Various pathologies in the work of blood vessels are the cause of most serious diseases. Most often, elderly people suffer from this, in which the walls of the vessels are no longer so elastic, and many arteries are clogged with toxins. But now, even at a young age, many have various vascular disorders. And in many cases they are the cause of headaches, tachycardia and fatigue. Vascular drugs can help to cope with these problems. They are designed to restore the tone and elasticity of blood vessels, reduce the risk of blood clots and improve the general condition of the patient.
Symptoms of vascular disorders
To maintain overall he alth, it is very important that the vessels work properly. This means that their walls must be permeable and elastic. For normal blood circulation, the vessels must have the ability to narrow in time orexpand. If they lose their elasticity, their walls thicken, become brittle, which can lead to blood clots or a stroke. At the initial stage of vascular disease, the patient usually experiences the following symptoms:
- frequent headaches;
- dizziness;
![vascular preparations for the brain vascular preparations for the brain](
- sleep disorders;
- memory impairment and difficulty concentrating;
- depression, unstable mood;
- increased fatigue;
- numbness of limbs.
What drugs are used for vascular pathologies
If you notice shortcomings in the work of blood circulation in time and consult a doctor, serious problems can be avoided. In most cases, properly selected vascular preparations can completely eliminate the problem. But sometimes it is required to take such medicines throughout life in courses.
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Usually, vascular drugs are required for the elderly, but can be prescribed at any age. What groups are such drugs divided into?
1. Vasodilator drugs are most often used for high blood pressure. They prevent vasospasm and improve blood supply to the brain.
2. Calcium ion antagonists have a similar effect, but they do not act on the vessels themselves, but on the substance that causes their narrowing. These are calcium ions that make the vascular walls stiff and reduce their elasticity.
3. Vascular preparations based on plant alkaloids have also becomepopular in the treatment of various circulatory disorders.
4. Drugs that strengthen the walls of blood vessels and have a beneficial effect on their metabolism are also effective in vascular disorders.
5. In the treatment of cerebral circulation disorders, nootropic drugs are used that act specifically on the vessels of the brain.
6. Medicines for the treatment of certain diseases caused by vascular disorders: vascular dystonia, atherosclerosis, migraine and heart disease.
7. In recent years, homeopathic vascular preparations have become increasingly popular.
Calcium channel blockers
1. The most famous drug of this group is Cinnarizine. It prevents spasm of blood vessels and the formation of blood clots, improves blood circulation and thins the blood. Cinnarizine acts only on the vessels of the brain, therefore it is not used for cardiovascular diseases.
![the latest vascular drugs the latest vascular drugs](
2. "Nimodilin" also expands mainly cerebral vessels. The drug makes them more elastic, improving brain nutrition.
Vasodilator drugs
This is the largest group of such drugs. They can dilate blood vessels either by influencing brain impulses, or by directly affecting the smooth muscles of their walls. In addition, some vascular drugs from this group can selectively affect individual organs, but most of them perform their function throughout the body, effectively lowering blood pressure. Therefore, a contraindication to theirapplication is hypotension. The most common drugs in this group are:
1. Means that affect nerve impulses include Validol, Reserpine and others.
2. Drugs that dilate blood vessels by acting on their muscles are Papaverine, Dibazol, Diprofen, Eufillin, Theobromine and others.
3. Coronary dilators act selectively on the vessels of the heart. The most famous of them are "Erinit", "Nitrosorbide", "Chloratsizin", "Nitroglycerin" and others.
![vascular drugs for the brain vascular drugs for the brain](
4. Vascular preparations for the brain are used for violations of cerebral circulation. These are "Eufillin", "Piracetam", "Phezam" and others.
5. There are also diseases accompanied by spasms of the vessels of the extremities. Papaverine, Angiotrophin and others help with them.
In recent years, new vascular drugs have appeared that relax the arteries more effectively and have fewer side effects. These include Norvask, Plendil, Nimotop, Lacipil, Klentiazem and others. In addition, complex agents have proven themselves well, for example, "Omaron" contains piracetam and cynarizine, combines their actions, becoming more effective.
Drugs that strengthen the walls of blood vessels
For the normal functioning of arteries and capillaries, their walls must be elastic, have moderate permeability and muscle tone. Therefore, for anycirculatory disorders require drugs that strengthen them. These mainly include vitamins and trace elements:
![vegeto vascular preparations vegeto vascular preparations](
- Ascorutin contains vitamins P and C, rutin, catechins, polyphenols and anthocyanins.
- "Dihydroquerticin" is made on the basis of larch bioflavonoids. It also contains potassium and selenium.
Herbal preparations
Vascular disorders respond well to natural remedies. Pharmaceutics in recent years has been actively using the experience gained by traditional medicine. And for the treatment of vascular diseases, many herbal preparations are produced:
- Medicines containing vinca alkaloids have an antispasmodic effect, and also quickly dilate blood vessels and lower blood pressure. These include: Cavinton, Vinpocetine, Telektol, Bravinton and others.
- Preparations with Gingko biloba extract are often used for disorders of cerebral circulation. They not only strengthen the walls of blood vessels, but also have antioxidant activity. These are drugs such as Bilobil, Tanakan, Ginkgo Biloba Forte and others.
Cardiovascular drugs
If drugs selectively act on the coronary vessels, improving blood circulation in the region of the heart, they are used for angina pectoris, coronary heart disease, arrhythmia and other diseases. Basically, such funds are created on the basis of medicinal plants: adonis, foxglove, lily of the valley or strophanthus. The most common cardiovascular drugs are:
- "Adonizide"improves blood supply to the heart muscle.
- "Cardiovalen" strengthens the walls of the coronary vessels.
![cardiovascular drugs cardiovascular drugs](
- "Meproscillarin" expands the lumen of blood vessels, reduces swelling.
- "Amrinon" dilates the coronary vessels.
- "Theobromine" also has a vasodilating effect and stimulates the activity of the heart.
Various disorders of cerebral circulation greatly complicate the normal course of life. They are accompanied by frequent headaches, memory loss, tinnitus and fatigue. The reason for this is oxygen starvation of brain cells due to vasoconstriction. Often this problem worries even children and adolescents. To treat such conditions, nootropic vascular drugs for the brain are used:
- Aminalon improves blood flow and tissue respiration.
- "Fenotorpil" increases the resistance of brain tissue to hypoxia and has an antispasmodic effect.
-"Piracetam" reduces vasospasm and improves the nutrition of brain cells.
-“Nootropil” improves blood microcirculation in the brain. It does not dilate blood vessels, but restores damaged brain tissue.
![vascular preparations vascular preparations](
Such drugs are used not only by sick people. Often they are drunk if you need to improve memory, learning ability, with overwork and in extreme situations. And vegetative-vascular preparations, which include piracetam or aminalon, are successfully used in the treatment of dystonia.
Migraine drugs
This is a fairly common disease that brings suffering to millions of people, also occurs due to vascular disorders. But conventional vasodilator drugs are not suitable for its treatment, because the attack is accompanied not only by vasospasm, but also by their sharp expansion. Therefore, in addition to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory and painkillers, you need to use special drugs for migraine:
- "Avamigran" effectively relieves migraine-like pain due to cerebrovascular accident.
- Drugs from the group of serotonin hormone antagonists counteract the sharp expansion of blood vessels: Imigran, Zomig, Max alt and others.