To have an abortion or not: difficulties in making a decision, possible risks

To have an abortion or not: difficulties in making a decision, possible risks
To have an abortion or not: difficulties in making a decision, possible risks

The abortion problem on this scale started about 100 years ago. During this time, people's lives have changed, but the number of abortions has not decreased. Deciding whether or not to have an abortion is not always easy. It is especially difficult for young girls who have their first pregnancy to decide. Before making a decision, you should weigh the arguments so as not to regret what you did later.

Ready for Motherhood

When confronted with the choice of having an abortion or not, a woman decides whether to become a mother or not. Pregnancy has already begun, the child was born and is developing. Therefore, refusing a child, a girl, consciously or not, does not want to become a mother.

baby in the womb
baby in the womb

Rejection of motherhood can be conscious and unconscious. In the first case, the woman takes responsibility for the act and understands that she does not want to become a mother. With an unconscious refusal, the pregnant woman becomes a victim of circumstances and considers abortion as a forced step. Regardless of the reason, the woman believes that someone else is to blame, but not her.

In the antenatal clinic, a psychologist consults before the operation. His task is to prepare the expectant mother for the birth of a child. It doesn't always work out. If a woman needs to get rid of an embryo, then she has the right to do so.

Religion and abortion

Why can't you have an abortion from a religious point of view? The Bible says that by killing unborn children, women frustrate God's plan. The Orthodox Church categorically condemns infanticide in the womb. Religious women rarely agree to an abortion and carry a child, no matter what.

The Catholic Church claims that the embryo has a soul after conception. Priests against abortion. The Protestant Church makes a small digression. A woman can have an abortion if the pregnancy was the result of rape.

In Islam, abortion is performed only if a woman's life depends on it. In other cases, it is prohibited. Buddhism is extremely negative about abortion. According to the laws of Judaism, abortion is justified only for medical reasons. All religions do not allow abortion, but with some deviations from the rule.

to have an abortion or not
to have an abortion or not

Reason for abortion

In society, there is an ambiguous attitude towards a special termination of pregnancy. The population is divided into those who do not accept the killing of the embryo, and those who allow the thought of it. Why do women have an abortion? There are several reasons for this:

  • moral;
  • social;
  • financial;
  • pragmatic calculation;
  • medical.

A pregnant woman who decides to have an abortion experiences tremendous psychological pressure from society and medical professionals. From the first weeks of life, a child has a head, arms and legs. It has been proven that during an abortion, the child feels pain and fear. Surrounding people condemn a woman who is ready to terminate a pregnancy. In this case, the pregnant woman can keep the child, but not always further participate in his upbringing.

Popular social reasons: young age, lack of marriage, career, lack of education, desire to have fun and travel. In this case, the woman makes a decision in accordance with the conditions and recommendations of loved ones.

Difficult financial situation or fear of the unknown make a woman decide whether to have an abortion or not. A family may have one or more children, but an unstable financial situation provokes an abortion. If the birth of a baby leads to the loss of a job, then the mother decides to have an abortion.

If the baby was not in the plans and his birth will force the mother to give up her own interests, then there is a high probability of abortion.

abortion rate
abortion rate

Medical abortion

Whether it is possible to have an abortion for medical reasons, a woman decides together with specialists. When it comes to her life, the doctors will insist on an abortion. In some diseases, such as rubella, if a woman refuses to terminate a pregnancy, she risksgive birth to a disabled child.

There are medical indications for an abortion up to 22 weeks:

  • syphilis;
  • heart disease;
  • severe hypertension;
  • genetic mental illness;
  • metabolic disorder;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • active tuberculosis;
  • severe nervous diseases;
  • violation of the circulatory system;
  • kidney failure;
  • oncological diseases;
  • gastric ulcer.

It should be borne in mind that termination of pregnancy for a period of more than 12 weeks occurs only in case of a serious risk to the he alth and life of the mother or fetus. Abortion at the request of the mother is performed for up to 12 weeks. The operation after this period will lead to a large blood loss, serious hormonal failure and the risk of complications.

In the presence of an inflammatory process in the urogenital area, abortion is not recommended. During the operation, the infectious process can pass to the female organs, which will lead to infertility.

pregnancy and abortion
pregnancy and abortion

How to decide to have an abortion

In some cases, it is difficult for a woman to decide whether to have an abortion or not. All questions and situations should be considered:

  1. You should visit a doctor and a psychologist, hear their opinion.
  2. Weigh the pros and cons carefully. What problems are worth taking the life of a child?
  3. To think about the fact that after an abortion there will be no more children. Complications after termination of pregnancy can causeinfertility or subsequent miscarriages.
  4. Accept that in the event of an abortion, your own child will not be born.
  5. Talk to family and friends. Perhaps the expectant mother's fears are groundless, and loved ones will be able to help in a difficult situation.
  6. If in doubt, you can contact an organization that helps pregnant women. Psychological help in such a situation is important.

Abortion Methods

Use for abortion:

  • medical abortion (up to 9 weeks);
  • vacuum aspiration (up to 12 weeks);
  • surgical abortion (up to 22 weeks).

Is it possible to have a medical abortion and will there be consequences? A hormonal drug is introduced into the body, which provokes a spontaneous miscarriage. Surgical intervention is not required. But even a gentle type of abortion leads to complications. In some cases, the embryo dies but is not rejected by the body, and surgical methods have to be used.

abortion before 9 weeks
abortion before 9 weeks

Vacuum abortion is done up to 12 weeks. With the help of a special device, a fetal egg is pulled out. The earlier the pregnancy is terminated, the less complications. During the operation, local anesthesia is used. Within 2 months, the female cycle is restored.

Surgical abortion is used in exceptional cases, when the fetus is large enough and other methods will not help. The operation takes place under general anesthesia. It takes quite a long time for the body to recover.

Complications after abortion

Induced abortion leads to the following complications:

  • Miscarriage of future pregnancies;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • infertility;
  • menstrual irregularity;
  • preterm birth;
  • violation of labor activity;
  • failure of the endocrine system;
  • damage to the walls of the uterus;
  • For mothers with a negative Rh factor, the risk of Rh conflict in subsequent pregnancies increases.

Abortion during the first pregnancy is especially dangerous. The walls of the uterus in a nulliparous girl are too thin, and it is easier to damage them. Being childless is the main reason why young girls should not have abortions.

abortion procedure
abortion procedure

Psychological state after abortion

After an abortion, the hormonal background changes and psychological problems begin. For those who have had an abortion (reviews are confirmation of this), depression begins immediately after the operation or after some time. The nature of the difficulty depends on the circumstances that led to it.

Psychological help is required for almost all women who have had an abortion. Most common conditions:

  • Guilt that lasts for years;
  • fear of becoming a bad mother to existing or future children;
  • he alth anxiety;
  • anger;
  • offense against loved ones and at oneself;
  • shame.
I don't want to have an abortion
I don't want to have an abortion

Family relations after an abortion

In the familyan unborn child appears, the memories of which will accompany all his life. Most often, after an abortion, conflicts arise in those couples where the woman says: "I do not want to have an abortion," and the man insists. The last word remains with the woman, but she can shift the blame to the man for a long time, sometimes all her life.

Aborted child is a rejected child, excluded from the family. If unspoken reproaches remain, then discord sets in in such a relationship. A couple stops having sex or experiences a family member's illness. This may lead to a breakup.
