Side effects of "Fluconazole" in women and men, reviews

Side effects of "Fluconazole" in women and men, reviews
Side effects of "Fluconazole" in women and men, reviews

Consider the side effects of Fluconazole. Thrush, which doctors call candidiasis, is a fungal disease that affects the mucous membranes of the genital organs in adults and the oral cavity in children. It occurs in both sexes and often requires mandatory treatment. This ailment goes away on its own only if it occurs due to dysbacteriosis of the genital organs, which is provoked by taking large doses of antibiotics. To treat such a disease, there are various drugs in pharmacies today, and one of them is Fluconazole. The side effects of the drug will be described below.

side effect of fluconazole
side effect of fluconazole

What is this medicine?

"Fluconazole" is characterized, first of all, as an antifungal drug that actively fights the causative agent of thrush. This medicine is currently one of theof the strongest antifungal drugs with a wide range of effects. Its effectiveness is based on the fact that it inhibits the enzymes of the fungus, which provide this pathogen with good nutrition, contributing to its reproduction and growth.

True, we should not forget about the side effects of Fluconazole. Taking the remedy leads the fungus to death and the rapid restoration of he althy microflora. The medicine is produced in five forms, and the doctor, after examining the patient, at his discretion, selects the best option to achieve a quick therapeutic result. Today, pharmacies offer a choice of drug formats in the form of tablets, syrup, capsules, powder for suspensions and injection solution.

The option for injections is mainly prescribed for severe thrush. Often, "Fluconazole" is used as part of complex therapy, which includes cleansing douches, taking anti-inflammatory drugs and the drug itself.


As we are informed by the annotation to "Fluconazole", the medicine contains a key active ingredient called fluconazole. Among the auxiliary components in the production of the drug, lactose, magnesium stearate are used along with potato starch monohydrate and silicon dioxide. The capsule shell consists of gelatin and titanium dioxide.

Pharmacological properties

Before describing the side effects of Fluconazole 150 mg, let's talk about its pharmacological properties. The medication is suppressedfungal lanosterol, which serves as a key step in the process of ergosterol biosynthesis. As a result, fungal cell membranes lose ergosterol and respond to the antifungal activity of the drug. The drug shows good antifungal activity against the most common types of Candida.

According to available studies, the use of the drug in question for twenty-eight days does not affect testosterone in men. Also, this remedy does not affect endogenous steroids in the body of women.

Fluconazole is usually well absorbed. In the body, its highest concentration is reached, as a rule, a maximum of one and a half hours after ingestion. The volume of the drug in the blood plasma is completely proportional to the dose taken. Equilibrium concentration in ninety percent of cases is achieved on the second day of admission.

The process of binding to blood plasma proteins is quite low and amounts to only eleven to twelve percent. This agent is well able to penetrate body fluids. Its level in saliva and sputum is equal to the concentration in blood plasma. Regarding the skin, most of the medication in question accumulates within the stratum corneum. For "Fluconazole", as a rule, a slight metabolization of eleven percent is characteristic.

side effects of fluconazole in women
side effects of fluconazole in women

The withdrawal period is thirty hours. Most of the drug leaves the body through the kidneys. This long half-life allowsuse it once in the presence of vaginal candidiasis or apply once a week against other diseases.

In patients suffering from severe kidney failure, the half-life reaches ninety-eight hours, so they should reduce the dose of Fluconazole. With regards to elderly patients, it is worth noting that they have a half-life of forty-six hours.


As we are informed by the annotation to "Fluconazole", the presented pharmaceutical preparation is prescribed to combat the following diseases:

  • Presence of cryptococcal meningitis.
  • The appearance of candidiasis of any mucous membranes.
  • Development of coccidioidomycosis.
  • When a patient has atrophic candidiasis in a chronic form due to the use of dentures, in the event that dental local remedies are ineffective.
  • Occurrence of vaginal candidiasis when topical therapy is no longer appropriate.
  • Against the background of dermatomycosis (we are talking about mycosis of the feet, skin, etc.).
  • In the case of candidal balanitis, when topical treatment is not appropriate.
  • For invasive candidiasis.
  • In the case of dermatophytic onychomycosis, when other drugs are ineffective.

Fluconazole can also be prescribed to patients as a prophylactic drug in a number of such situations:

  • Against the background of relapses of cryptococcal meningitis.
  • When candidiasis recurs in patients with HIV who have an increased risk of itappearances.
  • Frequent relapses of vaginal candidiasis (four or more cases per year).
  • For prolonged neutropenia (when chemotherapy is used to fight blood cancer or when doctors performed a stem cell transplant).

Children are given this drug when they can swallow it safely, usually starting at age five.

fluconazole reviews side effects
fluconazole reviews side effects

Features of the treatment of women

Depending on the form of the disease and the cause of its development, the method of taking the pharmaceutical preparation in question is also chosen. Treatment is carried out according to a special scheme for each type of thrush:

  • In the primary form of the disease, women are prescribed Fluconazole, 150 milligrams once. At the discretion of the doctor, it is also allowed to take this drug again after ten days in order to consolidate the result if there is a threat of a relapse of the disease. These fears include weakened immunity along with the passage of radiation and chemotherapy.
  • Against the background of recurrent thrush. When the disease recurs several times within six months, more intensive treatment is necessary. For this, the drug is prescribed at a dose of 150 milligrams once every three days for two weeks, then one pill once a month for six months. It is rarely possible to extend a half-year course for a similar period of time.
  • When thrush affects the skin of the inguinal region. Suchform of this disease is quite rare. Treatment in this case is carried out as follows: once a week for thirty days, use the drug at a dosage of 150. Side effects of "Fluconazole" in this case practically do not occur.
  • Against a background of thrush resulting from high-dose antibiotic treatment. Often, after stopping the use of antibiotics, the disease in this form goes away on its own, but if this does not happen, then the patient will need immediate treatment. "Fluconazole" at a dose of 150 milligrams in a similar situation is taken once. Re-use to consolidate the result is not required. The drug is necessary only to help the body, which under normal conditions must independently eliminate such a thrush.
  • In the event of a severe form of the disease or the inability to take the medicine, intravenous administration is prescribed orally, which is carried out by means of a dropper with a dose of 20 milligrams per minute. The course of therapy for the duration and frequency of use of the drug is the same as when using capsules and tablets.

In the event that the patient has already taken a course of treatment with this drug, then against the background of the return of thrush after some time, treatment can be resumed without visiting a doctor if intravenous administration is not required.

Feedback on the side effects of "Fluconazole" in women will be presented at the end of the article.

fluconazole 150 side effects
fluconazole 150 side effects

Use in men

The strong halfHumanity thrush, albeit extremely rare, but still can occur. In this regard, this medication can also come to the rescue for men. For the implementation of treatment, it will be necessary to take the medicine according to certain schemes corresponding to specific forms of the disease:

  • In the case of a disease that has arisen for the first time and is not complicated by a sexually transmitted disease, this drug is prescribed for men at a time at a dose of 150 milligrams.
  • Against the background of a long-term mild thrush, the presented drug is drunk once a week in a capsule at a dose of 150 milligrams.
  • If there is a risk of infection as a result of unprotected sexual contact with a partner who suffers from candidiasis, it is required to apply the suspension to the penile mucosa once.

As part of the prevention of thrush, men should use this drug once a month. At risk are people who are overweight in combination with diabetes, as well as HIV.

Side effects of "Fluconazole" in men

It is worth noting that this medication is not suitable for all patients. The fact is that in a number of clinical cases it can provoke certain side effects. Among male patients, the following complaints are likely:

  • Appearance of pain in the abdomen (this can manifest gastralgia).
  • Occurrence of increased fatigue and dizziness, as well as weakness.
  • Development of arrhythmia or tachycardia.
  • Probably also calcium leaching.
  • Symptoms in the form of headache, nausea,less likely to vomit.
  • Possibly upset stomach.
  • The appearance of hepatotoxicity, anaphylactic shock.
  • The occurrence of skin rashes of various localization.

As a rule, the side effects of "Fluconazole" in men are only temporary, they disappear on their own after the withdrawal of the described medication. Most often, we are talking about allergic reactions caused by excessive sensitivity of the body to the active ingredients.

abstract of fluconazole capsules
abstract of fluconazole capsules

Side effects of Fluconazole in women

It must be said that, subject to the correct dosage and regimen, the medication in women usually does not provoke serious complications and adverse reactions. Only fifteen percent of patients may have allergic reactions to the main component (in this case, they are likely to manifest themselves in the form of urticaria, erythema, rash).

What other side effects of Fluconazole have been observed in women? Among other things, malfunctions in the functioning of the digestive system are not ruled out. Very rarely, as in men (one to two percent of cases), women experience nausea along with headache, dizziness and liver damage.

If you strictly follow the instructions for use, side effects from Fluconazole practically do not occur.

Common negative reactions”

So, the medication in question may cause some undesirable manifestations on the part of the work of both the male and female body. Common side effects of fluconazole areheadache, along with nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain and rash.

Among other things, both women and the stronger sex in the body may experience an increased content of aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase, and alkaline phosphatase in the blood. The use of this drug may result in circulatory side effects such as anemia, agranulocytosis, leukopenia, neutropenia and thrombocytopenia.

It is also worth noting that the use of "Fluconazole" for the immune system of the human body is sometimes fraught with anaphylaxis. Also, a metabolic disorder is not excluded, for example, a decrease in appetite in combination with hypertriglyceridemia, hypercholesterolemia and hypokalemia. Side effects of "Fluconazole" in women and men are quite unpleasant.

Some patients complain that they are disturbed by mental disorders in the form of insomnia and drowsiness. With regard to the nervous system, it is worth noting that doctors have recorded complaints from patients about the appearance of headaches, convulsions, dizziness, tremors, paresthesia and taste disturbances.

drug fluconazole abstract
drug fluconazole abstract

Hearing organs, according to the observations of specialists, can react with such a side effect as vertigo. A negative effect of the drug in question on the cardiac and vascular systems was also recorded, in connection with which patients of both sexes may experience ventricular paroxysmal tachycardia of the "pirouette" type, along with prolongation of the QT interval.

Notbypass side effects from "Fluconazole" and the digestive system. For example, patients sometimes complain of dry mouth, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, constipation, abdominal pain, flatulence, dyspepsia, and the like. The hepatobiliary system is able to respond with an increase in the level of aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase and bilirubin alkaline phosphatase. Cholestasis is also likely along with jaundice, liver failure, hepatocellular necrosis, hepatitis.

As stated in the annotation to the tablets "Fluconazole", a rash, dermatitis, itching, as well as reactions in the form of urticaria, swelling of the face, alopecia and exfoliative dermatitis may appear. In addition, complaints about the presence of increased sweating, the appearance of toxic epidermal necrolysis, generalized exanthematous pustulosis in acute form and angioedema are rarely recorded.

For the bone, as well as the muscular system, the use of "Fluconazole" is sometimes fraught with myalgia. Also, patients have repeatedly noted general disorders in the form of increased fatigue, malaise, asthenia, fever, and the like. Among children, the nature and frequency of adverse reactions in the framework of completed clinical studies is comparable to adults.

Side effects of "Fluconazole" in men and women occur more often on the background of an overdose.


Against the background of an overabundance of funds in the body, hallucinations may appear, as well as paranoid behavior. The first aid in this case should be gastric lavage. Treatment shoulddiffer in a symptomatic way. It should be borne in mind that Fluconazole can be excreted in the urine, and forced diuresis can accelerate the withdrawal of this drug. Performing a session of hemodialysis for three hours helps to reduce the level of the drug in the blood plasma by an average of fifty percent.

General contraindications

The pharmaceutical agent "Fluconazole" has a number of prohibitions for use. They are conditionally divided into two groups: absolute and relative. The first category includes the following contraindications:

  • Using the drug at a dose equal to or more than 400 milligrams in combination with drugs such as Terfenadine, Astemizol and other medicines that have a similar effect.
  • Lactation period in women.
  • Fluconazole is prohibited for small patients who are under three years of age.
  • Presence of intolerance or hypersensitivity to the components of pills or capsules, and, in addition, in relation to antifungal ingredients that are azole derivatives.

The second group includes the following prohibitions:

  • In the presence of pregnancy, the pharmaceutical drug in question is prescribed only when the risks of developing a fungus exceed the risk of losing a child.
  • On the background of liver failure.
  • If the patient is prone to skin reactions in the form of a rash when using antifungal medicines.

With caution, the described antifungal medication is prescribed by doctors to patients under eighteen years of age, and, apart fromin addition, patients with kidney and liver failure, occurring in a chronic form. The same applies to diseases of the heart and vascular system. It is also worth refraining from treatment for older people who are over sixty-five years old, and, in addition, in case of a predisposition to allergic diseases. Annotation to "Fluconazole" in capsules confirms this.

Additional instructions

Considering that, according to the instructions, "Fluconazole" side effects can provoke in the form of dizziness and fatigue or hallucinations, it is advisable to take it with great care to a certain category of people. These should include those who are associated with driving or, on duty, operate complex mechanisms.

It should also be borne in mind that the compatibility of Fluconazole with many drugs has not been fully studied. With great care, this drug can be taken simultaneously with Warfarin, and, in addition, in various hypoglycemic agents like Cyclosporine, Theophylline and Rifabutin. The combination of these substances requires the patient to regularly monitor laboratory blood tests. In the event of the manifestation of certain harmful changes, it is advisable to interrupt or correct the course of using Fluconazole.

It is important to consider that the drug in question must be taken during the entire period prescribed by the doctor. In the event that you arbitrarily stop taking it against the background of the disappearance of superficial symptoms of the disease, this can lead to a relapse. The consumption of alcoholic beverages is strictly prohibiteddrinks during therapy. Pills and capsules are stored away from the rays of the sun, always in a dry place at a temperature that should not exceed thirty degrees.

Drug interactions and side effects

In addition to the prohibitions already listed, the combined use of Fluconazole and such medications as:is contraindicated

  • When combined with Cisapride, side effects from the cardiac and vascular system are possible, there are risks of ventricular tachycardia.
  • When taken simultaneously with Terfenadine, there is a risk of developing serious cardiac arrhythmias.
  • Under the influence of Astemizol, clearance decreases and QT prolongation is caused, and sometimes paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia.
  • Pimozide, just like Quinidine, can lead to inhibition of the withdrawal of the drug from the human body, causing QT prolongation, in rare cases, this is fraught with the occurrence of ventricular paroxysmal tachycardia.
  • "Erythromycin" increases the risk of developing cardiotoxicity, which can lead to sudden death.
  • Under the influence of "Amiodarone" inhibition of metabolism is possible along with a significant prolongation of the QT interval.
  • The drug "Halofantrine" increases the risk of developing cardiotoxicity, and at the same time, sudden cardiac death.

Let's find out what people and medical professionals have to say about this remedy.

summary of fluconazole tablets
summary of fluconazole tablets

Patient testimonials

Consider feedback on the side effects of Fluconazole. Peoplein the comments they report that they have heard a lot about this drug, both good and bad, but from their own experience they have repeatedly made sure that it actually helps a lot. According to patients, after the first capsule, the symptoms quickly disappear. There are no relapses.

Women say that after treatment with Fluconazole, the microflora is quickly restored. Men who have experienced such a disease as thrush in their lives also say that this antifungal drug actively fights the causative agent of the disease and effectively helps to get rid of it.

Unfortunately, despite the good result of the treatment, there are reviews of the side effects of Fluconazole. All patients complain about it. Negative reactions are noted while taking this remedy. For example, men complain about the appearance of pain in the abdomen, the occurrence of increased fatigue and dizziness, as well as weakness. Some develop arrhythmia or tachycardia. What are the reviews about the side effects of Fluconazole in women? Ladies in the comments complain about frequent allergic reactions and malfunctions in the functioning of the digestive system.

Reviews of doctors

If you follow contraindications, side effects of Fluconazole, according to reviews, develop less frequently. Doctors report that there are two problems in the fight against candidiasis: an attempt to self-medicate without undergoing a preliminary examination, as well as a belated referral to a specialist. Only a doctor can determine the correct diagnosis and prescribe adequate therapy. According to doctors in their reviews,"Fluconazole" for thrush is the most effective drug from the line of antimycotic agents for systemic exposure.

In order to cure an acute episode, as a rule, one pill of Fluconazole is enough. But, when candidiasis recurs three to five times a year, then doctors consider it appropriate to have a long period of treatment: once every seven days, 150 milligrams for six months.

Reviews of the side effects of "Fluconazole" are also found. But doctors believe that it's all about individual intolerance.

Thus, the overall prevalence of all kinds of fungal diseases has recently increased significantly. This is directly related to the active and not always competent use of antibiotics, cytostatics, corticosteroid drugs, as well as the development of immunodeficiency. According to doctors, urogenital candidiasis can very often occur in clinical practice.

Thrush is characterized by the presence of vesicles, and, in addition, punctate erosions and damage to the mucous membrane, which, under the influence of the disease, is prone to cracking and bleeding in the area of the vestibule of the vagina. According to experts, in the development of this disease, Fluconazole is the drug of choice in the systemic treatment of candidal infections.

As reported in the comments, it is highly active against the Candida fungus (only three percent of strains of this parasite are resistant to Fluconazole), has good bioavailability and a minimum of contraindications. Unfortunately, this drug can cause people tocertain side effects, but with strict adherence to medical recommendations, these can be avoided.

We reviewed the instructions, contraindications and side effects of Fluconazole.
