Paracetamol is one of the most popular antipyretic and pain medications. Its second name, common in a number of countries, is "Acetaminophen". This drug effectively reduces the temperature, relieves toothache and headache. However, it does not cause side effects that are typical for most anti-inflammatory drugs. However, large doses of it have a negative effect on the functioning of the circulatory system, kidneys, and liver.

In the article we will learn how to take "Paracetamol" for an adult, and whether it can be combined with alcohol.
General characteristics of the drug
The composition of paracetamol includes the active active ingredient para-acetaminophenol, as well as auxiliary components such as gelatin, potato starch, lactose. The drug has a fastantipyretic and analgesic effect, which is noticeable after an hour and lasts up to six hours. "Paracetamol" is indicated for high fever, headache, toothache and muscle pain, neuralgia, migraine, menstrual pain, burns, injuries and hangover. When using the drug for the treatment of colds or inflammation of the oral cavity, it should be remembered that it only fights the symptoms, does not affect the inflammatory process.
Are Paracetamol and alcohol compatible? Let's find out.
Issue form
Currently, "Paracetamol" is available in various dosage forms intended for adults and children. Children are usually prescribed paracetamol in the form of syrup or rectal suppositories, adults - in the form of tablets, capsules, injections.

Method of administration and dosage
So, how should an adult take Paracetamol? For the best therapeutic effect, it is prescribed in doses of 10-15 mg per 1 kg of body weight. For adult patients, a single dose of 1 g (2 tablets of 0.5 g) of the drug is recommended, and the maximum daily dose should not exceed 4 g.
When taken on a full stomach, it significantly increases the time of absorption of the drug into the blood, which means it slows down the onset of the therapeutic effect. Therefore, it is recommended to take it 1-2 hours after eating, drinking plenty of clean water.
The dosage of "Paracetamol" in adults at a temperature must be strictly observed.
It is recommended to take the remedy for no more than 5 days as an anesthetic and notmore than 3 days as an antipyretic. With prolonged use or exceeding the recommended daily dose without medical supervision, the risk of side effects increases. Especially if you combine Paracetamol and alcohol.
Even such a harmless and seemingly universal remedy as Paracetamol has a number of contraindications for use, in which taking the drug is not only useless, but also dangerous. These include:
- baby less than 1 month old;
- pregnancy and lactation;
- any liver and/or kidney disease;
- allergy to the active substance or excipients;
- chronic alcoholism.
The presence of at least one of these contraindications requires the replacement of "Paracetamol" for adults with another painkiller or anti-inflammatory agent.

Side effect
Paracetamol is generally well tolerated. In rare cases, the drug can cause a variety of allergic reactions, nausea, dizziness, insomnia, anemia. Long-term use of large doses can cause kidney and liver failure, hematopoietic system dysfunction, hepatonecrosis, hypoglycemia.
Paracetamol and alcohol
However, the drug has the most harmful effect on the body when it is taken with alcohol. It, like most drugs, is incompatible with any alcoholic beverages. Taking medication greatly enhancesnegative effect of alcohol toxins on the liver. In this regard, the risk of developing drug-induced hepatitis and even cirrhosis of the liver increases significantly.
Dangerous as the use of regular alcohol consumption, and the simultaneous use of "Paracetamol" with alcohol. In the first case, the protective functions of the liver are weakened, and it is unable to process the drug. Paracetamol is oxidized with the formation of aggressive metabolites that lead to the death of liver cells. In the second case, the liver receives a double load, which can lead to its failure. Moreover, a dose that does not exceed a single recommended rate of 1 g is sufficient. Taking 5 or more grams of the drug is a lethal dose. The joint use of "Paracetamol" and alcohol can provoke terrible consequences.
Signs of poisoning
The first symptoms of intoxication of the body while taking alcohol and the drug are:
- nausea;
- vomit;
- dizziness;
- discoordination;
- headache;
- yellowing of the skin and eye sclera.

Symptoms may differ in different cases, as they depend on the dose of the drug taken and the amount of alcohol consumed, as well as the weight of the person, the general state of his he alth. At high doses of alcohol and drugs, breathing problems and falling into a coma are possible.
First aid for poisoning
Life and he alth depend on the timely provision of first aidpoisoned person.
The first thing to do if paracetamol poisoning is suspected is to call an ambulance. Often it is impossible to do without medical intervention, especially if a large dose of the drug was taken along with alcohol.
Before the doctors arrive, the following first aid measures should be performed:
- Rinse the stomach with copious amounts of water (if victim is conscious). A good effect is the addition of a small amount of table s alt to the water. The procedure must be repeated until the wash water is clear.
- Then the victim must be put to bed, covered warmly and left in this position until the ambulance arrives.
- If a person loses consciousness, you should bring him a cotton swab dipped in ammonia, and also smear whiskey with it.
Emergency doctors must be shown the package of the medicine, the dose taken, the amount of alcohol drunk and the time of its use.
All these actions significantly increase the chances of the victim to a favorable outcome of treatment.
What will happen if you mix "Paracetamol" and alcohol, not everyone knows.

Inpatient treatment
In case of severe poisoning, hospitalization may be required. Intoxication is treated according to the standard algorithm for such cases: the victim is given forced diuresis, an infusion of glucose, and sometimes "Acetylcysteine" is prescribed, which is an antidote for para-acetaminophenol. Aftermeasures to detoxify the body, supportive therapy is carried out aimed at normalizing and restoring the functions of the liver, kidneys and cardiovascular system after taking Paracetamol.
How to avoid poisoning?
Of course, it is better to prevent poisoning than to treat it. There are several conditions for taking the remedy we are describing, compliance with which will help prevent poisoning.

Firstly, after taking the medication, you should not drink alcohol for at least 5 hours. During this time, the drug is almost completely eliminated from the body.
Secondly, if necessary, take the drug after drinking alcohol, the minimum dose of the drug is used, that is, 500 mg. At least 2 hours must pass between taking alcohol and Paracetamol, and on this day it is already forbidden to drink alcohol.
Third, in the case of alcohol dependence, it is necessary to adhere to the minimum recommended dose of the drug. For an adult, it is 500 mg at a time and no more than 2 g per day.

Paracetamol is an effective and affordable pain reliever and antipyretic. It is included in the list of drugs that doctors recommend to always have in the home first aid kit. However, before using the medicine, you must carefully study the instructions, follow the recommended doses and duration of the course, and, of course, do not mix the drug with alcohol. Then the treatment will be not only effective, butand safe.