The problem of excessive sweating is familiar to many. In the professional language of physicians, this problem is called hyperhidrosis. There are many reasons for it, and the problem is difficult to treat. The pharmaceutical market offers only a few really effective remedies for hyperhidrosis, one of which is Formagel from sweat. Reviews about this tool can be found in our article.
Form of release and composition of the drug
Release form - medium-density gel with a slight formaldehyde aroma. It is an agent for external local use, which has a deodorizing and antibacterial effect. Packed in metal tubes with a volume of 15 grams.

The main active ingredient of the drug is formaldehyde. Around this substance there is a lot of controversy in the scientific world. Laboratory studies have shown that it is carcinogenic and with a predisposition to malignant neoplasms of itsuse is strictly prohibited. The content of formaldehyde in one hundred grams of the drug is 37 g. This amount is enough to cause ailments.
Instructions and reviews for "Formagel" report that formaldehyde is a substance that effectively inhibits the activity of most known gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, molds and yeast-like fungi, and prevents damage to cosmetics. As additional components, the gel contains water-soluble methylcellulose and purified water.
Indications for use
The gel can be used both as part of the complex therapy of dermatological diseases, and as an independent remedy. Patients make their choice in favor of "Formagel" because of its relatively low price. Instructions for use and reviews of "Formagel" indicate that the drug is effective in the following cases:
- hyperhidrosis of any etiology;
- disinfectant for some dermatological diseases;
- deodorant in cosmetology;
- has antiperspirant properties for excessive sweating on any part of the body (except mucous membranes).

Side effects and contraindications
The main disadvantage of the drug, due to which it cannot be used on a regular basis, is the content of formaldehyde. If other antiperspirants contain it in negligible amounts, then in Formagel the proportion of this substance is quite high. The drug has only one contraindication:it is forbidden to use if its components are intolerant, as well as if the patient has skin diseases of an inflammatory nature.
You can not use "Formagel" for a long time. After a month of daily use, you need to take a break of several months. The dangers of formaldehyde should not be underestimated. Even when applied externally, it penetrates the epidermis into the body and can cause serious chronic diseases.
In Sweden and Japan, formaldehyde is completely prohibited from being included in cosmetics. In Russia, the use of formaldehyde as a preservative in cosmetics is practically not regulated at the state level. In the US and Europe, formaldehyde is allowed to be used as a preservative in non-skin cosmetics.

As mentioned above, Formagel is used for sweating. In reviews, consumers often report the development of the following side effects after regular use:
- flaking and dry skin on the gel-treated area;
- pore clogging;
- inflammation of follicles and development of boils;
- irritation, pain at the site of application of the gel.
Usage and special instructions
In the instructions for use and reviews of "Formagel" you can find out that the drug is not intended for daily use. This is very important, since the use of formaldehyde gel every day can provoke serious dermatologicalproblems.
Re-treatment of the skin area with gel should be carried out only after seven to ten days, when the sweat glands start working again and hyperhidrosis begins to bother the patient. After consultation with an endocrinologist and with his approval, Formagel can be used daily for two to three days to accumulate the effect. This application is possible if the patient suffers from pronounced axillary hyperhidrosis.
Reviews of "Formagel" warn that it is impossible to apply the product to freshly shaved or epilated skin areas. This leads to severe inflammation, can provoke swelling of the hair follicles and eventually cause furunculosis or suppuration in the thickness of the epidermis.
Do not apply the gel to wet areas of the skin - water prevents the absorption of formaldehyde and blocking the sweat glands. Reviews of "Formagel" confirm that the drug should be used only on dry and clean skin.
Required condition for using the gel
A very important point that not all patients pay attention to: after application, formaldehyde forms a thin, barely noticeable film on the skin. It is highly undesirable to leave it on the body. It can stick to clothing and cause flaking and skin irritation.

After forty to fifty minutes after applying the gel, thoroughly rinse the skin area on which the product was applied with water. This will not reduce its effectiveness, but will prevent the development of side effects. In reviews about"Formagele" consumers who have tried the action of the product on themselves, I do not advise using soap or shower gels when washing off - this can dry out the skin even more. It is enough just to wash off the remnants of the drug with warm water.
In the instructions for the medication, it is recommended to leave the gel on the armpits for only twenty to thirty minutes, since the skin in this area is very thin and sensitive.
Price and terms of sale
Customers prefer "Formagel" because it is cheap compared to analogues and can be purchased at any pharmacy without a doctor's prescription. The cost of one tube with gel is about a hundred rubles. Since the tool is not used daily, it lasts for a long time, about six months. If the patient is serious about their he alth and takes breaks, then the gel may last for several years of use.
Reviews on the use of sweaty feet
Sweating feet is a real problem for many men. Reviews of "Formagel" report that the tool effectively stops excessive sweating of the feet after the first application. Such a quick effect is achieved due to the fact that formaldehyde blocks the sweat glands. After each use of the gel, you should take a break of about seven to ten days. Reviews of "Formagel" from sweating of the feet in most cases are positive. It is in this area of the human body that formaldehyde acts most effectively.
Reviews on the use of sweating hands
On the hands, the skin is very thin and sensitive, especially in women. Therefore, with hyperhidrosispalms "Formagel" (reviews of doctors confirm this fact) often causes irritation, peeling of the skin. In the end, she just peels off in pieces. To avoid such a side effect, each time after using Formagel, you should apply a high-quality nourishing cream for extremely dry skin.

Reviews of "Formagel" from armpit hyperhidrosis
Excessive sweating in the armpits is usually the most difficult to treat. In some cases, it is necessary to apply Formagel daily or every other day in order to alleviate the manifestations of armpit hyperhidrosis.
To get rid of this unpleasant disease, it is better to cure the cause. Hyperhidrosis does not appear just like that - most often it is a consequence of hormonal failure and endocrine disorders. Excessive sweating in the armpit area is equally common in both men and women. This problem can be solved cosmetically only with the help of formaldehyde products or Botox injections, which block the sweat glands.

Analogues and substitutes
On the pharmacy counter there are several analogues of Formagel, which are equally effective in helping to cope with the problem of excessive sweating:
Dry-Dry is a German-made antiperspirant that blocks the sweat glands and provides completely dry skin for five to seven days

- "Odoban" and "Maxim" - powerful antiperspirants, provide dry skin for a ten-day period. At the same time, the cost of these funds is approximately ten times higher than Formagel.
- Teymurov's paste is a domestic remedy, it is inexpensive and available in every pharmacy. Does not block the sweat glands, but has a good deodorizing and antibacterial effect.