Gels and ointments for mastopathy: a review of drugs, instructions for use, reviews

Gels and ointments for mastopathy: a review of drugs, instructions for use, reviews
Gels and ointments for mastopathy: a review of drugs, instructions for use, reviews

Mastopathy is a disease of the mammary gland of a benign nature, which is characterized by pathological growth of its tissues, as well as pain.

Mastopathy has been diagnosed in women for over 100 years. And until now, this disease remains the most common pathology of the breast.

General information

The main cause of mastopathy, experts attribute progesterone deficiency and an increase in estrogen levels in a woman's body. Also, a certain role is played by increased production of prolactin, which regulates the growth, development and working condition of the mammary glands.

In modern medicine, there are 2 types of mastopathy: nodular and diffuse. The first type of the disease is characterized by the formation of dense nodes up to 25-30 mm in size. As for the second, in this case small millet-like strands and nodules are formed.

chest shot
chest shot

The diffuse form of pathology is often treated with external medicines. However, it should be notedthat for effective therapy, local ointments, gels and creams must be combined with phytocomplexes, hormonal drugs and vitamins.

How local funds work

The main task of ointments and gels for mastopathy is to normalize the level of progesterone and estrogen in the mammary glands. In most cases, such external preparations contain synthetic hormones. They are absorbed into the connective tissue and muscle fibers of the breast, after which they help to suppress the production of prolactin and eliminate hormonal imbalances.

Also, ointments for the mammary glands with mastopathy can have a plant base. Such drugs are able to remove pain, relieve swelling and inflammation. Some topical medications can stimulate the resorption of medium and small cysts (with the removal of purulent secretion from the nipples).

Dignity of external preparations

Ointments for diffuse mastopathy are used very often. Their main advantage is the local effect. Also, the positive qualities of such funds include their composition. Natural components and synthetic hormones are practically not absorbed into the systemic circulation. In addition, unlike strong hormonal drugs, such drugs do not cause side effects and do not affect the functioning of internal organs and systems.

Breast mastitis
Breast mastitis

General application rules

Pharmacy ointments for diffuse and nodular mastopathy are usually used twice a day. Such preparations contain high concentrations of active substances,in connection with which the course of treatment with them should last from 4 to 8 months.

Some patients use self-made ointments for mastopathy. However, experts say that home remedies are not as effective as their pharmacy counterparts. In any case, such preparations should be rubbed only into clean skin with circular and gentle movements. It is forbidden to squeeze the chest with force or put pressure on it, as sudden movements can provoke an exacerbation of the disease, cause inflammation or completely rupture the cyst.

Most popular remedies

With mastopathy, ointments, gels and creams should be selected only by a specialist. It should be understood that a universal medication that helps cure such a disease does not exist. Each external remedy has its own functions, advantages and disadvantages. We will talk about the most popular and effective drugs below.

Progestogel gel
Progestogel gel


According to reviews, with mastopathy, Progestogel gel is prescribed very often. The active ingredient in this drug is natural progesterone. During the use of such a medication, small capillaries in the mammary glands are strengthened, and the concentration of estrogen also decreases. In addition, the considered topical preparation is able to remove swelling and soreness, improve the structure of epithelial and connective tissue.

The minimum course of therapy with Progestogel is 3 months. The drug must be rubbed into the chest using a special applicator (1 time per day). Such a medicine copes with anytypes of diffuse mastopathy. It helps both young girls and women during menopause.

According to the instructions and medical reviews, with mastopathy, Progestogel gel is contraindicated if the patient has a nodular form of the disease or there are malignant tumors. Also, the gel is prohibited for use during pregnancy.

With extreme caution, the drug is prescribed when taking oral contraceptives.

"Mastofit" from "Evalar"

Mastofit ointment for mastopathy, although an effective drug, is not used very often. Experts attribute the lack of popularity of this remedy to the fact that it is a dietary supplement. Such a drug should not be used as an alternative hormonal treatment.

Mastofit evalar
Mastofit evalar

The basis of the ointment (cream) "Mastofit" includes seaweed extract, as well as soybean oil, glycerin and pork fat. The active ingredients of this remedy do not affect the level of progesterone and estrogen in the mammary glands. Such components only help to moisturize the skin of the breast, reduce swelling and eliminate discomfort that occurs before menstruation.

The drug "Mastofit" can be used for fibrous form of mastopathy. A local supplement should be rubbed into the mammary glands 2 or 3 times a day. The duration of treatment with this remedy is from two weeks to three months.

"Mastofit" should be used with extreme caution in diseases of the thyroid gland. This is due to the fact that the drug contains a highiodine concentration. A contraindication to the use of such an ointment is an individual intolerance to the biological additive.

Traumeel S

According to reviews, Traumeel ointment works very well for mastopathy. However, many experts are skeptical about this drug. This is due to the fact that it is a homeopathic remedy and does not contain hormones. The active substances of this medication are plant components: arnica, echinacea, belladonna, St. John's wort, yarrow, comfrey and chamomile.

Traumeel gel
Traumeel gel

Usually the drug in question is prescribed as an additional remedy for fibrocystic and fibrous mastopathy. Such a cream is able to eliminate inflammation, swelling and soreness, but it does not affect the concentration of estrogen and progesterone in any way.

The homeopathic remedy in question should be rubbed into the chest once or twice a day. The duration of treatment with this remedy depends on the stage and symptoms of mastopathy.

There are no contraindications to the use of Traumeel ointment, but we must not forget that if the drug is abused, the patient may develop allergies or dermatitis. The effect of a homeopathic remedy on lactating and pregnant women has not been studied.


Ointment "Healer" from mastopathy helps quite well. Such a drug is a pharmacy analogue of many folk remedies. The basis of the drug includes: vegetable extracts, beeswax, tocopherol and panthenol. It should also be remembered that the said remedy does not containsynthetic and natural hormones.

Cream healer
Cream healer

Vegetable ointment "Healer" is prescribed to patients only with a fibrous form of mastopathy. With a fibrocystic or cystic type of disease, such a drug will not cope.

The active components of the "Doctor" are able to increase blood circulation in the mammary glands. Thanks to this effect, not only swelling is noticeably reduced, but discomfort and inflammation completely disappear.

There are no serious contraindications to the use of the herbal preparation (only individual intolerance to the substances that make up it). The effect of the ointment on lactating and pregnant women has not been studied.

Cream "Healer" must be rubbed into the mammary glands twice or thrice a day. Such a drug is recommended to be used in the second half of the menstrual cycle, after and during ovulation. This will remove any discomfort in the chest.

The course of therapy with the agent in question is 1-2 weeks. With longer use of the ointment, a consultation with a mammologist or gynecologist is required.

Heparin ointment

Few people know, but with mastopathy, heparin ointment acts no less effectively than all the above remedies. Such a drug is able to prevent the appearance of various seals in the mammary glands, as well as actively dissolve existing formations. However, it should be remembered that due to the effect on blood clotting, the mentioned drug is not prescribed very often.

Heparin ointment
Heparin ointment

Contraindication tothe use of heparin ointment for mastitis can only become hemophilia.

The active ingredients of this medication are a local benzocaine anesthetic and heparin. Due to this composition, the ointment in question has the following properties:

  • painkillers;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antithrombotic;
  • vasodilators.

In the treatment of mastopathy on the surface of the skin of the mammary glands, the ointment should be applied in a thin layer. The duration of therapy with the drug is about 7 days.


Reviews of patients about the above remedies used for mastopathy are ambiguous. This is due to the fact that each drug has its own characteristics.

The greatest number of positive messages patients leave about Progestogel ointment. Experts explain this fact by the fact that the mentioned drug contains natural progesterone, which makes it more effective.
