The best calcium supplements: list and reviews

The best calcium supplements: list and reviews
The best calcium supplements: list and reviews

For the normal course of vital processes and the work of all organs, the intake of various minerals is necessary. One of the most important is calcium. With its lack, bones become brittle, the condition of the hair worsens, the work of the heart is disrupted, and muscle spasms occur. In such cases, it is not enough to increase the amount of foods containing calcium in the diet, it is recommended to take it in addition. This is the only way to make up for his lack. There are various preparations of calcium in which this mineral is in the form of s alts. The choice depends on the purpose of the drug, the age and individual characteristics of the patient. Therefore, only a doctor can determine which drug is best to take.

The role of calcium in the body

Not only the normal condition of bones and teeth depends on this trace element, it performs a lot of important functions in the body:

  • regulates blood clotting processes;
  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  • lowers cholesterol;
  • improves metabolic processes;
  • improves heart function;
  • is the basis of bonefabric;
  • supports he althy hair and nails;
  • participates in carbohydrate metabolism;
  • promotes proper muscle contraction.
benefits of calcium
benefits of calcium

Indications for use

An adult needs 800 mg of calcium daily. Children and adolescents need more of it - up to 1200 mg, the same amount is needed for pregnant women and the elderly. The need for this trace element in people involved in sports, taking hormonal drugs or following different diets is increasing. In this case, you need to take additional calcium supplements to prevent a decrease in its level.

But it is necessary to take such funds only as directed by a doctor, since not only a deficiency, but also an excess of this mineral in the body is harmful. It is necessary to check the level of calcium with the appearance of weakness, fatigue, increased irritability, tachycardia, and a decrease in immunity. Brittle nails, decay of teeth, numbness of fingers can indicate its deficiency.

There are conditions where an additional intake of calcium is simply necessary. Otherwise, its lack will negatively affect the he alth of some organs. Prescribe calcium-containing preparations in such cases:

  • increased acidity of the stomach, when the absorption of many trace elements is disturbed;
  • rickets in a child;
  • a large number of teeth affected by caries;
  • hypertonicity or frequent muscle spasms;
  • deterioration of blood clotting;
  • osteomalacia or osteoporosis;
  • afterbone fractures;
  • diseases of the joints;
  • women during menopause.
calcium in preparations
calcium in preparations

Contraindications and side effects

Calcium preparations are not always beneficial for the body. There are some conditions under which it is forbidden to take it additionally. Therefore, only a doctor can prescribe such drugs. They are contraindicated in the presence of the following pathologies and conditions:

  • hypercalcemia;
  • individual intolerance to drug components;
  • hypersecretion of parathyroid glands;
  • malignant tumors;
  • urolithiasis;
  • kidney failure;
  • phenylketonuria.

If you do not follow the doctor's recommendations or take such drugs yourself, side effects may occur. Usually they are rare, only with an overdose or with individual intolerance. If such symptoms appear, the drug should be discontinued. May occur:

  • nausea;
  • abdominal pain;
  • allergic reaction;
  • flatulence;
  • constipation.
drug choice
drug choice

Application features

Modern people are often deficient in calcium. Its absorption is impaired by smoking, drinking alcohol and caffeinated drinks. This mineral may now be low in food and water. And the minimum amount of calcium that should be ingested per day should not be less than 400-600 mg. That's why so oftenit is recommended to take it additionally. But you need to do it right so as not to harm your he alth.

First of all, it is necessary to choose a drug only on the recommendation of a doctor. But be sure to read the instructions. It indicates the amount of the element in one tablet. Usually the doctor prescribes the dosage. Most often it is 500-1000 mg per day. It is best to take the dose more than once, as small doses of the mineral are better absorbed. The course of treatment is usually 1-3 months, depending on the individual condition of the patient.

If it is recommended to drink tablets once a day, it is better to do it in the evening, when the mineral more effectively penetrates into the bone tissue. Calcium absorption improves if taken with food. And slow down its absorption of alcoholic beverages, coffee, soda, some drugs. It is better to take these tablets with plenty of water. Sometimes it is recommended to use sour juice for this.

types of drugs
types of drugs

Types of drugs

Earlier, only calcium gluconate was very common. It was he who was always appointed in such cases. But then they found out that this mineral in the form of gluconate is absorbed very poorly. Now there are several varieties of calcium compounds. Which drug is better, only a doctor can determine. As a rule, experts recommend lactate or calcium citrate, there are also compounds such as carbonate or gluconate. They are usually produced in ordinary tablets or capsules, but you can find chewable or soluble tablets on sale.

In addition, all similardrugs are divided into several groups according to what components are included in their composition.

  • Single products contain only calcium s alt in the form of lactate, carbonate, citrate or gluconate.
  • Complex calcium preparations are considered more effective, as they contain components that improve its absorption. Most often, it is vitamin D3.
  • Multivitamin preparations contain many different trace elements. But usually there is not enough calcium in them to meet the daily requirement in emergency cases.
  • Recently, dietary supplements with calcium, which is of natural origin, have become popular.
dietary supplements with calcium
dietary supplements with calcium

Which calcium preparation is better

Only a doctor after a comprehensive examination can determine in what form it is better for you to take this microelement. A large number of different drugs can now be found on sale. Many of them are widely advertised, but this does not mean that they are more effective. Others have a high price due to the fact that they include additional elements in their composition, which are often completely unnecessary for better absorption of calcium. When choosing a medicine, the determining factors should not be the price or advertising, but the composition and dosage of the trace element. There are inexpensive and effective calcium preparations that are not advertised at all. This, for example, "Calcium lactate" or "Calcemin".

It is best to choose products that include s alts such as lactate or citrate, as these are the easiest to digest. Gluconate,which was so popular before, is absorbed very poorly. But such pills can also be bought, as there is a way to increase their effectiveness. To do this, crush the tablet into powder and drop a few drops of lemon juice on it. When the composition sizzles, it means that the calcium has passed into an easily digestible form.

Carbonate is also absorbed slowly. In addition, its production is quite complicated, so low-quality drugs can often be found on sale. But this can be tested: a calcium carbonate tablet must be dipped in 9% vinegar. If after half an hour it dissolves, then the drug is of high quality.

In addition, when choosing a drug, you need to pay attention to the dosage. A person needs at least 400 mg of this mineral per day. And in serious cases, this amount increases to 1000-1200 mg. Therefore, if it is indicated that calcium contains 20 mg, the drug to compensate for its deficiency will be useless.

calcium and vitamin D3
calcium and vitamin D3

Single drugs

This is the most common group of calcium supplements. Their list is quite large, and it is from it that doctors choose a remedy for various pathologies. The main thing is to choose the right variety so that the mineral is better absorbed. There are such popular drugs:

  • "Calcium Gluconate";
  • "Calcium pantothenate";
  • "Calcium citrate";
  • "Calcium lactate";
  • "Calcium Sandoz";
  • "Vitacalcin";
  • "Additive Calcium".

But when using theseIt is recommended to take additional vitamin D3 supplements.

Complex funds

More effective calcium preparations are those that, in addition to it, contain vitamin D3 and other substances. This vitamin is also essential for he althy bones and teeth, and it improves calcium absorption. The most popular are the following drugs:

  • "Calcemin";
  • "Calcium D3 Nycomed";
  • "Complivit Calcium D3";
  • "Natekal D3";
  • "Natemile";
  • "Roc altrol";
  • "Alfadol Ca".


Recently, multivitamin preparations have become popular. They contain a whole complex of vitamins and minerals necessary for the normal functioning of the body. But usually it is calcium in them that is less than necessary to make up for its deficiency in serious pathologies. Therefore, most often multivitamins are prescribed for prevention. Most of this mineral is found in such preparations:

  • "Multi Tabs";
  • "Vitrum";
  • "Sana Sol";
  • "Elevit".

Dietary supplements

These are preparations that include natural calcium. It is absorbed better than synthetic. It is extracted from shells, marine animals, made from bone meal or eggshells. These are products such as "Sea calcium biobalance", produced with the addition of iodine, magnesium, zinc, vitamin C or other trace elements, "Calcium 600 fromoyster shells", "Mountain calcium D3". You can also find on sale "Coral calcium" - a preparation made from crushed corals.

calcium sandoz forte
calcium sandoz forte

The best calcium preparations

On sale now you can find a large number of such funds. When choosing them, you need to focus not on the price, since the effectiveness of treatment does not depend on it. The main thing is the amount of the main active substance and the features of its absorption. The best calcium preparations that meet these requirements are:

  • "Calcium Sandoz Forte" - effervescent tablets with orange flavor, in which the mineral is presented in the form of lactate, carbonate and gluconate, which ensures its complete and rapid absorption, and it is contained in the preparation in the amount of 500 mg.
  • "Calcium D3 Nycomed" - available in the form of chewable tablets with a mineral content of 500 mg, and the presence of vitamin D3 ensures its more efficient absorption.
  • "Vitrum Osteomag" - contains this mineral in the form of carbonate in the amount of 600 mg, and besides it contains vitamin D3, magnesium, boron, copper, zinc.
  • "Calcemin Advance" - contains the same trace elements and more calcium citrate, which is easier to digest, but the amount of the mineral is only 500 mg.


The names of calcium preparations are so different that without consulting a doctor it is difficult to figure out which one is better. But some remedies have won a lot of positive feedback from people who have taken them. ByAccording to most, this mineral is best absorbed in the form of soluble effervescent tablets, for example, Calcium Sandoz Forte. Some people also prefer to take medicines intended for children, which are available as a suspension or chewable tablets. After all, many drugs have a large tablet size, which is very difficult to swallow. Also, most people speak positively about inexpensive drugs, such as "Calcium lactate", "K altsinova", "Calcium active" - their cost does not exceed 140 rubles for a monthly course of treatment, and the effect is no worse.
