"Dufaston": instructions for use, reviews

"Dufaston": instructions for use, reviews
"Dufaston": instructions for use, reviews

It often happens that the desired remains out of reach. In particular, when a woman desperately wants to have a baby, her wait is prolonged. She goes to the doctors, undergoes a complete examination of her body. Sooner or later, the cause of the so-called infertility becomes clear. In most cases, to normalize the monthly cycle, fight infertility and maintain pregnancy, the drug "Dufaston" is prescribed. Instructions for its use will be useful to every woman who is concerned about her he alth.

duphaston instruction
duphaston instruction

What are we dealing with?

So, what is "Dufaston"? The instructions for this drug, of course, give an exhaustive idea, but the initial information can be obtained from friends and acquaintances. Today, very few couples without problems come to conceive a child. The nervous situation at the workplace, malnutrition, neglect of one's he alth, and bad habits interfere. In the end, even a strong desire to have a child can interfere. In such a matter, excessive tension does not make the weather. Also common moments that interfere with conception are progesterone deficiency,dysmenorrhea and endometriosis. Under such circumstances, gynecologists often prescribe the drug "Dufaston". The instruction will help you find out all the indications for use.

duphaston instructions for use
duphaston instructions for use


"Dufaston" is a progestogen drug. It is produced in round small white tablets. The active substance is dydrogesterone, and this is an analogue of the natural hormone progesterone. Accordingly, this drug is hormonal. There are 20 pieces in one blister, and one blister in a pack. There are also auxiliary components in the composition. These are hypromellose, lactose monohydrate, cornstarch, magnesium stearate and colloidal silicon dioxide.

The question arises: why does a woman need an artificial analogue of one of her hormones? This drug can be a real lifesaver if taken correctly. Under its influence, thermogenesis is not disturbed in the female body, and no metabolic processes are affected. That is, all known side effects from taking synthetic progesterone in this case are absent. But a woman receives a beneficial effect of estrogen on the lipid profile of the blood. It is a qualitative component of hormone replacement therapy for menopause. When taken, there is a strengthening of the endometrium, but without the slightest contraceptive effect. Also, the drug does not affect ovulation and does not “slow down” menstruation. On the contrary, it will help to get pregnant and keep the pregnancy "Duphaston". The instruction does not in vain describe its effectiveness in the fight against infertility. In the process of receivingthe activity of the contractile work of the uterus decreases. In general, the drug reduces the negative impact of natural estrogens on the body, and therefore is effective for infertility, PMS, miscarriage, menopause and other reproductive problems.

duphaston delay instruction
duphaston delay instruction

When failure is the problem

Not every woman understands how exactly Dufaston will help her. The instructions for use, of course, explain, but to a certain extent. Basically, for the representatives of the fair half, the so-called progesterone deficiency remains a mystery. How can you suspect such a strange ailment? An alarming symptom is difficulty conceiving and specifically the diagnosis of "infertility due to luteal insufficiency", as well as endometriosis, recurrent or threatening miscarriage, uterine bleeding, secondary anemia, acute PMS, menstrual cycle failure. It is also a good drug to neutralize the negative effect of estrogens on the endometrium in patients with an intact uterus.

duphaston instruction reviews
duphaston instruction reviews

Everything according to plan

The instructions for use of the drug "Dufaston" are quite simple, so do not be lazy to study it carefully. So you will be calmer, and better for your he alth. What are the main provisions of the instructions? So, tablets are intended for oral administration. With infertility due to luteal insufficiency, one tablet is prescribed in the second phase of the menstrual cycle, specifically from the 14th to the 25th day. Suchthe appointment remains relevant subject to a stable 28-day cycle. The first intake should be after ovulation, and the intake ends a day or two before the expected start date of the cycle. Therapy should be carried out every month in accordance with the doctor's prescriptions. The next morning after the tenth dose, you need to do a pregnancy test. With a positive result, the reception of "Duphaston" should be continued until a visit to the gynecologist, who will confirm the presence of pregnancy and tell about the further algorithm of actions. Most often, the drug is recommended to continue taking at least the first trimester of gestation to eliminate the risk of abortion.

duphaston instructions for planning pregnancy
duphaston instructions for planning pregnancy

Other reasons

How else to take "Dufaston"? The instructions for use instruct in case of a cycle failure to take one tablet twice a day from the 11th to the 25th day of the cycle. If dysfunctional uterine bleeding is suddenly fixed, then the patient is prescribed one tablet twice a day for 5-7 days. For prevention, the reception can be repeated at the same dosage from the 11th to the 25th day. With endometriosis, Duphaston is also prescribed. Instructions for use prescribes taking one tablet 2-3 times a day regularly or from the 5th to the 25th day of the cycle. Similar recommendations for a diagnosis such as dysmenorrhea. But with amenorrhea, taking "Duphaston" ten days before the start of menstruation is prescribed together with taking estrogens once daily from the 1st to the 25th day of the cycle. In threatened abortion,prescribe up to 40 mg once. Here, a pregnant woman needs to focus on her own condition. If there is a general malaise, pulling sensations in the lower abdomen, pain is sharp or pulling, then you can not hesitate. After such a reception, a tablet is prescribed every eight hours until the symptoms disappear completely. With a habitual miscarriage, the drug is prescribed twice a day on a tablet up to the 20th week of pregnancy with a gradual decrease in dosage. Finally, Duphaston also helps with PMS. Instructions for use prescribes taking a tablet twice a day from the 11th to the 25th day of the cycle. In the course of treatment, appropriate tests should be carried out. If there is no response to the drug according to ultrasound or biopsy, the dosage should be doubled.

dufaston planning instructions
dufaston planning instructions

Restricted area

But of course the drug couldn't be that perfect. It doesn't suit everyone. In particular, it should not be taken during breastfeeding, with malabsorption syndrome, hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, as well as lactase deficiency and intolerance to galactose and glucose. But even those who are not included in this list of restrictions may experience a negative reaction to taking pills. What are the "side effects" of "Dufaston"? Instructions for use warns of the possibility of swelling, itching and skin rash. Alas, breakthrough uterine bleeding sometimes occurs, which, in principle, can be prevented by increasing the dose. The patient may be tormented by headache and migraine, hemolytic anemia. Sometimesworried about the increased sensitivity of the mammary glands. Much more serious side effects from the liver and gastrointestinal tract. Rarely, but it happens that taking pills turns into hives or even Quincke's edema.

Take note

You need to know the nuances of taking the drug "Dufaston". Instructions, reviews and the correct dosage are not all important information. In particular, remember that the drug is not used in pediatrics, although it may be prescribed to teenage girls with menstrual irregularities.

If the drug is prescribed together with estrogens, then it is worth studying the contraindications and warnings associated with this. By the way, during this therapy it is recommended to check the individual tolerability of HRT. The patient should be aware of the alarming possible changes in the condition of the mammary glands.

Well, it makes sense to look for analogues of the drug in order to be able to choose a more budget analogue if necessary. According to the structure, generics can be called "Progestogel", "Pragisan", "Krynon", "Utrozhestan", "Iprozhin" and, of course, "Progesterone". But if doctors know and strongly recommend "Dufaston", then its analogues do not enjoy the same popularity. But at the price of this drug is not so affordable. The average price for today is 536 rubles. Release the drug without a prescription. If you replace Duphaston with an analogue without the approval of a doctor, the instructions for use during pregnancy change accordingly, so you risk both your he alth and the well-being of yourbaby.

duphaston instructions for use when planning
duphaston instructions for use when planning


It is very interesting how the drug "Dufaston" works in practice. Instructions for use, reviews and advice from loved ones give some idea. Most girls agree that the drug is great for bleeding and really allows you to keep the pregnancy. However, the small blister ends too soon, and a new purchase hits the pocket. Sudden bleeding greatly frightens a pregnant woman, and in this case, she should always have a pack of Dufaston tablets and her doctor's phone number on hand. In case of force majeure, it is unequivocally recommended to have four tablets with you in order to deliver a warning blow to the disease. In the first trimester, it is not forbidden to take up to four tablets daily if there are some alarming signs and severe malaise. However, with such signals, one should not delay a visit to the doctor. So most women recommend Duphaston. Instructions for use when planning a pregnancy will greatly facilitate your life and improve your well-being.

Weight hormone?

Many girls are prejudiced against hormonal drugs, believing that they inevitably lead to weight gain. Is it so? Is Duphaston really a time bomb? Instructions for planning pregnancy include a remark about possible weight gain. But this is an opportunity, not a guaranteed future. Hormonal drugs are distinguished by their abilitycause an increased feeling of hunger. Pills by themselves will not cause weight gain. However, if you eat them with a lot of goodies, then this effect is likely. By the way, it is worth noting that the period of bearing a baby is accompanied by active jumps in hormones, so your appetite can change for no other reason. So do not blame everything on Duphaston. Instructions for use include a lot of contraindications, but the pills do not bring excess weight. On the contrary, some ladies, after getting acquainted with the drug, lost a few extra pounds due to the liquid, since the pills have a slight diuretic effect.

duphaston instructions for use reviews
duphaston instructions for use reviews

At all stages

In general, girls and women favorably treat the drug "Dufaston". The instructions for planning a pregnancy are complete and exhaustive. You just have to read it carefully. The drug disperses quickly, and you need to take it for at least three cycles in a row. Further, everything goes in agreement with the attending physician. Reception in the second half of the cycle provides the body with the right amount of progesterone, corresponding to the first trimester of pregnancy. Thus, the body already "feels" pregnant and adapts to possible changes more easily. You should not prescribe pills on your own. This is fraught with a series of side effects and just weight gain. If the pregnancy happened on the background of the reception, then the drug can not be canceled. In this case, Duphaston is literally irreplaceable. Instructions for pregnancy may vary slightly,but again, a thorough consultation with a doctor is required. It is necessary to cancel the drug according to the developed scheme with a gradual decrease in dosage, since any fluctuation of hormones can be dangerous for the baby. You need to listen to yourself and your body. He himself will tell you when he no longer needs artificial help.

This drug helped many young ladies very much in a difficult period of uncertainty. Of course, we are talking about the delay. Let's face it, the cause of this phenomenon can be both pregnancy and the failure of the menstrual cycle. In both cases, you want clarity in order to do the right thing. Most often, to help in such a situation, the drug "Dufaston" is prescribed. The delay instruction has already been described, but in each specific case it is slightly modified. If the tests confirm pregnancy, then taking the pills continues until the disappearance of all sorts of threats to the fetus. If the cycle fails, the doctor may approve a long-term use of the drug, in some cases - from six months or longer. During the reception, the course normalizes, but the cancellation must be smooth, otherwise the problem will return again. With the right algorithm of actions, the situation stabilizes, the duration of menstruation can be adjusted, as well as profusion. Sometimes the pain also decreases. For girls, this is good news. For prevention, they may prescribe a second course of taking the drug after some time.
