Infections in childhood are quite difficult to avoid. Some of them usually require the use of antibiotics. Often parents are afraid of the need to take such drugs, because there are many myths about their endless harm to the body. But it should be remembered that doctors prescribe antibiotic treatment only if the benefit outweighs the harm. With proper use and following all recommendations, side effects can be minimized.
Antibiotic in suspension
Antibacterial medicines in the form of a suspension are popularly called children's antibiotics. Preparations in this form are convenient to give to infants, newborns and older children. After all, it is far from always that a baby, even at five or six years old, will be able to swallow a whole pill on his own, and caring parents naturally do not want to choose injections when there is a sparing alternative.
In the event that the doctor does not insist on injections, it makes sense to ask if it is possibleto purchase the prescribed antibiotic in suspension. Manufacturers in the factory grind the solid into powder or crush it into granules. Then the resulting product is packaged in vials.

Preparing a suspension at home is simple: just add boiled chilled water to the pharmacy bottle to the mark indicated on the bottle. At the same time, half of the required amount is first filled, the medicine is thoroughly mixed, shaken, allowed to stand for a while, and then topped up to the mark and shake the vessel again so that there is no sediment at the bottom. The resulting substance is dosed using a special syringe or spoon to the desired volume.
As a rule, antibiotics in suspension have a rather pleasant smell and fruity taste, so the child does not have to be persuaded to drink such medicine for a long time. It should be noted that antibiotic preparations in the form of a suspension are primarily created for children. They are intended for babies, babies, toddlers up to five or six years old, and sometimes even older, if the child is naughty, refusing to take pills on their own.
For the convenience of moms and dads, suspensions are produced in different dosages, that is, the concentration of the active ingredient in the dry preparation is different. From the age of twelve, children can already take capsules.
List of antibiotics for children in suspension
Currently, the pharmaceutical market offers many antibiotics in suspension form. The most popular ones are as follows:
- Suprax.
- Pancef.
- Klacid.
- "Cephalexin".
- "Azithromycin".
- Macrofoam.
- Azitrox.
- Augmentin.
- Amoxicillin.
- "Amoxiclav".
- Ospamox.
- Zinnat.
- Hemomycin.
- "Sumamed".
Let's look at each of them in more detail.
This is a fairly strong, and at the same time effective antibiotic belonging to the cephalosporin group. It is prescribed in the case of an advanced form of the disease, with its severe course, or when weaker medicines do not have the desired effect. This drug is usually prescribed against the background of bacterial infections of the respiratory canals, in the case of pharyngitis, bronchitis, tonsillitis, in diseases of the urinary tract caused by microbes, for example, against the background of cystitis. An antibiotic in Suprax suspension can be prescribed for children and with otitis media.

Suspension to the child is done in two stages. First add 40 milliliters of boiled chilled water. Shake and let stand. Next, add the rest to the mark on the bottle. Shake the vessel again so that no undissolved particles remain. For children under six months, Suprax is not recommended. Dosage is calculated based on weight and age:
- For six months to a year, give up to 80 milligrams twice a week.
- 1 to 4 years - 100 milligrams in two divided doses throughout the week.
- Five to eleven - up to 200 milligrams twice seven days.
What else is includedlist of antibiotics in suspension? "Pancef" is a very powerful drug that is prescribed for children with complex pharyngitis, tonsillitis and tonsillitis. It is effective in the treatment of sinusitis, bronchitis and suppurative otitis media. Pharmacies have granules for diluting the suspension, as well as a powder used for the same purpose. As a rule, the medicine is prescribed from the age of six months to twelve years at 8 milligrams per kilo of the baby's weight once for ten days. Suspension is stored in the refrigerator for no more than two weeks.
This broad-spectrum antibiotic in suspension from the macrolide group is often prescribed for bronchitis, pneumonia, pharyngitis and otitis media. It is also effective for skin infections. The pharmacist can offer powders for suspension in two packages - 125 and 250 milligrams in 5 milliliters of the finished medicine. Klacid has a distinctive feature, which consists in the fact that this suspension can be given to the baby both with food, and before or after it. It doesn't matter much at all. In addition, such a suspension is allowed to be washed down with milk (although, according to general rules, antibacterial drugs are not supplemented with this product).
It is worth paying attention to the concentration of the drug. When using Klacid 250, 5 milliliters of the active ingredient preparation will contain 250 mg. It turns out that 150 milligrams of medicine required by a child weighing 20 kilograms will be contained in 3 milliliters of suspension. Usually, from birth to twelve years of age, 7.5 milligrams of medication per kilogram of body weight is prescribed twice for five days. Readythe suspension is stored for no more than fourteen days.

This is the name of an antibiotic in suspension for many people. This cephalosporin is used to treat a wide variety of respiratory diseases in children. "Cefalexin" is also prescribed for bacterial pathologies of the genitourinary system in the case of cystitis, pyelonephritis, urethritis. The pharmacy offers powders of various dosages: 125, 250 or 500 milligrams in 5 milliliters. And also there are granules from which you can make a suspension. You need to take the finished medicine about an hour before meals. The dosage of the antibiotic in suspension is as follows:
- Up to a year, take 0.5 grams twice for seven days.
- From one to six years - 1 gram twice a week.
- 6 to 10 years - also 1 gram up to four times a day for a week.
- Ten to fourteen - 2 grams four times seven days.
This strong antibiotic quickly copes with microorganisms that cause angina, tonsillitis, otitis media. It fights atypical respiratory diseases caused by chlamydia or mycoplasma. The drug is beneficial for babies with skin infections, as well as some diseases of the stomach. The presented suspension is available in two concentrations - 100 and 200 milligrams in 5 milliliters. The drug is not recommended for children under six months. The dosage in this case will be as follows: from six months to twelve years, 10 milligrams are prescribed foreach kilogram of weight once for three to four days.
This is a worthy representative of macrolide antibiotics, it can be recommended by a doctor for bronchitis, even in the case of its chronic form, as well as for otitis media and against the background of sinusitis. Its use is also advisable in the treatment of diphtheria, pneumonia and whooping cough. The medicine can be bought in suspension format, or rather in the form of granules intended for further dilution. The dosage is as follows:
- From birth to six months, take 130 milligrams twice for seven days.
- From six months to two years - 260 milligrams twice a week.
- From two years to four - 350 mg twice for seven days.
- Four to six - 525 mg also twice a day for one week.
- 6 and older - 785 mg in two doses for seven days.

This antibiotic is quickly absorbed and instantly excreted from the body, without accumulating in the tissues at all. It is prescribed for children suffering from bronchitis, pneumonia, otitis, including the purulent nature of the disease. The drug is very effective in sinusitis, tonsillitis, tonsillitis, as well as in the case of some inflammations of the ureters and bladder. The suspension of this antibiotic is made from ready-made pharmaceutical powder. Dosing is as follows: from birth to twelve years, use from 5 to 10 milligrams per kilo of body weight once for five days. For adolescents from twelve years of age, this antibioticit is recommended in capsules, as in the case of taking the liquid form of the drug, it becomes difficult to achieve the desired dosage.
This is perhaps the most common penicillin drug in pediatrics, it helps to cope with various infections of the respiratory organs and otolaryngological diseases. No less effective is the antibiotic "Augmentin" in suspension in the treatment of a number of urinary tract infections, as well as in diseases of the bones and joints. At pharmacists, you can find three concentrations of the dry component for preparing the medicine: 125, 200 and 400 milligrams in 5 milliliters. From birth to twelve years of age, doctors usually prescribe 30 milligrams per kilogram of weight three times for seven days for babies. For children who weigh more than 40 kilograms, the drug is recommended in tablet form.
The prepared suspension is stored for no more than one week.
This is another popular antibiotic in suspension. It is quite effective for bronchitis. It is also prescribed for children for tonsillitis, pneumonia, otitis media. This is a very effective medicine against pathogens of pyelonephritis and cystitis. It can become the main drug in the treatment regimen for typhoid fever, as well as cholecystitis. The remedy is prescribed for salmonellosis and meningitis. This medicinal suspension is available in a single concentration of 250 milligrams in 5 milliliters. The dosage for children will be as follows:
- From birth to two years, 20 milligrams per kilo of weight is requiredthree times from five to fourteen days.
- 2 to 5 years - 125 milligrams three times seven to fourteen days.
- Five to ten years - 250 milligrams three times seven to fourteen days.
- Children who are over the age of ten already take 500 milligrams three times seven to fourteen days.
The antibiotic "Amoxiclav" in suspension is quite popular. It belongs to the penicillin family. It is prescribed for various otolaryngological diseases and diseases of the respiratory system. A doctor may prescribe it to a child to treat urethritis, cystitis, bone and muscle infections. In pharmacies today, vials with a dry matter of 250, 125 and 400 milligrams in 5 milliliters are available. The dosage is as follows:
- From birth to three months, take 2 ml for five to fourteen days.
- From three months to twelve years - 3 ml of antibiotic "Amoxiclav" in suspension for two weeks.

This penicillin antibacterial is often prescribed by a pediatrician for the treatment of otitis media, pneumonia, bronchitis, including chronic bronchitis, skin infections and soft tissue diseases that are caused by microbes. The dosage of the medicine is as follows:
- From birth to three years, from 2.5 to 5 milliliters is prescribed three times within one week.
- From the age of three, pediatricians prescribe 5 to 7.5 milliliters three times over two weeks.
- This suspension cannot bein no case drink milk.
Zinnat, a popular antibiotic in suspension for children, is a second-generation cephalosporin. It can be prescribed to treat inflammation of the bronchi, lungs, tonsillitis, otitis media, and infectious skin diseases. The drug copes with microbes that cause cystitis or pyelonephritis. The dosage of the antibiotic in suspension for children "Zinnat": from three months to twelve years, 125 milligrams of the drug is prescribed twice for ten days. In especially severe cases, it can reach 500 milligrams, but no more. Infants under three months of age should not be given this antibiotic.

This representative of the macrolide family has proven itself as the main therapy for pneumonia, tonsillitis, otitis media, sinusitis, cystitis and urethritis. It is recommended by specialists for skin infections, and in addition, in case of stomach diseases. If the doctor prescribes "Hemomycin", the pharmacist can offer two options for dry matter for suspensions, presented in concentrations of 100 and 200 milligrams in 5 milliliters. The dosage will be as follows:
- At the age of six months to a year, "Hemomycin-100" is taken at 10 milligrams per kilogram of weight once for only three days.
- From one year to twelve years, 10 milligrams of "Hemomycin-200" per kilo of body weight is used once for three days.
This is a fairly well-known antimicrobial bacteriostaticdrug belonging to the group of macrolides. The antibiotic "Sumamed" in suspension is considered a universal medicine. He can successfully cope with most otolaryngological diseases, infections of the respiratory organs. It is also prescribed to children in case of skin and genitourinary ailments. In the names of this drug in the form of a suspension, the word "Forte" is often found. Dosage:
- From six months to 12 years, children take 10 milligrams per kilo of body weight once a day for only three days.
- Twelve years and older, 500 milligrams once daily for three days.
Ready-to-use suspension is required to be taken one hour before a meal or two after it. You can store the medicine in the refrigerator or in a dark place. It should close tightly. After preparation, the drug is suitable for no more than five days. Now let's figure out which drugs are currently chosen by doctors for the treatment of bronchitis in children.

List of antibiotics for bronchitis
Currently, four groups of antibiotics are prescribed for bronchitis in children in suspension:
- Aminopenicillins, represented by drugs such as Augmentin along with Amoxicillin and Amoxiclav. They are reasonably priced. Their action, as a rule, extends exclusively to bacteria. But the disadvantage of this group is their ability to provoke an allergic reaction.
- Macrolides in the form of "Sumamed" and "Macrofoam". These medicines are already more expensive than the aforementioned antibiotics andprescribed when a child is allergic to penicillins. Macrolides prevent the subsequent reproduction of bacteria.
- Fluoroquinols represented by Ofloxacin, Levofloxacin and Moxifloxacin have a wide range of effects. They are also used for the treatment of obstructive bronchitis. But their disadvantage is that they can cause dysbacteriosis in babies with disruption of the digestive system.
- Cephalosporins in the form of "Ceftriaxone", "Cefazolin" and "Cephalexin" are most often used to combat chronic forms of bronchitis.
Consider reviews of antibiotics in suspension.
There are a lot of comments about various drugs. For example, Summamed, Suprax, Hemomycin are very popular with parents. These drugs are well tolerated, help quickly and rarely cause side effects in children. Although it all depends on the individual characteristics of the body. "Amoxiclav" in the form of a suspension, doctors also prescribe quite often. This is a very strong drug. True, at high dosages or long-term use, according to reviews, it can provoke an allergic reaction.

We reviewed the list of antibiotics in suspension. This form is a mixture of powder dissolved in liquid. Antibacterial solids are ground in a pharmaceutical factory and bottled. They have different dosages, so mothers need to calculate how much medicine to give their child.
Not reallyso it doesn’t matter in what form the baby will take the antibiotic. Sometimes it is easier for children to swallow a pill than to drink an unpleasant liquid. True, if it comes to very small ones, then the suspension for their therapy is best suited. It is worth recalling that any choice of medication should be agreed with the pediatrician.