"HyloKomod" (eye drops) is a so-called artificial tear preparation. It is used as an ophthalmic solution when wearing lenses, to relieve eye fatigue during prolonged work at a computer, corneal irritation, dry eye syndrome and in the postoperative period. The product does not contain preservatives, the sterility of the solution is maintained by the special structure of the vial. Drops are highly tolerable and suitable for long-term use. All this gives the drug "Hylo-Komod" advantages over other drugs.

Eye drops "Hylo-Komod" are a sterile solution of sodium s alt of hyaluronic acid. This is a natural substance, a polysaccharide, which, in the form of a physiological solution, is found in almost all tissues and fluids of the body, including the eye membranes. Sodium hyaluronate has a special physical and chemical property - it is able to bind water in such a way that a thin film forms on the surface of the eye. This thin tear barrierlasts a long time, does not wash off when blinking, prevents rapid drying, irritation and penetration of bacteria, which reliably protects the eye.
The advantage of the drug is that it does not contain preservatives, dyes and is suitable for long-term use. Among the auxiliary components are citric acid, its compound with sodium, sorbitol.

Issue form
The drug is produced in a convenient sealed plastic container with a volume of 10 ml. It is specially developed by a pharmaceutical manufacturing company. This is an original package with a complex system of tanks and valves (KOMOD system), which prevents air from entering the vessel. In addition, the parts that are in direct contact with the solution are thinly coated with silver microparticles. Thus, the solution remains sterile even when the vial is opened. A convenient dispenser allows you to use the product economically, the drops are the same size, regardless of the degree of pressure. In total, the KOMOD system allows you to extract 300 drops of the drug from a 10 ml bottle.
The bottle is packed in a cardboard box with instructions. Hilo-Komod eye drops are available from pharmacies without a doctor's prescription.
Indications for use
Hylo-Komod eye drops are designed to additionally moisturize the cornea and conjunctiva of the eye if the following symptoms occur:
- excessive or frequent dry eye;
- burning sensation;
- presenceforeign body.

"Hilo-Komod" is able to protect the thin layers of the eyes from the aggressive environment: cold, wind, ultraviolet light, cigarette smoke, air-conditioned office air. In addition, it restores the protective integument of the eyes after intensive work at the computer, microscope, camera, long-term TV viewing.
Also, drops are successfully used after ophthalmic operations and in case of damage to eye tissues (cornea, conjunctiva). "Hilo-Komod" is used for comfortable wearing of hard and soft contact lenses, while the agent itself is not adsorbed on their surface.

How to use
When using Hilo-Komod, you first need to remove the colored cap from the dropper bottle. If the drops are used for the first time, then you need to turn the container with the drug so that the dispenser is at the bottom, and remove one drop by rhythmically pressing the base. These manipulations will prepare the vial system for operation.
When burying your eyes, you should tilt your head back a little and pull the lower eyelid. Then you should carefully close your eyes so that the product is evenly distributed. Do not allow the tip of the dropper to come into contact with the surface of the organs of vision, skin, other objects, and you should not take it with your hands. After completing all the steps, the dropper bottle should be closed again with a colored cap.
Wearing contact lenses canbe very comfortable if you use HiloKomod eye drops. Instructions for use describe in detail the process of instillation in this case. When wearing lenses, you can use the product without removing them from your eyes, or apply the composition to the lens itself before putting it on.

Dosage and duration of administration
Eye drops "Khilo-Komod" are used by instillation into the conjunctival sac. One drop should be used per eye, but if necessary, this dose is increased. The duration of taking drops in the absence of contraindications is not limited in time.
The number of drops depends on the sensations of the patient himself, on the recommendations of an ophthalmologist or an eye lens consultant. If the frequency of use of the drug reaches 10 times a day, an urgent visit to the doctor is necessary. Consultation with a specialist is also necessary if discomfort persists after using the drops for a long period of time.
After full use, the bottle is not refillable, so a new product must be purchased.

Since preservatives are completely absent in the solution, their negative impact on the tissues of the eye is completely excluded. The sterility of the drug is maintained only due to the special structure of the vial. Therefore, Hilo-Komod eye drops are well tolerated. According to experts, they are ideal forlong-term use.
With respect to the drug "HyloKomod" (eye drops), the instruction warns of possible individual intolerance to the individual components of the product and their combinations. If necessary, you should consult a doctor in advance to protect yourself from unpleasant consequences. Side effects when using the drug have not been recorded at the moment, which indicates a good tolerance of Hilo-Komod. It can be safely used in patients with the need for additional hydration of the cornea of the eye.
Special Instructions
- After applying Hilo-Komod, you should use other eye drops only after 30 minutes.
- The use of eye ointments is possible only after applying Hilo-Komod, and not vice versa.
- Opened container of product is only stored for 12 weeks. On the packaging there is a special column where you should enter the date of first use. When this period ends, the drug cannot be used.
- "Hilo-Komod" is intended for individual use only. It is not recommended to give the product to another person for hygiene reasons.
- The drug should be kept out of the reach of small children. The temperature should not reach 25 C.
- After using the product, the dropper bottle must be disposed of.
Analogues of the drug
There are quite a few similar preparations with a similar balanced composition without preservatives and stabilizing substances. For example:
- "Hilozar-Komod" is a product manufactured by the same company as Hilo-Komod. Both drugs are quite similar, the differences relate to some components of the composition. "Khilozar-Komod", in addition to the hyaluronic acid s alt, also contains dexpanthenol, which enhances the ability to bind water.
- "Hilo-Kea" is a drug of the same production. It has a similar composition with "Hilozar-Komod", performs the function of an artificial tear.
However, there are other drugs similar to HiloKomod (eye drops). Analogues are radically different in composition, but perform the same functions:
- "Vizin".
- "Innox".
- "Oftalik".
- "Vizomitin".
- "Oxagel".
- "Oxial".
- "Natural tear".

Eye drops "HyloKomod". Reviews
The Hilo-Komod drug has clear advantages over similar medical products. The natural composition, the absence of dyes, preservatives are a guarantee that "Hilo-Komod" will not cause an allergic reaction, and is suitable for daily use over a long period of time. Judging by the numerous reviews, it is for this reason that most people prefer the drug "Hilokomod" (eye drops). Instructions, reviews, analogues and other information only confirm this fact.
So softthe component of the drops, like hyaluronic acid, reliably moisturizes and protects vulnerable eye tissues, protects against dryness and irritation, and makes wearing soft and hard contact lenses comfortable. Thanks to what the drug "Hylocomod" is so popular among ophthalmic drugs.