Treatment of sore throats at home: features, recommendations

Treatment of sore throats at home: features, recommendations
Treatment of sore throats at home: features, recommendations

Throat diseases can be attributed to the most common ailments that often bother a person during cold periods, when there is a high probability of infectious diseases. One of the most common pathologies that needs to be treated urgently and without fail is angina. Its main symptom is redness and swelling of the tonsils. The fight against such a disease sometimes takes a person a lot of time and requires treatment in a hospital. But is it possible to eliminate a sore throat while at home, and do it as quickly as possible? After all, no one wants to go to the hospital. About this in our article.

Causes of disease

With angina, or acute tonsillitis, an inflammatory process occurs in the tonsils, which occurs due to infection in the throat. The progression of the activity of microorganisms sometimes begins due to the use of cold drinks, ice cream, at the slightest freezing, etc. The causative agents of acute tonsillitis are a variety ofpathogenic microorganisms, including pneumococci, streptococci and staphylococci. The disease can develop either against the background of SARS, or as an independent pathology, which is not accompanied by other he alth disorders.

Bacteria enter the body in various ways: airborne droplets or from various items used in the home. In the future, the development of pathogenic microorganisms requires special conditions conducive to their activation. In addition to hypothermia, among the causes of sore throats, there may be:

  • emotional imbalance;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • throat irritants;
  • caries;
  • diseases of the nasopharynx.

Knowing the causes of the pathology, we can make an unambiguous conclusion that a he althy person has a minimal chance of contracting a sore throat. After all, his immunity will completely cope with pathogenic microbes.

examination of the oral cavity
examination of the oral cavity

Often, angina is a concomitant disease and exacerbates a person's condition. That is why preventive measures are so important, as well as the implementation of an integrated approach to the treatment of any infections, especially those that provoke inflammatory processes in the mucous membranes.

Types of sore throats

Acute tonsillitis is of various types, each of which has its own characteristics and characteristics. At the same time, they distinguish:

  1. Lacunar tonsillitis. It is characterized by damage to the tonsils and the spread of this process from lacunae up to the palatine region as it progresses.ailment. Such phenomena are accompanied by severe edema and hyperemia. The inflammatory process leads to the formation of a purulent plaque. The latter is located on the tonsils and can be easily removed without spotting.
  2. Follicular sore throat. In the presence of this type of pathology, neoplasms are observed in the throat. They are follicles that have a pale yellow color, the diameter of which reaches 5 mm. Such formations fester, and after maturation, they open with non-proliferation beyond the tonsils.
  3. Catarrhal angina. This is a mild form of acute tonsillitis, which, with proper treatment, can be eliminated in a few days, and in a neglected state, it can turn into a more severe form of pathology. With catarrhal angina, the tonsils are affected only in the upper layers of tissues. This is where swelling occurs. The patient's body temperature reaches 38 degrees.
  4. Necrotic sore throat. This form of the disease is considered complex. Simultaneously with the local symptoms of such an ailment, general ones are also observed. On the tonsils, you can see plaque and plugs going deep. A blood test of a patient with necrotizing angina indicates a clear leukocytosis. The person has fever and nausea, confusion, and vomiting. If suppuration is tried to be removed, then bleeding of the surface occurs. Sometimes tissue defects are deep enough due to rejection of the affected area. Necrotic disease extends to the uvula, pharyngeal wall and tonsils. Sometimes it rushes deep.

In addition to the species classification, angina happens:

  1. Primary. With herthe inflammatory process easily affects the pharyngeal ring.
  2. Secondary. Tonsils with this type of acute tonsillitis are affected due to a blood disease or due to the penetration of a third-party infection into the body.
  3. Specific. The development of the disease occurs when exposed to specific infections, such as fungi.


Treatment of sore throat at home should be started only after diagnosing the disease, which is indicated by the following characteristic signs:

  • redness of the tonsils;
  • temperature increase;
  • sore throat.

Often, a person simply does not pay attention to the symptoms of a sore throat for a long time. After all, they are very similar to those that indicate the development of common colds. However, the manifestations of angina are always more acute, and the resulting discomfort is much more difficult to tolerate. This will require the use of special treatment, which should be recommended by a doctor.

boy has a sore throat
boy has a sore throat

Symptoms of the disease can be:

  • sharp pain, observed not only when swallowing, but in a relaxed state, which is much stronger than with ordinary inflammation of the throat;
  • general deterioration of the body, expressed in malaise and fatigue;
  • heaviness in the muscles and aching joints;
  • inflammatory processes covering the lymph nodes;
  • reddening of the tonsils and throat, uvula and back walls, with coloring the area of pathology in a bright shade;
  • body temperature rise tovalues 38-39 degrees;
  • appearance of abscesses or plaque on the tonsils, the formation of follicles, as well as the appearance of a dense plaque on the root of the tongue.

The above symptoms are clear evidence that there is inflammation in the throat caused by microorganisms. Such a disease manifests itself very sharply. Its incubation period is quite short and lasts from several hours to three days. A person begins to feel pain when swallowing and chills. In addition, his lymph nodes swell.

It is difficult to diagnose a sore throat on your own. It is especially difficult to do this for a person who has never encountered this disease before. To cope with this task is within the power of a doctor who will consider the results of blood and urine tests, as well as pharyngoscopy. This is the main method to determine the presence of angina. When diagnosing, it is also important to clarify the nature of the pathogen. This allows scrapings of pus for bacteriological culture, as well as additional blood tests.

Main goals of therapy

What should be done to treat a sore throat at home? First of all, it should be borne in mind that the recovery of the patient is impossible without eliminating the infection. To this end, you will need to drink a course of antibiotics with a wide spectrum of action.

Treatment of sore throats at home will require a lot of attention to the tonsils. After all, they are the focus of the development and spread of infection. This direction of therapy involves the procedures for rinsing the tonsilsmedicinal solutions and special preparations.

Signs of general intoxication arising from acute tonsillitis, such as body pain and high fever, as well as possible allergic reactions, are eliminated either with medication or with the use of folk remedies as they appear.

But nevertheless, the treatment of sore throats at home sets as its primary task the elimination of the infection that caused the person to have a general malaise. Getting rid of harmful microorganisms avoids deterioration of the condition and prevents possible complications.

Quick relief from tonsillitis

Judging by the reviews, the treatment of angina at home takes approximately 10 days. Basically, it consists in the fight against infectious pathology. However, few people can afford to stay at home for more than a week. That is why the question is so relevant: "Is it possible to treat angina at home quickly?" Getting rid of acute tonsillitis for a short time is possible only if you pay special attention to the following aspects:

  • Treatment should be started as soon as the first signs of the disease appear.
  • Guaranteed quick recovery will be the results of tests for sensitivity to antibiotics. With their help, it will be possible to accurately select those medications that will allow you to overcome the infection in a matter of days.
  • To carry out a quick treatment of sore throats at home in adults and children will allow frequent gargling.

Required conditionrecovery will be following a diet and strict adherence to bed rest by the patient.

If these rules are followed, effective treatment of sore throats at home can be carried out. The disease will pass in a matter of days, and in the absence of complications - in one day, if you fight it according to a certain scheme that involves the use of complex therapy.

Bed rest

In order to treat a sore throat at home quickly, children and adults need proper rest and sleep when symptoms of pathology occur. Bed rest will avoid complications and give the body the strength to recover. That is why the patient is advised to lie down for at least four days. It is absolutely impossible to carry a sore throat on the legs. An adult must definitely take a sick leave and stay at home. And even after the ailment recedes somewhat and the state of he alth improves, it is recommended to lie down as much as possible. It is worth paying special attention to the implementation of this item.

man with sore throat in bed
man with sore throat in bed

If a patient is diagnosed with a complex form of angina, the doctor should recommend that the patient go to the hospital. A more intensive course of treatment will be carried out in the hospital. In this case, the patient's condition will be under the constant supervision of doctors.


Despite the fact that bed rest was named the first point of complex therapy, the drugs prescribed to eliminate the infection still play the main role in the recovery process. The use of other means (they willlisted below) is also necessary, but when treating angina at home without antibiotics, the effectiveness of all therapy as a whole will be reduced to zero.

As mentioned above, acute tonsillitis is caused by bacteria. Therefore, the fight against the disease will consist, first of all, in their elimination. And only after the neutralization of pathogenic microorganisms, a person will begin to recover, independently coping with the remaining symptoms.

woman taking a pill
woman taking a pill

Taking antibiotics is a guarantee of effective treatment of angina at home. Already a day after the start of therapy, the patient feels better, he feels relieved. Judging by the reviews of doctors, it is impossible to cure a sore throat without taking antibiotics. The disease will continue its progression and cause various complications. The course of admission prescribed by the doctor must be completed in full. Otherwise, experts warn that the pathogen will not be completely eliminated and will cause complications and relapses of acute tonsillitis.


Depending on the symptoms of sore throat treatment at home, you must adhere to the appropriate. For example, when the temperature rises, the patient is recommended to use antipyretic drugs. There is a misconception that antibiotics will help bring down the temperature with angina. Judging by the opinions of experts, this is not at all the case. In the elimination of this pathology, antipyretics are used in conjunction with antibiotics.

How is purulent tonsillitis treated at homeconditions (a photo of her symptoms can be seen below)?

purulent tonsillitis
purulent tonsillitis

In addition to the fight against high temperature, you will need to eliminate the so-called pustules. They are lubricated with a tool called "Lugol". The procedure consists in treating areas of inflammation with a cotton swab dipped in this antiseptic.

Plentiful drink

Treatment of sore throats at home in children and adults must certainly be accompanied by the intake of large amounts of liquid. Judging by the feedback from patients, this allows the body to cope with the infection as quickly as possible. In addition, drinking plenty of fluids is necessary after each antipyretic tablet. In this case, water can only be used slightly warm or at room temperature. Hot drinks are strictly prohibited.

woman drinking water
woman drinking water

In addition to water, the patient can be given milk with honey, non-hot tea with lemon, non-acidic juice. Drinking with angina is recommended using a straw. Do not drink drinks that contain acid (for example, citrus juices) or if they are carbonated (for example, lemonade).

Strengthening immunity

During the period of getting rid of a sore throat, it is important to maintain the body's defenses. In this regard, the use of immunostimulating drugs is recommended. Judging by the reviews of doctors, in this case the body itself copes with the disease very quickly, and the person returns to a he althy life.

Ventilation mode

When treating any disease of bacterial or viral origin, you will need to create a favorable environment in the room.microclimate. It is necessary to fulfill this condition when getting rid of a sore throat.

Thus, the room where the patient is located must be periodically ventilated. This will allow fresh air to flow into the room and remove bacteria. In addition to ventilation in the room, it is necessary to carry out wet cleaning. It will also have a beneficial effect on the person's recovery.

Special meals

Judging by the reviews of doctors, an important help in getting rid of a sore throat is the menu adjustment. Special nutrition allows you to eliminate the discomfort during meals, which occurs due to inflammation on the tonsils. Coarse and tough foods, as well as spicy dishes, are excluded from the daily menu. It is best to give the patient puree and broths, kissels and cereals.

Mashed potatoes
Mashed potatoes

The above actions included in the complex therapy, the patient must comply strictly. Only in this case can one hope for a speedy recovery and exclude various kinds of complications.

For example, if a person seeks to treat purulent tonsillitis at home quickly and does not complete the course he has begun, complications of the disease may occur in the form of kidney failure and heart disease. Often, doctors observe cases when inadequate treatment of acute tonsillitis leads to the development of the pathology into a chronic form. But if the diagnosis was carried out on time, and getting rid of the pathology was carried out taking into account all the above recommendations, then negative consequences can be avoided.

Auxiliary Therapy

Angina can be treated at home with folk remedies. However, it should be borne in mind that such methods should only be considered as additional.

woman gargling her throat
woman gargling her throat

They serve as an excellent support for the course prescribed by the doctor, and allow a person to get rid of the disease faster.

  1. Gargling. What can be the most effective treatment for angina at home with folk remedies? Judging by the feedback from patients, gargling with soda, s alt and iodine gives excellent results. For the procedure, you will need a healing solution. Its preparation will not be difficult. In 200 ml of boiled warm water, add 1 teaspoon of soda with ½ teaspoon of s alt. After that, 3-4 drops of iodine are dripped into the mixture. Mixing of the product is carried out until all the ingredients in it are completely dissolved. Rinsing is carried out no more than three times during the day until the symptoms of the disease are completely relieved. This simple drug has a fairly strong therapeutic effect due to the properties that each of its constituent ingredients has. For example, s alt is used in a recipe because of its wonderful disinfectant effect. It heals the affected tissues, and also cleanses the larynx from suppuration and perfectly eliminates the puffiness characteristic of a sore throat. Soda has a similar effect. She is good at treating purulent tonsillitis at home. After all, soda quickly dissolvesformed plugs, washing them out of the larynx area. Particles of this substance remaining on the mucosa prevent further development of pathogenic microflora, which is unable to develop in the presence of an alkaline component. Why is iodine added to the solution? It allows you to effectively treat at home follicular tonsillitis, as well as lacunar due to the provision of a strong analgesic effect. In addition, iodine is a strong antiseptic that relieves swelling and inflammation. Sometimes such a solution is prepared with the same ingredients. However, iodine is replaced with 3 drops of hydrogen peroxide.
  2. Inhalations. These procedures are recommended only in those cases when the patient no longer has a temperature, and his affairs are clearly on the mend. To prepare a solution for inhalation, medicines prescribed by a doctor or natural ingredients such as eucalyptus, sage, calendula, chamomile and thyme can be used. Inhalations are carried out no more than 2-3 times a day until the pain in the throat completely stops. When treating sore throats in children at home, you will need to follow all the doctor's recommendations, and do this with great care. So, when preparing a solution for inhalation, it is important to observe the required ratio of saline and medication. This procedure should be carried out only under the supervision of adults. In the case of treating purulent tonsillitis at home, inhalation using a compressor nebulizer is strictly prohibited for children.
  3. Using beets. How to treat follicular tonsillitis at home quickly? Judgingaccording to numerous reviews of those who had to deal with acute tonsillitis, beets can become an effective remedy for getting rid of the disease. To do this, it is taken in a volume of 0.5 kg and grated or ground in a blender. Next, juice is squeezed out of the resulting mass, adding vinegar (1 tablespoon) to it. The mixture should stand for a day. Gargle with the finished solution or use it 1 teaspoon 5-7 times a day, while drinking hot milk.
  4. Aloe juice. Alternative treatment of angina at home also involves the use of this plant. To prepare a remedy, juice is squeezed from an aloe leaf. It is consumed daily in the morning before breakfast in the amount of 2 teaspoons. Duration of admission - until complete recovery.

There are many other folk recipes for the treatment of acute tonsillitis, but the ones listed above are the most popular.
