight.

Consider the instructions for use for inhaled aminocaproic acid.
This type of therapy is usually used for severe cough and sore throat, and in addition, with adenoiditis, with chronic rhinitis. This is one of the most effective methods of dealing with respiratory infections that are in the acute or chronic stage.
Inhalation with acid does not involve the inhalation of hot steam. At home, this procedure is carried out only using a nebulizer. For a therapeutic session, an equal amount of saline and medication is needed. The mixture is poured into the apparatus and used for treatment. Nebulizer inhalations are carried out even for the smallest patients from the first days of life.
The procedure is carried out sixty minutes after eating. In the future, you should not drink, eat and leave the room for an hour and a half.
Nose wash
Regarding the benefits of this procedure and safety, the opinion of pediatricians is ambiguous. Most of them believe that doingwashing the nasal passages at home is undesirable. But it is far from always possible to visit a doctor often for this event. Thus, subject to all recommendations, you can clean your nose yourself.

The procedure is carried out with a syringe and syringe. The solution must be warm. In the event that the drug is too concentrated, you can dilute it with water. Such a procedure is very useful for adenoid vegetation, against the background of sinusitis and in the postoperative period, or as a preventive measure during a seasonal outbreak of a viral infection. Washing the nose helps to quickly get rid of thick mucus, and in addition, of pus. Mucosal cleansing stops inflammation.
Use of turundas
Another simple way to use this acid is turundas, which are placed in the nasal cavity. They are made of gauze and cotton wool, they are impregnated with a five percent acid solution, inserted into the nostrils for fifteen minutes. This procedure is recommended to be carried out several times a day until the symptoms of malaise are completely eliminated.
Turundas are great for sinusitis, adenoiditis and rhinitis, quickly removing inflammation and reducing swelling. Among other things, they cleanse the sinuses, perfectly strengthening the vessels of the mucous membrane.
Use for colds
The benefit of this medicine for colds and other respiratory problems is based on itsantiviral effect. This tool not only destroys the pathogenic infection in the nasopharynx, but also the medicine prevents the penetration of pathogenic pathogens into the human body.
Introducing the agent into the nasal cavity or rinsing the throat lowers the production of mucus, stopping inflammation and reducing pain. Plus, it makes breathing easier.

Treatment of adenoids
With adenoid vegetation, there is a pathological increase in the pharyngeal tonsils. Depending on the size of the growth, several stages of the development of the disease are distinguished.
The first symptoms of the disease appear at the age of three or four. At the same time, children suffer from snoring and a runny nose at night, their nose is constantly blocked, and a dry cough occurs. More recently, surgery to remove the adenoids was considered the only way out in such a situation.
But recently, pediatricians have chosen a different treatment tactic: doctors do not recommend turning to radical measures until the age of seven. With proper and timely treatment, this pathology is already becoming obsolete by this age, which is largely facilitated by the use of aminocaproic acid.
Instillation of this drug into the nose in the early stages of adenoid growth can completely get rid of the disease. In order to achieve the best result, it is recommended to alternate the procedure with inhalations with a five percent solution. This leads to rapid localization of the symptoms of pathology and eliminates inflammation.
ExceptThis, with adenoids, turundas are very useful, which should be impregnated with a drug. They need to be inserted into the nose several times a day for fifteen minutes. As a rule, five days are enough for the patient to feel noticeable relief.
Rhinitis treatment
According to the instructions for use, aminocaproic acid for the nose is very good at fighting rhinitis of any nature. Regular use of drops can relieve mucosal edema, and in addition, strengthen blood vessels, eliminate congestion and significantly reduce the amount of discharge.
In this case, you must be prepared for the fact that this medicine works more slowly than vasoconstrictor drugs. The effects of this drug tend to be cumulative and more persistent.
Aminocaproic acid in the case of topical application does not require any additional restrictions when interacting with various drugs. The treatment course for rhinitis, as a rule, is at least a week, and if necessary, it can also be increased.
There are very few contraindications to the use of aminocaproic acid, but they still exist. This medicinal product should not be used in the presence of the following conditions:
- For severe kidney disease.
- On the background of thrombohemorrhagic syndrome.
- With disorders in the circulatory system, in the presence of thrombosis, thrombophilia and so on.
- If you are allergic to the drug.

Most of the above contraindications refer exclusively to forms of medication that are intended for internal use. Well, since there is no need to take a solution during the treatment of a runny nose and nasal congestion, the only problem is that a person has an individual intolerance.
Allergy often manifests itself as a burning sensation and itching in the nose, and in addition, redness of the eyes, as well as increased swelling of the mucous membrane. In such a case, it is urgent to rinse the nasal cavity and rinse the mouth with water.
Drug reviews
Reviews of aminocaproic acid are often positive. Many people praise this drug for its good results and low price. But on the network you can also find dissatisfaction with this tool. Such people believe that the medicine is ineffective and does not quickly eliminate congestion. But in this regard, it is worth emphasizing that this medicine is not intended only for this.
Consumers in their reviews write that when treated with this drug, a runny nose in children, as a rule, disappears after three days. Parents state that this drug is quite easily tolerated by babies and does not cause any adverse reactions in them.
Thus, based on many positive reviews, it can be argued that this proven medicine is very effective for the treatment of otolaryngological diseases in children, as it fights throat infections, sinusitis, rhinitis, and so on.
We reviewedinstructions for use for aminocaproic acid. Use it internally or externally, the doctor will tell.