Drugs 2024, October

What helps "Citramon P": a detailed description of the drug, indications and contraindications for use, other useful information

What helps "Citramon P": a detailed description of the drug, indications and contraindications for use, other useful information

The drug "Citramon P" has long been one of the most popular medicines in domestic pharmacies. Most consumers note its affordable price and excellent pharmacological properties in the context of relieving headaches. The information in the article is aimed at highlighting the nature and principle of action of this popular drug, as well as concretizing what exactly Citramon P helps with

An effective remedy for fungus: characteristics, application rules and reviews. "Nigtivit" - an ointment that can help

An effective remedy for fungus: characteristics, application rules and reviews. "Nigtivit" - an ointment that can help

Recently, the drug, which will be discussed in the article, has shown high efficiency in the fight against fungus. We will consider its detailed characteristics and reviews. "Nigtivit" - an ointment that really helps

Drug for the treatment of premature ejaculation, its characteristics and reviews. "Neurodose" - an effective tool for prolonging the duration of sexual intercourse

Drug for the treatment of premature ejaculation, its characteristics and reviews. "Neurodose" - an effective tool for prolonging the duration of sexual intercourse

Neurodose is a multi-component remedy that is designed to treat premature ejaculation in men. It is a biologically active food supplement, not a medical product, so it has practically no contraindications and can be used by almost every man

Drug for the prevention and treatment of dysbacteriosis - characteristics and reviews. "Ecofemin" - does the remedy help or not?

Drug for the prevention and treatment of dysbacteriosis - characteristics and reviews. "Ecofemin" - does the remedy help or not?

Often, against the background of antibiotic therapy, stress, malnutrition, poor environmental conditions, many people have problems with immunity, and, as a result, troubles begin associated with impaired functions of the gastrointestinal tract and genitourinary system. For example, candidiasis is a common diagnosis in women who have a weakened immune system. To get rid of this kind of problems, the drug "Ecofemin" was developed. It will be discussed in the article

The drug "Chondroxide": analogues, their general indications and contraindications for use, release form and price

The drug "Chondroxide": analogues, their general indications and contraindications for use, release form and price

Joints are the complex connections of our body, without which a person could not move and move. To prevent the bones from deforming and not being erased during movement, they are enclosed in a dense shell of hyaline cartilage. To protect its integrity, as well as treat arthritis and similar diseases, the Chondroxide drug and its analogues, which are listed in detail in our article, will help you

"Primobolan": reviews, features, dosages and patterns of use

"Primobolan": reviews, features, dosages and patterns of use

Primobolan, reviews of which you can read in this article, is considered an anabolic steroid intended for oral use, as well as injection. In this article, you will get acquainted with the features of this medication, as well as with the rules for its use and reviews

Preparation "Fromilid": feedback on the application

Preparation "Fromilid": feedback on the application

The drug "Fromilid", reviews of which you can read in this article, is a very effective antibacterial agent intended for the treatment of many infectious diseases. It eliminates ailments that have appeared due to the activity of microorganisms that are sensitive to an element such as clarithromycin. In this article, we will consider the description of the drug "Fromilid", reviews about it, as well as instructions and indications for use

Drug "Galsten" for newborns: reviews

Drug "Galsten" for newborns: reviews

If the attending physician has established such a diagnosis as jaundice, then there is a very high probability that the child will be prescribed the Galstena medicine for newborns. This drug can be used from the first days of a baby's life. And parents do not have to worry about his safety. Drops are not an antibiotic and do not harm children's he alth

"Lamisil" from nail fungus: instructions for use, release form, analogues, reviews

"Lamisil" from nail fungus: instructions for use, release form, analogues, reviews

Many people of any age and any status are faced with such a problem as a fungal infection of the skin on their feet. This disease is usually accompanied by cracks in the feet, burning, and other unpleasant sensations. In many cases, even normal walking causes serious difficulties. In this article, we will consider what the drug "Lamisil" is from nail fungus, its description, instructions for use, as well as analogues and reviews

Ointment "Piolysin": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

Ointment "Piolysin": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

The drug "Piolysin" (ointment) instructions for use describes as an anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial agent that has an immunostimulating effect and improves tissue regeneration. In this article, we will consider the description of the drug, instructions for use, as well as analogues and reviews

"L-Thyroxine": instructions for use, reviews

"L-Thyroxine": instructions for use, reviews

"L-thyroxine" is a synthetic hormone that supports the functioning of the thyroid gland. The drug, getting into the kidneys and liver, is partially converted into triiodothyronine, promotes the development of tissues and their growth, improves metabolism

Ursodeoxycholic acid is an effective choleretic and hepatoprotective agent

Ursodeoxycholic acid is an effective choleretic and hepatoprotective agent

Preparations "Ursodex", "Ursoliv", "Urso", "Ursofalk", "Ursosan", in which the substance is the active ingredient, are prescribed for the complex therapy of cholelithiasis, in cases where the pathology is caused by high cholesterol, and removal by endoscopy or surgery is not possible. Stones are pre-crushed if their size exceeds 2 cm

Herpesvirus infection in children and adults: symptoms and treatment

Herpesvirus infection in children and adults: symptoms and treatment

Almost 90% of the world's population are carriers of herpes infection. And only 20% of people experience unpleasant symptoms of the disease. How to overcome the disease, everyone should know. And preventive measures will help to avoid infection

Radioactive iodine: treatment of thyroid pathologies

Radioactive iodine: treatment of thyroid pathologies

Radioactive iodine is used to treat many diseases. Therapy with this drug allows to achieve recovery of more than 80 percent of patients who have metastases in the lungs as a result of thyroid cancer. At the same time, in 90 percent of cases, no recurrence is observed within 10 years

Ginseng tablets: instructions for use, reviews

Ginseng tablets: instructions for use, reviews

To strengthen the immune status, increase endurance and body resistance to various infections, completely different vitamin complexes, tinctures, etc. can be used

"Recognan", analogues - their comparison and description. "Recognan": instructions for use, reviews, analogues

"Recognan", analogues - their comparison and description. "Recognan": instructions for use, reviews, analogues

The drug "Recognan" is quite high quality and effective. It helps to quickly recover from a previous stroke or head injury. However, if there are contraindications, then analogues of this drug are prescribed

"Ignatia" (homeopathy): indications, reviews, instructions, price

"Ignatia" (homeopathy): indications, reviews, instructions, price

The fight against stress and depression is not an idle issue for humanity today. "Ignatia" - a homeopathic remedy that will help to cope with problems in this area

List of homeopathic medicines and their use

List of homeopathic medicines and their use

Today we can talk about a steady increase in demand for various homeopathic medicines. The explanation for this phenomenon lies in the overdoses that take place, as well as poisoning with traditional medicines. As an alternative to chemical drugs, consumers began to turn their attention to natural, natural medicines

Effective drugs for the treatment of gastritis

Effective drugs for the treatment of gastritis

Today, modern people are so busy that snacks on the run, fatty, spicy, spicy food, fast food and dry food have long become habitual for them. For 95% of the population of civilized countries, such a diet does not pass without a trace, and many have stomach problems

Cheap cold remedies. Cheap analogues of expensive cold medicines

Cheap cold remedies. Cheap analogues of expensive cold medicines

Every person almost every year faces a cold. Children of preschool and school age are especially often sick in winter. For the treatment to be truly effective, you must consult a doctor for an appointment. But in recent years, more and more patients have complained that they are being prescribed expensive drugs at a time when cheap cold remedies can be prescribed

Drug "Lavomax": analogues. Medicine "Lavomax": instructions for use

Drug "Lavomax": analogues. Medicine "Lavomax": instructions for use

Medication "Lavomax" (its analogues will be presented below) is an immunomodulatory and antiviral drug. It should be noted that this tool is quite expensive. After all, for 10 tablets you will have to pay about 760 Russian rubles

Lipipidemic drug "Rozuvastatin": instructions for use

Lipipidemic drug "Rozuvastatin": instructions for use

Drug "Rozuvastatin" instructions for use characterizes as a lipid-lowering drug from the group of statins. The action of this selective agent is based on competitive inhibition of HMG-CoA reductase. As a result of the use of the drug "Rosuvastatin", the catabolism of LDL increases several times, the index of hepatic LDL receptors increases, and the amount of VLDL decreases

Broad spectrum antivirals. The action of antiviral drugs

Broad spectrum antivirals. The action of antiviral drugs

A good broad-spectrum antiviral drug will help quickly eliminate the symptoms of colds and flu. And what medicine to take in a particular case, only a doctor can tell

Antiviral remedy for colds. The best antivirals

Antiviral remedy for colds. The best antivirals

A he althy person is not at all interested in the causes of diseases. But the first "sneezing" or "sniffing" makes him rush to the pharmacy. This is where the question arises: "Which drug to choose?"

Desensitizing drugs: list and description

Desensitizing drugs: list and description

Desensitizing drugs (antiallergic, antihistamines) - drugs that have been used in the treatment of allergic conditions

"Paranit" (spray): reviews. How much does Paranit spray cost?

"Paranit" (spray): reviews. How much does Paranit spray cost?

The problem of head lice occurs, oddly enough, quite often even today. One of the most effective is the "Paranit" (spray). Reviews of its action will be considered below

"Eden" (tablets): instruction, description, reviews, price

"Eden" (tablets): instruction, description, reviews, price

Effective in allergic reactions of varying severity is the drug "Eden". Prices, description of action, indications, contraindications

"Flemoxin Solutab" (500 mg): instructions for use, description, composition and reviews

"Flemoxin Solutab" (500 mg): instructions for use, description, composition and reviews

The discovery of the antibacterial action of molds, from which penicillin was made, has become a real revolution in medicine. But over time, the pathogenic microflora adapted to the action of this drug. This forced scientists to develop synthetic analogues of penicillin, one of which was "Flemoxin Solutab"

Is "Liquid chestnut" sold in pharmacies: reviews

Is "Liquid chestnut" sold in pharmacies: reviews

How to lose the hated 5, 7, 10 kilograms, while not torturing yourself too much with diets and physical activity? Will liquid chestnut help?

Broad-spectrum anti-influenza drugs

Broad-spectrum anti-influenza drugs

To fight viruses and colds in medicine, anti-influenza drugs are used that suppress the vital activity and spread of pathogens. When choosing a remedy, it is necessary to give preference to the one whose effectiveness has been proven by scientific research

"Biomycin": instructions for use and reviews

"Biomycin": instructions for use and reviews

One of the best antibiotics that inhibit the growth and cause the death of microorganisms in dysentery, abscess pneumonia, Bruss' disease, typhoid fever and other serious human diseases is Biomycin. Instructions for use describe it as a drug that can simultaneously act on various microbes and is often used for rabbit pasteurellosis for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes

Drug "Somnol": instructions for use, analogues, reviews

Drug "Somnol": instructions for use, analogues, reviews

Many of us have experienced sleep problems at least once in our lives. If you have problems of this nature, the drug "Somnol" will come to your aid. Indications for use, a description of the pharmacological action, reviews of doctors and patients, as well as equally effective analogues of the drug are discussed in this material

"Azithromycin" for children: instructions for use, reviews

"Azithromycin" for children: instructions for use, reviews

In case of detection of complex infections that penicillin-based antibiotics cannot cope with, doctors prescribe Azithromycin. For children (instructions for use indicate this), this drug has a very strong effect, in some cases it can even disrupt the work of a completely unformed organism, so it must be taken in minimal doses

"Panavir": analogues are cheaper and reviews about them

"Panavir": analogues are cheaper and reviews about them

With the onset of cold weather, each of us remembers a drug called "Panavir". Today we will also look at its analogues, so that you know that there are alternative treatment options. Don't forget to consult your doctor

Drug "Isoprinosine": instructions for use, analogues, reviews

Drug "Isoprinosine": instructions for use, analogues, reviews

As an immunostimulating agent, specialists often prescribe Isoprinosine tablets or syrup. Instructions, consumer reviews and doctors' opinions about this medicine, as well as its analogues, we will consider in this article

"Immunomax": instructions for use, reviews

"Immunomax": instructions for use, reviews

The drug "Immunomax" refers to immunomodulatory drugs, the pharmacological effect of which is aimed at strengthening the body's defenses and stimulating cellular phagocytosis. The drug is produced in the form of a sublimated powder for the manufacture of a solution, which is intended for injection. "Immunomax" is released from pharmacies in glass ampoules or vials. In total, there are thirty ampoules in the package with the attached instructions for use

Gel "Panavir" - reviews, instructions for use, composition and analogues

Gel "Panavir" - reviews, instructions for use, composition and analogues

The medicine is available in the form of a gel, spray, suppositories and solution for injection. In our article, we will consider the form of the gel and spray. Such a rich variety of dosage forms is produced for the convenience of using the drug, as well as to obtain the best result from therapy

Groprinosin drug: instructions for use, analogues, reviews

Groprinosin drug: instructions for use, analogues, reviews

As you know, viruses are able to settle only in living cells, gradually destroying their structure. Of course, if you let the state take its course, then this can lead to extremely serious consequences and even death. Therefore, it is very important to use special antiviral medicines that can increase the defenses of the immune system. In this article we will talk about such a medication as "Groprinosin"

Immunomodulator "Likopid": reviews, instructions for use, composition and effectiveness

Immunomodulator "Likopid": reviews, instructions for use, composition and effectiveness

If you believe the reviews, "Likopid" (the price for it varies from 300 rubles to two thousand) often provokes side effects, although it is considered a fairly effective drug. Its use requires special care if a young patient needs a course of treatment

Itching cream: review of drugs, application, effectiveness, reviews

Itching cream: review of drugs, application, effectiveness, reviews

Itching is one of the common signs of dermatological diseases. Often the cause of irritation on the skin becomes an allergic reaction, problems with the gastrointestinal tract. To combat this unpleasant symptom, various creams are used. There are many remedies for itching. This article will be devoted to their review