Hoarse voice is an extremely unpleasant phenomenon that can bring a whole lot of inconvenience to people whose activities require active communication with others. The problem is especially common among professional vocalists. Such people ask themselves a natural question, what could be the causes of hoarseness and how to eliminate the trouble. To find a way out of the situation will allow familiarization with our article.
General information

At the root of such a phenomenon as hoarseness lies problems with the functioning of the ligaments of the larynx. The latter are responsible for the reproduction of sounds. The consequence of their damage is a change in voice, its muffled character. In some cases, there is a complete temporary loss of speech.
What factors can cause hoarseness? Laryngitis, other pathological conditions of the nasopharynx and larynx are the most commonproblems that affect the change in elasticity and thickness of the ligaments. However, there are a whole host of other prerequisites for the difficulty of the speech function, which will be discussed later in our publication.
Inflammation of the larynx

The cause of hoarseness is often pathological processes of an inflammatory and infectious nature that affect the vocal cords. The problem is caused by the following diseases: colds, laryngitis, tracheitis, other lesions of the tissues of the mucous membranes by pathogens of viral and bacterial infections. Reproduction in the oral cavity of fungal organisms such as Candida can lead to hoarseness of voice.
The development of the above pathologies entails insufficiently tight closure of the ligaments. The reason for this is the appearance of puffiness. A dry cough and fever can also affect the change in the nature of speech.
Chemical and thermal burns
Leading to deformation, thickening or swelling of the vocal cords can damage the larynx with aggressive chemicals, as well as hot drinks and food. If we talk about the effects of a toxic nature, most often such problems are observed when inhaling vapors of ammonia, chlorine and fluorine. Damage to the vocal cords can also occur when poisoning with household chemicals with a high concentration of chloride compounds.
Symptoms of chemical and thermal burns of the larynx are: spasms, bouts of dry cough, swelling of the airways. The above reagents provoke the development of a severe pain syndrome,sore throat, discharge of an abundance of mucus from the nasopharynx.
Vocal cord strain

Significant stress on the speech apparatus is one of the common causes of hoarseness. The problem arises in cases where a person reproduced a loud cry. You can also break your voice while singing. Teachers, lecturers, vocalists, speakers suffer from trouble. Such people quite often develop chronic laryngitis caused by the peculiarities of professional activity. In this case, not only hoarseness of the voice can be observed, but also a loss of its strength and a change in timbre.
Allergic reactions
Hoarseness in adults and children can develop on the background of contact with allergens. In such situations, swelling of the larynx, as a rule, occurs almost instantly. If the allergic reaction is difficult to tolerate, then signs of suffocation are observed. Then the effect of pallor of the skin appears, the face and limbs turn blue, the consciousness becomes clouded.
Endocrine disruption

Hoarse voice in adults often occurs due to metabolic disorders in the body. Often this leads to the development of serious endocrine ailments. In particular, the effect of hoarseness occurs with hypothyroidism and inflammation of the thyroid gland. In such situations, dense swelling of the tissues of the larynx is formed, which are difficult to treat. To understand that the problem of hoarseness when playing sounds is caused by endocrine disruptions, you cansuch symptoms: the occurrence of swelling in the throat, severe pallor of the skin, mental retardation and the development of apathy.
Neurological causes
Hoarseness of voice in a child and an adult can be manifested under the influence of pathological conditions of a neurological nature. We are talking about diseases, the formation of which is accompanied by paresis and paralysis of the laryngeal nerves. Botulism, syphilis, rabies, diphtheria often lead to such violations. Damage to the nerve endings, which provokes the appearance of the effect of hoarseness, sometimes becomes the result of tumor formations in the larynx, lymph nodes, thyroid gland.
Medicated treatment

What are the cures for hoarseness? Among the most effective pharmacological drugs that potentially make it possible to eliminate the trouble, it is worth highlighting the following:
- Iodine-based local antiseptics. First of all, we are talking about Lugol's solution, which lubricates the damaged tissues of the larynx. A good option is to use an aerosol product called Yoks. Gargling can be performed using the composition "Iodinol".
- Antiseptics based on herbal ingredients. Here you can highlight the drug "Chlorophyllipt", tincture of calendula, solution "Salvin".
- Lossable tablets: Septolete, Laripront, Falimint, Grammidin.
- Medications intended for inhalation:"Ingalipt", "Kameton".
A separate category includes drugs for hoarseness, which are used in cases where allergic reactions are at the root of the problem. Among the most effective antihistamines are: Claritin, Zyrtec, Loratadin, Allergodil, Telfast.
Nutrition for hoarseness

The time it takes to fix the problem depends largely on the daily diet. To feel relief as soon as possible, you should stop eating cold, hot, spicy and sour foods. The daily use of quail or chicken eggs in raw form will bring benefits. Helps eliminate the effect of hoarseness and the inclusion in the diet of boiled garlic, liver, fatty goose meat. An important point is the complete rejection of alcohol. By following these simple rules, you can see noticeable improvements pretty soon.
Traditional medicine methods

Quickly eliminate the effect of hoarseness in a child and an adult allows the use of funds based on anise seeds. Healing broth is prepared as follows. Take about half a glass of vegetable raw materials, which is poured with water in an amount of 500 ml. The composition is boiled over low heat. As soon as the liquid has cooled, it is carefully filtered through a fine strainer. About 50 ml of alcohol and a couple of tablespoons of honey are added here. In order to remove the effect of hoarseness, the resulting remedy is taken several sips everyhalf an hour.
To deal with the problem makes it possible to use a medicine based on black radish juice. To prepare the product, the root crop is thoroughly cleaned and its top is cut off. Scoop out the inside of the radish with a spoon. The formed recess is filled with honey. Then, the lower part is partially cut off at the root crop. After a few hours, the radish begins to actively secrete juice, which combines with honey. It is recommended to resort to such treatment of hoarseness throughout the day, as soon as a sufficient amount of liquid is formed in the vessel for consumption.
Gargling with herbal decoctions looks like a good solution. For the treatment of hoarseness, a composition is prepared based on chamomile flowers, plantain leaves and a dry collection of calendula. These components are combined in identical proportions. The resulting mass is poured with boiling water and infused for several hours. The decoction is used to gargle every 2-3 hours during the day.