Enzyme preparations are designed to improve the digestion process. These funds can be found in home first-aid kits not only for patients, but also for he althy people. Sometimes you just can't do without them. In addition to adult patients, pharmacy enzymes are often used for digestion in children. For them, drugs are selected especially carefully, since not every remedy is suitable.
Why are they needed

In young children, the digestion process is still imperfect and is very dependent on mother's milk. Those children who are bottle-fed very often face problems such as stomach cramps, bloating, nausea, constipation, or, conversely, diarrhea, which occur when there is a lack of enzymes for digestion in a child. In addition, such babies very often lose weight, despite a sufficient amount of artificial nutrition. If time does not pay attention to suchsymptoms, the child will begin to lag behind in development. His physical activity will decrease and there will be problems with the development of internal organs. Digestive enzyme preparations for children under one year old can avoid such symptoms and save the baby from further troubles.
How to choose the right one

Before prescribing a suitable medicine, the doctor must examine the pancreas, and according to the results of the tests, the drug will be prescribed. For example, there are drugs that stimulate the production of their own enzymes or completely replace them. They perfectly relieve pain and help in the digestion of food. Starting from six months, babies can use not only pharmaceutical preparations, but also traditional medicine.
Children at the age of 3 are prescribed enzymes for digestion that contain a special shell. In this way, the active ingredients are protected from hydrochloric acid, making their action more effective. Usually, the list of recommended funds includes: Creon, Vilprafen, Hilak Forte, Linex, Pancreatin, Festal and Mezim. Moreover, "Linex" and "Hilak forte" are designed to restore the intestinal microflora and can also be used to improve the digestion of food. Each of them should be considered in more detail.
Drug "Festal"
The list of digestive enzyme preparations for children is headed by "Festal" as the most reliable and proven remedy. This Indian medicine is produced in the form of round, shiny dragees,with a slight vanilla scent. Each tablet contains pancreatin. This substance was obtained from calf bile. Among the additional components in the composition of the product are titanium dioxide, talc, gelatin, castor oil, cellulose and sodium chloride. It is prescribed to normalize the process of digestion of food with stomach ulcers, pancreatitis, as well as in the case of eating fatty or fried foods.
This drug can be used long enough. It has almost no contraindications, with the exception of liver diseases such as bile duct obstruction and hepatitis. With exacerbation of inflammation of the pancreas, this remedy is also not recommended. "Festal" can be given to children from the age of six. Up to twelve years, use one tablet no more than three times a day. Already after the age of twelve, teenagers can take two tablets three times a day. If necessary, the doctor may prescribe the drug to a child from the age of three.
How to take Mezim Forte

This is a fairly popular drug with digestive enzymes for children 2 years of age, produced by the famous German company Berlin-Chemie. The product is available in the form of pink tablets, located in convenient blisters. One package can contain up to one hundred tablets. The active ingredient is also pancreatin. Among the additional substances in the composition are present: magnesium stearate, talc, titanium dioxide and cellulose.
"Mezim forte" is intended fortreatment of diseases of the liver and gallbladder. It helps to cope with the digestion of food, and it is also consumed before an abdominal x-ray is taken. In order to give "Mezim forte" to a small child, the tablet should be crushed beforehand. Older children may well take it on their own with water. The dosage for the child, as a rule, is selected by the attending physician. He also prescribes a course of treatment, which can last from four or five days to several months. "Mezim forte" is contraindicated in acute inflammation of the pancreas, as well as in case of intolerance to the components of the drug.
Preparation "Creon"
This product is ideal for 2 year olds. Enzymes for digestion are represented by pancreatin, and as additional components are present: macrogol, dimethicone, dibutyl phthalate and liquid paraffin. The release form of the drug is a convenient capsule in a gelatin shell. When using capsules, you can open them and pour the contents into a spoon.
The dosage of the drug depends on the weight of the baby. For example, with a mass of up to four kilograms, the contents of one capsule are divided into three parts. If the child weighs no more than ten kilograms, then he can use half the capsule. With a weight of ten to fifteen kilograms, it is recommended to take a whole tablet before or after meals. The course of treatment should not be too long, otherwise problems may arise in the functioning of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, the active ingredients interfere with iron absorption, resulting in iron deficiency anemia.
As a rule, digestive enzyme preparations are prescribed for children with any digestive disorders associated with poisoning, dysbacteriosis, underdevelopment of pancreatic tissue, as well as problems with the intestines. If the baby has stomach colic, increased gas formation or constipation, then medications will help to cope with the problems.
Capsule powder can be mixed with cereal, milk or juice. In case of an overdose of the drug, itching on the skin, nausea and vomiting is observed.
Pentazol for kids

In addition to pancreatin, "Pentazol" contains starch, titanium dioxide, talc, lactuzan and povidone. It is often used for indigestion caused by overeating, as well as in case of pancreatic insufficiency. Similar digestive problems can occur if you have a sedentary lifestyle, missing teeth, or if you have had surgery to remove your small intestine, part of your stomach, or your gallbladder.
This formulation contains the best digestive enzymes for children. If the baby's weight is fifteen kilograms, then the doctor prescribes the drug in an amount of not more than 15,000 units. The usual course of treatment is about fourteen days. Sometimes the baby has irritation of the mucous membrane of the anus or oral cavity. Other side effects include constipation, nausea, and diarrhea.
Drug "Ermital"

The medical product is produced in the formcapsules, which contain pancreatin, extracted from the pancreas of a pig, as well as talc, gelatin, wax, magnesium stearate and silicon dioxide. Thanks to the gelatin shell, the capsules easily penetrate the stomach. Use this remedy to improve digestion. It is prescribed for patients with cirrhosis of the liver, hepatitis, pancreatic insufficiency, as well as for pancreatitis and dysbacteriosis. The usual daily dose is no more than four capsules.
For children from 5 years old, doctors prescribe enzymes for digestion individually. The course of treatment will depend on the severity of the condition. Side effects sometimes include skin rashes, nausea, constipation, and stomach pain.
Micrasim Capsules
In addition to the active component of pancreatin, the composition of the drug contains: colloidal silicon, sorbic acid, talc, methylcellulose and other auxiliary components. They are contained in a yellow-colored gelatin shell. This remedy is also used to treat young children with difficulty digesting food. Babies up to one and a half years old are prescribed no more than half a capsule at a time. The contents of the drug can be poured into fruit puree, milk mixture or liquid porridge. Enzymes for digestion for children of 2 years of age are used in the amount of a whole capsule. The product is stored at a temperature not exceeding twenty-five degrees for two years.
Likrease drug
This product with digestive enzymes for children is used for diseases of the pancreas, as well as disordersdigestion. Capsules of the drug can be prescribed to children from birth itself. To do this, the contents are poured into the milk mixture. Children under one year old can be given one capsule per day. As they grow older, the amount is increased and from the age of ten they consume up to eight capsules per day. The drug is contraindicated in case of exacerbation of inflammation of the pancreas. Side effects include nausea and upset stools. This remedy will keep for two years in a dry and warm place.
"Pancreatin" for children

The drug is produced in the form of coated tablets. In addition to pancreatin, they contain iron oxide, lactose, calcium stearate and sodium bicarbonate. This remedy was not accidentally included in the list of digestive enzyme preparations for children. Pancreatin tablets are almost odorless, and their color varies from rich green to light. As a rule, it is used for indigestion associated with the use of fatty and fried foods. When using the drug, it is advisable to swallow the tablets whole and drink water. As a rule, it is not prescribed to children under three years of age. Starting from three to five years, you can take one tablet per day, and from the age of six, drink two tablets per day. As they grow older, the dose is increased to four tablets per day.
In case of long-term use of the drug, it is recommended to use iron-containing preparations. Sometimes "Pancreatin" causes side effects in the form of nausea, diarrhea and pain in the area.belly. Store the drug for two years at a temperature not exceeding twenty-five degrees.
Gastenorm and Gastenorm forte
These products come in the form of round white tablets. They also contain a shell that dissolves easily in the stomach. The chemical composition of Gastenorm and Gastenorm forte almost repeats Pancreatin. These digestive enzyme preparations for children at 3 years of age are not used. They are prescribed for chronic disorders of the assimilation of food, accompanied by diarrhea and with frequent gas formation. And also "Gastenorm forte" is recommended for use in diseases of the pancreas, liver and gallbladder. Take the tablets both before and after meals, once or three times a day.
Children from three to five years are not recommended to use more than one tablet per day. The most common side effect is constipation. In rare cases, there may be a rash on the surface of the skin, as well as tearing. This tool is produced by the Indian company Rusan Pharma Ltd. Shelf life is no more than three years when stored in a dry and warm place.
When can I take

There are symptoms that tell if children need digestive enzymes.
- Drowsiness and fatigue suggests that a person is severely lacking in vitamins and minerals. Due to poor digestion of food, nutrients remain unclaimed and do not penetrate the walls of the stomach.
- Dryness and wrinkling of the skin indicate a violationwater balance and an acute shortage of vitamins A and E. It is possible to solve such a problem only after the microflora of the stomach is restored and the stool normalizes. Regular constipation leads to dehydration and intoxication of the body.
- Undigested food remains to rot and eventually completely changes the intestinal microflora. The person suffers from gas, diarrhea, or constipation. He develops bad breath, general weakness and drowsiness.
- In the future, there is an unpleasant sensation in the abdomen after each meal. If left untreated, any food brings inconvenience, resulting in loss of appetite and desire to eat anything.
In a word, all of the above signs should alert you, as they are a serious problem and can lead to undesirable consequences. After contacting a gastroenterologist, a full-fledged treatment will be prescribed, which, among other medicines, involves taking enzymes to improve food digestion.
What drugs are made of
All digestive enzymes for children can be divided into several groups. Almost all of them contain a substance of animal origin - pancreatin. Some of them (for example, "Festal" and "Enzistal") contain, in addition to the main component, bile and hemicellulose. The preparations "Mezim forte" and "Creon" contain lipase and amylase. Some products contain pepsin. The active ingredient pancreatin is a pet pancreatic enzyme. Patients who suffer from diseases such asgastritis, it is recommended to take medicines containing pepsin, and in cases of violation of the microflora of the stomach, the best option would be to use Festal.