Effective drugs for diabetes: list, instructions for use and reviews

Effective drugs for diabetes: list, instructions for use and reviews
Effective drugs for diabetes: list, instructions for use and reviews

Diabetes is now affecting more and more people. Both adults and children suffer from it. In most cases, this disease is incurable and requires lifelong use of special drugs. There are different medications for diabetes, they work in different ways and often cause side effects. Therefore, you should only take the drugs prescribed by your doctor.

Types of diabetes

There are two varieties of the disease. They are both characterized by high blood sugar, which occurs for different reasons. In type 1 diabetes, also called insulin-dependent, the body does not produce this important hormone on its own. This is due to the destruction of pancreatic cells. And the main medicine for patients with this type of diabetes is insulin.

If the functions of the pancreas are not impaired, but for some reason it produces little hormone, or the cells of the body cannot take it,develops type 2 diabetes. It is also called non-insulin dependent. In this case, the glucose level may rise due to the large intake of carbohydrates, metabolic disorders. Most people with type 2 diabetes are overweight. Therefore, it is recommended to limit the intake of carbohydrate foods, especially flour products, sweets and starch. But, in addition to diet, drug therapy is also important. There are different medicines for type 2 diabetes, they are prescribed by a doctor, depending on the individual characteristics of the disease.

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Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus: treatment

There is no cure for this disease. All you need is supportive therapy. Why don't drugs help? In a he althy person, the pancreas constantly produces the hormone insulin, which is needed for normal metabolism. It is released into the bloodstream as soon as a person eats, resulting in an increase in glucose levels. And insulin delivers it from the blood to cells and tissues. If there is too much glucose, this hormone is involved in the formation of its reserves in the liver, as well as in the deposition of excess in fat.

In insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, the production of insulin by the pancreas is disrupted. Therefore, the level of sugar in the blood rises, which is very dangerous. This condition causes damage to nerve fibers, the development of kidney and heart failure, the formation of blood clots and other problems. Therefore, patients with such diabetes must constantly ensure the flow of insulin.from the outside. This is the answer to the question of what medication is taken for type 1 diabetes. With proper insulin administration, additional medications are usually not required.

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Features of the use of insulin

This hormone breaks down quickly in the stomach, so it cannot be taken in pill form. The only way to introduce insulin into the body is with a syringe or a special pump directly into the bloodstream. The drug is absorbed most quickly if it is injected into the subcutaneous fold on the abdomen or into the upper part of the shoulder. The least effective injection site is the thigh or buttock. You should always inject the drug in the same place. In addition, there are other features of the treatment of patients with insulin-dependent diabetes. The assimilation of the hormone depends on how much the patient moves, what he eats, and also on his age. Depending on this, different types of the drug are prescribed and the dosage is selected. What types of this hormone are there?

  • Long-acting insulin - processes glucose throughout the day. A striking example is the drug "Glargin". It maintains a constant blood sugar level and is administered twice a day.
  • Short-acting insulin is produced from a human hormone with the help of special bacteria. These are the preparations "Humodar" and "Actrapid". Their action begins in half an hour, so it is recommended to enter them before meals.
  • Ultra-rapid insulin is administered after a meal. It begins to act in 5-10 minutes, but the effect lasts no more than an hour, souse it together with other types of insulin. Such drugs have a quick action: "Humalog" and "Apidra".
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Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus: drugs

Drugs for the treatment of type 2 diabetes are much more diverse. This type of disease occurs for various reasons: due to malnutrition, a sedentary lifestyle, or excess weight. Excess blood glucose in this disease can be reduced in several ways. At the initial stage, lifestyle adjustments and a special diet are enough. Then medical treatment is needed. There are such medicines for diabetes:

  • Insulin stimulants such as sulfonylurea derivatives or glinides;
  • Means that improve insulin absorption and tissue susceptibility to it are biguanides and thiazolidinediones;
  • drugs that block glucose absorption;
  • new groups of drugs help reduce appetite and lose weight.

Drugs that help the body produce insulin on its own

Such drugs for diabetes are prescribed in the initial stages of the treatment of the disease. If the blood glucose level is only slightly elevated, insulin secretion stimulants are prescribed. They are short-acting - meglitinides and sulfonylurea derivatives, which have a long-term effect. Most of them cause many side effects, such as hypoglycemia, headache, tachycardia. Only new generation drugs"Maninil" and "Oltar" are devoid of these shortcomings. But all the same, doctors often prescribe more familiar and time-tested remedies: Diabeton, Glidiab, Amaril, Glurenorm, Movogleken, Starlix and others. They are taken 1-3 times a day, depending on the duration of action.

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Drugs that improve insulin absorption

If the body produces enough of this hormone, but glucose levels are high, other drugs are prescribed. Most often, these are biguanides, which improve the absorption of insulin by cells. They help reduce appetite, reduce the production of glucose by the liver and its absorption in the intestines. The most common biguanides are Siofor, Glucofage, Bagomet, Metformin and others. Thiazolidinediones have the same effect on tissues, increasing their susceptibility to insulin: Aktos, Piolar, Diaglitazone, Amalvia and others.

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What other drugs are there for diabetes

Often, other groups of drugs help diabetics. They have appeared recently, but have already proven their effectiveness.

  • The drug "Glucobay" prevents the absorption of glucose in the intestine, due to which its level in the blood decreases.
  • The combined drug "Glukovans" combines various methods of influencingorganism.
  • Yanuvia tablets are used in complex therapy to lower blood sugar.
  • Trajenta contains substances that destroy the enzymes that keep sugar levels high.
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Dietary supplements

In the initial stages of non-insulin dependent diabetes, you can reduce the amount of chemicals that spoil the stomach. The therapy is supplemented with a special diet and the intake of herbal decoctions and dietary supplements. These funds cannot replace the treatment prescribed by the doctor, you can only supplement it.

  • DS "Insulate" improves metabolism, stimulates the pancreas and reduces the absorption of glucose.
  • The drug produced in Japan "Tuoti" effectively reduces sugar levels and normalizes metabolism
  • Medicine based on herbal ingredients "Glucoberry" not only lowers blood glucose levels, but also normalizes body weight, and also prevents the development of complications of diabetes.
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Features of type 2 diabetes drugs

Such drugs are available in tablets. Most of them cause side effects:

  • weight gain;
  • puffiness;
  • bone fragility;
  • heart failure;
  • nausea and stomach pain;
  • risk of hypoglycemia.

In addition, drugs from different groups affect the bodydifferently. Therefore, the patient himself cannot decide which medicines for diabetes he should take. Only a doctor can determine how best to lower your glucose levels. If there are indications for the use of insulin, then it is better to immediately switch to it, without trying to replace it with hypoglycemic pills.

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What other medicines can a diabetic take

Such a patient needs to monitor not only nutrition. It is important to carefully study the instructions for any medicine, even for colds or headaches. Most of them are contraindicated in diabetes. All drugs should not affect glucose levels and have a minimum of side effects.

  • What medicines for pressure in diabetes can I take? Valid "Indapamide", "Torasemide", "Mannitol", "Diacarb", "Amlodipine", "Verapramil", "Rasilez".
  • Most painkillers and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are allowed for diabetes, as they do not affect blood glucose levels: Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Citramon and others.
  • During a cold, sugar-based syrups, lozenges should be avoided. Sinupret and Bronchipret are allowed.

Patient reviews of diabetes medications

Now more and more people are being diagnosed with diabetes. What medicine is most popular for this disease can be found in patient reviews. Most effectivethe drug "Glucophage" is considered, which, in addition to lowering sugar levels, promotes weight loss and prevents the risk of complications. "Siofor" and "Maninil" are also often used. A lot of positive feedback has won recently appeared herbal preparations that help maintain blood sugar levels and improve overall well-being. These are Dialek, Diabetes Note, Diabetal, Yanumet and others. Their advantages include the fact that they have no contraindications and side effects. But they, like all dietary supplements, can only be used on the recommendation of a doctor in complex therapy.
