Plantar wart: causes, diagnosis and treatment

Plantar wart: causes, diagnosis and treatment
Plantar wart: causes, diagnosis and treatment

A plantar wart is a rather unpleasant growth on the skin that creates some inconvenience, causing pain when walking. Pathology is contagious and all age categories are subject to it. In another way, they are called spines or benign formations of the dermis. They are caused by human papillomavirus, HPV for short. In some cases, these seemingly harmless growths can cause disability and lead to a doctor's visit for surgical treatment.

What warts on feet look like

A plantar wart is formed on the sole, heel or on the line of the metatarsophalangeal joints. The size varies from 2 to 20 millimeters, they protrude slightly above the dermis and have an oval or round shape, and practically do not differ from other growths. They are found in groups or singly. The appearance of a yellowish tint on the growth, in addition, can be deeply pressed into the skin. For this reason, they are covered with a stratum corneum, and the patterns at the location of the outgrowthchange.

plantar wart
plantar wart

Feet painful when pressed. In the event of removal of the stratum corneum or injury, blood inclusions appear on the wart, as the capillaries that feed it are damaged. Plantar warts grow deep into the skin. As a result, the growth increases, and new spines appear. If left untreated, they cause pain when walking. The appearance of the feet looks unattractive. In some cases, they disappear on their own.

Plantar wart: causes of formation

The main reason for their appearance is contact with a certain type of human papillomavirus, which does not degenerate into malignant neoplasms. Many people are its carriers, but an individual becomes ill only under certain circumstances, for example, a disorder of the nervous system, immunodeficiency, sweating of the legs. Transmission occurs through contact of unprotected skin with an object on which virus particles can remain for several months or with an individual carrier. A humid environment promotes faster infection, which occurs through cuts or microcracks in the dermis when walking without special shoes in locker rooms, swimming pools, public toilets, or on dirty ground. The virus penetrates deep into the skin. The incubation period lasts several weeks or months. Children are most susceptible to this pathology due to an underdeveloped immune system. Once in the body, the virus may not manifest itself for years. However, mental trauma, stress, illness, i.e.the weakening of the body's defenses, gives impetus to the formation of warts. The provoking factor is tight and uncomfortable shoes.

Diagnosis and signs of warts on the feet

For diagnosis, a visual examination of the feet and other parts of the body, which is carried out by a dermatologist, is sufficient. The selection of specific therapy is not required, therefore, the wart particles are not sent for analysis. However, if it becomes necessary to choose a method for its destruction, then they take a scraping from the surface of the growth and conduct its laboratory study.

The root of a plantar wart goes deep into the tissue, when walking, pressure is exerted on it and the pain receptors located under it are squeezed. As a result, pain occurs. The main symptoms include the following:

  • appearance of growths on the sole of the foot;
  • small thickenings visually resembling corns;
  • pain when walking and wearing uncomfortable shoes;
  • the color of the dermis at the site of the growth changes to yellowish.
Wart Removal Methods
Wart Removal Methods

At the initial stage of infection, the growths on the sole of the foot are smooth and fleshy painless lumps. Further, when you press on the diseased area, pain appears, which intensifies when walking or any other touch. After a short period, another so-called daughter formation is formed or a whole colony of growths appears, which cause a lot of inconvenience to their owner.

Treatment by folk methods

Treatment of a plantar wart at home can bestart with proven traditional medicine recipes:

  1. Onions. A small piece of onion, ground into a pulp, mix with vinegar. Apply the resulting mixture to the wart before going to bed, while covering the he althy dermis with a band-aid to avoid burns.
  2. Horseradish or garlic. The mixture is prepared similarly to the previous recipe.
  3. Celandine. For fifteen days, the juice of the plant is smeared with the affected area several times a day.
  4. Nettle. This plant is used in the presence of a colony of warts. Shredded or ground leaves are spread on a clean burdock leaf and tied to the infected area.
  5. Lemon. On the basis of vinegar and fruit skins, a tincture is prepared, which is used to treat the wart up to three times a day, while protecting the he althy dermis with a plaster.

Regardless of the recipe chosen, the treatment of a plantar wart at home will be more effective if you first make a foot bath with soapy water and sodium bicarbonate. The advantage of these recipes is the ease of preparation and the absence of contraindications for use. However, if there is no result within two weeks, then you should consult a doctor who will recommend other ways to remove plantar warts.

Medication treatment

You can remove warts at home not only with folk methods, but also with special medicines. Before their use, a course treatment is carried out, aimed at softening the stratum corneum of the surface.growth. For this purpose, bactericidal or corn patches are used for several days. Next, go directly to the treatment of spines.

The main substance that is part of the drug has a destructive effect on the structure of wart tissues:

  1. Alcohol solution of salicylic acid. Use as a compress, which is applied to the affected area twice a day. The drug is sold in a pharmacy without a doctor's prescription.
  2. Salicylic ointment. From plantar warts is considered one of the most effective remedies. Apply before going to bed on spikes and fix with a bandage. In the morning, softened areas of the wart are removed. The manipulation is repeated until the build-up disappears completely.
  3. Oxolinic ointment. Applies similarly to the previous one.
  4. Cytostatics. They use preparations based on 5-fluorouracil, kolhamin ointment, Podophyllin solution.
Salicylic acid
Salicylic acid

During therapy, it is recommended to take vitamin preparations to maintain and strengthen the immune system.

How to remove plantar warts

In addition to the folk and medicinal method of dealing with spinal cords, other equally effective instrumental methods are used:

  1. Electrocoagulation. The painful growth is removed with a special electric scalpel. After manipulation, small wounds and scars remain on the dermis. For deep growths, this method is not suitable.
  2. Radio wave removal. This is high tech manipulation. Ultrasonic frequencies act on the spine and destroy it, scars on the dermisdoes not remain.
  3. It is also possible to get rid of plantar warts surgically. Removal is carried out under local anesthesia in a medical institution. The growth is scraped out with a special medical product - Volkmann's spoon. The postoperative period is long and painful.
  4. Cryodestruction. The principle of operation is to freeze the build-up with liquid nitrogen and then remove it. The procedure lasts about a minute, but is quite painful. After manipulation, a small blister is formed. He needs careful care, the details of which will be told by the doctor.
  5. Laser removal of plantar warts. This method has found wide application. It acts pointwise and painlessly, only the tissue affected by the virus is eliminated. Until the wound is completely healed, the damaged dermis is treated with an antiseptic or disinfectant.
Wart Removal Laser
Wart Removal Laser

The use of the above methods of removing spines is often supplemented with local therapy. For this purpose, antiviral agents are used in the form of ointments and subcutaneous injections. As a result, the risk of relapses is significantly reduced, and the effectiveness of treatment is increased.

Prevention of warts

As a preventive measure for plantar warts:

  • wear comfortable shoes in size, preferably made from natural materials;
  • damages or injuries to the feet should be carefully treated with antiseptics;
  • treat sweaty feet;
  • do sports;
  • do not walk barefoot in pools, baths;
  • observe the rules of personal hygiene;
  • take vitamins;
  • strengthen the immune system.

Warts on the feet of children

Growths are quite common in children. A plantar wart in a child can exist for a long time, and when the body matures, disappear without a trace. This phenomenon is associated with immunity, which independently copes with the human papillomavirus that provoked the growth. In some babies, the disease progresses. In this case, several warts are formed. The most common causes of their occurrence:

  • dermal injury;
  • stress;
  • sweaty feet;
  • uncomfortable shoes;
  • poor immunity.

Diagnosis and removal of growths is done by a dermatologist. In order not to confuse the wart with other skin problems, the doctor may perform a dermatoscopy. As a result, the upper epithelial layer is removed and black dots, which are clogged capillaries, become clearly visible. In some cases, if a child has a plantar wart, an ultrasound is prescribed to find out how deep they have grown inside. One of the very first signs of a build-up is the formation on the foot of a small seal with clear boundaries, which has a smooth structure. Further, a rough layer of the epidermis appears on the surface of the spine. Often the formation is single, however, if the activity of the virus is high, then a whole colony appears. Children have pain when walking, discomfort. Due to the constant friction of the skin of the sole against the shoes, it thickens. kidsbegin to act up and cannot step on the foot normally.

Treatment and prevention of warts in children

As mentioned above, the growths can go away on their own, but in some cases you should seek help from a doctor. There are several methods for removing plantar warts:

  • laser;
  • nitrogen;
  • radio waves.

The above are the physical ways. Chemical is the use of medicines containing various alkalis and acids, which contribute to the death of the body of the wart. Electrocoagulation in pediatric practice is rarely used. Folk methods include Kalanchoe leaves, garlic compress, celandine juice.

Preventive measures include:

  • wearing shoes made from natural materials;
  • the use of orthopedic insoles for deformities of the baby's foot;
  • regular care of the soles of the feet (baths, emollient creams);
  • rejection of uncomfortable and tight shoes;
  • strengthening immunity.

Wart removal with liquid nitrogen

The method of burning a plantar wart with liquid nitrogen is based on the principle of cryodestruction, i.e. biological tissue is destroyed under the influence of low temperature. As a result, the supply of nutrients and oxygen to the frozen tissue is not carried out. All metabolic processes freeze, and the wart dies. Contraindications to the use of liquid nitrogen are:

  • acute infectious conditions;
  • allergic to cold;
  • if next to the wartthere is a herpes or other viral skin lesion;
  • high blood pressure;
  • pregnancy;
  • epilepsy;
  • if there is rosacea in the growth area.
Wart removal
Wart removal

The plantar wart removal scheme is as follows. The applicator is a wooden stick with a cotton tip. It is moistened with nitrogen, applied to the wart for a few seconds. Further, the actions are repeated, and the cauterization period gradually increases, since the growth roots go deep into the skin. Such manipulations are carried out at intervals of once every five days. The recovery period will also take more than one day. Sometimes a sick leave is required, as pain when walking persists for several weeks, and very often it is difficult for patients to step on their feet. For adults, this procedure is tolerable, but for the kids it will be painful. This is explained by the fact that there can be several warts, and their roots are located deep. In addition, prolonged freezing can cause redness, swelling, and the formation of a small blister or blister. These phenomena should not be frightened, the doctor will tell you how to deal with them. About the cryofreeze method in the fight against plantar warts, the reviews are different, but mostly positive, it is very popular. People note that after complete healing, no scars and traces remain. Of course, there are complaints of pain, but these feelings are individual for everyone.

The best remedies for foot warts

Modern pharmaceutical industryproduces an extensive range of products for plantar warts. Let's try to figure them out. All known medicines can be divided into the following groups:

  1. Treatment solutions - Verrukacid, Ferezol, Kollomak, Solcoderm and iodine. All drugs help soften and exfoliate the build-up, have an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect. A contraindication to their use is the age of up to three years, individual intolerance to individual components and skin diseases of the foot in the acute period.
  2. Essential oils of plants: celandine, wormwood, arborvitae, castor, tea tree, ichthyol. They have antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, softening properties. Allergic reactions, pregnancy, childhood - this is a ban on the use of these funds.
  3. Ointments. Including Vishnevsky, salicylic, based on thuja oil, Viferon, Malavit. They are especially effective at the initial stage of therapy. Due to its unique composition, the active substance penetrates the body of the wart and destroys it.
  4. Pills: "Isoprinosine", "Likopid", "Allokin Alpha". Taking antiviral drugs and immunomodulators destroys the virus from the inside, and also reduces the risk of re-infection.
  5. Patches "Salipod", "Mediplast". In pharmacies, a wide range of anti-wart patches. They are a sticky plate impregnated with a drug, the main component of which is salicylic acid. For pregnant women, sticky pads soaked in thuja extract are released, they are safe for futuremothers and fetuses. Before going to bed, a plaster is glued to a pre-steamed wart and fixed. Salicylic patches are not indicated for children under 12 years of age, pregnant and lactating, with foot injuries, allergic manifestations to salicylic acid, with kidney disease in the chronic stage. Possible side effects include itching, redness, inflammation and dermatitis.
  6. Means for home freezing - Wartner Cryo aerosol, Maxi Wart spray, CryoPharma. The last set includes a container with a freezing agent, an applicator holder, devices for applying the agent to the wart and detailed instructions for use. Approved for use in pregnant women and children over four years of age.
  7. Medical pencils with celandine extract or lapis. The main component of the lapis pencil is silver nitrate, which has a necrotic, anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect on the dermis.
foot bath
foot bath

How to get rid of plantar warts using the above remedies, the doctor (dermatologist) will tell you, who will select the most effective drug and course of treatment. Self-administration of therapy is fraught with complications and relapse of the disease.
