Hemorrhoids is an extremely unpleasant disease, accompanied by acute pain and itching. For its treatment, a lot of drugs are used in the form of tablets, ointments and suppositories. It is dangerous for its complications, and an untreated disease often passes into a chronic stage. One of the drugs that have proven themselves well among patients diagnosed with hemorrhoids is Relief. During pregnancy, doctors often prescribe this remedy for the treatment of both acute and chronic forms of the disease.
Issue form

There is an ointment "Relief" and suppositories of the same name. Candles "Relief" are small in size, slightly yellowish in color and cone-shaped. They have a peculiar smell, reminiscent of fish. There are three types of candles with different purposes:
- In acute pain, "Relief Advance" is most often used. It contains a strong analgesic substance, due to which the pain syndrome is quickly and effectively stopped during an exacerbation.
- At the first and second stages of the disease, you will need the usual "Relief". It can be used enoughlong, so this remedy is used to treat chronic hemorrhoids.
- The drug with the prefix "Ultra" can only be used in limited quantities and with a strong inflammatory process.
Candles are contained in convenient strips of 12 pieces each. There are 2 strips in one carton box. Relief ointment is contained in a special tube weighing 28 g. A tip is sold with the ointment for easy injection.
What it consists of
Ordinary candles are based on white wax and paraffin. The active ingredient of the drug is an extract from shark liver. And also "Relief" contains the following additional substances: oil, benzoic acid, lanolin and glycerin.
And also this remedy is enriched with wound healing vitamin E. The composition of the ointment includes shark liver and benzocaine. And also this tool has auxiliary components: sorbitan, propylene glycol, petroleum jelly and so on.
Types of drug
Bayer manufactures several types of candles under the Relief brand. Depending on the purpose of the candles, their composition also changes.
- In the composition of the "Relief Ultra" instead of fish liver and phenylephrine, there are substances such as hydrocortisone sulfate and zinc monohydrate. These suppositories are intended for the treatment of acute inflammation. Thanks to cocoa butter, this remedy contributes to the rapid healing of the tissue of a diseased organ and the restoration of its functions.
- Ordinary suppositories "Relief" can be used during pregnancy. It contains vegetable cocoa butter, known for its emollient and caring properties.properties. It gives the remedy some softness and has a beneficial effect on the mucous membrane of the rectum. This oil contains vitamin A, which has powerful regenerating properties. The ointment "Relief" includes the vasoconstrictor substance phenylephrine hydrochloride. Thanks to him, the treatment of hemorrhoids is much faster.
- "Relief Advance" contains benzocaine and petroleum jelly. These two substances provide a quick analgesic effect and relieve swelling. Ointment "Advance" also has a similar property, but its price is slightly higher than that of candles.
Of all the listed drugs, only the usual "Relief" can be used during pregnancy. Other products contain unwanted components that can harm an unborn baby.
Rules for using candles

Before the treatment procedure, be sure to wash the anus with soap and rinse with warm water. After that, with clean hands, open the package of suppositories and quickly insert one suppository into the rectum. Before the procedure, you should empty the intestines or give an enema. If immediately after the injection there was an emptying, then the candles should be entered again. The patient should lie on his stomach for some time so that the suppositories have time to dissolve, and the active components of the drug are evenly distributed over the tissues of the diseased organ.
In acute form of hemorrhoids, the drug is used 2 times a day. In chronic, without acute pain and cracks, suppositories are used once at bedtime. They cannot be held in hands for a long time, as they have the propertymelt. The best place to store this medicine is in the refrigerator.
Useful properties and purpose
Due to their composition, suppositories and ointment perfectly heal the affected tissue of the rectum, stop the inflammatory process and relieve swelling. Candles "Relief" are used in the following cases:
- Itching and pain in the anus.
- For disease prevention.
- Any inflammatory process.
- This drug is excellent for healing ulcers, irritations and wounds.
Ointment, according to doctors, has a more pronounced wound healing property. Its use is no less comfortable for the patient, and, unlike suppositories, does not cause much trouble. The ointment does not leak from the anus and does not stain the linen. It does not melt in the hands and does not injure cracks in case of incorrect input.
"Relief" during pregnancy

Can pregnant women use this remedy? Unfortunately, the joy of future motherhood is often overshadowed by the presence of such a disease as hemorrhoids. The enlarged uterus puts pressure on the vessels, which in some places expand or, conversely, are compressed. Due to this constant pressure, colon disturbances occur.
The drug "Relief" perfectly stops bleeding and constricts dilated blood vessels. Despite the fact that the instructions separately stipulate precautions when using the drug during pregnancy, doctors often prescribe "Relief" to expectant mothers.
And all types of this drug can be used only conventionalcandles "Relief". During pregnancy, the drug with the prefix "Advance" or Ultra cannot be used. The only exceptions are the most extreme cases, when the disease becomes acute and threatens with serious complications.
To date, the effect of shark liver extract on the fetus is not known for certain. At the same time, there are also no specific data on the dangers of this substance.
Using ointment

It is allowed to use the ointment several times a day. The intensity of treatment depends on the form of the disease. A small amount of the product is used for external lubrication of the anus, and some of the cream is squeezed inside. Before the procedure, wash with warm water and soap. A dispenser is put on the tube, which is inserted into the rectum. After that, the tube is slightly pressed. A small amount of the drug enters the rectum and dissolves in it. Excellent proved "Relief" during pregnancy from hemorrhoids.
One tube is enough for the entire course of treatment, provided it is used two to four times a day.
Instructions for candles
Before the treatment procedure, be sure to wash the anus with soap and rinse with warm water. Before the procedure, it is necessary to empty the stomach or give an enema. If immediately after the injection there was an emptying, then the candles should be entered again. The patient should lie on his stomach for some time so that the suppositories have time to dissolve, and the active components of the drug are evenly distributed over the tissues of the diseased organ. Beforesleep, it is advisable to lay an oilcloth, as a dissolved candle can leak out of the anus and stain the bed linen.
In the acute form of hemorrhoids, it is allowed to take two suppositories a day. In chronic, without acute pain and cracks, suppositories are used once - at bedtime. They cannot be held in hands for a long time, as they tend to melt. The best place to store this medicine is in the refrigerator.
Side effects

The patient must not be allergic to the components that make up this drug. Side effects include itching and rash on the skin in the form of urticaria. However, Relief is usually tolerated very well and no special problems arise. Among the contraindications are thrombosis of blood vessels and a decrease in the level of granulocytes in the blood. This remedy does not mix well with antidepressants and monoamine oxidase inhibitors.
Analogues and storage

This drug has several analogues that may well replace it. The most popular are the following ointments and suppositories:
- Suppositories with belladonna extract have proven themselves in the treatment of hemorrhoids. Belladonna has the property of weakening the muscles of the intestines and affecting its muscles. This tool can be used, like "Relief", during pregnancy. Instructions for using drugs are similar.
- The Bulgarian drug "Hemorrhoidal" is available in the form of an ointment. It contains an extract from the belladonna plant,procaine hydrochloride, epinephrine and bismuth subgallate. Thanks to bismuth, the drug has an astringent effect. The ointment is used twice a day for acute or chronic hemorrhoids.
- Doloprokt is produced by the well-known German company Bayer Pharma. There are candles "Doloprokt" and an ointment of the same name. This product contains fluocortolone pivalate, as well as auxiliary components: petroleum jelly, paraffin, sodium phosphate, polysorb and benzyl alcohol. This tool is used to relieve pain in hemorrhoids and wound healing. The drug is contraindicated in pulmonary tuberculosis. It cannot be used during pregnancy. Instructions for candles "Relief" and for this drug are identical.
- "Anuzol" also contains herbal extracts. Manufacturers have enriched this preparation with an extract of a plant such as belladonna. These suppositories are prescribed for cracks in the anus. The drug is contraindicated in case of renal or hepatic insufficiency, with hypertension and prostate adenoma.
The drug is stored for three years. Storage temperature should not exceed 25 degrees. Candles removed from the cell are stored only in the refrigerator.
Instructions for use

Women prefer to use Relief ointment during pregnancy. It promotes the resorption of knots, cools and soothes. The candles contain caring components in the form of vegetable oil and glycerin. Apply "Relief Advance" during pregnancy in the same way as everyone elsePatients. You can not increase the dose of the drug and use more than two suppositories per day, since the drug contains painkillers. Before the procedure, the anus is washed, the package is opened and the candle is inserted as quickly as possible.
Next, you should lie on your side for some time so that the remedy is evenly distributed over the tissues of the diseased organ. If an unexpected emptying of the stomach occurs, then re-insert a new candle.
Reviews about the drug
Users talk about the rather high effectiveness of this drug. According to women who used these suppositories during pregnancy, "Relief" perfectly anesthetizes and stops bleeding. In order to overcome exacerbated hemorrhoids, you should use suppositories in combination, along with other medicines. Already 3 days after the start of use, a noticeable improvement is observed. Sometimes just 5 suppositories are enough to stop hemorrhoids at the initial stage of the disease or completely get rid of it.
Difficulties in opening cells and inconvenient packaging are among the shortcomings. Some customers do not like the price of the drug, which, in their opinion, is somewhat overpriced.
Many patients like Relief ointment much more than candles. They note the ease of use and the fast onset analgesic effect. The kit includes a convenient dispenser in the form of a cap, which allows the agent to penetrate directly into the area of the disease. In the reviews of "Relief" during pregnancy, they are very praised and advised to use it.