The antacid "Renny" has been in demand for many years among medicines that treat heartburn. The medicine quickly eliminates discomfort. But is Rennie possible during pregnancy? In the reviews, experts testify to the safety and effectiveness of the drug in this period.
Features of heartburn during pregnancy
When carrying a child, changes are observed in the body, but the main restructuring concerns the hormonal background. All this does not always have a positive effect on the state. Due to the hormone progesterone, the muscles of the uterus relax, as well as the fibers of the muscle ring, which is a protection against the reverse reflux of food and hydrochloric acid into the esophagus from the stomach. From these failures in the work of the sphincter, heartburn appears.

Although there is an opinion about the safety of such a condition for a woman and a child, indirect complications must still be taken into account. With frequent attacks, irritability and depression appear. Negative emotions can affect a child's development. More from seizuresaggravated diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Even with minor manifestations of this condition, it is necessary to inform the doctor. He will select an effective and safe medication. Can I drink Rennie while pregnant? This drug is allowed in this position.
Drug Forms
The drug includes a combination of active ingredients such as calcium carbonate and magnesium carbonate. Such s alts are considered safe for pregnant women.

As evidenced in the reviews, "Renny" during pregnancy will be nice to take even because of the original release form. In Russia, the medicine is produced in the form:
- diabetic mint flavored chewable tablets (sugar free);
- sweet menthol chewable tablets;
- sweet tablets with orange flavor.
It is allowed to use "Rennie" during pregnancy of any of the presented forms. In any case, the drug has an excellent effect.
When can I take?
As stated in the instructions for use, "Rennie" during pregnancy is an approved remedy. The manufacturer notes that the drug can be used for:
- discomfort (belching, acid dyspepsia, stomach pain) due to increased stomach acid or reflux esophagitis;
- feeling of fullness or heaviness in the epigastrium, which causes discomfort;
- increased gas formation in the intestines;
- dyspepsia from an unbalanced diet, prolonged medication and bad habits;
- acid dyspepsiapregnant.

According to official instructions, Rennie is not prohibited during pregnancy. It is only important to consider that the remedy should not be taken in the first trimester. At 12-16 weeks, the active formation of the fetus occurs, while it is still weak, so any substance can have a strong effect on its development. Therefore, it is preferable to take the medicine from the second trimester.
Considering the reviews, "Rennie" is actively used during pregnancy. The remedy in a short time relieves unpleasant symptoms. But the medicine should not be taken when:
- hypercalcemia;
- hypermagnesemia;
- chronic renal failure;
- allergies to ingredients.
In these cases, the medicine can do harm. As evidenced in the reviews, it is advisable to consult a doctor who will tell you which remedy is better to use to eliminate unpleasant symptoms.
Heartburn drug action
The excellent effectiveness of "Rennie" during pregnancy is associated with the specifics of its action. Food passing into the stomach is broken down with the help of gastric juice. The main active ingredient is hydrochloric acid. Heartburn occurs when stomach acid and food travel up the esophagus and eat away at it.

The drug is able to neutralize hydrochloric acid. The s alt in the composition reacts with the component. Then the gastric juice loses its causticity, andit decomposes into harmless substances in the form of water, carbon dioxide, soluble chlorides.
According to doctors, "Renny" during pregnancy from heartburn can be taken after feeling uncomfortable. Relief will be noticeable in 3-5 minutes. Reviews of specialists about the drug are only positive. According to them, the main benefits of the drug are:
- balanced composition, which can not lead to constipation, and pregnant women often suffer from them;
- lack of aluminum, which can slow down the digestive tract;
- the absence of sodium s alts, which increases the pressure.
Means should be taken only with the appearance of the first signs of heartburn. It is allowed to take 2 tablets with severe discomfort. In order for "Rennie" to act faster, it must be chewed carefully. And the rest to dissolve until completely dissolved. "Renny" during pregnancy is allowed to take no more than 11 tablets per day. In this case, the interval between doses should be 2 hours.
It is important to consider that with prolonged use of the drug in the presence of diseases of the urinary system, the appearance of:
- hypermagnesemia - a large amount of magnesium in the blood;
- hypercalcemia - high calcium content;
- alkalosis - the transition of a neutral blood medium into an alkaline one.
With an excess of magnesium, weakness appears, pressure decreases, breathing becomes more difficult. And if there is a lot of calcium in the blood, then constipation, abdominal pain and nausea occur. If with the reception of "Rennie" withpregnancy from heartburn, unusual symptoms appear, you should tell your doctor about this.
As doctors testify in the reviews, it is important to take into account the interaction of the drug with other means. "Renny" is able to reduce acidity, so it affects the absorption in the body of the rest of the substances of other drugs.
Another drug interferes with the successful absorption of other funds. If a pregnant woman takes not only pills for heartburn, but also other medicines, at least 2 hours should pass between doses. With the use of Rennie, antibacterial drugs, cardiac glycosides, drugs with iron, phosphates and fluorides cannot be absorbed.

During pregnancy, many develop anemia, which is treated with iron medications. If combined with pills incorrectly, the treatment of anemia will be insufficient, so the treatment method should be discussed with the doctor.
Side effects
As stated in the instructions, Rennie is well tolerated during pregnancy, without side effects. But some deviations still need to be taken into account:
- If there is an intolerance to a component, an allergy is likely.
- Carbonates of the drug are able to neutralize hydrochloric acid, and then carbon dioxide is released in the stomach. When dissolved in water, the substance becomes carbonic acid, which can again increase the acidity. This phenomenon is called "acid rebound". Therefore, tablets should not be taken at night: if there is no food, thisleads to irritation of the gastric mucosa.

No prescription is required to purchase the product, but it is still necessary to consult an obstetrician-gynecologist about taking the medication. Constantly appearing heartburn can be a symptom of serious ailments of the digestive system.
What to replace?
It is possible to eliminate heartburn without drugs. With regular use of alkaline mineral water ("Essentuki", "Borjomi"), hydrochloric acid is neutralized due to the presence of baking soda. To eliminate burning sensation, you need to drink 1 glass. Before that, you need to release the gas.
From pharmaceuticals, you can choose Tams or Andrews Antacid. They are considered structural analogues (the main components are the same). The same effect has Gaviscon, Maalox.
How to eliminate heartburn without pills?
According to reviews, some women are able to eliminate heartburn without medication. These recommendations will help in early pregnancy when medication is not desirable:
- It is necessary to abandon antispasmodics: because of them, the esophageal sphincter loses its tone, leading to heartburn. Peppermint also has a relaxing sedative effect.
- Being overweight leads to acid dyspepsia.
- It is advisable to eat fractional meals: it is better to eat 5-6 times a day after 2-2.5 hours in small portions.
- Food must be chewed slowly and thoroughly.
- The menu should include dishes that maintain a stable alkaline reaction instomach. This applies to dairy products, steamed omelettes, boiled diet meat, steamed fish, yesterday's white bread, vegetable and butter.
- Vegetables and dishes based on them should be boiled or rubbed on a fine grater. Fruits are best taken in a baked form. As a prevention of constipation, it is advisable to eat boiled beets and steamed prunes.
- Fried foods, smoked meats, hot spices and sauces, sour fruit juices, white cabbage, mushrooms, and chocolate lead to acid dyspepsia. While nuts are he althy, they usually lead to heartburn.
- Smoking and alcohol are contraindicated during pregnancy, as they lead to acid dyspepsia.
- Dinner should be light (no meat) and should be done 3-4 hours before bedtime.
- Don't lie down immediately after eating.
- Slow bending, abdominal tension, stooping, and poor posture while writing and reading cause heartburn.

If "Rennie" does not help during pregnancy, you should consult a doctor. Sometimes you need to wait, often the attacks disappear after childbirth. But in any case, this should be discussed with a specialist.