Troxevasin is an angioprotective drug produced by the Bulgarian pharmaceutical company Balkanfarma. Indications for treatment - venous insufficiency, manifested by varicose veins, hemorrhoids, swelling, heaviness in the legs and other symptoms. These problems are often found in pregnant women due to the increased load on the circulatory system and organs. You can prevent the occurrence and development of symptoms of venous insufficiency with the help of the drug "Troxevasin".
How it works
"Troxevasin" during pregnancy is a well-known and popular drug. Its therapeutic properties are due to the active ingredient - troxerutin, obtained from the plant material of Japanese Sophora. The active substance increases the resistance of capillaries and reduces the permeability of their walls.
The active ingredient is one of the anti-inflammatory, venotonic, decongestant, antioxidant and analgesic. This complex of pharmacological actions determines the effectiveness"Troxevasin" in relation to various hematomas, including household injuries, dislocations, bruises. Sometimes bruises appear even at the site of a slight mechanical impact. The reason for this phenomenon is the pathological fragility and thinness of the capillary vessels and the high permeability of their walls. In these cases, "Troxevasin" is the drug of first choice.
Forms of release and types of drugs
The drug is produced in two dosage forms:
- Yellow powder capsules for oral administration, 50 and 100 per pack (one capsule contains 300 mg of troxerutin).
- 2% gel in a tube for external use (1 g of the drug contains 20 mg of troxerutin).

Also in the product line of this brand is "Troxevasin Neo" - a gel that contains troxerutin, heparin and dexpanthenol. These components prevent blockage of blood vessels, relieve inflammation and soften the skin.
Due to the fact that the drug is available in two forms (for internal and external use), the use of "Troxevasin" during pregnancy can be complex. This will achieve the greatest effect in the fight against varicose veins and other vascular problems.
Taking the medicine in capsules allows you to absorb 15% of the active substance. The highest plasma concentration threshold is observed within two hours after oral administration of Troxevasin. The therapeutic effect persists forfor eight hours after the drug enters the bloodstream.
More than 20% of the drug is excreted by the kidneys, the rest is metabolized in the liver and excreted in the feces.
Indications for prescription
Venous insufficiency increases blood viscosity, which causes the formation of clots and blockage of blood vessels, due to which the organs are poorly supplied with blood, which means that the baby in the womb does not receive enough oxygen and nutrients. If appropriate measures are not taken, then problems can lead to severe pathologies in the development of the fetus, so pregnant women need to carefully monitor their he alth and treat any diseases in a timely manner.
The use of "Troxevasin" during pregnancy is justified only if the intended benefit covers the possible risks to the fetus. Used only under the direction of a physician.
During an "interesting" situation, the doctor may prescribe a remedy from the second trimester when:
- pain and heaviness in the legs;
- hemorrhoids;
- leg swelling;
- appearance of venous mesh on the shins and thighs;
- diabetes;
- overweight;
- cramps in the calf muscles during sleep;
- pain due to injury (dislocation, sprain).
According to statistics, the symptoms of varicose veins are observed in the second half of pregnancy. The disease is more likely to affect multiparous women or patients over the age of 30.

Why is the drug prescribed during pregnancy?
The female body during the period of gestation undergoes significant physiological changes in the functioning of the vascular system. These changes are due to several factors:
- Gradual enlargement of the uterus. The growth of the organ puts a serious strain on neighboring veins. As a result, the blood ceases to circulate normally and, flowing into the lower limbs, stagnates there. The same can be said about the veins of the rectum. The increased volume of blood in the vessels contributes to their expansion. With regard to varicose veins of the legs and hemorrhoids, Troxevasin is used during pregnancy.
- Physiological increase in the volume of circulating blood and plasma. This phenomenon overloads the blood flow, which already affected veins cannot cope with.
- Progesterone production. The hormone, the volume of which increases during pregnancy, relaxes the muscular layer of blood vessels. At the same time, the tone of the veins decreases, creating additional conditions for stagnation of blood. In addition, progesterone reduces intestinal activity, which causes chronic constipation, provoking the symptoms of hemorrhoids.
- Insufficient mobility is a common occurrence among pregnant women. Afraid to have the slightest negative effect on the fetus, pregnant women become inactive. Normally, muscle activity acts as a kind of "pump" that promotes the movement of venous blood from the periphery to the heart. Insufficient physical activity is an additional risk factor for the formation of varicose veins duringpregnancy.

Reason for appointment
If the patient suffered from hemorrhoids or varicose veins before conception (even in the absence of exacerbations for several years), this aggravates the situation. The presence in the anamnesis of these pathologies testifies in favor of a high risk of their exacerbation. Often, problems with veins appear in the 2nd-3rd trimester due to an increase in the weight and size of the fetus.
Symptoms that cause concern to a pregnant woman range from the formation of small nets on the lower extremities to the appearance of a pronounced pampiniform plexus. Impaired blood circulation in the legs often causes a feeling of heaviness, cramps and soreness in the muscles of the lower leg.
The presence of these symptoms is the basis for prescribing Troxevasin ointment during pregnancy. Preference is given to this particular dosage form, since it acts locally and does not adversely affect the fetus.
The likelihood of developing hemorrhoids in women directly depends on the number of births. According to statistics, the risk of stagnation in the veins of the rectum in primiparas is 20%. With repeated pregnancy, the symptoms of hemorrhoids are observed in every second case.
"Troxevasin" during pregnancy is prescribed as an adjuvant therapy when bloody drops are detected during defecation, bleeding from hemorrhoids and discomfort in the rectum.
If these pathologies are ignored, thrombophlebitis may develop. Inflammation that strikesinternal venous wall - the cause of the formation of blood clots that can break away at any moment and be involved in the general bloodstream. A clogged vessel in any organ can threaten the life of a pregnant woman.
Is it possible to "Troxevasin" during pregnancy?
Numerous studies have confirmed that "Troxevasin" does not adversely affect embryonic development. However, in the first trimester, at the stage of laying tissues and organs, it is not recommended to use the drug in the form of capsules.
Instructions for the use of "Troxevasin" during pregnancy allows the use of the drug at any gestational age. However, this fact does not indicate the admissibility of self-treatment. From the beginning of the second trimester and if there are indications for a pregnant woman, Troxevasin can be taken in capsules. Dosage, frequency of administration and duration of the course are discussed with the attending physician on an individual basis.
Some women open the capsule before taking the medicine and pour the powder into their mouth with water. You can’t do this: the drug should be taken with meals in its entirety, without opening or chewing.
Troxevasin gel can be used during pregnancy and against hemorrhoids. Due to the fact that this form of the drug does not have a systemic effect on the body, it is approved for use at any time of the “interesting” position.
Instructions for the use of "Troxevasin" ointment during pregnancy
The method of using the drug is extremely simple: the product is applied to problem areas once or twice a day. After application, the medicine is rubbed into the skin in a circular motion until completely absorbed. It is more convenient to carry out treatment in the morning and/or before going to bed. To achieve the maximum therapeutic effect, doctors recommend a course of treatment for at least one month.

Hemorrhoids. Treatment
"Troxevasin" during pregnancy from hemorrhoids is applied after emptying the rectum and hygiene on the hemorrhoids. It is allowed to apply gauze swabs soaked in ointment to the anus. Reviews of "Troxevasin" during pregnancy indicate that the drug is especially effective for weeping hemorrhoids. The gel reduces the amount of discharge from the rectum and quickly heals wounds. The medicine is immediately absorbed into the skin, so the therapeutic effect comes faster.
To consolidate the therapeutic effect, it is recommended to prevent hemorrhoids: treat constipation, do gymnastics, eat foods rich in fiber, take walks in the fresh air.
For varicose veins
If the patient is diagnosed with varicose veins, then Troxevasin ointment during pregnancy is applied with massage movements to the problem limb. This promotes a rush of blood to the tissues and muscles. The medicine is recommended to be used when the first symptoms of varicose veins appear: a feeling of heaviness and pain in the legs, cramps, itching, weak vascular walls, bruising on the skin. It is not advisable to use the ointment for advanced or severe forms of the disease. The situation can be improved by the joint intake of both dosage forms (gel + capsules) in combination with vitamin C. The ointment is effective only for preventive purposes and at the beginning of the course of the disease, when the development of varicose veins can still be stopped.
From bruises under the eyes
Sometimes women use Troxevasin gel during pregnancy for swelling, bags and bruises under the eyes. Due to the light texture, the drug is quickly absorbed into the skin, toning the capillaries and strengthening their walls. This procedure stops the release of moisture from the vessels that accumulate under the eyes. To achieve a visible effect, the drug is applied in a thin layer on a clean surface. At the same time, the skin of the face should not have abrasions, wounds and cuts.
For bruises
When soft tissues are damaged, internal hemorrhages, swelling and hematomas are formed, causing pain to a person. The drug is quickly absorbed into the skin, due to which it immediately reaches the deep tissues, is absorbed, and then begins to act at the site of damage. As a result, abrasions heal, swelling and bruising resolve, and the pain disappears. According to the instructions "Troxevasin", the ointment during pregnancy is applied in strips of 3-4 cm to the site of the bruise twice a day. The course of treatment is five days.
Special Instructions
"Troxevasin" can be used in children, adolescents and pregnant women. The drug is also allowed during lactation, it does not penetrate into milk and is absolutely safe for babies. During the period of breastfeeding, doctors advise using the ointment, rubbing it into the emerging nodes or making therapeutic compresses onnight.
From hemorrhoids "Troxevasin" during pregnancy is allowed to be used both in the acute and chronic stages. The medicine is prescribed after surgical interventions. Applications help relieve discomfort in the postoperative period.
If the severity of the symptoms of the disease does not decrease during treatment, you should consult a doctor for advice.
Potential harm
Do not apply ointment to damaged skin and mucous membranes. You should not experiment with taking the drug if you have an individual intolerance to its components.
Instructions for "Troxevasin" during pregnancy allows the use of the gel at any gestational age. However, this is not a reason to self-medicate. The use of any medicinal products must be supported by the consent of the attending physician.
Contraindications to taking capsules for hemorrhoids are a little more:
- first trimester of pregnancy;
- exacerbated chronic gastritis;
- peptic ulcer;
- allergic to active ingredient.
Side effects when using Troxevasin ointment for hemorrhoids during pregnancy are rare, more often they appear as a local allergic reaction: urticaria, dermatitis, eczema, etc.
Taking the oral form of the drug can lead to the development of the following negative effects:
- dyspepsia syndrome (stomach heaviness, fullness, early satiety);
- exacerbation of chronic gastrointestinal diseases;
- face flushing.
After discontinuing the drug, the side effects associated with taking it completely disappear. In any case, you should not self-medicate, based on the advice of your relatives and friends, who claim that they know exactly how and how to treat problem nodes. What helps one person can harm another.

Venous insufficiency is common, so angioprotective agents are used quite often. Judging by the reviews of people about "Troxevasin", during pregnancy, the drug helps with varicose veins and hemorrhoids. Pregnant women report good value for money.
But there are other reviews about "Troxevasin" during pregnancy, which indicate possible side effects after taking the medicine. From the gastrointestinal tract - this is nausea, vomiting, heartburn, an external symptom may be an allergic rash. Some women report headaches as well.

If Troxevasin is not suitable for a pregnant woman, then any other drug with a similar therapeutic effect can be prescribed to her. Such analogues have a number of features that you should find out about before taking.
- "Troxerutin" - a complete analogue of "Troxevasin", is available in the form of capsules and 2% gel for external use. Effectively protects blood vessels, reduces capillary permeability, quickly penetrates under the skin and into tissues. It is much cheaper, because it is a domestic drug. Prohibited for use in the first trimester of pregnancy and during breastfeeding. At later stages of gestation, its intake should be monitored by the attending physician.
- "Lyoton" - contains heparin sodium. It is effective for various thrombophlebitis, injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system. It is used strictly under medical supervision, as it has many contraindications (recent childbirth, threatened miscarriage, tendency to bleed, pathology of the liver, kidneys and blood vessels, gastrointestinal diseases, hypersensitivity, skin lesions).
- "Troxevenol" gel - in addition to troxerutin contains another active substance - indomethacin. The drug is used for injuries, sprains and for the treatment of joints. Not used for people with asthma.
- "Troxegel" - in addition to troxerutin, contains trometamol, benzalkonium chloride and other auxiliary components. Effective against cramps in the calf muscles. Due to the presence of benzalkonium chloride, hypersensitivity reactions are possible. Since there are no research data regarding the use of the drug by pregnant women, you can use the medicine only after consulting a doctor who will assess the likely risks for the expectant mother and her child.
- "Hepatrombin" gel - its main component is heparin. Effective in varicose veins of the lower extremities. Contraindicated in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Storage conditions
"Troxevasin" is best stored at room temperature, in a dark, dry place out of the reach of children. It is not necessary to put the ointment in the refrigerator - it is enough to protect the medicine from direct sunlight. If properly stored, this product has a shelf life of five years.
Pregnancy is a period when self-medication and various therapeutic experiments are contraindicated. Do not forget that the condition of the expectant mother leaves an imprint not only on her he alth, but also on the growth and development of the baby. Any, even the smallest side symptoms when taking "Troxevasin" should be reported to the doctor. It is he who will recommend the most suitable drug that will save the patient from the risk of serious consequences in the future.