"Immust" is an antiviral drug with immunomodulating effect. This medication is an effective remedy for the treatment of seasonal manifestations of colds and flu, as well as for prevention during epidemics. Suitable for the treatment of chronic and acute diseases of adults and children. Eliminates the cause of the disease, not its result.

However, do not forget that you should start taking any medicine only after consulting your doctor.
Active ingredient and dosage form
The active substance has a complex formula, but briefly sounds like umifenovir. It is the main component of the drug "Immust". Tablets contain 50-100 milligrams of this substance. In addition to it, the composition also includes auxiliary components: methylcellulose, calcium stearate, silicon dioxide, etc. The number of tablets in one package is 10 pieces. Not only adults, but also kids from two years old can take "Immust". The child's bodyUnfortunately, it is susceptible to all kinds of infections. There are different dosages for different age groups.

Mechanism of action and therapeutic effect
"Immust" is effective in the early stages of the life cycle of the virus, at the moment of its penetration into the cell. It has a direct antiviral effect and in parallel starts the work of immunity. The drug stimulates the production of interferons - special substances of the human immune system. This leads to the activation of macrophages - cells that can envelop foreign bodies (bacteria, cell debris, toxins) and neutralize them. It is these properties that determine the effectiveness of the drug "Immust".

Instructions for use reports that after taking the drug, there is a decrease in general intoxication, relief of symptoms and a shortening of the duration of the disease. Taking the drug reduces the risk of complications after the disease and the likelihood of its transition to the chronic stage.
Pharmacological properties
"Immust" belongs to the category of low-toxic agents. The use of the drug in the doses established by the instructions does not entail negative consequences. The components are rapidly absorbed in the intestine and enter the bloodstream. The highest concentration of the main active ingredient in the body is reached after about 1-1.5 hours, depending on the dose. About 60 percent of the drug is broken down in the liver, the rest is excreted in the fecesand urine. Already a day after taking the body removes 90 percent of the drug "Immust".
Instructions for use indicates the absence of neurotropic action. This allows the drug to be taken while driving and other modes of transport.
Indications for use
Indicated as measures for the prevention and treatment of seasonal influenza types A and B, colds, SARS. Assign in the complex therapy of bronchitis, pneumonia, herpes virus, rotavirus gastroenteritis and accompanying acute intestinal infection. It is effective both in complicated diseases and in those that have passed into the chronic stage.
It is important to understand that taking the drug in self-medication does not replace full-fledged therapy, and in some cases may not have the desired effect. This is due to the complex organization of the human immune system. For high-quality and safe treatment, you need to contact a specialist.

"Immust" is taken as a preventive measure if there is a danger of constant contact with infected people. For children, one daily dose is 50-100 milligrams, depending on the age category. Adults need to take 200 milligrams. Duration of therapy - from ten days to two weeks. For prophylaxis during epidemics, as well as to prevent the development of chronic diseases, the drug in a prescribed dose is taken twice a week for 28 days. It is important not to interrupt the once started course of treatment with the drug"Immust".

Instructions for use recommends for the treatment of SARS and influenza to give children from 2 to 6 years of age 50 mg, and from 6 to 12 years - 100 mg of the drug. Adults and children over 12 years old - 200 mg. Reception frequency - 4 times a day, duration - up to 5 days. If the underlying disease is complicated by inflammation of the bronchi or pneumonia, then the drug is increased up to 1 time every 6 hours, and then limited to once a week. There is evidence of an improvement in the effectiveness of "Immust" when used together with mefenamic acid.
"Immust" is a safe drug. However, there is a possibility of individual intolerance and the development of allergic reactions. For this reason, precautions must be observed, especially when using Immustat for the first time. Instructions for use reports that cases of overdose have not been established. But if they occur, you need to see a doctor and undergo symptomatic treatment.
You can not use "Immust" during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Currently, the safety of the drug during this period has not been established. Also, the use of the drug is contraindicated in children under the age of two years. Negative effects when combined with other drugs have not been found. However, you should consult your doctor if you are going to take Immustat together with other drugs.
Cost and analogues
Drugproduced by the Ukrainian pharmaceutical company "Darnitsa". For this reason, it can be difficult to find "Immust" in Russian pharmacies. The price of the drug is 100-150 rubles. depending on the dosage and form of release. Also, this figure may differ in different regions and cities.
If for some reason you are not satisfied with the drug "Immust", analogues can replace it. You should not replace the drug yourself. You must first consult with your doctor. At the moment there are several analogues:
- "Arbidol".
- "Arpeflu".
- "Arpetolid".
- "Arpetol".
Efficiency in use
For more than six years, Immustat has been produced. Reviews of people who took this remedy vary. Some mention its high efficiency, others give completely opposite information. A possible reason for this is self-administration of the drug without proper consultation with the attending physician.

Ignoring medical care leads to an incorrect self-diagnosis, which entails taking the drug in an erroneously set dosage.
You should also consider a simple human factor. Sometimes a sick person does not consider it necessary to read the instructions. Some patients, starting a course of treatment, do not bring it to the end. All this reduces the effectiveness of any therapy.
It is important to understand that the endless strengthening of the body's defenses is not in vain. After all, the immune system is a complex system. If its stimulation is uncontrolled, it can lead to serious consequences. Therefore, prior consultation with a specialist is important. This is extremely necessary for the treatment of severe forms of diseases, since in this case the doctor can prescribe a whole range of immunostimulants, choosing them individually.