All human organs are important and necessary. Each of them not only ensures the smooth functioning of the body, but also requires self-care. In particular, the liver contributes to normal metabolism, neutralizes toxins, is involved in the processing of food and the absorption of trace elements. Problems with its functioning can lead to irreversible consequences. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to emerging alarming symptoms. Liver therapy involves the use of "Essentiale forte N". The reviews of doctors and patients posted on the Web speak of the positive effect of this medicine on the body.
Form and composition

The medicine goes on sale in a cardboard box and has one or more blisters inside. The package may contain 30, 90 or 100 gelatin capsules. Each of them contains an active ingredient - soybean phospholipids inamount of 300 mg. Additional components are bean oil, fat, alpha-tocopherol, castor oil, ethanol, ethylvanillin, 4-methoxyacetophenone. The capsules are easy to use, easy to swallow and easy to carry.
Essentiale forte N ampoules also get good reviews. Although it is rather difficult to judge their convenience, the action of the main substance, which is 50 mg / ml, occurs almost instantly. The drug of this form of release contains phospholipids, sodium chloride and hydroxide, deoxycholic acid, benzyl alcohol, riboflavins, water.
When appointed
The main indications for therapy are:
- cirrhosis of the liver;
- chronic hepatitis of any nature;
- liver necrosis;
- fatty organ;
- toxic damage and poisoning;
- radiation syndrome;
- psoriasis;
- toxicosis during pregnancy;
- prevent gallstones;
- other somatic disorders affecting the liver.

Instructions for use
"Essentiale forte N" deserves different reviews: there are both positive and negative. Most often, the drug is called ineffective by those who take it incorrectly. The instructions describe in sufficient detail everything related to the main points of the use of the drug. However, the main recommendations for the patient should be the appointment of a doctor.
Reviews "Essentiale forte N"receives both for the qualitative relief of the condition during a severe illness, and for preventing the development of complications. Usually take two capsules up to three times daily with meals. The convenience of this form of release allows you to be treated both at home and outside the home, which adds positive reviews to the drug.
In the prevention of "Essentiale forte N" is indicated for use by people over 45 years old, people living in adverse environmental conditions, patients whose liver suffers from excess weight and a sedentary lifestyle. It is also possible to prescribe in order to avoid the development of cirrhosis, hepatic dysfunction, hepatitis of various origins. Gets good reviews "Essentiale forte N" with fatty hepatosis. Patients notice an improvement in their condition after a week of use, and when taking a course for a month, they forget about pain for a long period.
Can psoriasis be cured
The hepatoprotective effect of the drug is especially pronounced, the remedy is mandatory for the following types of diseases:
- plaque;
- exudative;
- teardrop;
- reverse.
It should be noted that the drug we are considering is not able to completely cure this disease. Doctors note a positive trend only when combined therapy with Essentiale Forte N is used for psoriasis. Reviews of patients taking only capsules are not so rosy. However, the effect is still noticeable. Most patients report a decrease in the rate of plaque growth alongcompared to other treatments.
There are several known schemes for the use of psoriasis medication, each of which is designed for three months:
- From the first to the fourteenth day, take two capsules twice a day. From the 15th to the 24th, an intravenous infusion of 5 ml is carried out daily. Then take two capsules three times a day for another two months.
- From the first to the 10th day, it is necessary to introduce a solution from an ampoule in a volume of 5 ml. This is followed by a ten-day oral intake three times a day, two capsules. From the 25th day, the daily intake is removed, continuing to use two capsules per day. The total duration of therapy is three months.
In addition to treatment, a strict diet and photochemotherapy are recommended.
Drug action

This drug is considered one of the most effective liver protectors and gets excellent reviews. The instruction "Essentiale forte N" reports a number of positive aspects when using the drug, namely:
- reduces the concentration of fats in the liver;
- relieves the body of cholesterol;
- normalizes blood composition and fluidity;
- helps the liver cope with the neutralization of various toxic and poisonous compounds;
- increases glycogen levels;
- restores the membranes of the liver parenchyma;
- regulates metabolism;
- reduces symptoms associated with diabetes.
There are a number of conditions in whichyou can not take the drug. All of them are described in the instructions for use "Essentiale forte N". Reviews on the use of the drug in patients suffering from alcoholism, doctors give positive only if a person refuses alcohol during the treatment period. If the patient simultaneously consumes alcohol and takes the drug, there will be no result. Hence the negative reviews of doctors on "Essential Forte N". It should be noted the well-known reasons for which therapy with this drug is prohibited. These include:
- children under the age of 12 and weighing less than 43 kilograms;
- breastfeeding period;
- intolerance to individual ingredients.
Reviews of doctors
"Essentiale forte N" is recommended by doctors as a good hepatoprotective agent for liver damage. Most experts talk about its directed action, which allows you to restore and maintain the functions of an important organ.
The drug is prescribed not only for detecting diffuse changes in the liver. It should definitely be used in the treatment of those patients who have made a firm decision to fight a severe addiction and stop drinking alcohol. Reviews on "Essential forte N" and the opinions of doctors posted on the Internet explain the need to use the drug in planned narcology, when, in addition to the main one, there is a concomitant disease in the form of damage to the liver and gallbladder.
Doctors also advise this medicine for the treatment of specific symptoms after prolongeduse of toxic drugs, antibiotics, chemotherapy.
However, as with any therapy, some caution is needed. Together with the relief of symptoms, the level of total bilirubin may be disturbed. Therefore, during the course of using "Essentiale forte N", which usually lasts about three months, you should visit the doctor several times in order to conduct a laboratory study of the main blood parameters.
We can say that Russian doctors are satisfied with the drug and often prescribe it. At the same time, they note the high cost of the drug and the possibility of nausea in the first weeks of use, which repels some patients and forces them to select substitutes.
In Russia, several dozen medicines with a similar effect are sold. It is difficult to choose the right drug on your own. The best solution, of course, would be to contact a specialist who will prescribe an analogue of Essentiale Forte N. Reviews on the Web can confuse the layman and send him down the wrong path. However, it is necessary to know about the main effect of a number of substitutes, their properties and contraindications, at least in order to warn the attending physician about the possible reaction of your body to one or another analogue. We will find out what substitutes consist of and how they differ from Essentiale Forte N.

The Russian manufacturer offers a good option at an affordable price, which has a number of differences from the German counterpart Essentiale Forte N. Instructions, reviewsdoctors, the opinions of patients allow us to think about the similarity of the two drugs. But there are five main differences to look out for:
- Despite the fact that the active substance in both cases are phospholipids that can normalize the cell membrane, Phosphogliv also contains glycyrrhizic acid. It is believed that in addition to recovery, it reduces the risk of degeneration of liver fibrosis into cirrhosis, which means that it can be used both for treatment and for prevention, which does not allow the disease to go into a life-threatening stage.
- It has been scientifically proven that Phosphogliv works better than analogues that do not contain glycyrrhizic acid. Its effectiveness is 50% higher in the treatment of fatty hepatosis. Studies confirm the improvement in blood counts and the condition of the organ on ultrasound.
- "Phosphogliv", unlike "Essentiale forte N", is included in the list of vital and essential medicines. It is used for inpatient treatment and is issued on preferential prescriptions.
- The cost of the domestic analogue is much lower, which makes it more profitable to purchase a medicine designed for a long course.
- Imported drug can be used during pregnancy, so gynecologists prefer to prescribe it.
- You can store a domestic drug at temperatures up to 25 degrees. "Essentiale forte N" requires placement in the refrigerator.
This medicine is produced in the form of granules for oral solution,and in the form of a concentrate for injection. That is why it is not as convenient to use as Essentiale Forte N capsules. Reviews of doctors on the drug "Hepa-Merz" report a narrower range of its use. It is not used for necrosis, hepatocyte dystrophy, psoriasis, radiation syndrome and toxicosis. The course of treatment is much shorter and is no more than 30 days.
"Hepa-Merz" has a completely different principle of operation. It contains two amino acids that provide detoxifying properties to the product. The components of the drug bind ammonia, reducing the effect of toxins on the body. It also has the following effects:
- Increases the synthesis of insulin and growth hormone.
- Removes dyspeptic, asthenic and pain syndromes.
- Normalizes body weight in steatosis and steatohepatitis.
- Stabilizes protein metabolism.
The main difference lies in the speed of the drug "Hepa-Merz" and the presence of more contraindications when it is prescribed.
Rezalut Pro

From the layman's point of view, it may seem that the composition of the two analogues is absolutely identical. However, it must be borne in mind that soybean phospholipids (choline) are placed in Essentiale Forte N capsules. At the same time, Rezalut Pro, with the same form of release, contains phospholipids from soy lecithin, that is, phosphatidylcholine and phosphoglycerides.
General indications for both drugs experts call:
- cirrhosis;
- fatty degenerationliver;
- toxic organ damage;
- chronic hepatitis;
- need to lower cholesterol.
Of course, this list is somewhat narrower than the spectrum of action described in the instructions for "Essentiale Forte N". Reviews for "Rezalut Pro", however, speak of the effectiveness of the drug in the fight against many liver problems. But you should be aware that it has slightly more adverse reactions, including:
- gastralgia;
- diarrhea;
- rash;
- vomit;
- nausea;
- petal hemorrhages.
The use of both drugs is long. One course should be three months. However, Rezalut Pro must be taken before meals with plenty of water.

When considering this tool, you need to know that this is a dietary supplement that has a choleretic effect. The composition of "Ovesol" includes extracts:
- oats;
- sandy immortelle;
- turmeric;
- peppermint;
- stranded hairs.
Such components due to plant nature contain a lot of vitamins, minerals, tannins, amino acids, macronutrients. The use of dietary supplements removes pain, colic, heaviness that occurs after eating, prevents the formation of kidney stones.

Unlike "Essentiale Forte N", the supplement has several forms of release: tea, drops and tablets. These tools have little in common. More precisely, thenthe only similarity is their liver-directed action. Everything else, from the composition to the methods and duration of administration, differs dramatically.
This drug is also a hepatoprotector, but belongs to a different group, namely the category of amino acid derivatives, while "Essentiale forte N" is classified as an essential phospholipid. "Geptral" is produced in tablets with the active substance ademetionine 1, 4-butanedisulfanate in the amount of 400 or 500 mg. A lypholysate is also produced for the preparation of a solution for injection in a volume of 400 mg in one ampoule.
The main action is to stimulate the outflow of bile and its synthesis. In addition, the drug is used in drug withdrawal syndrome in order to detoxify the body, helps to get out of depression and can participate in the restoration of cartilage tissue. It is prescribed for stagnation of bile in hepatocytes for various reasons, cholestasis during pregnancy and dyspepsia. Unlike "Essentiale forte N", the drug has many more contraindications and side effects, which can manifest as headaches, muscle and joint pain, stool disorders, bloating, bleeding, general weakness, hyperthermia and hypotension.

This remedy refers to drugs that contain ursodeoxycholic acid. Produced in the form of gelatin capsules. Doctors talk about the appointment of "Ursosan" precisely in the case when the liver is disrupted due to stagnation of bile and educationgallstones. Recommendations for the use of "Essentiale Forte N" are due to damage to liver cells.
However, drugs have many common features:
- similar release forms;
- hepatoprotective action;
- minimum side effects and contraindications.
In this case, it should be clarified that if "Essentiale forte N" contributes to an increase in the parenchyma due to the restoration of hepatocytes, which leads to an increase in the functionality of the liver, then "Ursosan" dissolves cholesterol stones and reduces the synthesis of cholesterol, which reduces load on the liver during the course of any kind of organ pathology.
Thus, all presented drugs have both common features with "Essentiale forte N", and a lot of differences. They should be used only on the recommendation of a doctor and always in the prescribed dosages, otherwise the result may not be a cure, but harm to the whole body.