"Ketorol" is a fairly powerful analgesic non-narcotic drug, characterized by a good antipyretic effect and anti-inflammatory activity. But its main action is to relieve pain (analgesic property). Due to this, the drug is ideal for the relief of severe and moderate pain, mainly associated with traumatic tissue damage.
Issue Forms
Ketorol is currently available in three dosage forms:
- As a gel for external use.
- Pills for internal use.
- Solution intended for intramuscular and intravenous administration.
Drug composition
The active ingredient in the drug in question is represented by a substance called tromethamine ketorolac. Auxiliary ingredients in the composition of the drug "Ketorol" aremicrocrystalline cellulose along with lactose, corn starch, silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate and sodium carboxymethyl starch.

Drug group
Let's find out which group the Ketorol drug belongs to. The drug has a strong analgesic effect, and at the same time a relatively weak antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effect. In this regard, this drug belongs to the group of anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs (that is, NSAIDs), which have three properties (antipyretic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory) to varying degrees. The drug has the most pronounced analgesic properties.
The mechanism of action of the drug "Ketorol" is directly related to its ability to block the work of a special enzyme called cyclooxygenase. This enzyme converts arachidonic acid into prostaglandins, which are special substances that cause the development of inflammatory reactions, fever and pain.
Thus, the drug "Ketorol" blocks the work of cyclooxygenase, stops the production of prostaglandins, which stops the formation of inflammatory reactions and pain, as well as an increase in temperature. True, it has an overly powerful analgesic effect, which is why the medicine literally overshadows the antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effects. In this connection, this drug from the NSAID group is used precisely as an anesthetic.

Indications for the use of the drug "Ketorol"
The purpose for use of the solution and tablets is the same, and the choice of the dosage format that is optimal in a particular case, as a rule, is carried out on the basis of the general condition of the patient, the required speed of effect and the actual capabilities of the medical institution. For example, if there is a need to obtain an instant analgesic effect, it is recommended to use a solution. In other situations, tablets are preferred.
The use of the drug "Ketorol" in the form of a solution is also advisable in cases where, for certain reasons, the patient cannot take ordinary pills (for example, against the background of a gag reflex, stomach or intestinal ulcers, and so on). So, the indication for treatment with tablets and injections is the need to eliminate the pain syndrome of various localization, and at the same time the severity. This means that tablets or injections are suitable for eliminating headache, dental, muscle, menstrual, bone, joint, pain, as well as after operations, with oncological diseases and the like.
You should be aware that "Ketorol" is a strong drug, it is intended only for the relief of acute pain, but not for the treatment of a chronic condition. Indications for the use of the gel are the following factors:
- Injury (contusion, soft tissue inflammation, ligament damage, bursitis, tendonitis, synovitis, etc.).
- For osteoarthritis, muscle and joint discomfort.
- Against the background of neuralgia, sciatica and rheumaticdiseases (for gout, psoriatic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis).
The list of indications for the drug "Ketorol" is quite extensive. As part of the use of any of the forms of the remedy, one must remember that it only relieves pain, but will not eliminate its main cause and will not cure the disease that caused such an unpleasant symptom.
Contraindications to the use of this remedy
The drug "Ketorol" is not used if the patient has a history of the aspirin triad along with bronchial spasms, intolerance to the main substance of the drug and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. In addition, this medication should not be used for angioedema, hypovolemia, erosive ulcerative lesions of the digestive organs at the acute stage.

It is also not suitable for hypocoagulation, hemophilia, peptic ulcer, dehydration, hemorrhagic stroke, kidney and liver failure, hematopoiesis, high risk of bleeding and hemorrhagic diathesis. Among other things, the appointment of the drug is not made during periods of lactation, pregnancy, and also if the patient's age is less than sixteen years.
Instructions for using tablets
As indicated by the instructions for use of the drug "Ketorol", the pills must be swallowed whole. Tablets are strictly forbidden to be chewed and crushed in any other way. The medicine is washed down with a smallamount of ordinary water. You can drink pills regardless of food intake, however, it should be borne in mind that Ketorol taken after food will be absorbed more slowly than before meals, which, of course, will somewhat lengthen the period of onset of the required analgesic effect.
As we are informed by the instructions for the drug "Ketorol", tablets are recommended to be taken occasionally if necessary to overcome severe or moderate pain. The single-dose dosage is typically 10 milligrams (that's one tablet) and the maximum allowable daily dose is 40 milligrams (that's four pills).
Thus, within one day you can take a maximum of four tablets of the drug. This means that one pill will be enough for a person to eliminate pain for several hours, after which it returns again, and then it will be necessary to take a second one, and so on. To eliminate the symptom without consulting a doctor, it is allowed to use Ketorol in tablets for a maximum of five days.

In the event that a person switches from using injections to pills, then the daily total dosage cannot exceed 90 milligrams for patients who are under sixty-five years of age and 60 for those who are older than this age. Moreover, in the indicated dosages, the maximum allowed number of tablets is 30 milligrams (three tablets).
Ketorol injections: instructions
The solution intended for injection is packed in special ampoules, while it is completelyready for use. It is injected deep into the muscle (it is worth noting that this is done in the upper outer third of the thigh, shoulder and other areas). As a rule, in these areas, the muscles come close to the skin, and the required amount of medication is first drawn into the syringe from the ampoule. It is impossible to inject the solution epidurally or inside the spinal membrane. To use it intramuscularly, you need to use disposable syringes of small volume, for example, 0, 5 or 1 milliliter.
The syringe, as well as the needle to it, must be removed from the package immediately before the injection, and not in advance. For an injection, open the ampoule, draw the right amount of solution with a syringe and remove it, then lift the needle up. Next, fingers are tapped on the surface of the tool towards the needle from the piston so that the air bubbles break away from the walls and rise. Then, in order to remove air, you need to press the piston lightly so that a drop forms at the end of the needle.
After this procedure, the syringe is put aside and the injection site is treated with an antiseptic. The needle is completely inserted into the selected area perpendicular to the skin (for the entire length), after which the physician presses on the piston, gently and slowly injecting the solution. After the injection, the needle is removed from the tissue and thrown away, and the injection site is wiped with an antiseptic.

Dosage according to age
One-time amount of the drug for people who are under sixty-five years old is from 10 to 30 milligrams and is selected strictlyindividually. In this case, they start with a minimum dose and are based on the patient's response and the effectiveness of eliminating pain. You can re-introduce the medicine every four to six hours if the pain returns again. The maximum allowed daily allowance is three ampoules (90 milligrams).
For people over sixty-five, as well as those who weigh less than 50 kilograms and who suffer from kidney disease, a single dose of the drug is 15 milligrams, which can also be injected every six hours when the pain returns again. The duration of continuous therapy without consulting a doctor should not exceed five days. In this case, the maximum allowed daily allowance is two ampoules (60 milligrams). This is confirmed by the instructions for the drug "Ketorol".
The gel should be applied to the skin with clean, pre-washed hands with soap. It is necessary to avoid applying the medicine to areas with damage, for example, abrasions, scratches, burns, and so on. It is also necessary to avoid and observe the prevention of accidental contact of the gel with the eyes and mucous membranes of the mouth, nose and other organs. After the treatment of the cover, you must wash your hands and wipe them dry.
The tube after squeezing out the required amount of medicine must be tightly closed. Before applying the product, it is important to wash the intended area of \u200b\u200bthe skin on which Ketorol will be distributed with warm water and soap. Next, the surface is dried with a towel, after which one or two centimeters of gel are squeezed out of the tube anddistribute it in a thin layer over the entire area in which pain is felt.
In the event that the area of the cultivated area is large, then the amount of funds can be increased. It must be massaged with gentle movements until completely absorbed. A breathable dressing (for example, gauze made from a regular bandage) should be applied over the treated area, or nothing should be covered.
Do not apply airtight dressings to the area treated with Ketorol. The gel can be applied to the skin four times a day. You can not use it more often, and between the procedures for applying the drug, you must wait an interval of at least four hours. Without consulting a doctor, this gel can be used for a maximum of ten days in a row.

Side effects
The remedy under consideration, unfortunately, is not safe and can provoke quite a lot of unpleasant negative reactions in patients from the work of the systems of the whole organism. For example, people taking this medication often have heartburn along with nausea and vomiting, diarrhea and stomach pain. Thus, like other NSAIDs, the agent in question, first of all, adversely affects the digestive system.
The nervous system can also react with some changes in the form of, for example, dizziness. Among other things, fluid retention in the body is not excluded along with hematuria (blood in the urine), allergic reactions, thrombocytopenia (decrease in platelets), leukopenia (decreaseleukocytes), anemia and prolongation of bleeding time. Next, let's talk about what medical means today you can replace "Ketorol" if necessary.
Analogues of this drug
Next, let's talk about what similar drugs are. "Ketorol" currently (pills, gel and solution) has synonyms and analogues on the pharmaceutical market. Synonyms of the drug include drugs that also contain ketorolac as an active ingredient. Analogues are other drugs from the NSAID group, which contain alternative active substances, but have the most similar therapeutic effect. So, in this case, the synonyms of the solution and pills are the drugs "Adolor", "Dolak", "Dolomin", "Ketalgin", "Ketanov" and "Ketokam".
A similar drug for "Ketorol" in the form of a gel today is only one medication - a remedy called "Ketonal". Analogues of the gel are drugs like Voltaren, Emulgel, Diklak, Diclobene, Ibalgin, Ibuprofen, Ketoprofen, Nise, Nimulid, Fastum and Flexen.
Analogues of the solution and tablets are preparations in the form of Artrotek, Asinak, Bioran, Diklak, Diklovit and others. Before replacing the drug "Ketorol" with any of its analogues or synonyms, you should consult with your doctor.

Which painkillers are more effective than Ketorol
In response to this question,it should be said that at present, of the non-narcotic analgesics, it is the action of the drug "Ketorol" that is considered the strongest. In this regard, only narcotic analgesics and other drugs that are able to purposefully act on the nervous system and are released strictly according to prescriptions can be more effective than it. Now let's find out what online consumers say about the effectiveness of this pharmaceutical.
Reviews about this medication
In general, the overwhelming majority of comments about such a pharmaceutical drug as "Ketorol" is positive, due to its high effectiveness in combating pain. In their reviews, people emphasize that this medication helps to eliminate pain discomfort of very different intensity and regardless of origin. And he does it in a short time.
People say that this remedy is most often used to get rid of toothache and headache, back pain, soft tissue injuries, and, in addition, in case of discomfort in the lower abdomen.
As noted, in all of the above cases, this drug was effective. Negative comments about Ketorol are associated with the development of certain adverse reactions that can be difficult to tolerate by patients. But even in such negative reviews, consumers still indicate that this medicine really works, although sometimes the side effects are excessively severe and unpleasant.