Life is very unpredictable, so often we become witnesses of different situations. When it comes to he alth, a quick response and basic knowledge can save a person's life. Based on this, everyone needs to have experience in such a noble cause as first aid in emergencies.
What is an emergency?
A medical emergency is a series of symptoms that require first aid. In other words, a pathological condition that is characterized by rapid changes in he alth for the worse. Emergencies are characterized by the possibility of death.

Emergency he alth conditions can be classified according to the process of occurrence:
- External - arise under the action of an environmental factor that directly affects human he alth.
- Internal - pathological processes in the human body.
Thisseparation helps to understand the root cause of a person's condition and thus provide quick help. Some pathological processes in the body arise on the basis of external factors that provoke them. Due to stress, a spasm of the heart vessels is likely to occur, as a result of which myocardial infarction often develops.
If the problem is a chronic disease, such as disorientation in space, then it is quite possible that such a condition can provoke an emergency situation. There is a possibility of serious injury due to contact with an external factor.
Emergency medical care - what is it?
Providing emergency medical care in emergency conditions – is a set of actions that must be taken in case of sudden diseases that pose a threat to human life. Such assistance is provided immediately, because every minute counts.

Emergency conditions and emergency medical care - these two concepts are very closely related. After all, often he alth, and maybe life of a person, depends on high-quality first aid. Decisive action can go a long way in helping a victim before an ambulance arrives.
How can you help someone in a difficult situation?
In order to provide the right and qualified help, you need to have basic knowledge. Children are often taught how to behave in school. It's a pity that not everyone listens carefully. If such a person is next to someone who is in a threateninglife situation, you will not be able to provide the necessary assistance.
There are times when minutes count. If nothing is done, the person will die, so it is very important to have basic knowledge.
Classification and diagnosis of emergency conditions
There are a huge number of difficult situations. The most common ones are:
- stroke;
- heart attack;
- poisoning;
- epilepsy;
- bleeding.
First aid for emergencies
Each emergency is a life-threatening situation in itself. The ambulance provides medical care, so the nurse's actions in emergencies should be thoughtful.
There are situations where the reaction must be immediate. Sometimes it is not possible to call an ambulance to a house, and a person's life is in danger. In such cases, you need to know how to behave, that is, the provision of emergency medical care should not be based on spontaneous chaotic actions, but should be carried out in a certain sequence.
Stroke as an acute circulatory disorder of the brain
A disease that is characterized by a problem with the vessels of the brain and poor blood clotting. One of the main causes of stroke is hypertension, that is, high blood pressure.

Stroke is a serious disease that affects people for a long time precisely because of its suddenness. Doctors say that the highest quality medical care is possible only in the first hours after a hypertensive crisis.
One of the symptoms is severe headache and nausea. Dizziness and loss of consciousness, palpitations and fever. Often the pain is so strong that it seems: the head will not stand it. The reason is the blockage of blood vessels and obstruction of blood to all parts of the brain.
Emergency Medical Care: Keep the patient calm, unbutton clothing, provide air. The head should be slightly higher than the body. If there are prerequisites for vomiting, it is necessary to lay the patient on his side. Give an aspirin to chew and call an ambulance immediately.
Heart attack - coronary heart disease
A heart attack is a manifestation of coronary heart disease, as a result of which irreversible processes occur. The heart muscle refuses to work smoothly, as the blood flow through the coronary veins is disturbed.

Myocardial infarction can cause long-term coronary disease such as angina pectoris. The main symptom of the disease is severe pain in the heart area, which does not go away after taking nitroglycerin. The pain is so paralyzing that the person is unable to move. Sensations extend to the entire left side, pain can occur both in the shoulder, arm, and in the jaw. There is a fear of imminent death.
Rapid breathing and irregular heartbeat, combined with pain, confirms a heart attack. Facial pallor, weakness, and cold sweats are also symptoms.heart attack.
Emergency Medical Assistance: The best solution in this situation is to immediately call the ambulance team. Here time goes by for minutes, since the life of the patient depends on how correctly and timely medical care is provided. It is important to learn to recognize a heart attack. Age does not matter here, because more and more young people are also facing this problem.
The problem is that many simply ignore the dangerous condition and do not even suspect how fatal the consequences can be. Emergencies and emergency medical care are very related. One such condition is myocardial infarction. If the first symptoms of the disease appear, you should immediately put an aspirin or nitroglycerin tablet under the tongue (lowers blood pressure). It is worth remembering that the death rate from the disease is very high, so do not joke with your he alth.
Poisoning as a reaction of the body to an allergen
Poisoning is a disruption of the functioning of internal organs after a toxic substance enters the body. Poisonings are different: food, ethyl alcohol or nicotine, medicines.
Symptoms: Abdominal pain, dizziness, vomiting, diarrhea, fever. All of these symptoms are indicative of something wrong with the body. General weakness results from dehydration.

Emergency Medical Assistance: It is important to immediately flush the stomach with plenty of water. Recommendedthe use of activated charcoal to neutralize the allergen that caused the poisoning. It is necessary to take care of drinking plenty of water, as the body is completely exhausted. It is better to stop eating food during the day. If symptoms persist, seek medical attention.
Epilepsy as a brain disorder
Epilepsy is a chronic disease characterized by constant seizures. Attacks are manifested in the form of severe convulsions, up to a complete loss of consciousness. In this state, the patient does not feel anything, the memory is completely turned off. The ability to speak is lost. This condition is associated with the inability of the brain to cope with its functions.

The main symptom of epilepsy is seizures. The attack begins with a piercing cry, then the patient does not feel anything. Some types of epilepsy can go away without any obvious symptoms. Most often this happens in children. Helping children with emergencies is no different from helping adults, the main thing is to know the sequence of actions.
Emergency Medical Aid: A person with epilepsy can be hurt more by the impact of a fall than by the seizure itself. When convulsions appear, it is necessary to lay the patient on a flat, preferably hard surface. Make sure that the head is turned to the side so that the person does not choke on his saliva, this position of the body prevents the tongue from sinking.
Don't try to delay the convulsions, just hold the patient so that he doesn'thit sharp objects. The attack lasts up to five minutes, and does not pose a danger. If the convulsions do not go away or the attack happened to a pregnant woman, you need to call an ambulance.
To play it safe, it would be useful to seek emergency help. Epilepsy patients do this from time to time, so those in the vicinity need to know how to provide first aid.
Bleeding: what to do with large blood loss?
Bleeding is the outflow of a large amount of blood from the vessels due to injury. Bleeding can be internal or external. The condition is classified according to the vessels from which blood flows. The most dangerous is arterial.
If this is external bleeding, then you can determine it if blood flows from an open wound. With a large loss of vital fluid observed: dizziness, rapid pulse, sweating, weakness. With internal - pain in the abdomen, bloating and traces of blood in the feces, urine and vomit.

Emergency Medical Care: In case of minor blood loss, it is enough to treat the wound with an antiseptic and cover the affected area with adhesive tape or a gauze bandage. If the wound is deep, it is classified as an "emergency" and emergency medical attention is required. What can be done at home? Close the affected area with a clean cloth and, as far as possible, raise the place of blood loss above the level of the patient's heart. In thatcase, immediate hospitalization is essential.
After arriving at a medical facility, the emergency nurse's actions are as follows:
- clean the wound;
- apply a bandage or stitches.
Severe bleeding requires the help of a qualified doctor. Remember: don't let the victim lose too much blood, get him to the hospital immediately.
Why be able to provide medical care?
Emergencies and emergency medical care are closely related. Thanks to correct and quick actions, it is possible to maintain a person's he alth until the ambulance arrives. Often a person's life depends on our actions. Everyone should be able to provide medical care, because life is unpredictable.