Valerian is a medicinal product of natural origin. For the manufacture of this drug, only the rhizomes of the plant are used. Valerian is available both in tablets and as a tincture. Among other things, in large pharmacies, you can directly purchase rhizomes, from which it is possible to make a decoction yourself.
Using extract
Studies of the presented medicine showed no bad effects of valerian during pregnancy. For this reason, it is allowed to receive the entire period of bearing a baby. Nevertheless, incorrect application is not the best option. After all, any drug should be taken only for certain indications and in the correct dosage.

Valerian during pregnancy is not recommended as a tincture. Since it contains alcohol (despite its small amount). We must remember that even the smallest doses of alcohol can harm the child.
Can I take valerian during pregnancy?
A large number of women rely on the incredible effect of natural preparations. For this reason, many questions arise. One of them concerns the drug, which we are now talking about. Is it possible to drink valerian during pregnancy? The answer in this situation is ambiguous.
On the one hand, valerian is a good drug that has a sedative effect and helps to cope with nervous overexcitation. On the other hand, alcohol tincture cannot be used while carrying a child, just as you should not drink large doses of valerian tablets. In addition, taking any medication and even folk remedies, during such a period, is allowed only on the recommendation of a doctor.
The first trimester is the most important, because at this time all the organs and systems of the unborn child are formed in the womb. The question of the use of valerian during pregnancy in the early stages should be decided exclusively with a gynecologist. Only he will be able to calculate all the possible risks and benefits of treatment with this drug.

When applied?
Why do you need valerian during pregnancy? It helps with the following conditions and pathologies:
- tachycardia, which is combined with a state of anxiety;
- gastric cramps;
- strong uterine tone, threatened miscarriage in the early stages;
- persistent insomnia;
- constant nervousness, irritability.
Tablets and decoction of valerian during early pregnancy have a beneficial effect on the digestive tract andgallbladder. These problems often occur in girls in position. In addition to the usual sedative effect, valerian tablets during pregnancy can relieve spasms during Braxton-Hicks contractions, in other words, false ones. It has an antispasmodic effect on the smooth muscles of the diaphragm, uterus and intestines.
Important information
There is an opinion that the use of valerian during pregnancy is permissible. But it is worth knowing some information:
- The ideal pregnancy is a state where there is no need to take any medications. Anxiety, as well as high excitability, can be removed by very safe methods: breathing exercises, autogenic training, walking.
- Overdose of a drug that contains valerian can increase the excitability of the nervous system.
- Too much isovaleric acid, which is found in the root of the plant, can cause headaches, nausea, and increased blood pressure.

Mechanism of impact at different timeframes
Can I drink valerian during early pregnancy? Let's try to understand this issue. This medicine is one of the means used to calm the nervous system, which is very harmless to the expectant mother. It is able to remove nervous tension, signs of toxicosis, as well as preeclampsia. In the first three months, absolutely all body systems develop in the fetus. It is recommended at this time to do without any medication at all.
Changes in the hormonal background in the mother's body at the specified time often lead to the appearance of toxicosis. Systematic vomiting is a sign of a lack of water and nutrients in the body. This is bad for the mother and child. Valerian during pregnancy can be used in conjunction with drugs that reduce blood pressure, remove vomiting, prevent fluid loss by the body, high salivation. This makes it possible to cope with this state of the body and prevent dehydration.
Among other things, the substances found in the root of valerian act as antispasmodics and reduce the tone of the uterus. This reduces the risk of miscarriage. Nevertheless, it is possible to use the root in the first trimester only on the advice of a doctor.
Second trimester. Taking valerian at this time
Valerian during pregnancy in the second trimester is safer than in the early stages of bearing a baby. However, in this case, the drug should be taken only as directed. If there is no indication for taking the remedy, then the doctor will not prescribe valerian.
In the second trimester, toxicosis gradually disappears. Since the body of a woman adapts to the action of hormones. In such a period, the body weight is still not very large, there are no pains in the lower back and pelvic bones. In most cases, the woman becomes quite calm.
However, if you suffer from insomnia or high nervousness, you can take valerian tablets during pregnancy. The drug will have a calming effect on the nervous system. After it, the woman will fall asleep better. However, it is important to know that starting from the sixteenth week of pregnancy, the nervous system develops in the unborn child. For this reason, the expectant mother must be careful not to exceed the dosage indicated by the doctor.

Third trimester. Taking the drug at this stage
During this period, a woman may experience insomnia, she often has frequent stomach pains, and heartburn appears. Valerian during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester has a calming and analgesic effect. It also helps relieve muscle spasms. In the third trimester, late toxicosis and even preeclampsia may occur, which is its serious complication. This condition is characterized by tachycardia, hypertension, emotional instability. In these situations, valerian is prescribed during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester. It will act as a sedative as well as a vasodilator.
Can I drink valerian during pregnancy during this period? Know that in the third trimester, taking the drug will be the safest. But in the first and second, you should limit the intake of valerian, as this can adversely affect the nervous system of the fetus.
However, the answer cannot be so unambiguous, since each organism is individual. Only a doctor will say whether valerian is possible during pregnancy in each case. It is important to remember that valerian is not just a herb with a good smell, it is primarily a potent sedative. By thisreason it is worth observing the dose, as well as adhere to the regimen prescribed by the attending physician.

Why do pregnant women need valerian?
Valerian has various effects on the body. But the most important qualities are a sedative and antispasmodic effect. It is for this reason that pregnant women resort to this drug. Valerian helps to cope with insomnia and stress, reduces muscle tone and more.
Indications for use
Valerian root is a natural tranquilizer. It removes nervous tension, physical fatigue, as well as emotional excitability, reduces the tone of the uterus.
Indications for the use of valerian in pregnant women at various times:
- great excitability and mood swings;
- sleep problems;
- intense headaches caused by migraine attacks;
- heartburn and stomach pain caused by nerves;
- panic attacks and anxiety;
- vomiting and nausea in the first twelve weeks;
- preeclampsia in the last stages;
- increased heart rate due to stress.
Often, the emotional state of mothers is not very stable due to the great fear of losing a child in the early stages, when there is the greatest likelihood of a miscarriage. Especially if the tone of the uterus is increased, there are problems with the placenta, or the test results are not good. All this is easily treated. But still, against the backdrop of great tension inemotionally, a woman's he alth may simply worsen. This can lead to negative consequences, up to the death of the child. Complications are also possible, combined with changes in pressure during pregnancy and unstable work of the myocardium.

It is very difficult to overcome the nervous state and stress of a pregnant woman, as her hormonal background changes. In case of complications that have arisen in the early or last term of bearing a child, therapists and neurologists prescribe a specific treatment. The complex of therapy may include sedatives based on valerian root and other natural ingredients.
When else is it good to take valerian?
Means with valerian are taken for gastric diseases and problems with the heart or blood vessels. It is recommended to take this medicine for cholecystitis and colitis, since valerian has an excellent choleretic effect. This herb normalizes the production of protective mucus in the stomach. Thus, the walls of the organ are not injured.
Valerian tinctures are effective for myocardial dysfunction. To be precise, with an increase in heart rate. The substances contained in the medicinal plant normalize the heartbeat.
With coronary insufficiency and problems with blood vessels in a pregnant woman, strong vasodilator drugs should not be used, for this reason valerian root is prescribed. It has a mild vasodilating effect.
Valerian drops during pregnancy
Valerian in the form of drops withpregnancy should not be taken, as it is made on an alcohol basis. However, in obstetric practice there are situations when the situation of a woman in stress needs urgent relief. Only in this case is it allowed to use the drug in the form of a tincture.

Valerian drops during pregnancy is the last measure that is applied. A single dose will be no more than 15 drops. The tincture is diluted with a small amount of purified or boiled water. Only a single use of an alcohol solution of valerian is allowed. When the primary symptoms are stopped, the pregnant woman should go to the doctor as soon as possible for examination and receive standard care.
Small conclusion
Now you know how you can take valerian while carrying a child. All the features of the use of the drug were described in detail in the article.