The intestines of a baby just born into the world are absolutely sterile, but from the first day of his life bacteria begin to settle here. Some of them are useful for the child's body. Others, on the contrary, provoke the appearance of negative symptoms. The latter include pathogenic flora, which interferes with the proper digestion of food and contributes to the formation of gases, which, in turn, causes a number of consequences - intestinal colic, bloating, decreased appetite, etc. As a result, the baby feels bad, often cries, does not sleep, and keeps his parents awake at night. What to do in such cases? How to help your baby? Parents often ask these questions.

What do doctors advise about this?
Doctors are often advised to use"Bifidumbacterin" for newborns in order to eliminate the negative manifestations of the child's body.
Special enzymes obtained from the mother's body help to digest food for a child in the first days of his life. However, after some time they are no longer enough, which is why pathologies appear in the digestion of products. What has not been digested accumulates in the intestines and begins to ferment, as a result of which a lot of intestinal gases are formed. Because of this, intestinal colic reappears and the stomach swells.
Currently, pharmaceutical companies produce a large number of medical products to combat such symptoms. One of the most effective and common drugs is Bifidumbacterin for newborns.
How does the drug work?
Mechanism of action for babies under one year old
The effect of the drug on newborns from a pharmacological point of view is aimed at normalizing the intestinal microflora. It includes artificially synthesized preparations, namely Bifidobacterium bifidum, which stabilize the functioning of the intestine and inhibit harmful microorganisms. Bifidobacteria also contribute to the improvement of metabolism and assist the body in the synthesis of the amino acids required for its normal activity. Lactose is used as an auxiliary component.
Excellent clinical efficacy of this drug is ensured by the sorption of bifidobacteria on a carrier prepared in a special way. Activated carbon is presented as such a carrier. When various lacto- and bifidobacteria toxins enter the children's intestines, they divide them into harmless ingredients, thus helping to eliminate dysbacteriosis. In addition, the microorganisms contained in Bifidumbacterin for newborns improve parietal digestion and help strengthen the baby's immunity.

Indications for the use of the drug
Specialists prescribe the drug for patients up to a year in such situations:
- treatment of acute intestinal infections (shigellosis, salmonellosis, rotavirus infection and others);
- therapy for intestinal dysbacteriosis of any origin;
- treatment of chronic gastrointestinal diseases (colitis, pancreatitis, peptic ulcer disease);
- prevention of intestinal dysbacteriosis;
- SARS therapy;
- normalization of intestinal activity in babies on artificial feeding;
- diathesis treatment;
- foodborne disease therapy;
- treatment of chronic constipation;
- malabsorption syndrome therapy;
- treating antibiotic-induced diarrhea.
This describes in detail the instructions for "Bifidumbacterin" for newborns. In powder, it is used for intestinal dysbacteriosis of various origins. Such a problem can have various origins - intestinal infections, gastrointestinal diseases, side effects from the use of antibiotics, etc.
Risk group
It is important to remember that some newborns enterto a particularly high-risk group:
- children who were injured during childbirth;
- premature babies;
- children whose mothers have chronic gastrointestinal pathologies;
- Low weight patients.
They may need this medication. Knowing such factors, you can prepare in advance for possible pathologies and discuss them with your doctor. By framing the problem in advance, it can be prevented through the right preventive actions.

Medication form
"Bifidumbacterin" for newborns is produced in the following forms:
- suppositories;
- ampoules;
- pills;
- powder.
In terms of pharmacological effects, different types of drugs do not differ from each other, and therefore the choice of its form is determined only by the conditions for using the drug and the appointment of the treating specialist.
Let's figure out how to give Bifidumbacterin to a newborn.
How is the drug taken?
Babies are most suitable drug in the form of a powder added to formula or breast milk. It can be stirred in water, but in this case there will be a cloudy suspension in the resulting solution. It is not necessary to wait for its dissolution, the child should be allowed to drink just such a liquid. The product should not be diluted in hot water, because at elevated temperatures those bifidobacteria that it contains may die. This confirms to"Bifidumbacterin" for newborns instructions for use.
It is worth noting that the dosage of the composition may differ, which is determined by the clinical picture of the child's condition. For babies, most often it is equal to one sachet 2-3 times a day. Treatment times may also vary. For example, with an acute intestinal infection, it ranges from 5 to 7 days. Other diseases have treatment periods up to 2-3 weeks. The dosage and duration of the therapeutic course in any case should be determined by a specialist.

Reviews of Bifidumbacterin for newborns with colic, consider below.
There is only one contraindication to the use of "Bifidumbacterin" in ampoules for newborns - intolerance to the baby, which has an individual character. When using, no adverse symptoms were detected if the recommended dose was observed. Care must be taken when treating babies with lactose intolerance. "Bifidumbacterin" is characterized by the fact that it does not have a cumulative effect, therefore, an overdose of the drug is impossible. It is important to remember that the effectiveness of the drug for children decreases when taken with antibiotics and increases when taken along with vitamins.
If there is no effect?
When in the process of treatment with Bifidumbacterin powder for newborns, the child not only has intestinal colic, but also side effects appear, you need to stop immediatelyconsume it and consult a doctor. Side effects are most often caused by an allergy to lactose or other components that make up the product. The most common signs of an allergy are fever, difficulty breathing, headache, anaphylaxis, and facial swelling. The baby always reports such symptoms in a way that is available to him - a loud cry.

Side effects on newborns
The use of "Bifidumbacterin" does not have any side effects on newborns. An allergic reaction is very rarely noted. This behavior is due to intolerance to the constituent ingredients that make up the structure of the drug.
Babies generally lack or have a small amount of lactose, which is responsible for the digestion of sugar by the body. That is why after drinking the child is disturbed by colic and bloating. The baby needs to be given a remedy in the form of a powder. It contains elements that can cause an allergic reaction:
- calcium stearate;
- dried starch;
- lactose.
After the baby has drunk the medicine, it is necessary to carefully monitor his behavior and skin changes, as there may be an allergy. This indicates the instructions for use for "Bifidumbacterin" for newborns.
"Bifidumbacterin" is a very effective drug, but it is far from the only one for the treatment of intestinal dysbacteriosis. If thisthe remedy for some reason did not fit the child (for example, with individual intolerance), then there is always the possibility of choosing from alternative medications. Consider them.
- "Lineks". This drug is the most common analogue of Bifidumbacterin. It contains lacto- and bifidobacteria that help normalize the intestinal microflora: Bifidobacterium infantis, Enterococcus faecium, Lactobacillus acidophilus. The principle of its action, therefore, is almost similar to the mechanism of influence of Bifidumbacterin.
- Hilak Forte in the form of drops helps to normalize the intestinal microflora, which has a minimum number of contraindications and can be used by children at any age.
- "Bifiform Baby" is another good drug for the treatment of intestinal dysbacteriosis. Available in the form of an oil solution or powder. To cure newborn babies, the drug must be added to a bottle of formula or milk when artificially fed.
- Another close drug to "Bifidumbacterin" is "Lactobacterin" for the treatment of newborns. Available in the form of liquid, suppositories, tablets and powder. The product contains live lactobacilli for babies who suffer from intestinal dysbacteriosis. Lactobacillus acidophilus can help even premature and debilitated babies.
- If a newborn baby has intestinal colic, you can try a drug such as Espumizan, which helps eliminate disturbances in the baby's intestines in the process of gas formation and functions ascarminative.

Harm of self-treatment
The most important thing to remember when buying a medical product for the treatment of intestinal dysbacteriosis in a newborn is that you should not make a decision on your own. The treatment method is chosen only by the attending physician, who is competent in this matter, who knows all the features of the use of a particular drug. In addition, it is not recommended to diagnose the child yourself. Signs of intestinal colic can be confused, for example, with obstruction of this organ. A wrong diagnosis will lead to wrong treatment.
Reviews on "Bifidumbacterin" for newborns
Reviews about the drug for babies are 70-80 percent positive. This is due to the fact that thanks to its use it is possible to reduce gas formation, eliminate colic, normalize children's stools and eliminate constipation in the baby. Parents in the reviews indicate that the child is calmer and easier to go to the toilet, does not push and does not strain, does not pull the legs to the stomach. His behavior also improves, the rashes on the epidermis and crying stop.

"Bifidumbacterin" for newborns, according to parents and medical professionals, helps to eliminate dysbacteriosis, including that caused by the use of antibiotics and an excessive amount of staphylococci in the intestinal microflora. But in some reviews it is noted that in case of serious pathologies, the drug may become ineffective, insuch a situation is more suitable "Primadophilus". Negative reviews are no more than 20-30 percent. Most often they are due to the fact that there is no intended effect, and parents are forced to use other means to fix the problem. That is why people are disappointed in the choice, because they had high hopes for Bifidumbacterin for newborns in vials, because it helps many to normalize the functioning of the intestines, eliminate spasms, gassies and pain.