"Xymelin" with menthol: instructions for use, reviews

"Xymelin" with menthol: instructions for use, reviews
"Xymelin" with menthol: instructions for use, reviews

Xymelin with menthol is available as a clear, colorless liquid. It is a locally acting vasoconstrictor drug used to treat the common cold and various otolaryngological diseases. In the process of contact with the nasal mucosa, this remedy contributes to the narrowing of the vessels dilated due to the common cold, as a result, swelling decreases, and at the same time, irritation of the mucous membrane is also minimized. Against the background of the use of the drug in question, nasal breathing normalizes in patients, and the volume of mucous secretions decreases. The patient sneezes much less frequently. "Xymelin" with menthol, due to the presence of this component in the composition, enhances the therapeutic effect produced by the drug.

ximelin menthol nasal spray
ximelin menthol nasal spray


The main components in this remedy are xylometazoline hydrochloride and levomenthol. The auxiliary substance is sorbitol, along with castor oil.hydrogenated, eucalyptol, sodium chloride, disodium edetate and purified water.

Issue Forms

"Xymelin" with menthol is available as a nasal spray for children in dark glass bottles of 10 milliliters with a tip, a dispenser and a protective cap. There is also a spray for adults on the pharmaceutical market - 10 and 15 milliliters each.

Also on sale is another type of this medicine in the form of drops. It is available in dark dropper bottles of 10 milliliters. This drug, intended for local use, in otolaryngological practice belongs to the vasoconstrictor clinical and pharmacological group.

ximelin with menthol
ximelin with menthol

Pharmacological effects

So, the remedy in question is widely applicable in otolaryngological practice today. "Xymelin" with menthol acts as an alpha-agonist, causing constriction of the blood vessels in the nose. This eliminates swelling and hyperemia of the nasopharyngeal mucosa. In parallel, nasal breathing is facilitated in patients during rhinitis. It should be noted that in therapeutic doses, this drug does not irritate the mucous membrane and does not provoke hyperemia. The action occurs, as a rule, after a few minutes and lasts for ten to twelve hours.

ximelin with menthol instructions for use
ximelin with menthol instructions for use


According to the instructions, Xymelin with menthol is practically not absorbed during topical application. It is worth saying that its plasma concentrations are very low, so much so that theycannot be determined by current analytical methods.


According to the instructions for use, Xymelin with menthol is suitable for patients with the following diseases:

  • The appearance of acute respiratory diseases with manifestations of rhinitis (that is, a runny nose).
  • Against the background of hay fever, sinusitis, eustachitis and otitis media (to combat swelling of the nasopharyngeal mucosa).
  • In case of acute allergic rhinitis.
  • As part of preparing the patient for diagnostic manipulation in the nasal passages.
ximelin with menthol reviews
ximelin with menthol reviews

Instructions for use

Spray "Xymelin" with menthol and drops are administered intranasally (that is, into the nose). Before this procedure, it is imperative to clear the passages of any mucous secretions. Drops are buried in the standard way. As part of the use of the spray, it is required to remove the protective cap from the bottle, then carefully insert the tip with the sprayer into the nasal passage and press the nozzle while inhaling. The medicine should irrigate the entire mucosa of the inflamed nasal cavity. The same manipulation is repeated in the second nostril.

The instructions indicate that the drug "Xymelin" is not recommended to be used more than three times a day and longer than one week. Adults should use a spray or nasal drops of 0.1% (three drops in each nostril) no more than three times a day. Quite often, Xymelin with menthol is prescribed to adults at one dose twice a day. The treatment course is ten days.

"Xymelin" for children

It is worth emphasizing that,according to the instructions, this pharmaceutical preparation is not prescribed for babies under two years of age. Indications for the use of the drug in question in children are the same as in adults. For small patients from two to six years old, pediatricians usually prescribe nasal drops or a 0.05% spray: one injection in each nostril no more than twice daily. Children over six years of age should use nasal 0.1% drops: 2-3 drops in each nostril no more than three times a day. The instructions also indicate that it is preferable to use Xymelin with menthol for children from the age of ten.

ximelin drops with menthol
ximelin drops with menthol

Side effect

As follows from the instructions, with prolonged or too frequent use, patients often experience irritation in combination with dryness of the nasopharyngeal mucosa, burning, paresthesia, sneezing and hypersecretion.

Very rarely, swelling of the nasal mucosa can be recorded along with palpitations, tachycardia, arrhythmia, increased pressure, headache, vomiting, insomnia and visual impairment. In addition, depression has been reported in patients in the case of long-term use of Xymelin with menthol in high doses.


The described nasal drops, as well as the spray, may not be suitable for every patient, and therefore it is necessary to be careful. For example, this vasoconstrictor should not be used to treat some of the following:

  • Against the background of arterial hypertension and tachycardia.
  • In case of severe atherosclerosis, glaucoma andatrophic rhinitis.
  • With thyrotoxicosis and surgical interventions on the meninges (in history).
  • During pregnancy or childhood up to ten years.
  • If you have excessive sensitivity to menthol.

This drug should be used with caution in diabetics, angina pectoris in the third or fourth functional class, and in addition, men with prostatic hyperplasia.

ximelin menthol spray instructions for use
ximelin menthol spray instructions for use

When Pregnant

"Xymelin" with menthol is strictly contraindicated during pregnancy, therefore, during a runny nose, ladies in position should refuse to use it and choose an alternative remedy to combat the disease with their doctor.

During breastfeeding, this medicinal product should only be used after a careful assessment of the intended benefit of the treatment for the mother and the possible risks to the infant. Do not exceed the recommended dose.

Special Instructions

Patients are not recommended to use drops or nasal spray with menthol "Xymelin" for a long time, for example, with chronic rhinitis. In the event that the symptoms of the disease worsen or the person's condition does not normalize within at least three days of using this medication, it is necessary to consult a doctor. The drug does not affect the ability of people to drive a car or complex equipment in any way.

Alcohol Compatibility

There is no information on the use of "Xymelin" while drinking alcohol. It is important to understand that alcohol negatively affects the immune system, which can slow down the healing process.

Interaction with other drugs

The combined use of Xymelin and tricyclic antidepressants is prohibited. It is also impossible to combine the use of a spray with the intake of biologically active components that inhibit the enzyme monoamine oxidase.

Overdose of this medication

Symptomatics of an overdose, as a rule, consists in an increase in side effects. Therapy in this case comes down to drug withdrawal.

Overdose of the drug can lead to:

  • dizziness, migraine;
  • palpitations;
  • feeling sick with vomiting;
  • visual impairment;
  • pressure increase;
  • allergic reactions.

To eliminate these symptoms, you must immediately consult a doctor and carry out supportive treatment.

ximelin with menthol during pregnancy
ximelin with menthol during pregnancy

Reviews about the drug

Reviews of Xymelin with menthol are very contradictory. The advantages of the drug, many consumers include the presence of a convenient dispenser, the rapid achievement of the effect and the duration of action. But, according to patients treated with this vasoconstrictor, there are also disadvantages. For example, dryness of the nasal mucosa has been reported after spray application.

Some patients stressed that with frequent orlong-term treatment, they developed dependence on Xymelin drops with menthol. True, according to doctors, those who strictly observe the dosage, adhering to all the recommendations of the doctor, and do not exceed the indicated duration of the course, do not have the risk of becoming addicted to the drug. It is also noted that this medication perfectly normalizes breathing thanks to menthol.

Specialists explain that the main task of this drug is to act on the maximum area of the mucosa. That is why its use allows you to quickly deal with rhinitis. The agent, getting into the nasal cavity on inspiration, penetrates inside, starting to instantly act on the mucous membrane, covering it completely in all directions.

Thus, based on most of the feedback from doctors and patients, we can say that people are quite satisfied with the results of treating the common cold with this medicine, and also consider it effective and safe.
